Runoffs Tomorrow Fifteen Vacancies Remain after First Elections Fourteen remaining Student Steinman have been elected stu- wards. Richard Estes, Don Grim- Pfl .1 • in the runoff. Running will be Libby Balzer, Council positions will be filled in dent body president anti vice es, Tom Jenkins, Mary Ann Lind- Mary Jane Cashion and Champ Deann Buske, Janet Vines and a runoff election tomorrow, with president. Dan Howard was unop- ley, Jill Jost, Stan Powers, Linda Turner are competing for the lone Kathy White. 28 students vying for the pos- posed in the race for business Roberts, Shirley Stephens and Engineering representative post Voting will take place Wednes- itions. manager. Gaynelle Williams are the runoff left open. Bob Dyer, Larry Pin- day in the Tech Union, Home Eco- Fifteen positions have already JUDY ECKLUND faces Sandra candidates. Pat, Rainer, Wayne son, Claude Rogers, Gerald See- nomics, Agriculture, Administra- been filled. Hendrix in the runoff for the re- Gibbens, Ken Talkington and man. Don Spencer, Hollis Swat- tion and East Engineering build- TWO GIRLS and four boys will maining girl cheerleader post. Johnanna Zournas have been el- ford and Milton Vaughn have ings and dormitories. Returns will compete for the three mmaining Running for the boy cheerleader ected to the other four positions. already been elected. be posted in Administration Build- cheerleader posts. posts are Jack Burgess, Jay Jolla- STUDENTS FAILED to elect Bob Byrd and Roy Milhoan ing and the Tech Union. GAIL PETERSEN and Mary son. Butch Lawrence and Bill representatives to the five Busi- were elected to Agriculture re- Student Council secretary Pat Catherine Birkelback are finalists Womble. Sherla Pepper was elect- ness Administration posts. Linda presentative posts, while Duery Rainer has announced that all in the race for student body sec- ed girl cheerleader, and Joe Nay- Hunger, Linda Chappell, Bill Dean, Menzies and James Knowlton are runoff candidates who haven't retary—the only executive posi- lor was elected head cheerleader. Ray Gressett, Jim Hock, Don Led- vying for the final position. turned in their expense accounts tion still open. Fivy, positions are unfilled in wig, Sande Lynch, Larry Merri- THE TWO POSITIONS in to the Student Council Office Donnell Echols and David Arts and Sciences. David Ed- man. Mike Montgomery and Bill Home Economics remain vacant. should do so today. Final Exams z AM MI& MI M IOW Adak Milk Information STHEp TEXAS TECHNOLOGICAL COLLEGE Z Schedule, Needed, Page 5 ICE/11111/OVIC Page 3 Vol. 33 Lubbock, Texas, Tuesday, April 22, 1958 No. 76 For 'Women's Day N ew Tradition Co-Eds Dress in White 1958 Spring Festival Tech coeds will celebrate the A coffee will be held from 1,30- over Dean Phillips. Sterner, and annual "Women's Day" today by ,1,00 this afternoon. It will be in Garner's offices for the day. Was Huge Success dressing in white. the Dean of Women's Office and Past presidents of these or- Theme of this year's Women's all women students, faculty mem- ganizations, Mary Alice Richard- "The Spring Festis al was a Neal Pipkin of Matador, and Liz Day, which is sponsored by Asso- bers, and organizational sponsors son, Diana Smith, and Jean Elliott huge success this year and I hope Wilson of Houston, were elected ociation of Women Students, is are invited. will serve as hostesses. it will continue to grow and im- King and Queen. Dr. Jones pre- "Women of Today Face Tomor- PRESIDENTS OF AWS, Pan- A Women's Day banquet, held prove with each succeeding year." sented a bouquet of roses to Miss row. It will be carried out dur- hellenic, and WIDC. Barbara Mc- in the Union Ballroom at 6 p.m. commented Wick Alexander, com- Wilson. ing the day and at a banquet to- Dougal. Barbara Hawk, and Caro- tonight will climax the celebra- mittee member for the festival. The Senior Carnival featuring night. lyn Scott respectively, will take tion. Miss Margaret Weeks, for- This comment reflects the en- booths made by campus organiza- mer Dean of Home Economics and thusiasm of Tech students for the tions was held on the Ad Build- for whom Weeks Hall was named, first Spring Festival at its close. ing parking lot after the convoca- will speak at the banquet on "The Presentation of King and Queen tion. Heritage of AWS." of the Spring Festival, the dedi- Zeta Tau Alpha won a trophy ANOTHER HIGHLIGHT of the cation of the 1958 La Ventuna to for making the most money at the banquet will be the presentation Dean W. L. Stangel, agriculture carnival with their "Girlie show" of the "Women of the Year." She department, and an address by Dr. booth. The money will be used for will be elected today from the E. N. Jones, president, highlighted the senior gift. the all-school convocation Wednes- Approximately 2,000 people visi- Page 5, 'WOMEN'S DAY' ... day. Page 5, SPRING FESTIVAL-,..