• ---- Vol. Llll HARTFORD, CONN., JANUARY II, 1956 No. 12 Junior Prom Ignites '56 Dean Outlines 5 H db Social Season on Feb. 10 Procedure for cwanhson,Aonor~ . y 13 Piece Orchestra . Registration OaC es SSOCiahon To Provide Music Trlpod Awards ~ina!. registratio.n for the T.rinity Soccer Star Given Tet m will b held m the Alumm Hall Honorable Mention The first college weekend of ew Posl.tl·ons on Tue day, January 31, it was an- the Trinity Term will have its N nounced by Jos ph C. 'Iarke, Dean By IKE LA HER kickoff with the gala festivities The ~ppointment of two new Assist- of Students. lasses will begin Wed­ of the Junior Prom to be held an~ EdJto:r:s was announced today by nesday moming. p cia! to th TRIPOD) Tnpod Editor-in-Chief Paul p Tei·ry Failure to meet · n atl\'iscr at the Th TRIPOD learned this after­ F eb ruary. 10 · . Sophomores Fred Werner and. J ohn. designated tim will m an loss of noon that the ational occer Richard Lmsen and his 13 Murray are the new Assistant Editors priority for admission to cou1·s s with Coache ' Association ha named piece orchestra plus a singer will in the news and sports departments re- limited enrollment in addition to a Trinity s I n Swanson an honor­ play at the annual event on the Fri- spectively. Both men have been work- fiv e dollar a se ment. able m ntion All-American. day night from 9-1 at the Hartford ing in conjunction with their editors, Procm·e "Announcement" Swan on played forward cen­ Club. Steve Bowen, news; and Ike Lasher, It was suggested by th dean that t r for the Blu and Gold booters Linsen's band received much ac- sports, throughout the year. all students s cure a copy of the "An- and wa high scorer. H talli d claim after its performances at Yale, Fred Werner is from New York City nouncement of ourses" and plan 6 goals and was credit d with 4 UConn, Smith and elsewhere. This and an English and history major, their tentative schedule before regis­ as ists. Th ntire t am only will be the first time that this group, whereas John Murray is from Mea- tering. The announcements will be scor d 12 go a I s. Informed with its r eputed Glenn Miller-like-mu- dowbrook, Pennsylvania, and an Eng- ready tomon ow. ources felt that if I n had not sic, have played at Trinity. !ish major. Both men have been on Frosh Antos mi ss d the Wesleyan game he Intermission entertainment will be the Tripod staff since early in their In an effort to avoid confusion, the '~o uld hav b en strongly con­ provided by the Summit Street Six freshman year. Dean restated the rules concerning Sider d as a first place selection who will play several jazz selections. Freshmen Join Staff possession of automouiles for the on th All-American i am. Tickets to the formal no flower Editor-in-Chief Terry went on fur- benefit of Freshmen. The rul s are: Swan on bolstered a team that dance wi ll cost $5.00 per couple. ther to praise and welcome the fresh- (1.) Freshmen may not have autos started off r d hot winning its This will be the first time after the men·who have recently joined the staff during the fi rst sem ster without sp - WRTC Penalized for first thr e and then fell into a semester exams that College men of the Tripod. In the news and sports cia! permission. thr e gam losing streak to close will be able to "let themselves go" and departments there are eight men from (2.) Resident freshmen not on pro­ Forty-Dollar Deficit the season. Don Duff, Chairman of the prom com- the class of 1959. They are David bation the second semester may main­ A joint smoker between Wesleyan mittee is expecting a large turnout. Skaggs, Frank Barrie, Tony Phillips, tain a car at college providing writ­ and Trinity was proposed by Sam IFC Ball Schedule He also says that "Every house seems Dick Pfleuger, P eter Linberg, Bob ten permission is obtain d from the Thot·pe (DKE) at the S nat m cting to be preparing for a big weekend, so Werley, Alan Tubman and Len Baskin. parents. Monday night. Tho1·pe stat d that such Announced by Shaw prospects for a bigger and better Fred Houston is the only freshman (3.) All cars must b registered a move wo uld trnd to str ngth n lhe Junior Prom look very good." on the business staff. with the Property