HEAR FARRELL DOBBS Trotskyist Candidate for Mayor of N. Y. Speak on “The Issues In This Campaign” THE MILITANT Station WHON, Oct. 6 ,6 P. M. PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF THE WORKING PEOPLE 401 VOL. IX — No. 40 NEW YORK. N. Y „ SATURDAY. OCTOBER 6, 1945 PRICE: FIVE CENTS Slugged By Police ijt One of the Detroit unionists 1,000 Detroit Workers Indo-Chinese Battle i* carried away by his com­ rade* after police swung their clubs. His “crime” was pick­ Im perialist Despots eting against America’s native Picket Fascist Meeting fascists. - © By Joseph Hansen American troops are be­ POLICE USE CLUBS Hands O ff Indo-China! ing used against the Indo- Chinese movement for inde­ IN BRUTAL ATTACK pendence. Sent in by air, they broke up a demonstra­ tion on September 12 of Ah- ON ANTI-FASCISTS namese Nationalists in Ha­ By Kay (yBrien noi. They ordered Annamese leaders to release arrested DETROIT, Sept. 28— local representatives of the Detroit workers, service­ French despots. In subse­ men and war veterans quent fighting, American troops inflicited casualties gave a fitting reception among the fighters for in­ last night to America’s dependence. An American Number One Fascist, the officer in turn was killed and others wounded. Rev. Gerald L. K. Smith, Saigon continues "under a vir­ by staging a mass picket tual state of siege, with Anna- line before the doors of mites firing from places of con­ cealment at French, British and Northern High School Americans,’’ according to press where Smith addressed reports. The “ American army an America First meet­ transport personnel was sum­ moned from an airfield to help ing. Over a thousand pickets re­ guard” a hotel held by Allied sponded to the last-minute call troops. , ' sent out by the Wayne County The American forces are fight­ CIO Council, which sponsored ing in Indo-China, because, “ we the demonstration, and a still are committed,” as CBS Corres­ larger number of persons filled pondent B ill Downs puts it, “ to the narrow sidewalks and streets returning the old French colonial surrounding the school, to ex­ regime to Indo-China.” press their grim hatred of the MARTIAL LAW anti - labor, anti - Negro, anti - On September 20, the British Jewish poison which Smith is Army declared martial law attempting to spread by means throughout south Indo - China of his America First organiza­ "in a move to head off a threat­ tion. ened uprising by anti-French Zionist Protest M ass Rally nationalists.” The British com­ NEW YORK LABOR SHOWS POWERPOLICE PROTECT FASCISTS mander forbade anyone outside Three hundred and fifty po­ of Allied forces to carry arms lice, headed in person by Detroit and decreed the death penalty IN BACKING ELEVATOR STRIKE Police Commissioner Ballenger, Held In New York City for “ looters” . and "saboteurs.” were called out to protect the the Allied labels for Strikers and Ì „ , r Bulletin fascists from th e . wrath of the By Ben Joseph gram of placing faith in the tion” :• of Germany, we read & revolutionists. NEW YORK, O'dti 1.—Officials of Locals 32B and 164 demonstrators. Patrol cars imperialists in the hope report written by Earl^ G. French despots said they I of 1 the Building, Service Employees Union, AFL, ordered :rushed t0 the scene where gas .30—A »■ 'they jryaM- 'iirid' ¡¿ S n W W 'grattt Trta&’t the strikers :back to work today after accepting a proposal masks and sawed-off s ot guns protest mass meeting of the hearts” room for the solution to sary. He tells us that large \ pendence to: Indo-China,” hut were distributed to the cops. In Jews of New York, sponsored the Jewish problem. Despite the numbers of Jewish "displaced” | the wide-spread character of the made by Governor Dewey to submit the union’s demands a nearby parking lot, partially by The American Zionist record of British imperialism. persons (victims of Nazi con­ . independence movement had for Hard Work And Brains to arbitration. concealed, stood a large squad Emergency Council, was held . Stephen Wise said that he “ still centration camps) are still to I the present “ made that impos- At the age of 28, Henry Ford of mounted police, ready to tonight at Madison Square has hope” in England. Abba H. be found in these camps 3 ! sible.” This lying propaganda II last week was made president By Bill Morgan starvation wages and intolerable charge the crowd. Police "com­ Garden. An overflow crowd Silver, Wise’s co-chairman of (Continued on Page 2) (Continued on Page 3) of the billion-dollar Ford Motor NEW YORK, Sept. 27. — hours is beating the howling mandos,” armed and helmeted, fille d the 25,000 seating ca­ the Emergency Council, proposed Company after his grandfather, realty interests and big land­ were on hand