rnqunts·• nnt AND MATILDA ADVOCATE ~-----~=-------==-----""""'=~----------~==~-=----~~=--..,....,""""'------....,.,-----====="""""'="- ==========-========!! 'VOL. XXXII N,CA<J' 29 ~:;0 rJ~ce ...,D=en~,_<>t!~~ IROQUOIS, ONT., THURSOAY. NOV. 18, 1954 $2.00 per Year in Advance ~=======- -=-il' I 1 Special Nov. lltB. Held Subsidiary Planning . St. John the Baptist Church Warm Reception At 9.C·O a.m. on Ailmistice 'Day, X ovember 11th, the Holy Commun­ ion was cel-ebrated at ,the Church of: St. Jo,11n- ·the B.aptist. Board To Be Appointed Thanksgiving was given for those Accorded Students who paid the supreme sacrifice in ,the last two wars. The following name3 were read at seTvice, Brock v,: elis, By Council Coming Week Frank Osborn, Frank Wert, A llan At Commencement Fisher, Wlilliam Thwaite, AEan Ro­ A resolution was passed by th-e ,:;'------------------ bertson and Lorne Brouse. ---c------------••• By GAIL SUMMERS !t·oquois Council _Thursday night c~ll- 'WREATHS LAID SCOUT-CUB GROUP The lroqu,o,1s ,iiigh Scho·ol Gom~ mg for the apporntment of a subsid- menceme,nt was iheld Frid,ay, Novem- Second Farm Forum ber 12th at 8.•0•0• p.m. in the Town, fary. tbo.ard t_o, be known as th~ ·Iro- BY LOCAL BODIES SEEKS BEITER quo1s Planmng Board and will be · Meeting Was Held Monday Hall here. T-he 1ban·d opened with "0 The second meeting of the S:. ,comprised •?f resi_dents •of th~ _vii- AT TOWN CENOTAPH I EFFORT fROM HOME Canada", follo:,ved with prayer by [age. It will assist the municipal I Lawrence Seaway Farm Forum was Rev. R. W. •Smith, ,St. J<Yhn· the Bap•• ~ouncil in the pl~nning ,of the village ( Concluded from last week) held at the home ,of Chas. W. Mc­ The Sc-out-Cub ,Group Committee Itist Church. B. J . Saver, ,chairman, m :the new lo~ation to the north. At the Cenotaph ceremony last Innis on Monday night. The 'topic­ me: in the Council Chambers ,of the of the Soutoh Dundas District High . The Iroquois. and Su b~rb~n iPl~n- Thmsday, November 11th, the fol- l1 "What is the Farmer'·s Share of the to·wn hall, November 4th, at 7 with School Board, welcomed the loarge mng Board w?uld remain i~ exist- lowing placed wreaths on behalf of Consumers Dollar" made a very in­ R. J. Jackson, chairman, in charge attendance. oence and a~J>0intments to this ,body vari-ous organizations, as follows: ! MRS. KENNETH BECKSTEAD teresting discussion. The next meet;... of the meeting assisted by the ,Sec- ,Starting the program Grade IX , woul'd be filled as seats_ became va- Branch 370, Canadian Legion, w. I (nee Betty J. ,Shaver) ing will be held at the ib.ome of ::\!ab.­ retary, G. L. Loucks. lt was ,moved presented fo!k songs, "Home Oh Th& -eant. The latter Board 1s composed E. Haley; Ladies' Auxiliary to the ' ' - Jon Zeron and an in-vitation is ex­ by Robert J ackson and seconded by Range", "Au Claire de la Lune" ,and of members appointe-d by both :Iro- Canadian Legion Mr. David Stand- Iwho recently passed her examinaitons tended to all interested in the farm. R.ay Parmeter that a vote -of thanks "The Capital Ship" under the direct•• q_u•ois -a:1-d Matilda Township coun- en; Province of'Ont:ri o, :.vlrs. Fred as ·a Registe1:ed Nurse at Corm\·all The topic to be -discussed is "Farm be placed in the ,paper thanking all ion ,of Mrs. H. Thompson. The in<­ c1ls, while the. new board _would rn- Hadley; Village ,of Iroquois, ,:.vlrs. L. General Hospi,t-al. Irnrnrance". do,1ors of apples used on Scout-Cub termedia-te certificates were present~ c~ude ,o nly residents of this commu- C. Davis; Iroquois Women's Inst it- _______________________:.__ _________ _ Apple Day. The gr,oup voiced their ed by 1Milton Biarkley to those., ,s,tu~ disappointment at the attendance ,of dents finished, _as f.oUows : Grade X: mty. • ute, Mrs. W•m . Roberts; Lions Club, M• B J Sh J parents of Scouts and Ctrbs at the Roger Coulter, Warren .Disheau,. The Iroquois plan Ill n g Board Clifford H ess. Ca•ldwell Linen Mills ISS etty ean aver would act in an :'1-dvis·ory. capacity Ltd., U. C. C;rpenter; St. J o-hn the recent •going-up ceremo-nies and -ex- Elaine Gilmour, Don a I d Fr,oAts, only to .the Iroquois C~unctl headed Baptist Church, Ed. Casentree; Knox w pressed the desire to see more .active Daphne Gris·dale, Roberta Jackson, b_y ~eeve Lloyd c._ Davis, an_d _would :Presbyterian Church, Mrs. Donald ed To Kenneth Beckstead interest taken on :the part of the Elaine J ohnst-on, Marilyn Johnston, stt m_ on all m eetmgs pertarnm~. to Thompson; Iroquois "united Church, parents. Dale ;,\l<arcellus, Edward Marcellu,, plannmg the new town as a Jomt Percy Robem.s ; F ire Departm ent \ .