-. Added Feature Tech Night Set For Performance Of Ice Capades Tonight has been designated as Tech night at the "Ice Capades" and an unknown attraction will be presented. The show will run each evening at 8 p.m. in the Municipal Coll- sewn until Sunday. Matinees air scheduled for 2:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. TICKETS, priced at $3.25, $3.00. $2.50 and $2.00, with children un- der 12 admitted for one-half price at the Saturday matinee, are on sale daily at the Ice Capades box office in the Lubbock Hotel. Pro- ceeds will go to the Lubbock Boys' Clubs, Inc. Among the highlights of the show are such numbers as "Hans Brinker and the Silver Skates," "THIS IS A SORRY SIGHT," states Macbeth shortly after killing and George Gershwin's "Rchpsody DAVID THOMPSON, student body president, is shown handing a Duncan, the king. Macbeth is being played by 0. C. Renfro and in Blue," which stars the world trophy for winning first place in the bicycle race to the captain of standing by his side is Lady Macbeth portrayed by Nancy Mohan. champion Czechosolovakian skat- the victorious Alpah Phi Omega team. The coed in the background The Shakespearean production "Macbeth" is being staged nightly Page 5, ICE CAPADES is Liz Wilson. through Friday in the Aggie Pavilion. "Macbeth" Currently In One Week Production by DEANIE KILLION construction of six of seven stage acting ability was also noted in ing scene; banquet scene where Frank White as Sergeant, servant and Siward; Gail Cooper as Lady With three performances to its areas that Shakespeare used, the the role of Malcolm. Macbeth sees the murdered Ban- quo appearing and disappearing; Macduff; young Donnie Myers as credit, "Macbeth," Shakespearean atmosphere which was originally To be commended for excellent young Macduff; Louis Young as a production scheduled to continue intended is captured. performances are Bill Luck as and Lady Macbeth's sleep walk- doctor and second murderer; Rich- through Friday, is currently scor- 0. C. RENFRO, already a vet- Macduff and Ron Harrist in the ing scene. ard Hopson as Fleance and Caith- ing another hit for the speech de- eran performer, masters with role of Banquo. Dramatically ad- Displaying talent in working ness; Morris Bruns as Lennox; partment. great success the title role. Also ding vigor to the presentation are with limited facilities were those concerned with costumes. Dress Sammy Cox as Donalbain; Bruce The play, directed by Ronald contributing a professional qua- the three witches played by Jean is colorful and creates the desired Jackson as a servant, James Hen- Schulz, is being staged in a lity to the play is Nancy Mayhan, King, Darlene Dorrell and Benni Elizabethan effect. The makeup is nigan as Ross; and William Fow- theatre resembling the Globe capably portraying Lady Macbeth Dunn. They predicted the rise and best displayed on the three ler as Seyton. Theatre in England for which with an experenced stage manner. downfall of the tragic figure, Mac- witches. OTHERS ARE Margaret Hash, Shakespeare wrote. By utilizing Versatile Roland Myers gave beth. Jo Morris and Mary Ann Putnam the architectural similarities of the production sparkle in a hum- SCENES NOT to soon be for- Other outstanding cast mem- the Aggie Pavilion, and through erous scene as the porter and his gotten are the porter sleep walk- include Gene Brown as Duncan; Page 8, MACBETH 1 • The Toreador • Tuesday, April 22, 1958 Sigma Chi's Name Wesley Foundal i,c,i.ra,e,.,,( Tech Union Elects Hood Sweetheart Tri-State intRgu_hert Suzanne Hood was named sweetheart of Sigma Chi at a Officers, Chairman dance Friday in the Lubbock Starts Saturday be raP'.€ Hotel. olleges willfaw datiol ,cent13- announced Lubbock: dance decorations, Liz Miss Hood, a Member of Delta SK at the Wes/"dich will h new elected officers and com- Guthrie, Gloster, Louisiana; world Delta Delta Sorority, is a sopho- stale Retreat ‘ — is w, mittee chairmen. traveler, Rosa Riojas. Ropesville; more education major from Mid- inaa:bue ceeketheali until The executive committee in- hospitality, Jane Wright, Houston; land. Her brother, Joe Hood, is Caeonfo,°:" fromsaturdaY:....Tpe.th • cludes president, Jim Thompson, movies and lectures, Johnanna president of Sigma Chi. She vas d :15 Amarillo; vim president, David Zournas. Lubbock. escorted by Garner Young. Music nom _ all.,.LD_\ The calpgesTwlexas Tec Techh, Jones. Dallas; secretary, Carolyn Music and exhibits. Karen was furnished by the Sultans of Porter, Lubbock; treasurer, Cora Frack Oklahoma City; games and Swing. taming are,,,,' irt, Amarillo tournaments, Claude Rogers, MM- Nominees for sweetheart from Taos. 74".',” ' 'Nov Mehl' Jean McMurtry, Graham; person- ,.._„,„d, Eastern „., A, cola: Friday night dance, Anne each of the ten sororities were: Col ege nel director, Nancy Jones, Lub l and Parthab.` bock and public relations director.
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