KEYNOTE SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT OBE, BVetMed, DZooMed, MRCVS | SHE/HER/HERS CCEEOO ooff TTwwyyccrroossss Dr. Redrobe has had a life‐long fascination with ZZoooo || EEaasstt MMiiddllaannddSS wildlife, and carries a strong belief that modern ZZoooollooggiiccaall SSoocciieettyy LLTTDD zoos must play a role in conservation, whilst remaining relevant and supported by the public. 22001155 BBuussiinneessss WWoommaann ooff In a rapidly changing world, she believes science‐ tthhee YYeeaarr || RReevviittaalliissee based solutions and public engagement are essential for saving wildlife and the success of a 'One World’ future. To set this vision in motion, she 22001166 DDiirreeccttoorr ooff tthhee YYeeaarr || IInnssttiittuuttee ooff not only serves as Chair of Ape Action Africa, DDiirreeccttoorrss,, WWeesstt MMiiddllaannddss rescuing gorillas and chimpanzees, but she is also an Associate Professor at the University of 22001166 CChhaammbbeerr TTeeaamm ooff tthhee Nottingham, and the CEO of Twycross Zoo. YYeeaarr || EEaasstt MMiiddllaannddss Since becoming Twycross' CEO in 2013, she has invigorated this traditional business by 22001177 IInnssppiirraattiioonnaall WWoommaann ooff tthhee YYeeaaRR || EEnntteerrpprriissiinngg transforming it into a conservation charity and WWoommeenn AAwwaarrddss,, EEaasstt launching an ambitious 20-year, £55 millon MMiiddllaannddss development plan. Said vision plan aims to make the Zoo an International Centre of Excellence for 22001199 AAmmbbaassssaaddoorr ffoorr ape conservation and science. WWoommEEnn ooff tthhee YYeeaarr Her first five years as CEO have seen a 25% visitor OOffffiicceerr ooff tthhee OOrrddeerr ooff number increase-- this translates to over 600,000 tthhee BBrriittiisshh EEmmppiirree ffoorr hheerr people a year, including over 62,000 school sseerrvviicceess ttoo SSkkiillllss,, SScciieennccee aanndd tthhee EEccoonnoommyy || tthhee children! This has transformed Twycross Zoo into QQuueeeenn’’ss 22001177 NNeeww YYeeaarr a conservation powerhouse, with millions of HHoonnoouurrss LLiisstt pounds poured into progressive, state-of-the-art animal habitats. Dr. Redrobe's newest ambition is to attract over 1 million annual visitors-- and this is well on the way to becoming a reality, with a further investment program in place for 2030. DVM, PhD, Dipl. ABVT | HE/HIM/HIS TTiittlleess && PPoossiittiioonnss Diplomate, American Board of Veterinary Toxicology | Professor Emeritus of Veterinary, Wildlife & Ecological Toxicology, Penn State University BBeeggiinnnniinnggss Dr. Beasley earned a DVM at Purdue and was a small animal practitioner for 6 years in New Jersey and Ohio. After a residency and Ph.D., he joined the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine, where he taught many toxicology courses, and helped start the Animal Poison Control Center and a poisonous plants garden. CCaarreeeerr Dr. Beasley has chaired the AVMA Committee on Environmental Issues, has been a member of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Marine Mammal Unusual Mortality Events Working Group, and has been a Fulbright Senior Research Scholar in Kenya. At Illinois SU, he was Chair of Pharmacology and Toxicology and Assistant Head of the Department of Comparative Biosciences. Then, at Penn State, he was Head of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences and Professor of Veterinary, Wildlife, & Ecological Toxicology from 2014 to 2016. EExxppeerrttiissee Dr. Beasley has led research into fungal/plant/cyanobacterial toxins, into pesticides, and into amphibian declines, and has collaborated in studies of heavy metals in Arctic marine mammals. He has authored and co-authored over a hundred research articles, case reports, book chapters, and monographs. He has also helped with advancing concepts of ecosystem health and One Health, including in the National Academies Report, JAVMA, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, EcoHealth, and Beyond One Health. FFoorr FFuunn Dr. Beasley founded the Envirovet Program and its Summer Institutes, and collaborated with scientists of the Baltic Sea watershed to influence almost 500 veterinarians and environmental scientists from around the globe. He is currently finalizing a multi-author chapter on phycotoxins for the next edition of the Handbook of Toxicologic Pathology. VMD, MSc, Dipl. ACZM | HE/HIM/HIS TTiittlleess && PPoossiittiioonnss Board-Certified Specialist in Zoological Medicine, American College of Zoological Medicine | Head Veterinarian, Adventure Aquarium | Board of Directors, Marine Mammal Stranding Center BBeeggiinnnniinnggss A native of Jersey City, Dr. DiGeronimo graduated from Drew University in Madison, NJ where he studied biology and anthropology. He then went on to graduate from PennVet in 2010, completing a Certificate of Veterinary Public Health at the same