CHAIRMANS REPORT During 1989 there was further consolidation of the role of the Commission and the structure of Australian Football in New South Wales. Although unfortunately losing the services of respected Commissioners, Rod Gillett and Ron Thomas during the year, I have been pleased to see the gap bridged by such capable people as ex South Australian Don Roach and new chum John Potter. The work of the Commission has again seen significant gains in the evolulion of our great game in New South Wales. Highlights of 1989 were many, including the marvellous result of the inaugural statewide Super Raffle, the fe-involvement of our Senior State players who competed in the NSW side in Tasmania, the fourth placing of our Teal Cup boys in Melbourne and the establishment of umpiring as an equal priority within the code with an ongoing role of a full time State Director of Umpiring. The first year, of what is hoped to be a long and mutually beneficial relationship, with our major sponsor QBE Insurance, has been most exciting. I feel bonds have been established far beyond those experienced by other sporting bodies and their sponsors and I thank all at QBE for their enthusiastic involvement and assistance. The work of the staff has again been most diligent with greater stability resulting in a better understanding and servicing of football throughout the State. Well done people. The Victorian Football League are to be praised for their ongoing committment to the growth and nurturing of Australian Football around the nation, and in particular for contributing funds to assist New South Wales development. Our thanks are extended to Alan Schwab, Greg Durham and Kevin Sheehan for their invaluable assistance. The NSWAFL's relationship with the NSW State Government has continued to blossom.' I take this opportunity to sincerely thank all those within the Department of Sport, Recreation and Racing for their enthusiastic support of our code and for making time available to assist in our search for a headquarters and administration base, as well as for financial assistance, we are most grateful. I look forward to the new decade.with great enthusiasm and optimism. A greater committment to development in the country areas af the State, the opportunity for Leagues in the South to be a part of the NSWAFL, greater responsibility on Coaches throughout NSW to become accredited and serve their charges better and generally a feeling that all are now forming ever closer together to take our wonderful game to even greater heights as we rapidly approach a new century. JOHN MORRIS CHIEF COMMISSIONER NSW AUSTRALIAN FOOTBALL LEAGUE LTD. NSWAFL Page 1 1989 Annual Report CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S REPORT the League to follow and allocated funding really has a bearing on both Commissioners and staff to which way the League acts. various areas of responsibility • Conducted a Level I Coaching More development activity in the Course for over 70 personnel. country is pleasing, however we an- • Conducted a Super Raffle reali- ticipate more input from local club sing profits in excess of $ 68,000 for volunteers in Sydney will counteract clubs throughout N.S.W.and (a net) any negative reaction Sydney may $ 26,000 for the League. have from the move. When I look at the period of just 1990 will see in excess of 60 open over 3 years in which I have been in age teams competing in Sydney, and the position of Chief Executive, whilst this demonstrates growth, it what really stands out are the suc- is also an example of stability.of the cesses. game at a senior level. The structure, employees, player 1989 was again a year of many mile- numbers, finances have all been Most players now have access to stones. winners for the League and I hope representative football in all grades becomes a foundation for better and divisions even up to represent- Each year when we consider our things to come. ing the State. The availability of the past 12 months I find it difficult to State and Country Championships come to terms with how the league There has been a great change to together with the various junior operated without the benefits ofthe football in N.S.W. trials are now ofimmense benefit to achievements or improvements the whole football fraternity across. which were attained. We now operate under different the State. rules with emphasis on areas which In 1989 the League: are seen as more important to this The financial assistance our league State's football evolution. receives from the AFL (VFL) for • Conducted a highly successful Ad- development is most sincerely re- ministration Course. An independent board - The Com- ceived. Without it we would not be • Conducted a camp for Elite play- mission - with all affiliates having an able to undertake programmes of