in trucks parked that England return the man­ This huge nerve center of pacity Garden and le ft 30,000 Henry Ford, resigned the post lords to their knees. around the corner. A special date to the League of Nations— American capitalism has outside on the streets. Socialist Workers Party Protests The bosses have been raging police mobilization order, “ MO- now long defunct. Then he board saying, May I recommend :been , almost. paralyzed. „since Though the meeting was called and Impotent. At one blow by a 1,” placing every precinct in pleaded with the United Nations to the board that .it consider the Monday by a strike of 15,- for 8 p.m., doors of the Garden Use O f U. $. Troops In Indo-China group of determined workers in the city on the alert and re­ to help the Jewish people, Just appointment of my grandson, 1000 AFL elevator operators this city of skyscrapers, half of distributing police to strategic were closed at 6:30. The crowd NEW YORK, Sept. 26—James P. Cannon, National Sec- as the Jews helped them to win Henry Ford II, as my successor?” | backed by a million and a Manhattan’s industries and most locations, remained in effect for stood outside for almost three etary of the Socialist Workers Party, today sent the the war. * * * half workers who are refus­ of its offices have been tied up. fifty minutes. hours on a chilly September eve­ ollowing telegram to President Truman: All of the speakers looked to The only way the fat bosses As Smith’s fascist supporters ning, listening to the loud speak­ “United Press dispatch dated September 16 reports ing to cross picket lines or America and to President Tru­ Job “Opportunities” themselves can get to their arrived, they were courteously ers. The meeting was called to hat American troops have intervened in the struggle of the walk up stairs. man as their savior, their new­ swank offices is by the ”auto- escorted through a police cor­ protest against the British Labor 'ndo-Chinese people for freedom from the oppressive rule of More than half of the 62,000 In a demonstration of labor found white hope who would ped” route—up the stairs on fa ll­ don to the school doorway. A nti­ Government’s announced inten- French imperialism and that United States troops in Hanoi jobs listed by the U. S. Employ­ ! power and solidarity seldom eq- ,,_ . __ „ « w make England understand th a t; ing arches and bunions. Not fascists, on the other hand, were tion of continuing in effect ... ° ,, , i broke up a demonstration by Annamese demanding the inde­ ment Service as available to New 1 ualled in this country, hundreds we did after all fight the war; many have made it past the freely and viciously clubbed as Chamberlain’s White Paper. pendence of their country. In Saigon, British and French York City’s 200,000 laid-off work­ of thousands of garment work­ for "Four Freedoms.” No one fourth floor. the police attempted to push But the expectant crowd was roops in collaboration with the Japanese garrison are re­ ers “ are the kind that have gonr ers, furriers, truck drivers, office made any mention of American them back and keep them In only to hear repeated the old ported shooting down the Indo-Chinese people. begging for years,” says a state- workers have rallied in support PARALYZE GARMENT AREA imperialism’s interests in the1 ment of the Greater New York of the m ilitant elevator strikers, Over 2,000 business buildings two separate picket lines on shibboleths, the self-same pro- “ The Socialist Workers Party protests vigorously against question of Palestine and the CIO Council on September 18. A whose fighting refusal to accept (Continued on Page 2) (Continued on Page 7) these Allied attempts to suppress the independence move­ Middle East. J CIO survey revealed 57 per cent ment of the Indo-Chinese people and to deny them the free­ of the jobs offered pay only from BRITISH POLICY dom which the United States and other Allied Powers prom­ $16 to $29.60 a week. 250 Hear Wright British imperialist policy, ex­ ised to all peoples in the Atlantic Charter. We request from pressed in the White Paper of you, Mr. President, a public assurance that the armed forces House Buries Jobless Bills Speak In New York May, 1939, limited Jewish immi­ of the United States w ill not henceforth be used to oppose gration to Palestine to 75,000 be­ and frustrate the Just demand of the people of Indo-China Investment Counselors NEW YORK, Sept. 28. — An tween May 1939 and May 1944. for full freedom and independence.” Protesting against American In Vicious Attack On Labor attentive audience of almost 250 After this time all Jewish immi­ “outright intervention" in China, workers tonight heard John G.
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