16_069318 bindex.qxp 1/23/07 10:18 AM Page 164 164 Bar St-Sulpice, 5, 100, 105 Cellphones, 146 Bars and cafes, 105–109 Centaur Theatre, 57–58, Index Basilique Notre Dame, 112, 115 Index See also Accommoda- 5–6, 12, 57 Central Station (Gare tions and Restaurant The Bay (La Baie), 67–68 Central), 54 Beach Volleyball Courts/Ice Centre Nautique Pierre indexes, below. Rink (Park Jeanne-Mance), Plouffe (Lac Tremblant), 78–79 135 A Beatnick’s, 62, 73–74 Centre-Ville Access America, 152 Beaver Lake (Lac des accommodations, Accommodations, 122–130. Castors), 49, 78 123, 125–130 See also Accommodations BeaverTails (Ottawa), 140 nightlife, 102–103, Index Bed & breakfasts (B&Bs), 150 105–110 the Laurentians, 137 Bedo, 68 restaurants, 90–95, toll-free numbers and Belgo Building, 27 97, 98 websites, 163 Bicycling Ceramic Café Studio, 37 Adirondack Trailways, Lachine Canal Bike Chalet (Mont-Royal), 51 147–148 Path, 83 Champs, 100, 106 Aéroport International Montréal Bike Fest, 144 Chapelle Notre-Damede- Pierre-Elliot-Trudeau de rentals, 150 Bon-Secours, 58–59 Montréal, 147 Biftek, 100, 105 Chapters, 62, 67 Aéroport Mirabel, 147 Biodôme de Montréal, Cheers!, 106 Airlines, 162 15, 36 Cheese, 96 Altitude 737, 100, 109 Biosphere, 84 Chemin Olmsted, 49 Amtrak, 147 Black & Blue Festival, 145 Children, families with, 151 Antiques and collectibles, Black Watch Armoury, 45 sights and attractions, 62, 66–67 Bleu comme le ciel, 73 34–37 Antiques Puces-Libres, 66 Blue Dog, 100, 105 Cimetière Mont-Royal, 50 Apartment rentals, 149 Bookstores, 67 Cinema Imperial, 45–46, 119 Archambault Musique, 73 Boulevard St-Laurent, 21 Circuit Gilles Villenueve Area code, 149 Boutique eXtc, 68–69 (Canadian Grand Prix), Aritmetik, 68 Brulerie St-Denis, 40 83–84 Art Nicolin Gublin, 66–67 Brutopia, 100, 105 Circuit Mont Tremblant, 136 Arts and entertainment, Buona Notte, 100, 106 Cirque du Soleil, 6, 112, 116 112–120 Business hours, 150 Classical music and circus, 116 Bus travel, 147, 148 concerts, 116–117 classical music and ByWard Market (Ottawa), Club Monaco, 69 concerts, 116–117 140 Cock ’n’ Bull Pub, 106 comedy, 117–118 Comedy Nest, 112, 117 dance performances, C Comedyworks, 117–118 116 Cabanes au sucre, 93 Complex Les Ailes, 54 jazz and rock concert Café Campus, 109 Consulates, 150 venues, 118 Calèches (horse-drawn Copacobana, 100, 106 movies, 119–120 carriages), 4, 156 Cuisine, 39–40 opera, 116 Canadian Grand Prix (Circuit Cuisine Gourmet, 73 spectator sports, 120 Gilles Villenueve), 83–84 Cultural sights and theater, 115 Canadian War Museum attractions, 24–29 venues, 118–119 (Ottawa), 142 Customs House, 58 Atelier Toutou (Plush Canadiens, Montréal, 4, 155 Customs regulations, 150 Factory), 62, 74 Capital Infocentre (Ottawa), CyberGround NetCafe, 153 ATMs (automated teller 139 machines), 149 Car rentals, 146, 163 D AuCOPYRIGHTED Festin de Babette, 72 Cartier, Sir George-Étienne, MATERIALDance clubs, 109–110 Autoroute 15, 147 statue of, 20 Dance performances, 116 Car travel, 147, 149 Department stores, 67–68 B Casa del Popolo, 118 Deuxiemement, 66 Babysitters, 149 Casino de Montréal, 83, 119 Dex, 69 Bagels, 39 Cathedrale Christ Church, 46 Dining, 85–98, 150–151. See Banks, 149–150 Cathedrale