Manager. Th I. F. Ball is schedul d for (4.) All freshmen must use the tie· b twern the two colleg s, and h Saturday, Murch 10 at th' Avon oun­ Darkroom Facilities Broad Street parking lot. added that a great d al of spirit t1·y lub, it was announced today by would rrsult from thr rvcnt. "With the addition of a darkroom (5.) The following schedule of Jlr sid nt Kim haw. H also added and all the facilities necessary to de­ penalties is in effect for violation of The g neral reaction to this propo­ thai D an lark has given p rmis­ Frosh Class Elects velop and print photographs we are the above regulations: Failure to sal was favorable, but th enalors sion for girls lo occupy fralemity decided to wait until a fter th xam lucky to have capable freshmen in­ register ca r with Property Ma nager­ hous s that weekend. Johnson and Edwards terested in that important phase of $5 .00, first parking violations-$2.00, P ri od be for laking any d finit<' The policy for the two day mid­ action. our paper," Ten-y went on to say. successive fin es will be doubled, for­ t t·m rushing of ligibl upperclass­ Bill J ohnson has been elected Presi­ Pr sidcnt Zimmennan disclost'd that The two freshmen lensmen on the feiture of campus parking privileges men was d lennincd Monday night at dent of the freshman class according lh1· p itchers were lost at a I' cent Tripod are Ira Zinner and George and report to D an of students for the I.F.C. m eting, h lei at thl' row to a S nate announcement following Senal -sponsor d smok l' and r quest­ Wyckoff. They are working under disciplinary action will be r equit·ed House. Meal bids •u·e to be giv n out the recent frosh elections. Also elected d the a id of the student body in re- (Continued on page 6) cases of consistent violations. after nin o'clock on r gistration day to clas offi ces at the same time were , ' Jake Edwards, vice-pr sident and 'I u sday, J anuury 31. Rush s ar al- Trcasur r of lh low d to attend th following WPdnes­ Steve Kel log, secretary-treasurer. announced that Loth the day and Thursday m a ls at houses. Johnson, who also serves as Presi­ he r! ucleJ·s and W HTC are opei·at­ "Cap," the Postmaster, Prepares to Pa1-ti s may last until t n o'clock d nt of the F reshma n Executive Coun­ ing in the red. Th' colleg radio sta­ W<'dnesday and Thursday pv nings. cil, is from Larchmont, . Y. where tion has a budg t d(•ficit of $40.51, Celebrate Eighty-first Birthday Bids will be gi\''n out on Thursday he attended Mamaroneck High School. whil the Che rlcudeJ'S are $8.00 in ev uing after 5 o'clock. Balloting will He also pl ayed freshman football this "Cap," our inimitabl e campus post­ the hole. ll carded on in Dean Iarke's offi ce fall. master, will be eighty-one years old WRT will be penalized according UJ ti l noon on Friday. Edwards is from Well esley Mass., on J anuary 22. Cap (Francis Horan) to the rules of the Senate constitution. At that m eting lhP I .1<. also dl'­ v:h<>re he attended Well esley H. S. He has been postmaster at t!:e Colleg The amount of th •ir dl'ficit wi ll be cid d to sponsor the bridg cup for wa tarting fullback on the frosh since 1946, when he came out of re­ subtracted from lhri1· 195G-57 appro­ lh sPco nd SPm st r of this y ar. gridiron leam and is a member of t he tirement from the Hartford P ost Of­ priations. Action on t' ' deficit of the FEC. fice to assume duties on t he campus. h c> rl eaders was postponed pending K'llog is from Buffa lo, N. Y., and As he approaches four-score and on • further investigation. Eastburn Wins Top he attended the icholas School. He years, Cap says that he has "no \\'as a star ter on th is yem·' unbeaten pl ans for a second r etirement." Fraternity Honor fro h SOCCe l· team. Born in 1875, Cap is a native of Dr. Nilson Accepts Hartford. He refers to hi s bi rthplace Bill Eastburn was elected Presid nt and the location of his home for mosl Engineer's Position of the D Ita Kappa Epsilon ational of these eighty-one years as "Frog onvention at their thr e-day meet­ Mock Trial Staged Hollow," the area sunounding Broad Dr. Edwin N. ilson, Assistant Pro­ ing in Rochester over the hristmas and Zion Streets.
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