CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1327 Transgender Community Center of New York through citizenship can immigrants, who con- and Irish, and in lesser numbers Poles, will reopen after a two-year renovation. The tribute so much to other aspects of American English, Scandinavians, Czechs and the de- Center is housed in a historic former high society, fully participate in our unique political scendants of freed slaves. Today, Latinos and, to a lesser degrees, those of Asian ori- school in Greenwich Village. The Food and process. gins are changing the face of society here— Maritime Trades High School was built in 1844 [From the Omaha World-Herald, July 4, 2001] figuratively and literally. and became the spiritual home of the Gay and It is, we believe, incumbent on those who AMERICANS ALL Lesbian community of New York in 1983. got here first to extend a welcome to those We hold these Truths to be self-evident, who are making their own trips and taking Since its founding, the Center has served as that all Men are created equal, that they are a meeting place for those committed to im- up citizenship as the 20th century fades into endowed by their Creator with certain the 21st. For the most part, this is happening proving the lives and assuring the rights of unalienable Rights that among these are seamlessly. For the most part, this is hap- those who suffer because of their actual or Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happi- pening seamlessly. The newest arrivals are perceived sexual orientation. The Center is an ness.—Declaration of Independence being assimilated and recognized for their inclusive organization that recently changed its As Midlanders celebrate the 225th anniver- strengths. To be candid, Iowa and Nebraska name to demonstrate a commitment to serving sary of America’s decision to end its status would have difficulty sustaining population the Bisexual and Transgender community. as a collection of colonies, it is instructive growth without them. The process feeds on and heartening to note that this region is in Newcomers to New York have always itself. Newcomers who become citizens (or a real sense a showcase for the degree to legal residents) are in turn entitled to serve joined together in fraternal and social groups. which the Declaration remains a living docu- as sponsors for relatives’ applications. Just as some organizations help immigrants ment. And so it goes. The faces change some- adjust to life in the City, so too, the Center Nebraska and Iowa in particular are in- what. The goals and dreams do not. helps newcomers from the gay community as creasingly becoming a focus not just of im- Nearly everyone who comes here and be- they adjust to a new life in New York. Quar- migration but of immigrants who take the comes a part of the American matrix is seek- important and self-affirming step of becom- ing essentially the same things the Founders terly orientations and regular support groups were taking about 225 years ago. Americans for young people are some of the Center’s ing U.S. citizens. Those who do so are im- mersing themselves in the old, yet ever are all in this together. They draw strength most important programs. young, quest for life, liberty and the pursuit for new blood, new ideas. That’s the indis- The Center is the ‘‘heart’’ of the Gay, Les- of happiness, which often were not available putable past, and it is the inevitable future. bian, Bisexual, and Transgender community in in their native lands. f New York City. Each week, more than 5,000 The numbers are not yet huge, but the people visit the center to take advantage of math involved is impressive. Naturaliza- IN MEMORY OF STANLEY KRAMER the numerous services and programs it offers. tions—mostly of people from Latin America It has also become a social center for many but also from Lithuania and Asia and points HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH all over—have grown impressively in the last people in the community. The monthly sched- OF OHIO decade. Many come for jobs, often in this re- ule at the Center includes more than 100 polit- gion’s meatpacking plants. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ical and social groups. The AA program alone But it is noteworthy that increasingly Thursday, July 12, 2001 provides counseling and support for several they are coming here, rather than to more Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to hundred people in recovery. The Center Li- traditional venues like California, Texas and honor the memory of an exceptional film brary is a valuable resource for both the gay the East Coast. Many believe that economic maker, Stanley Kramer. and straight community. prospects are brighter in this part of the country, and for the most part they find easy During his lifetime, Stanley Kramer pro- The Center’s real contributions can be seen duced dozens of films. They included such in the lives of those who have been trans- acceptance. Last year, 4,245 people became U.S. citizens in Iowa and Nebraska. Contrast classics as Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, formed by the Center. The HIV positive patient that with the figure of 897 as recently as Judgment at Nuremberg and Inherit the Wind. who is strengthened through the AIDS support 1992—almost a fourfold increase. (this Fri- Stanley Earl Kramer was born and raised in group, the counseled teen who is empowered day, at least 250 new citizens will be sworn at New York City’s Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood, to stand up to taunts, and the participant in a Lexington, Neb.) where he later attended New York University. 12-step program who can face the future with He has endeavored to prevent the Popu- Before he left for the military service in World friends from the Center, have all improved lation of these States; for that Purpose ob- War II, he established himself in the movie in- structing the Laws for naturalization of For- their quality of life through Center programs. dustry as a researcher, editor and writer. His I am honored to salute the many people eigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their Migrations hither. first film, So This is New York, was released who work so hard at the Lesbian, Gay, Bisex- It is worth remembering that one of the in 1948. ual, and Transgender Community Center of complaints the authors of the Declaration Working in the 1950s and 60s, Kramer New York. The reopening of the Center is in- fielded against England’s King George III stood for things in which he believed and deed a cause for celebration. was that his policies sharply restricted im- intertwined them into his works. For example, f migration. George correctly saw burgeoning he highlighted issues such as race in Guess population as a threat to his hold on the Who’s Coming to Dinner and The Defiant CITIZENSHIP IMPORTANT colonies. And while he could do nothing Ones, Nazi war crimes in Judgment at Nurem- about population growth in America due to the natural margin of births over deaths, he berg, fundamentalism vs. modern science in HON. DOUG BEREUTER could and did try to strangle further influx. Inherit the Wind and nuclear holocaust in On OF NEBRASKA Today, although immigration and natu- the Beach. He also depicted his courageous IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ralization still present some roadblocks, the demeanor in his films, not even realizing it, by Thursday, July 12, 2001 picture is much brighter. Among those who creating characters who fought against fear want to plant their futures here, for the while others stayed behind. Mr. BEREUTER. Mr. Speaker, this Member most part they do better if they become citi- Even though Kramer was known as a ‘‘mes- wishes to commend to his colleagues the July zens. They then have more of a stake, more sage director’’, his friends and beloved ones 4, 2001, editorial from the Omaha World-Her- of a say. And, to their credit, the process re- knew him as much more. Steven Spielberg ald entitled ‘‘Americans All.’’ It ran exactly 225 quires work. It’s not like signing up for a su- once said that Kramer was one of the greatest years after America’s forefathers declared permarket discount card or acquiring a driv- er’s license. film makers due to the impact he made on the independence from England. At that time, no The procedure usually takes about a year. ethical world, and not solely based on the art one could have envisioned how the ideals ex- There’s a standard $250 processing fee, and and passion he conveyed on screen. pressed in the Declaration of Independence along the way there’s an FBI background Eighty of his films were nominated for Os- would continue to attract immigrants from check, an interview and a civics test. So it’s cars, 16 of them which won and six were around the world. not easy, but at least it’s achievable and the nominated for Best Picture. Three of his finest Mr. Speaker, immigrants who legally tra- process is regularized and fair. Completing it films made the American Film Institute’s list of verse the U.S. immigration system should be is, and ought to be, a source of pride. 100 Best Movies of All Time. Kramer himself highly lauded. Indeed, they have made incred- Nor have we been wanting in Attentions to was nominated as Best Director three times, ible sacrifices to attain freedom and the our British Brethren. We have reminded them of the Circumstances of our Emigra- and in 1962, he was presented the prestigious chance to pursue their dreams.
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