![The Western News (Libby, Mont.), 1934-12-13, [P PAGE FIVE]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
ft Thursday, December Id. 1034 THE WESTERN NEWS, LIBBY, MONTANA PAGE FTVB 1 SPEAKS HIGHLY OF •ont: night of love ¥ A former Libby lady writes tc i I friends here and speaks in glowing jj* J terms of “One Night of Love," to be « -r \ shown at the Kootenai theatre nex* w m fl United Purity Stores I week. The letter said; "Did I tell you , about the show we saw? Grace Moore, j ^ fi I the Metropolitan opera star, in ‘One I J»j* Vernon Crotteau, Prop. Store No. One ; Night of Love.’ It’s one of the best I 5^ j shows I ever saw. The music is perfect- j jfu [ ly beautiful. The story is of a young S? ' singer who goes to Italy to study voice., j Choose Your Gifts Here She makes good and becomes an opera ■ T* > Saturday and Monday star. Then the plot is worked so that j MALT SYRUP it shows her singing in the operas and | 3 lb, tin..... at one time gives a full scene from | 61c j Carmen and at another from Madame j ; Butterfly. Then there are grand songs j JELLO I all the way through, old operatic favor- I Paekagt i ites that everyone knows.” Gifts That He Will Appreciate 6c a Wesley D. Hatch Passes Away. »W KARO ♦ Wesley D. Hatch. 42, passed away at || Men’s Strut wear Hosiery in Xmas boxes . 75c, $1.00 * 3 lb. tin, blue j LeGrande, Or., on Nov. ?ft. He will be ♦ m Other Hosiery.................................................. 20c to $1.00 I 27c t j remembered by many Flathead pio­ II > 75c, $1.00, $1.25 i KARO neers and by Eureka people. w % Silk and Wool Scarfs................ ..... :.......... 3 lb. tin, Red.... .*. Mr. Hatch received his schooling at , % % Bath Hobes ................................................. $3.75 to $9,50 - 29c Kalispell, having come there in 1D03 iP with his mother, four sisters and one » Men’s Flannel and Broadcloth Pajamas, CHILDREN'S FELT SNUGGLERS brother to join their father, who came ; kij button or slip over style...... $1.50, $2.00 § Pair............................. in 1898. I ££ 50c, $1.00, $1.50 I 29c He leaves to mourn his loss, his wife; j Uj» Men’s genuine leather Bill Folds two sons, Wilford and Bvron, of Port- | Men’s Toilet Sets $2.50, $8.50 CHRISTMAS CANDIES land, Or.; two step-daughters of Cali­ 51 Per pound .......,......... 14c to 32c fornia; four sisters. Mrs. Clara Egger, i Ü Barons, Alberta, Mrs. Bertha Krebs, typ S&i Libby, Mont., Mrs. Eva Shaw, Picture j The Practical Gift for Women Butte, Alberta, and Mrs. Dema King, ; Meridian, Ida.; also a brother, Vern EjJ? ' Hatch, of Portland, Allen A and St rut wear Hosiery 79c, $1.00, $1.25 ,1 Buy while they last! Gifts from our George Wood was a visitor at Eu- 50c and $1.00*Tables.—J. & C. Hdwe. It reka Monday'. Entertains H. P. Club. Peaeoek Lingerie, dance sets, slips, ’gowns, pajamas, etc. Mrs. Lulu Lux was shopping in Libby Frank Siegmund returned Friday Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McCully enter- All Wool bath robes.................... $4.50 Monday from her home in the Fisher , frorn a business trip to Spokane, ! tained the H.P. Bridge club last Fri- j Til* ir , , , , i dav night. High score prizes were won | 51 Ladies Hand Bags and Purses ... $1.25, $3.95 river district. : Jaqueth & Charnholm report the sale by Mr. and Mrs. j T Brindley, which W Mr. and Mrs Emil Jacobs of Kalispell a n*w Standard Chevrolet sedan to | emphasizes an unusual incident. Ever ! Hall Mark Xmas Cards and everything 1er wrapping your drove into Libby last night and are Hans Weslman during the past week, since the present series started, in this spending the day.in the city, -......'.... -.........-... '■-------- : ! club, high score prizes have been won vß Xmas (lifts. Mrs, E. E. Jaqueth and son Bobbie by husband and wife, with «ne excep- , tyß left for Spokane Sunday to consult a Lon. Daintv refreshments were served, i fti, specialist regarding Bobbie’s health. W Our Hardware Department Displays a Line of Francis McCormick spent the latter , S Royal Arch Masons Elect Officers. part of the week visiting with friends on Oil The Royal Arch Masons of Libby held i ç" in Eureka and attending to business r* election of officers Tuesday night, re- | Christmas Tree Ornaments. Eights. Aladdin 1/amps. Ha ml Sleds, Shoe Skat es, m matters. • suiting as follows: H, VI. Russell, high j Xew Dish Sets, («uns and Pi shiny; T 'J W a<-K u*. 