Lawrence County Ohio Society News Compiled by Sharon Milich Kouns © 2011 1 AID - IR NOV. 4, 1875 Corn is selling at only 40c per bushel and there is a gret quantity at that price. School teachers, colliers and all classes of men raised more or less corn. Every day we hear complaints about those unfinished culverts along the pike. They have been ready for the wood-work for at least three weeks and the road around them is almost impassable. This is a great fault of the Commissioners. They should require the contractor to make the road around passible, and also to complete the work within a limited time. Will the Commissioners please attend to those culverts? On last Monday at about 11 o‟clock, Mr. J. C. Bussey‟s house was burned down. Mr. Bussey and wife were away at the time. Mrs. Bussey had not been away from the house more than one hour when the fire was discovered. It is supposed to have originated from the fire-place; all the furniture and personal property were destroyed. There was another school house burned down on little Ice Creek last week. N. Vermillion, of Arabia, has been dangerously ill but is some better at present. The mill at that place broke some of her machinery and tore up things generally, last week. Waterloo has improved almost beyond recognition since our last visit to the place. Hutchison & Co‟s mill at that place is doing a big business and can not be excelled in the country. Mr. Sprinkles is repairing his water mill. - One man declared that business had improved to a great extent since the election, and then we hear of another man at that place who upon hearing of Allen‟s defeat went across to the next store and called for camphor and administered it as a relief. They are building a fine school house there in place of the one burned last Winter; the house is located in the town. Prof. J. R. Cooper will teach the school. He is now enjoying the blessings of a benedick. ALEX. AID - IR THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1888 Farmers here are greatly behind with their Spring work. Protracted meeting in progress at New Zion church, conducted by Rev. Patterson. Some genuine old-fashion maple sugar and syrup is being made this Spring in this neighborhood. M. T. Russell had a narrow escape from death last week. He, with some hands, was cutting trees along the creek, and in cutting one it fell on a willow which did not break, and the spring of the willow tree threw the one back which they had cut. In his effort to get away, his foot ________ was quickly extracted and taken home. Medical aid was summoned and he is doing as well as can be expected at this writing, but will be a long time before he is able to be about. There are six candidates for J. P. in Aid Tp. Dr. Shattuck has been employed to do the pauper practice for this township for the next year. Schools have all closed in this neighborhood. Russell Bros. shipped some cattle to Cincinnati this week, the price here being too small. John Yates will teach a select school here this Summer. He will have a large school. The Republican Club will begin its regular meetings this week. We have a strong club here, and it will be heard from in the coming campaign. SPY. AID - IR JUNE 7, 1888 Prof. Yates‟ school is still increasing. The attendance is over 50 pupils, and still they come. Mrs. Yates is here at present. Several of the pupils attended examination last Saturday, and they seem to think it was a very hard examination. Lawrence County Ohio Society News Compiled by Sharon Milich Kouns © 2011 2 The S. of V held an open meeting at the Sharp‟s creek school house, last Saturday night. Remarks were made by L. Massie, E. W. Markin, L. Burnett and Jas. C. Russel. Several applications for membership were received by the Milroy Camp of this place. Decoration day was fully observed here. The Tom Lambert Post G. A. R and 8 O.V. Camp conducted the exercises. In the forenoon, several detachments visited the different cemeteries in the township, and in the afternoon services were held at the Marion cemetery in the presence of some 500 people. The services were conducted by L. Burnett, Post Commander, and T. H. Burton, E. P. Steed and Chaplain Fuller were the orators of the day. It was a pleasant day and was well observed. There is no crowd of old veterans complete without our friend, Captain Matney‟s presence. The Captain makes a fine looking soldier. While your minds are drawn to the Marion cemetery just think what a condition the fence (do not have rest) AID - IR THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1892 The funeral services of the late Thomas Markin, an old soldier, and also that of Grandma Spears, will be preached here Sunday the 21st, at 10 o‟clock a.m., by Rev. A. Boldman. The soldiers and friends of the deceased parties request the attendance of the G. A. R. post and all friends. Rev. Kirkpatrick has been holding a revival here with good success. Several converted and a stronger faith renewed among members. Since the discontinuance of the Rockwood and Arabia mail route, the people below Marion do not get any mail on as Mr. Dillon the P.M. at Willow Wood sends to Aid for their _____. Strong petitions have gone up toward re-establishment of the route and the matter should receive attention immediately. Ironton papers cannot be sent to Willow Wood or Russell‟s Place by any route as it is, but when sent to Aid our P. M. manages to send them to their places, someway by special carrier. Give us a daily mail from Rockwood to Aid. REPORTER. AID - IR THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1901 Mrs. Susan Russell, who has been on the sick list for some time is again able to be among us. Mrs. Edward White attended the Waterloo campmeeting Thursday. He reports a successful meeting. Dr. Meers of Huntington, W. Va., made a flying trip to Marion last Thursday. He _____ kind and smiling doctor. Mr. William Hoover, of Oak Ridge (do not have end) ANDIS - IR Mar. 22, 1888 All is stir and bustle in and about our place. Old neighbors are moving out and new ones coming in. W. H. Corn has moved to Big Branch in Union tp., while the Rev. Samuel Wilson has taken up his abode at the “corners.” J. Q. Wilson, H. Brown, Elisha Steele and others have taken up their beds and moved, in the last week. George W. Humphreys has erected for himself a large two-story dwelling. W. S. Massie is also erecting a frame dwelling. W. G. Ward has two weeks of school yet. Candidates are numerous for township offices, but we are not hindered from working by candidates for county offices. The majority of republicans here are for Sherman for Lawrence County Ohio Society News Compiled by Sharon Milich Kouns © 2011 3 President, but R. T. Lincoln has a good following, while others prefer our own J. B. Foraker. Democrats prefer to know none other than Grover Cleveland. With but a few exceptions, our people are solid for General Enochs for Congress. Some of our neighbors persist in fencing in a part of the public highway. We think the Commissioners, Trustees, or Supervisors, should put an end to this, forthwith. WILKINS MICAWBER. ANDIS - IR THURSDAY, MAY 03, 1888 The most interesting and instructive meeting ever held in this vicinity, was that of the Sabbath School Institute at Myrtle Baptist Church, on Friday and Saturday of last week. The Institute opened by devotional exercise by Rev. S. Wilson, this place. Rev. J. H. Willis then made the welcome address in which he did himself much credit. P. C. Booth being the only one that appeared ________ program, so far, when that point in the program was announced took the floor and one of the best lectures we ever listened to was given us from the topic, "The Sunday School teacher improving his Methods," The universal verdict was good," "good." C. G. Keys added some thoughts and complimented the author highly. Revs. Kelley, Dillon, Mr. A. D. Bruce, Mrs. Morrison and others occupied the remainder of the time, and we were well entertained. The dedication of the Church took place Sunday morning when Elder Kelly announced that $226.20 must be raised before the Church could be dedicated, the word went out that the effort would fail to bring the amount but within a few moments the amount and more was secured and the house dedicated. WILKINS MICAWBER. ANDIS - IR JUNE 7, 1888 (do not have beginning of column) On Ward‟s hill, the cherries and strawberries are ripe, and as these two articles are somewhat of a rarity, everybody is trying to be first to show Mr. Ward their undying love for him, and engage his portion of the fruit. James Taylor has built himself a new house and is now residing therein. The Sabbath School at Myrtle is suffering from the loss of teachers. G. D. Webb, who was to preach for the people here Sunday, failed to show up. The S. of V Camp received a long letter from W. G. Ward, telling of the manner in which Decoration day was observed at Pittsburgh, and urging the boys to “drill.” Josie B. Clay is visiting her sister in Jackson, O.
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