* Winnor ol 5 maJor nowspapor rm:ollonc:o awards in 1964 Volume No. 106, No. !"I 3 Sections - 26 Pages, Plus Supplement Wednesday, March 1?, 1965 I 0¢ per copy . Razing Former Residents ·scheduled Mason State bank officials have Charge City IUlllounced that worlters wills tart tllll.rini down the old ·theatre on Maple street June 1. In tho letter to the city councU tho bank off1cors pointed out that in $50,000 Suit ·the bllllk is anxious to turn the area into a parltlni lot and to · The city of Mason liB.B been the sole and proximate cause of make some rear entrance pro­ named a defendant In a suit for vislon.s at the Mason State ba.nk the fire which burned the child.'' $601000 damages filed by Gene The bill of complaint asserta bulldini. and Clarissa Brll.mmell, now re­ Officers, in the letter, pointed that Vanessa Brammell suffered sidln~r In Ionia county, in beliaU 2nd and 3rd degree burns, which out that tho bllllk wants to cooper­ of their daughter, Vanessa, who it ate with the city In solving the "caused her great pain, suffering is claimed, suffered burns about and dlscomfort" and that the problems brou~rht on by the com­ her right leg, ankle and foot from mon wall between the old Ray­ ankle, leg !llld foot are per­ flare pots burnlnl!' on a construc­ manently dlsfi~red, ner Opera House arid the city tion project in front of 732 W. hall. The bill charges that Gene and '' Columbia street 1n Mason May 1, Clara Brammel have suffered Thoro have been discusslon.s In 1963 when Vanessa was 3 years Old. damages through medical and the past concerninli the structural other related exPenses incurred chan~res necessary in· order to · Mr, and Mrs, Brammell have on behalf of Vanessa and 111'0 preserve the east wall of tlle city retained the Lansing law firm of advised that future medical ex­ hall when the theatre is razed but Hildebrandt, King and Weed to pen.ses are likely to be incurred. no decisions were ever reached. represent their daughter and the city has retained J olm O'Brien of Architects are currently work., Lansing and Mason as its attor­ l.ni on plans for remodeling the ney, rear of the Mason State bank At the time of the alleged acci­ which w111 front on the parking dent the Brammell !a.mlly was Driver lot due to replace the theatre, res1111ng at the w, Columbia ad­ dress in Mason. Kents Return. The b111 of complaint charges that on or about the afternoon of Convicted· Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Kent May 1, 1963 employes of the city Enid E. Schultz, 241 of Haslett · . returned to Mason saturday from of Mason were preparing a side­ was convicted by a circuit court : vacationing 1.n Florida. Enroute Walk in front of 732 W, Colum­ to Florida the Kents were in an jury In Lansin~r last week a!ter WOODEN NICKELS are now in circulation in Mason, bla and that a flare pot or pots the jurors--8 women and 2 men accident 1n Tennessee in which is riding shotgun. The phrase, "Don't f·ake in any wooden were burning. Vanessa, the com­ their car was very badly dam­ deliberated !or 3 hours. · They were put there by this trio repre~enting the Centennial . plaint states, was watching the Schultz' bond was continued a~red and Mrs, Kent ·sustained nickels", is passe in Mason until June 21, the last day of the workmen and playing about the back l.njurles, wooden nickel committee. Val DeRosa holds the loot with pending sentence. centennial. The nickels are going to -be legal tender available project when her pant leg caught SchUltz was charged with man­ Frank Young behind the wheel of his antique and Dick Bebee from a II Mason merchants. fire from the flares which had slaughter in connection with the Green Beards not been extin~lshed. traftlc death of 5 persons, all The bill of complaint further relatives of Mrs. Grace Ankney lnl['ham county road commts- . M p I. S I states that "at that time and of Mason. sion.employes in the Brush Cut~ Behirul his office, to the east, place the city had the duty to The fatal accident occurred at tor chapter o! the Brothers of the ason. 0 ICe eft e.. 1s a large room which can bo c protect users of the sidewalk and used for meetings of the auxil- a n the intersection of E. Grand Riv­ Brush celebratccl something eLse those working near the work site er avenue and N, Cedar street besides Mason's centennial Wed- iary pollee and for files, Off Strike Forces from dangerous conditions that in Lansing lii.St July 5, I N H d · that is a squad x•oom for use of nesday, They.helped along St. were created as a result of con­ Killed were