\'\,1hite Chur,· ch, Sec·oncl Conce.ssion, •; . · . Cons_iderabl_e voluntary tim_ e _and Rowat Merkley, Ronald Murphy, Charlaine IPerry, Howard Roberti!, :forum. Albert Coulter; Board of Trade, Don' Matilda, was the scene of a preh." j 'V 1lb _er t S a ff· or d , represen t a t_ H·es o f e ff ort 1s put 1n.t o b o th orgamzat1ons ·' ~.- Id h A c h Id b th t 1 d Sand-ra Smith, Barbara Wlhittle and Right Course al-d Allen. Autumn wedding Saturday, Novem- ·, ...,.ati a a_t t e rea onvent1on . e Y , e respec 1ve ea_ ers, as ~ell as James Williamson. 1 "I think it's the right course to President Eugene Haley, Canadian be1· 6th . when Mi1:1s Betty Jean Shav- J recently m Ottawa, gave a detailed by t he Gt'OUp Coonm1ttee and 1t was take" said B. J. Saver, secretary of Leg~on Branch 370, said following er, dau'gh-ter ,of Mr. an,d Mrs. Fr·ed ~nd interesting rep-ort of that m eet'-, felt imperative that_ co"op_eration .0 £ The High Scho·ol Boand, direc,ted by 'h t b I t d f h Fred Booth and assisted ,by Rev. ·G. the Iroquo-is .and Suburban Planning t he service that he ,was pleased with Shaver, Iroquois, became the bride mg. o e. paren s , e en 1s e 1 t e two, ;Board, as the village solicitor, A. C. the manner in which the service was of Kenneth MeI"Vyn Beck1:1tead, son Mrs . Wilbert Sa.fiord took charge bodies were to ,prosper. _,,/ F. <Dangerfield ;played ·several select~ •Casselman, suggested the duties and hRndled. He called attention :to the of Mr. and Mrs. Ea~! Beckstead of of a Remembrance ,Day p1,ogramme, _____...._____ ions twice du1·ing the evening. workings ,of the newly-organized fine music p1'ovided by t he Hig,h Chesterville. Rev. G·ordon F. Dan~er- which consisted 'Of the hymn, "O God MISS EVELINE FOSTER Dwight Beckstead, .another mem~ board. Wlhile the membe1·s of the School Band .and its leader, Fred fiel-d, Iroquois, ,officiated. Wedding Our H elp in Ages Past:• ; cur~·ent · her •of tlie Board presented Gradu.a~ new org;;mizations have not as yet Boeth, Cornwall, who •played " The music was rend·ered b .. Mrs. Charla., events by :Mrs, Harold Millar; piano LAfD TO REST t ion diplomas to Carol Dangerfield, been named, this, it is expected, ,will Last Pos,t". "The ,town hall service" }lcinnis. .1 solo by Miss, Catherine Brinston; B etty Fader, Dorothy Fowler, Sheil,a. ,be done shortly. A special meeting he said, "was a fitting tribute.to our Given in marriage by her father. paper "Pioneer Life along the St. Fitzsimmons, Edward Foster, Knox 'Of the village council may be called fallen comrades", .as he expressed ap the b1·ide was gowned in a whitP Law1:ence" by_Mrs. Safford; and tap AT PQJNT JROQUOJS Thompson ',and an· Honou;r Gradua~ by the reeve to duly appoint the predation· io those taking part in balerina-len·gth gown •of nylon n et dancmg by :Miss Mary Lennox. ,M:s. tion diploma to •Beatrice Linnen. m embers s•o t hat ·negotiations as to the day's ceremonies. over taffeta, a strapless fitted bodice A. E. Bell _ was piano acc,ompamst Final tribute was paid to the mem- Miss Linnen ·gave the valedic.tory seeking a consultant may be final- • * * with full skirt, and matching •bo lera for the musical part of ,the .prog1,am. ory of ,Miss Eveline F•oster, an elder- address. 'ized and dealings :with Hydro on the jacket wtth elbow le<ngth o-!oves. Her Mrs. Mae ,Strader and :Mrs. A. E. ly and highly respected citi2ien of Grade IX s·ang two po_pular songs, planning of the new town started. BRINSTON SERVICE headd;,css was an• arch-shap•ed tiua Bell, s pecial ho,stesses and their com- the sec·ond concession of Matilda "'The Happy Wanderer" aceompan~ed In alliance with the i·esolution in lnl·«ee se-•ed 1,·1n~heon Tow.nsh1'p. at iher fu,•ne,1·al fro,m "he by Mrs. Thomps,on at the ,piano .and: A very 11npress1ve· · R, emembrance • set with pearl- and rhine~·tones from '· '' • ~ · · family residence to White Church' ",on Erma >Gilmer and James Williamson addition to the councillors were J. I " • __________ Day service \\'aS held in the :Memo,·- which fell her shoulder-length veil Saturday. wit~ trumpets. Pauline Dennis .and R. Merkley, S. A. Thompson and B. ial Hall, Brinston, where the rate- of tulle illusion. Sha wore the El J O h t d d h 0 b 0 .J.
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