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If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. -- . -- ---_.--~- net,::" ~ -~-~ -- 102203 U.S. Department of Justice National Institute of Justice This document has been reproduced exactly as received from the person or organization originating it. Points of view or opinions stated ii1 this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the National Institute of Justice. Permission to reproduce thi!l~material has been granted by ~lic DamainAJS Department of the Amy/Pentagon LIbrary to Ihe National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS). Further reproduction outside of the NCJRS system requires permis­ sion of the~ owner. , .F-I. c' .\. • "';' , ~. iP ". f :e: '.. .j. ~,..... y-. ." '<I' .,Ii • ~ to- It , . ,..... - ' • . f ,.I. ,! ~ ;!" If. ,i KEY = 02203 OP = DI\1 QC = :REV = 0 DATE:: 0'1/29/87 *NEW 02203 *010 Terrorism - 'P. S-el'ecti ve Bibliography *o,+C B136'1 *050 P84 *070 DO *076 3 1 "US1 EN ,101 *MF -----~~-- I o?Q 03 BOOKS Alon, Hanan. COUNTERING PALESTINIAN TERRORISM IN ISRAEL: TOWARD A POLICY ANALYSIS OF COUNTERMEASURES. Rand Note, N-1567-FF. Santa Monica, CA: Rand, 1980. 271 p. Q 180 .A1 R14 No. 1567 American Society of International Law. LEGAL ASPECTS OF INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM. Edited by Alona E. Evans & John F. Murphy. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1978. 690 p. JX 5420 .A46 1978 Aston, Clive C. A CONTEMPORARY CRISIS: POLITICAL HOSTAGE-TAKING AND THE EXPERIENCE OF WESTERN EUROPE. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1982 217 p. D 1058 .A818 POLITICAL HOSTAGE-TAKING IN WESTERN EUROPE. Conflict ~tudies, No. 157. London: Institute for the Study of Conflict, 1984. 21 p. JX 1395 .C77 No. 157 Alexander, Yonah, ed. CONTROL OF TERRORISM: INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTS. New York, NY: Crane Russak, 1979. 215 p. JX 3420 .c66 TERRORISM: INTERDISCIPLINARY PERSPECTIVES. New York, NY: John Jay~ 1977. 377 p. HV 6431 .T47 Alexander, Yonah, and Ebinger, Charles K. POLITICAL TERRORISM AND ENERGY: THE THREAT AND RESPONSE. New York, NY: Praeger, 1982. 258 p. HV 6431 .P623 Alexander, Yonah,' and Gleason, John M., eds. BEHAVIORAL AND QUANTITATIVE PERSPECTIVES ON TERRORISM. New York, NY: Pergamon Press, 1981. 396 p. HV 6431 .23 1981 Alexander, Yonah, and Kilmarx, Robert A., eds. POLITICAL TERRORISM AND BUSINESS; THE THREAT AND RESPONSE. New York, NY: Praeger, 1979. HV 6431 .P62 Alexander, Yonah, and Myers, Kenneth A. TERRORISM IN EUROPE. New York, NY: St. Martin's Press, 1982. 216 p. HV 6433 .E85 T47 1982 Alexander, Yonahj Carlson, David; and Wilkinson, Paul, eds, TERRORISM: THEORY AND PRACTICE. Boulder, CO: Westview, 1979. 280 p. HV 6431 .T5 Baker, Ralph. NOT HERE, BUT IN ANOTHER PLACE. New York, NY: St. Martin's Press, 1980. 356 p. DJ 92 .153 B37 Bar-Zohar, Michael, and Haber, Eitan. THE QUEST FOR THE RED PRINCE. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1983. 232 p. DS 119.7 .B37 1983 JAfCJRS - ..~­ A\~OJ~.~ Bass, Gail V.j and Jenkins, Brian Michael. A REVIEW OF RECENT TRENDS IN INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM AND NUCLEAR INCIDENTS ABROAD. Rand Note, N-1979-SL. Santa Monica, CA: Rand, 1983. 73 p. Q 180 .Al R14 No. 1979 Bass, Gail V.; Jenkins, Brian Michael; Kellen, Konrad; Ronfeldt~ David F.; and Peterson, Joyce E. OPTIONS FOR U.S. POLICY ON TERRORISM. Rand Re­ port, R-2764-RC. Santa Monica, CA: Rand, 1981. 