Friday, April 25, 1986 Eighth Series1R. 40 Vaisakha 5, 1908 (Saka) /2.6$%+$ '(%$7(6 Fifth Session Eighth/RN6DEKD /2.6$%+$6(&5(7$5,$7 New Delhi Price- Rs 4.00 CONTENts No. 40-Friday, April 25, 1986/Yaisakha 5, 1908 (Saka) CoLUMNS Obituary Reference • 1-2 Oral Answers to Questions : ·Starred Questions Nos: 803, 80S, 807, 808 and 810 to 813 .. 2-33 Written Answers to Questions : Starred Questions Nos. 804, 806, 809 and 814 to 825 ••• 34-47 Unstarred Questions Nos. 7676 to 7686, 7688 to 7760, 47-326 7762 to 7800, 7802 to 7837, 7839 to 7895 and 7897 to 7913 I Papers Laid on the Table 328-332 Estimates Committee- Statement-Laid 333 Leave of Absence from the sittings of the House • 334 Committee on the Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes- Eleventh Report 335 Business of the House • 335-342 . Railways Bill, 1986-Introduced • 342 FINANCE BILL, 1986-Contd. Motion to consider 343--413 Shri Indrajit Gupta • • • • 343-354 Shrl Bipin Pal Das" • • • 354-358 Shrimati Usha Verma 359-362 *The s~+marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question wu actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. ( i). ( if ) COLUMNS Shri Shanti Dhariwal . .. 362-367 Shri Mano j Pandey 367-371 Shri Bhadreswar Tanti 371-374 Shri Chintarnani Panigrahi , 374-378 Shri Dileep Singh Bhuria 378-381 Shri Ram Pyare Panika 382-388 Shri V. Kishore Chandra S. Deo 388-392 Dr. Chandra Shekhar Tripathi 392-398 Shri Girdhal i Lal Vyas 398-400 Shri K.S. Rao 400-404 Shri Manvendra Singh 405-407 Shri Raj Kumar Rai 407-410 Shrimati Usha Chowdhari 411-413 COMMITTEE ON PRIVATE MEMBERS' BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS- Eighteenth Report 413 RESOLUTION RE. ELECTORAL REFORMS-Negatives 413 Shri S. Jaipal Reddy 414-418 Shri Balasaheb V ikhe Patil 418-421 Kumari Mamata Banerj ee 421-424 Shri Shantaram Naik 424-427 Shri G.M. -SanatwaJJa 427-430 shfi A. Ch"arles 430-433 Shri Priya Ranjcn Das Munsi 433-436 Shri T. Basheer 436-437 Shri Balwant Singh Ramoowalia 437-438 Shri H.R. Bhardwaj • • 438-442 8hri D.N. Reddy 442-452 Shri H.K.L ...Bhagat 452-454 RESOLUTION RE... CONFERMENT OF SAME RIGHTS AS ENJOYED- BY INDIAN CITIZENS ON PERSONS OF INDIAN ORIGIN LIVING ABROAD- 455-469 Sbri Ba)want Singh Ramoowalia 455-458 Shri Vijay N. Patil 459-466 Syed Shahabuddin 466-469 Shri Harisb Rawat 470 Papers Laid on the Table-Contd. 469-470 Business Advisory Committee- Twenty-Third Report-Presented 470 LOK SABHA DEBATES 1 LOK SABHA The House may now stand in silence for a short while as a mark of respect to the deceased. Friday, A.pril 25, 1986a/Visakha 5, 1908 (The Members then stood in silence 10' (SAKA) a short while) The Lok Sabha met at Eleven 01 the ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Clock [English] [MR •. SPEAKER in the Chair] Claim of NTe Against National Consumer OBITUARY REFERENCE Co-Operative FederatioD [English] -S03. DR. V. VENKATESH : MR. SPEAKER: Hon'ble Members, SHRI ATISH CHANDRA SINHA: I have to ~inform the House of the sad demise of Shri Prafulla Chandra Borooah Will the Minister of TEXTILES be who was a Member of the Second and pleased to state: Third Lok Sabha during 1957-67 represen- ting the Sibsagar constituency of Assllm. (a) whether the National Textile Cor- poration has a large sum outstandin. An able Parliamentarian, he took against the National Consumers Coopera- active interest in the proceedings of the tive Federation and also one of its subsi. House. A veteran freedom fighter, Shri diaries; Borooah participated in the freedom strug- gle from an early age and suffered (b) if so, the facts thereof; imprisonment. (c) whether a negotiated settlement is A well known social worker, he dedi- proposed to be worked out; and cated himself to the removal of untoucha- bility. Sbri Borooah was an active trade (d) if not, the reasons thereof? unionist. He was associated with several trade unions and educational :.fnd cultural THE MINISTER OF STA TE OF THE organisations in various capacities. MINISTRY OF TEXTILES (SHill KHURSHID ALAM KHAN): (a) to (d). Shri Borooah passed away at Sibsagar A Statement is given below. town on 28 February, ]986 at the age of 86 years. StatemeDt We deepJy mourn the loss of this (a) gnd (b). The total outstanding duel friend and I am sure the House will join payable by NCCF to various subsidiary me in conveying our condolt nces to the corporations of NTC were about Rs. 14.66 bereaved family. crores as on 28.2.1986, Oral Answer. APRIL 25, 1986 4 (c) & (d). The payment of amounts asking a categorical question from him. by NCCF for goods supplied to NTC The NTC in this country is a