Marie-Reinedu- also Restaurant Index Banque de Montréal, 57 Monde (Mary Queen of best, 86 Barfly, 105 the World Cathedral), 47 the Laurentians, 137 16_069318 bindex.qxp 1/23/07 10:18 AM Page 165 165 Index Disabilities, travelers with, Diver/Cité, 145 Jupiter Room, 109 157 information and Juste Pour Rire Festival (Just Disco fries, 40 resources, 151–152 for Laughs Festival), Diver/Cité, 145 Gay-Info, 152 22, 144 Downtown B&B Network, Gay Line, 152 150 Gifts, 72–73 K Downtown Montréal sights Go-Go Lounge, 100, 106 Kayaking and attractions, 42–47 Grand Central Antiques, 66 Centre Nautique Drugstores, 151 Gray Line de Montréal, 156 Pierre Plouffe (Lac Greyhound, 147 Tremblant), 135 E Val David, 133 Eaton Center, 53 H Electricity, 151 Health insurance, 152–153 L Embassies and consulates, History, 157–158 La Baie (The Bay), 67–68 150 Hockey, 5 La Cage Aux Sports, 107 Emergencies, 151 Holidays, 152 Lac des Castors (Beaver EnrgXchange, 69 Holt Renfrew, 62, 70 Lake), 49, 78 Eva B, 62, 69–70 Hôpital de Montréal pour Lachine Canal Bike Path, 83 Ex-Centris, 112, 120 Enfants, 151 Lac Tremblant, 135 Hôpital Royal Victoria, 151 L’Aérobus, 147 F Horse-drawn carriages La Fête des Neiges, 144 Fairmont Chateau Laurier (calèches), 4, 156 La Grande Ourse, 74 (Ottawa), 141 Hôtel de Ville, 13, 59 Language, 158–159 Fairmount Bagels, 39 Hotels, 122–130. See also La Ronde, 36, 84 Fall foliage, 145 Accommodations Index The Laurentians, 132–137 Families with children, 151 the Laurentians, 137 La Vieille Europe, 39–40, sights and attractions, toll-free numbers and 62, 72 34–37 websites, 163 L’Barouf, 107 Familyhostel, 151 Housewares, 73 Le Bateau-Mouche, 156–157 Family Travel Files, 151 Hurley’s, 100, 106 Le Bilboquet, 86, 94 Family Travel Forum, 151 Le Cage Aux Sports, 100 Family Travel Network, 151 I Le Cartet, 72 Fashions (clothing), 68–71 Ice Rink, Parc Lafontaine, 81 Le Centre Bell, 112, 118, 120 Festival des Arts de Ice skating Le Centre des Sciences de St-Sauveur, 135 at 1000 de la Gauche- Montréal, 37 Festival du Nouveau Cinéma, tiere, 32–33 Le Centre Eaton, 53 145 Underground City, 55 Le Château, 62, 70 Festival Juste Pour Rire (Just The Illuminated Crowd, 44 Le Drugstore, 100, 110 for Laughs Festival), Ima, 70 Le Parking, 110 22, 144 Image + Nation, 145 Le Petit Campus, 6, 112, 118 Festivals and special events, Inbeat, 74 Le Pistol, 100, 107 21–22, 144–145 Infinitheatre, 112, 115 Les Ailes de la Mode, 68 Floralies Gardens, 83 Infotouriste Centre, 156 Le Sainte Elisabeth Pub Food stores, 39–40, 72 Insectarium de Montréal, 36 European, 100 Francofolie, 21 International Fireworks Les Artisans de Mueble, 66 Frappe, 106 Competition, 145 Les Cours Mont-Royal, 53 Frenco Vrac, 72 International Jazz Festival, Les Foufounes Electrique, FunkyTown, 100, 109 21, 144 100, 107 International Sculpture Sym- Les Grands Ballets G posium Sculptures, 49–50 Canadiens, 116 Galerie René Blouin, 27 Internet access, 153 Les Halles de la Gare, 54–55 Gardens Interstate 87, 147 Les Promenade de la Floralies Gardens, 83 InTouch USA, 146 Cathédrale, 54 Jardin Botanique, 16, 32 Liquor laws, 153 Gare Centrale (Central J Lola & Emily, 70 Station), 54, 147 Jacob, 70 Lola Lounge, 100, 107 Gay and lesbian travelers Jardin