13 p. Q 180 .A1 R17 no. 2764 Baumann, Michael. TERROR OR LOVE? BOMMI BAUMANN'S OWN STORY OF HIS LIFE AS A WEST GERMAN URBAN GUERRILLA. NevT York, NY: GrONe, 1979. 127 p. LA 728.7 .B3713 1979 Becker, JUlian. HITLER'S CHILDREN: THE STORY OF THE BAADER-MEINHOF TERRORIST GANG. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, 1977. 322 p. HV 6433 .G3 B43 Bell, John Bowyer. A TIME OF TERROR: HOW DEMOCRATIC SOCIETIES RESPOND TO REVOLUTIONARY VIOLENCE. New York, NY: Basic, 1978. 292 p. HV 6431 .B41 T4 Beres, Louis Rene. TERRORISM AND GLOBAL 'SECURITY: THE NUCLEAR THREAT. Boulder, CO: WestView, 1979. 161 p. HV 6431 .B47 Botha, Andries Jakob. SWAPO: DIALOGUE OR CONFLICT? Sandton, South Africa: Southern African Freedom Foundation, 1977. 30 p. DT 714 .B67 Bowden, Tom. THE BREAKDOWN OF PUBLIC SECURITY: THE CASE OF IRELAND, 1916-1921, AND PALESTINE, 1936-1939. London; Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1977. 242 p. JC 491 .B67 Buckingham, Larry Allen. THE RED BRIGADES: A DESCRIPTION OF A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION. M.A. thesis, California State University, Sacramento, 1982. 110 p. HV 6431 .18 B82 1982 Buckley, Alan D. INTERNATIONAL TERRORISH: CURRENT RESEARCH AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS. Wayne, NJ: Avery Publishing Group, 1980. 113 p. HV 6431 .1557 Burton,Anthony M. REVOLUTIONARY VIOLENCE: THE THEORIES. New York, NY: Crane Russak, 1978. 147 p. JC 49; .B9 Carson, John, ed. TERRORISM IN THEORY AND PRACTICE: PROCEEDINGS OF A COLLOQUIUM. Toronto: Atlantic Council of Canada, 1978. 56 p. HV 6431 .T65 1978 Cassidy, William L. POLITICAL KIDNAPPING: AN INTRODUCTORY OVERVIEW. Boulder, CO: Sycamore Island Books, 1978. 47 p. HV 6281 .C37 '. t: 2 -----------_.... ,=---------------- Chapman, Robert D. CRIMSON WEB OF TERROR. Boulder, CO: Paladin Press, 1980. 155 p. HV 6431 .C45 Clark, Richard Charles. TECHNOLOGICAL TERRORISM. Old Greenwich, CT: Devin-Adair Company, 1980. 220 p. HV 6431 .C5 Clarke, Thurston. BY BLOOD & FIRE: THE ATTACK ON THE KING DAVID HOTEL. New York, NY: Putnam, 1981. 304 p. DS 126.4 .C57 1981 Cleveland, Raymond H. A GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE ON TRANSNATIONAL TERRORISM: A CASE STUDY OF LIBYA. Research Report No. 25. Maxwell AFB, AL: Air University, 1977. 66 p. UG 638.6 .A8 R3 No. 25 Clutterbuck, Richard. KIDNAP AND RANSOM--THE RESPONSE. London; New York, NY: F:aber and Faber, 1978. 192 p. HV 6431 .C7 Cole, Richard B. EXECUTIVE SECURITY: A CORPORATE GUIDE TO EFFECTIVE RESPONSE TO.ABDUCTION AND TERRORISM. New York, NY: Wiley, 1980. 323 p. HV 8290 .C63 Crelinsten, Ronald D.; Laberge-Altmejd, Danielle; and Szabo,·Denis. TERRORISM AND CRIMINAL JU§TICE: AN INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1978. 131 p. HV 6431 . C74 Crenshaw, Martha. TERRORISM, LEGITIMACY, AND POWER: THE CONSEQUENCES OF POLITICAL VIOLENCE. Middletown, CT: We~leyan University Press, 1982. 162 p. HV 6431 .T48 1982 DOD Commission on Beirut International Airport Terrorist Act, October 23, 1983. (Long Commission) REPORT. Washington, DC: The Commission, 1983. 141 p. UG 432 .L4 D62 1983 Deken, George T. ROLE OF THE MILITARY IN COMBATTING URBAN TERRORISM IN THE UNITED STATES. Professional Study No. 5885. Maxwell AFB, AL: Air University, 1976. 72 leaves. UG 638.6 .A8 P2 No. 5885 Didion, Joan. SALVADOR. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster, 1983. 108 p. F 1488.3 .D53 1983 Dobson, Christopher, and Payne, Ronald. COUNTERATTACK: THE WEST'S BATTLE AGAINST THE TERRORISTS. New York, NY: Facts on File, 1982. 198 p. HV 6431 .D6 THE TERRORISTS: THEIR WEAPONS, LEADERS, AND TACTICS. Revised ed. New York, NY: Facts on File, 1982. 262 p. HV 6431 .D62 1982 Farrell, William Regis. THE U.S. GOVERNMENT RESPONSE TO TERRORISM: IN SEARCH OF AN EFFECTIVE STRATEGY. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1982 142 p. HV 6432 .F37 1982 Fowler, William Warner. TERRORISM DATA BASES: A COMPARISON OF MISSIONS, METHODS, AND SYSTEMS. Rand Note, N-1503-RC. Santa Monica, CA: Rand, 1981. 42 p. Q 180 .Al R14 No. 1503 3 Francis, Samuel T. THE SOVIET STRATEGY OF TERROR. Washington, DC: Heritage Foundation, 1981. 78 p. HV 6431 .F7 1981 Friedlander, Robert A., ed.· TERRORISM: DOCUMENTS OF INTERNATIONAL AND LOCAL CONTROL. Dobbs Ferry, NY: Oceana, 1979. 2 v. HV 6431 .T464 t '1.''4 ,- Fuqua, Paul Q., and Wilson, Jerry V. TERRORISM: THE EXECUTIVE'S GUIDE TO SURVIVAL. Houston, TX: Gulf, 1978. 158 p. HV 6431 .F86 Goldstein, Arnold P. IN RESPONSE TO AGGRESSION: METHODS OF CONTROL AND PROSOCIAL ALTERNATIVES. New York, NY: Pergamon Press, 1981. 560 p. RC 569.5 .V55 15 1981 Gurr, Ted Robert. HANDBOOK OF POLITICAL CONFLICT: THEORY AND -RESEARCH. New York, NY: Free Press, 1980. 566 p. JC 328.6 .H36 Havens, Murray Clarki Leiden, Carli and Schmitt, Karl M. ASSASSINATION AND TERRORISM: 'THEIR MODERN DIMENSIONS. Manchaca, TX: S. Swift, 1975. 200 p. HV 6278 .H33 Hazlewood, Leo A., and Shaw, Eric D. RESEARCH GAPS ON CRISIS MANAGEMENT OF TERRORIST INCIDENTS. Arlington, VA: CACI, 1977. 150 leaves. JX 6731 .T4 H2 Herman, Edward S. THE REAL TERROR NETWORK: TERRORISM IN FACT AND PROPA­ GANDA. Boston, MA: South End Press, 1982. 252 p. HV 6431 .H47 Herz, Martin F. DIPLOMATS AND TERRORISTS: WHAT WORKS, WHAT DOESN'T; A SYMPOSIUM. Washington, DC: Institute for the Study of Diplomacy, Georgetown University, 1982. 69 p. HV 6431 .D56 1982 Hewitt, Christopher. THE EFFECTIVENESS OF COUNTER-TERRORIST POLICIES. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of State, Office of Long Range Assessments and Research, 1982. 143 p. HV 6431 .H48 Hippchen, Leonard Joseph, and Yim, Yong S. TERRORISM, INTERNATIONAL CRIME, AND ARMS CONTROL. Springfield, IL: Thomas, 1982. 293 p. HV 6431 .H55 1982 Hoffman, Bruce R. RIGHT-WING TERRORISM IN EUROPE. Rand Note, N-1856-AF. Santa Monica, CA: Rand, 1982. 31 p. Q 180 .A1 R14 No. 1856 HOSTAGE NEGOTIATIONS: A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of State, Office of Security, 1983. 27 p. JX 5143 .H67 1983 Hutchinson, Martha Crenshaw. REVOLUTIONARY TERRORISM: THE FLN IN ALGERIA, 1954-1962. Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution, 1978. 178 p. DT 295. H95 Institute for the Study of Conflict. ULSTER, POLITICS AND TERRORISM. Conflict Studies, No. 36. London: The Institute, 1973. JX 1395 .C77 No. 36 4 Janke, Peter, and Sim, Rj.chard. GUERRILLA AND TERRORIST ORGANISATIONS: A WORLD DIRECTORY AND BIBLIOGRAPHY. Brighton, Sussex: Harvester Press, 1983. 531 p. JC 328.6 .J36 1983b Jenkins, Brian Michael .. COMBATTING TERRORISM: SOME POLICY IMPLICATIONS. Rand Paper, P-6666. Santa Monica, CA: Rand, 1981. Q 180 .Al R16 No.6666 THE CONSEQUENCES OF NUCLEAR TERRORISM.

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