ers. equitable voting right is seen as a such proportion and to Alan • Entered into a commercial ar. much fairer way to conduct the af- Schwab, Greg Durham and the AFL rangement with QBE Insurance as fairs of a State sporting organisa- Commission we are most apprecia- a sponsor . tion. All affiljated bodies now have tive of it. • Evaluated the entire umpiring direct access to the controlling body situation throughout the State with and a direct hand on how it is Tim Johnson, as Operations Man- recommendation for some exciting elected. ager, has been one hellava backstop new plans for 1990 and beyond. and a workaholic where football is • Entered into dialogue with the Can we improve it? Possibly, how- concerned. Craig Davis is another NSW Government over a home ever any change would have to be of the same ilk and our success has ground for football in the State. marginal, not to move away from mainly been due to their efforts . • Held discussions with a number the present theme. of non N.S.W.A.F.L. Country Finally, I wish to pay tribute to the Leagues regarding their affiliation Our Development Program is ever staff at the NSW League Office, preferences. being altered, slightly as it may be, their dedication, commitment and • Introduced a defined strategy for however the amount of available manner was second to none.D NSWA}'L Page 2 1989 Annual Report THE N.S.W.A.F.L. IN 1989 STAFF&SlRUCTURE tiations in the not too distant future. from the State Government has again allowed the League to provide MEDIA SUPPORT sufficient staffing levels to serve In 1989 the league again enjoyed the constituent Senior and Junior contribution of a stable, hard work. One could accurately suggest that Leagues throughout the State. iug and enthusiastic staff, partieu- whilst the Southern area of NSW larly key figures, Chief Executive, enjoys a relatively high profile in We are most grateful to all at the Ian Granland, Operations Manager, relation to Australian Football, Department of Sport, Recreation Tim Johnson and Development North ofWagga the case is quite the and Racing for their ongoing sup- Manager, Craig Davis. Other long opposite. port. serving staff, our development offi- cers, worked hard for the cause with The thanks of the League is sin- SPONSORSHIP secretarial support to the League cerely extended to those members again being provided professionally of the media who have been recep- Quote 1988 Annual Report ~A con. •• by Linda Blackburn. tive to accurate reporting in tinuance of priority in this area , equatible line with other sports. (sponsorship), coupled with staff ca- c~ Part-time support was provided by pable of dealing with the corporate Ted Ray, Warren Quintrell and Kim It is envisaged that in 1990 a major sector in this regard, leads one to Thorpe, with the only change to our offensive in media relations will be optimism in this difficult undertak- hardworking team being the depar- launched to raise the profile of the into ture of Administration Manager code and give recognition to those Andrew Dee who was replaced by who participate in our great game. It is of course history that the pres+ cadet Dale Carroll. tigious company QBE Insurance Again the League re emphasizes the undertook the Major Sponsorship The involvement ofVFLAppointee need for each club and League to of the NSWAFL in 1989 and in fact David Levens as State Director of fully utilise the local print or have recently renewed that com- Umpiring has continued with long eletronic media to convey your mes- mittment for the 1990 season. term benefits sure to result. sage. We rely on a team effort in all we do and particularly in this diffi- Whilst we have been overjoyed with The committment shown to the cult area we must rally to the cause. the relationship, we also feel that cause by our present team augers the exposure gained by QBE Insur- well for the future. GOVERNMENT GRANTS & AS- ance throughout our Country and SISTANCE City networks, has given the com- LEAGUE HEADQUARTERS panya profile unattainable by other The New South Wales Government means for the same cost. The League has continued its search through its Sports, Recreation and for a playing headquarters in Sydney Racing arm has again continued its 1990 will see an even greater com- with successful negotiations in prog- committment to assisting State mittment from the NSWAFL and ress with the Department of Sport, Sporting bodies in the administra- QBE Insurance to spread the word, Recreation and Racing to establish tion of sports providing participa- and we trust all supporters of the a headquarters in the Western sub- tory recreation for the people of our code will consider our major spon- urb of Auburn. great state. sor when deciding upon their insur- ance needs.
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