temple of subsidiaries is discussed and reviewed corruption in all respects and the common from time to time. However, NTC man's money is being wasted like any- (WBABO) has filed a civil suit against thing. Therefore, I want ro ask a straight NCCF/Adarsh Bazar Wholesale & _ Retail question from the hone Minister whether Consumer Cooperative Stores Ltd. Patna there is any time-bound programme to and others since outstanding amounts renovate this temple of corruption in this could Dot be recovered through negotia- country ..... tions. ( Interruptions). DR. V. VENKATESH: Sir, the out- standing dues from the NCCF are about AN HON. MEMBER: Not temple Rs. 14 crores. Actually this NCCF also of corruption. comes under the purview of the Govern- ment of India but the hon. Minister has MR. SPEAKER: If it is already a said that the NTC of West Bengal has den of corruption ..•••• _ gone to the court to settle the matter. Actually, the CMD of the Calcutta NTC and the Commercial Manager of the NTC, ( Interruptions) West Bengal are in collusion with some vested interests and to delay the matters PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: You they have gone to the court. Though say den of corruption. NCCF and NTC come under the Govern- ment of India, I cannot understand why DR. V. VENKATESH: I stand cor- they are treating this NCCF as a private rected, Sir. What I wanted to say is den agency and are fighting in the court of of corruption. law. I cannot understand these delaying tactics" particularly of the CMD and the SHRI SURESH KURUP; Nowadays Commercial Director of the NTC, West temples have also become dens of corrup- Bengal. I would like to know what action tion. is going to be taken by the Government, particularly against these persons. SHRI KHURSHID ALAM KHAN: We have no difference with the hone SHRI KHURSHID ALAM KHAN: Member regarding the need for eradica- Sir, in the first instance, I would like to tion of corruption from the NTC and so mention that this Rs. 14.66 crores repre- on. We are making all possible efforts in sents the cost of the controlled doth that direction and for the information of which is a normal thing for about 4-5 the hon. Member I would like to say week's supply of controlled cloth. The that only last week the services of two other matter about wbicb the West Bengal Directors of the West Bengal Subsidiary subsidiary has gone to the court is for have been terminated. (Interruptions) Also, about Rs. 2 crores representing the cost I would like to add that immediately I got of the Don-controlled cloth which was letters from some Members of Parliament supplied to Adarsh B..tzar, which is an asking why services have been terminated. associate of NCCF. All possible efforts were made for settJing the matter by AN HON. ME~IBER: Who are negotiations but unfortunately the NCCF they? did not agree for any payment. Therefore, there was no option left but to go to the (Interruptions) court because it was getting time- barred. [TranslationJ DR. V. VENKATESH: Sir, I am not SHRIMA TI KRISHNA SAHI: Mr. at aU happy with the answer given by the Speaker, Sir, the hon Minister has stated han. Minister. But with all that, I am that he is making earnest efforts to eradi- . Oral AnNers VAISAK!HA S, 1908 (SAKA) 6 cate corruption. He has also stated that he He only knows what has been told to him has terminated the services of two Direc- by his officials. tors. We are glad to know this. I would like to state that the cloth that was supp- [English] lied to Adarsh Bazar Stores Ltd. by the NTC was openly sold in the Calcutta SHRI THAMPAN THOMAS: Regar- market and bungling to the tune of crores ding controlled cloth, it appears from the of rupees has been done in this tran- answer given by the Minister that NCCF saction. Only they know why and how is to pay Rs. 14 crores and odd to the cloth found its way in the market. But I NTC. Is it because of the recent change would like to know from the hone Minister of policy? whether it is a fact that the very officer who exposed this corruption and proved [ Translation] this embezzlement worth crores of rupees and black-listed the Adarsh Bazar Stores Ltd. has been put under suspension? MR. SPEAKER: It is strange state of The one who has indulged in corruption affairs that Rs. 14 crores were paid with- and has embezzled money still continues out examining anything. to hold office. The newspapers had also carried this report. Even two or three [English] Members of Parliament have written about it, but no reply has so far been given.
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