1 Lint iny and Poekut Knives, Nov- M William Herbert was in Eureka Mon­ priest; R, I, Mahar, king; Vernon Pad- t day as attorney for Tom Burch and dock. scribe: L. G Sperry, treasurer; j fgg Itv Asli ’frays, and ( ■d Tahirs. Harry Lamoureaux, charged with hav­ n a fa J. H. Skidmore, sectary. Appointive1' ing stolen powder from the county. I officers will be named later. FASHION mill m Frank Siegmund is equipping his B’.'Vm machine shop in Libby with a new II Give Groceries for Christmas hydraulic press, having 85 tons pressure I $2.75 Fisher River News capacity. He is making much of the $ COMPLETE machine in his own shop. A The McGinnis Meadows school is ( II We have Xmas (’audit's and Nuts of all kinds, Fruit | Walter Neils is expected home today with TV . • ( preparing a Christmas program to be w ■ N Shampoo from Chicagb where he attended a given on December 21. j jJj* % Cakes in gift boxes, 1, 2, 3, lbs. Fine Cboeoalate Candy meeting of the directors of the National Finger Wave Edith Shelley was absent from school : Sf Lumber Manufacturers association, of and vT v the first of the week on account of || in boxes. Cigars in Holiday boxes. Fruits and Vegetables which he is one of the directors. Hair Cu* sickness. ÿa Helen Curtis Vita Oil Wave $5.00 j Harvey Shelley was a caller at the Ä The Libby district will be represented I of all kinds for vmir Xmas dinner. at the mining congress in Spokane this No Kinks! No Vizz! Guaranteed! Morris Davis home Saturday. I S' week by at least one display. William i Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Davis returned | Herbert left Tuesday for the city and i last week from Portland, Ore. They arc 1 ft* took with him samples from the Herbert j now living at the Norman Dickinson SjT Gold Mines property. Fsstiioii Beauty Salon I ranch. , j W0 Phone 19-W James Orr and son Edward were in tfk Receipt books, 15 cents, at this office. I Libby on business Monday. Sr —Western News. tf H. J. Fowler was up to the Meadows W Kootenai Mercantile Company i j the first of the wees hauling hay. i Mrs. Homer Davis and children visit- W Give Useful week™l.R>!' Sl""ey h°me *"* ü,c 4 I Edward Orr visited Sunday with ! L j Ernest Davis, i Joyce Farrell is v iting her aunt at EVER-POPULAR JACK HOLT DUE ! star are Mona Barrie, talented Austral- ' “SHARP STOMACH PAINS Big Fork. AT KOOTENAI IN “I’LL FIX IT" >an actress who has been in Hollywood UPSET MY WHOLE SYSTEM” f/ I Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gilbertson and I but a year but has already appeared Says E. Hentges: “I tried a $1 bottle 1 Edward Orr attended the dance Jit For- | An exciting, actionful romantic com- ; 'n eight pictures; Winnie Lightner, (3 weeks treatment) of Dr. Emil’s Adla est View hall Saturday night; wild-eyed screen comic; Jimmie Butler, i edy.-drama entitled “I'll Fix It." with Tablets under your guarantee. Now the I k. well-liked child actor. j the popular Jack Holt in the starring pains are gone and 1 cat anything," ARE YOU RHEUMATIC? ( role, will open its local engagement'at j Welch Drug Store. t Here is a help: Quick relief from • the Kootenai Theatre Thursday, Friday, i ,IeIP support your home town paper j An mÄT I those terrible pains and fevers with Saturday, Dec. 13, 14, 15. Supporting the Tv subscribing for the Western News. The Western News, only $2.00 yearly. for the whole family ! Wiliams’ R. U. X. Compound. Ask | \ I j TT wä£ ! ; away those acids which are the cause j ® T r® j of most rheumatic pains, fevers, neu- ; JL 0% j ritis, sciatica, and other forms of uric I Sc ,v. ÿ. » New lix i acids concentration. W A Wonderful 51 "A ,> Dinnerware WARRANT CALU /> m if Xfy- Assortment to | II r Upon presentaiion at the office of the M Sets V County Treasurer. Libby, Montana, I will pay the following registered war­ rants; YOU II BE PROUP Choose From I General Fund—All registered war­ rants. $495to $1245 Library Fund—All registered war­ /xSG TO ClVJEÎ rants. School Districts—All registered War­ Electricity offers unlim­ TREE DECORATIONS OF rants. ALL KINDS. 9 Road Fund—All warrants registered ited opportunities Ï prior to December 1, 1934. CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS Poor Fund—All warrants registered '<:7Un for giving better gifts. A beautiful line prior to December 1, 1934. -THE LATE, IMPROVED Bridge Fund—All warrants registered KIND. of Crystal prior to Septembér 10, 1934. Special Road District No. 1—All war­ These appliances are POINSETfA DECORATIONS. rants registered prior to May 23, 1934. ESPECIALLY BEAUTIFUL. Glassware Interest ceases after this date, De­ cember 12, 1934. featured for Christmas WREATHS FOR YOUR WIN­ VERNON BESSEY, DOWS, WITH ELECTRIC It County Treasurer. LIGHT. Handsome Plate Glass Mirrors $3.25 to $5.50 Hamilton Boat'll Mixer and Mix Master &! $6.95 BEAUTIFUL CANDLES AND Latest Sunbeam Coffee Makers and Tray.
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