Mr, and Mrs. Don­ Patrick and the Irish by apply- .. n ew ea quarters patrolmen. There Is con.siderable struction activities, that th11 city storage space) also, ald o, Fry of Riverdale, Ma.ry­ in&' · . il'een colorlni to their had the duty of preventing danger land, lllld .Mr. and Mrs. Orrin beards, "Unfortunately they saw All equipmel).t of the depart­ to the plaintiff, Vanessa Bram­ Mason's pollee department was largo and commodlous, Chief Tim Wyeth Closedown Phelps and their daughter, Deb­ their beards turn from ueen to ment which was in the old sta- mel, because it was forseeable setued in its new home Monday Stolz has his office in tho front orah, a, of Lansing, Mrs. Frye wblte when Wednesday's blizzard 1n the former Al Rice garage tion in the city hall and in the The production lines at Wyeth that such a child of tender years part of the building facinlf on Cans are on the way, according was the daughter of Mrs. Ank­ hit and they had to fl"et out on the bUildini at Oak and Jefferson. city garage, has been moved Laboratories Inc, at Mason are could be attracted to said work­ ney and Phelps was Mrs. Anlt· county roads, Jefferson, which formerly was to Seibert, for the liquid SMA. site, and that the city had the The new headquarters are the Al Rice showroom, to the new location. st.utt!ng down temporarily after production line, ney's brother, • I Citizens Band radio mem- ·Friday, The decision to close duty of extin~ishing the flares The accident occurred when Citzens Blllld rNIJr: men;-··, •. ·' :; pla.'lt was brought on by the Company officials met with of­ in the flarepots in order to avoid f!cer.s of tha WyP-th local Tues­ brakes on the truck driven by bers w111 have quarters in the strike of can companies which has danger to those who coUld not SchUltz failed lllld it came-down day to map plans for the shut­ see the flares in the daylight building also. put a stopper on companies all down, a sloping hill on Cedar street and The garage section already over the country, hours," struck the Frye car at the in­ houses some city vehicles and Accorcling to Howard Seibert, "Each of these duties, 11 the tersection. motorized equipment of the po- Wyeth Laboratories Inc, had bill of complaint further charges, Before moving to Lansin&' Mr. lice department will be housed stockpiled cans in anticipation of "were breached by the defendant and Mrs. Phelps had made their there also. A lighted sign ex- the strike in the can manutac­ Father in failure to extinguish the flares home on Meridian road, near tendin!i over the sidewalk on turing industry but that stockpile and the several concurrent acts of Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Frye were Jefferson designates the build- will run out this week. negligence by city employes were here on a visit, ing as police headquarters, Indications Wednesday were Revives The area taken over by the that there mi(iht be a break In pollee has been cleaned and re- the strike picture soon but that painted and provides much more even 1f terms were reached the Infant workable quarters than did their plant at Masonwollldbeshutdown .City Proiect Hearings old home, u.ntil the can stock arrived, Dennis Whipple Is a Mason fireman and the lesson.s he has learned in his training as a smoke eater stood him In ~rood Draw Some Obiections Ingham County Law Officers stead last Saturday, . Whipple, 25, who resides at Harold Burton Guy Strlckland Two public hearings brought 1 1 932 S, Barnes street, revived his Clayton Hayhoe, Gary Lamphere, Report 1964 as Big Year out a full house at the Monday 13-month-old daughter, Lynette, night meeting of the Mason city Kenneth Stevens, Charles Bran­ by mouth-to-mouth resusci­ council. dell and Ray Colbath presented nlshed to the county, Some of this The Ingham Cou.nty shertff's tation. The ch!Id had stopped At the hearing on a curb and various objections to the project. department in 1964 reported 957 inmate labor workinli at the jail breathing. After r,eviving her, After the hearing the councu accldents on streets and hll!'hways farm raised produce valued at gutter project for South street Whipple started with her for between Lansing street and the ordered the city assessor to come of which 634 were property $4,868.04 at a cost of seed to Mason General hospital, up with a special assessment roll the fair board of $425, Sycamore creek, there were no damage accidents and 341 were On the way he was met by an protests to the special assess­ within 30 days.
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