Botanique, 16, 32 L’Opera de Montréal, 116 bars and clubs, 110 Jazz, 33, 118 L’Orchestre Symphonique de Black & Blue Festival, Jewelry, 73 Montréal (OSM), 112, 116 145 Lost-luggage insurance, 153 16_069318 bindex.qxp 1/23/07 10:18 AM Page 166 166 Lost property, 153 Music stores, 73–74 Pepsi Forum, 37, 112, 119 Lower Campus, 79 MusiquePlus Studio, 46 Percival Molson Stadium, L’Uomo, 70 Mutek, 21, 144 79, 112, 120 Index Pharmaprix., 151 M N Picnicking, in Parc Mail, 153–154 Newspapers and magazines, Lafontaine, 32 Main Madness, 6, 21 154 Place D’Armes, 57 Maison de Jazz, 112 Newtown, 108 Place des Arts, 29 Maison du Jazz, 33, 107 Nightlife, 99–110 Place Jacques-Cartier, 60 Maison Simons, 68 bars and cafes, Place Montréal Trust, 44 Maison Smith, 20, 50 105–109 Place Ville-Marie, 47, 54 Maple syrup, 93 best bets, 100 Planétarium de Montréal, 37 Marché Atwater, 40, 62, 72 Centre-Ville, 102–103, The Plateau, 32 Marché Bonsecours, 59 105–110 nightlife, 101, 105–110 Mary Queen of the World dance clubs, 109–110 restaurants, 87, 90–98 Cathedral (Cathedrale the Plateau, 101, Plush Factory (Atelier Marie-Reinedu-Monde), 47 105–110 Toutou), 62, 74 McGill University, 11, 44–45, Notre Dame, Basilique, Pointe-à-Callière, 58 78, 79 5–6, 12, 57 Police, 155 MEDEX Assistance, 152 Notre-Dame-des-Neiges Pollack Concert Hall, Medical insurance, 152–153 Cemetery (Our Lady of the 112, 117 Métro, 148 Snows Cemetery), 50 Post offices, 153–154 Metropolis, 112, 118 Preloved, 62, 71 Mmmuffins, 55 O Modavie, 110, 112 Ogilvy, 71 R Molson Stadium, Old Dublin Pub, 108 Rainfall, average, 145 79, 112, 120 Opera, 116 Redpath Museum, 11 Monastiraki, 62, 66 Optica, 27 The Réservoir (Parc Money matters, 154 Oratoire St-Joseph, 19 Rutherford), 79 Montréal Alouettes, 155 Orchestre Métropolitain du Restaurants, 85–98, Montréal Bike Fest, 144 Grand Montréal, 117 150–151. See also Montréal Canadiens, 4, 155 Orchid, 109–110 Restaurant Index Montréal Highlights Ottawa, 138–142 best, 86 Festival, 144 Our Lady of the Snows the Laurentians, 137 Montréal International Jazz Cemetery (Notre-Dame- Rideau Canal (Ottawa), Festival, 21, 144 des-Neiges Cemetery), 50 141, 142 Montréal Museums Day, 144 Outdoor activities, 75–84 RoadPost, 146 Montréal Museums Romantic Montréal, 30–33 Pass, 154 P Roots, 71 Mont-Royal, 48–51 Roy Bar, 108 Paddle Boating/Ice Rink Mont Tremblant, 134–137 Rue Crescent, 62 (Parc Lafontaine), 81 Mont Tremblant Guided ATV Rue de la Gauchetiere, Paragraphe, 67 Tours, 134 No. 1000, 55 Paramount Montréal, Morin Heights, 136 Rue Ste-Catherine, 46–47 112, 120 Mortimer Snodgrass, Parc Aquatique du Mont 62, 72–73 St-Sauveur, 133–134 S Movies, 119–120 Parc du Mont-Royal, 19–20, Safety, 155 Multimags, 154 76–79 Saidye Bronfman Centre for Musée d’Art Contemporain Parc Jean Drapeau, 82–84 the Arts, 115 Boutique, 62, 73 Parc Lafontaine, 80–81 Saint-Ambroise Montréal Musée d’Art Contemporain picnicking in, 32 Fringe Festival, 144 de Montréal, 11, 27–28 Parc Rutherford, 79 Saint-Sauveur, 136 Musée David M. Stewart, 84 Parking, 154 St-Viateur Bagels, 39 Musée des Beaux-Arts, Park Jeanne-Mance, 78 SAQ, 72 10, 26, 44 Parliament Hill (Ottawa), 139 SAQ Signature,
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