time. Afterwards, he spent 5 years in small animal and exotic pet practice. CCaarreeeerr Dr. DiGeronimo worked as a clinical instructor at PennVet for 3 years before taking his current role as a veterinarian for the Adventure Aquarium in Camden, NJ and becoming a board-certified specialist in zoological medicine in 2020. He also works for the Marine Mammal Stranding Center in Brigantine, NJ, teaches undergraduate courses on zoo medicine, and continues to moonlight in exotic pet practice. EExxppeerrttiissee Dr. DiGeronimo completed a master's in wildlife and ecosystem health through the University of Edinburgh. His dissertation was a health assessment of alligator snapping turtles as part of a conservation initiative. The same year, he completed a specialty internship in zoological medicine at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge Zoo, and the Audubon Nature Institute. FFoorr FFuunn Dr. DiGeronimo has co-authored over 30 publications and is currently studying topics in elephant, sloth, seal, and elasmobranch health and conservation. DVM | SHE/HER/HERS TTiittlleess && PPoossiittiioonnss Attending Veterinarian, Chimp Haven Director of Veterinary Care | Veterinary Clinical Care Provider, Animal Resources Department, Louisiana State University. BBeeggiinnnniinnggss Dr. Jackson-Jewett received her Bachelor’s degree in Animal and Poultry Science from Tuskegee University. She then earned a veterinary degree from Tuskegee University in 2009. CCaarreeeerr Dr. Jackson-Jewett currently serves as the Director of Veterinary Care/Attending Veterinarian at the world’s largest chimpanzee sanctuary, Chimp Haven, where she is responsible for the medical care of over 300 chimpanzees. Her veterinary clinical support also expands to the Animal Resources Department at Louisiana State University. EExxppeerrttiissee Dr. Jackson-Jewett has several years of experience working with and studying nonhuman primates in various settings, laboratory to zoological. She completed a postdoctoral bio-behavioral research internship at the Mannheimer Foundation, where she conducted studies on the mother-infant relationship and its correlation with chronic idiopathic colitis in captive rhesus macaques. FFoorr FFuunn Dr. Jackson-Jewett has been featured in Forbes Women, DVM360 Magazine, Veterinary Practice News, The Riveter, Diversity In Action, The Muse, Subculture Magazine, The Tamron Hall Show, and the Disney+ series Meet the Chimps. Her family includes her husband, Johnathan Jewett Sr., five children, and Pebbles, the rescued cat. DVM | SHE/HER/HERS TTiittlleess && PPoossiittiioonnss Associate Veterinarian, California Academy of Sciences | Veterinary Advisor, Common Squirrel Monkey Species Survival Plan (SSP) BBeeggiinnnniinnggss Dr. Krol immigrated from Ukraine in 1989 and grew up in California. She first studied marine biology at the University of California Santa Cruz, where she became interested in exotic animal veterinary medicine. She later became a graduate of the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine, where she tracked in zoo medicine. CCaarreeeerr After graduating from veterinary school, Dr. Krol completed a one year internship at the Los Angeles Zoo. She moved on to work as a clinical veterinarian at the Lindsay Wildlife Museum, Discovery Kingdom, and then at the San Francisco Zoo. More recently, she joined the veterinary team at the Steinhart Aquarium, located at the California Academy of Sciences, as an associate veterinarian. EExxppeerrttiissee As a clinical veterinarian with experience in both terrestrial and aquatic animal species, Dr. Krol has authored and co-authored literature on various exotic animal topics. And, as a younger vet who has been out of school for less than a decade, she frequently speaks to students about logistical aspects of the profession, including getting into veterinary school, how to succeed in the zoo medicine field, and the reality of student loans. FFoorr FFuunn Dr. Krol lives in San Francisco with her family, pets, and 138,034 houseplants. When she's able to, she practices as a local E.R. relief veterinarian, because she loves working with pets and misses being able to touch patients without anesthetizing them all the time! VMD | HE/HIM/HIS TTiittlleess && PPoossiittiioonnss Fellow in Comparative Pathology, PennVet | Teaching Assistant of the Comparative Pathology Core, Department of Pathobiology, PennVet BBeeggiinnnniinnggss Dr. Lanza grew up in rural Pennsylvania and moved to Philadelphia in 2007 to attend the University of Pennsylvania, where he received a BA in Biological Basis of Behavior (now renamed Neuroscience). CCaarreeeerr After college, he spent two years in neuroradiology research, working with children with autism and schizophrenia at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
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