BULLETIN DE L'fNSTITUT ROYAL DES SC IE CES NATURELLES DE BELG IQUE, BIOLOGIE, 69: I5 1-160, 1999 ' BULLETfN VAN HET KON INKL IJK BELGISCH INSTITUUT VOOR NATUU RWETENSCHAPPEN, BIOLOGIE, 69: 15I -160, 1999 A new species of Bohadschia (Echinodermata, Holothuroidea) from the Western Indian Ocean with a redescription of Bohadschia subrubra (QuoY & GAIMARD, 1833) by Claude MASSIN, Richard RASOLOFONIRINA, Chantal CONAND & Yves SAMYN Abstract Introduction Bohadschia atra sp. nov. from the Western Indian Ocean is Recent collections on the Grand Recif of Toliara (Tulear), described and compared with Bohadschia subrubra (Quov & Madagascar, along the Kenyan Coast (Mombasa, Shariani) and GAIMARD, 1833). B. subrubra is redescribed and compared to on the reefs of Pemba Island (Fundu South Reef), Tanzania the new species and related Bohadschia species. The shape of (see map) yielded large specimens of two shallow-water the ossicles varies with body size for both species. species belonging to the genus Bohadschia. One species is considered new to science, whilst the second, "the little­ Key-words: Echinodermata, Holothuroidea, Bohadschia, new known B. subrubra (Quov & GAIMARD, I 833) is shown to be species, ossicle changes, Western Indian Ocean. fairly wide-spread in the western region of the Indian Ocean. Taxonomy Bohadschia atra sp. nov., vivant dans Ia partie ouest de !'ocean Family Holothuriidae LUDWIG, I 894 indien, est decrite et comparee a Bohadschia subrubra (Quov Genus Bohadschia JA EGE R, 1833 & G AIMARD, 1833). B. subrubra est redecrite et comparee a Ia nouvelle espece ainsi qu'a d'autres especes de Bohadschia. Pour Bohadschia atra sp. nov. les deux especes decrites, Ia forme des spicules varie en fonction Fig. l(A-J), Fig. 2(A-E), PI. lB, D de Ia taille du corps. Bohadschia subrubra; CHERBONNIER, 1988: 40, fig. 13 (A­ Mots-clefs: Echinodermata, Holothuroidea, Bohadschia, nouvelle K); ROW E & RICHMOND, 1997: 302 (text). espece, variation de Ia spiculation, Ocean Indian ouest . Bohadschia sp.; ROWE & RICHMOND, 1997: 303 (fig.). 2Jon Map Map with observation 2 ° S sites (a) and maps with b collection sites (b)(c)(d). Kenya. I: Mali ndi Marine National Park; 15 ° s 2: Watamu Marine National Park; 4°S 3: Shariani; 4: Mombasa Marine 20 ° s National Park. Tanzania, Pemba Island.: 5: Fundu North Reef; 25 os 6: Fundu South Reef. 6°S d Madagascar. 7: Tulear. 38° E 40°E 42°E 45° E I I !52 CL. MASSIN, R. RASOLOFONIRJNA, C. CONAND & Y. SAMYN ----0 - F rt 0-0-r{)-Q ~-~ ~~~-~ b-w-B-o-8 ~- 5 mm 50 llffi 100 llffi A ------ B,C,F-J - - --- D,E----- Fig. I. - Bohadschia atra nov. sp. A: calcareous ring (r: radial plate; ir: interradial plate)(L=270 mm); B: rosettes of dorsal body wall (L=270 mm); C: rosettes of ventral body wall (L=270 mm); D: rods of the tentacles (L=270 mm); E: rods of the tube feet (holotype, L=220 mm); F: rosettes of dorsal body wall (L= l08 mm); G: perforated grains of ventral body wall (L= l08 mm); H: rosettes of ventral body wall (L= l08 mm); J: small rods of ventral body wall (L= l08 mm). A new species of Bohadschia from the Western Indian Ocean !53 . MATERIAL ECOLOGY Holotype: Mayotte (Comores), 1977, 8 m depth, coil. B. atra dwells in shallow (up to 12 m depth) inner reefs, Ph. BouCHET, MNHNP, Ec HN-7133; Paratypes: Tanzania on sandy patches between coral heads and on the leeward (Pemba Island, Fundu South Reef), 21-vii-1998, 12 m side of seagrass beds (mainly Thalassodendron ciliata). depth, coil. Y. SAMYN, IRSNB, IG 28 268/Fun90-91 Contrary to B. subrubra it has not been observed on coral (2 specimens); Kenya (Mombasa), 12-viii-1997, 10 m rubble. B. atra has been observed feeding on sand, faeces depth, coil. Y. SAMYN, IRSNB, IG 28 268/Mom 12 also composed of sand, no rubble. (I specimen); Kenya (Shariani), 3-viii-1997, 2 m depth, coli. Y. SAMYN, IRSNB, IG 28 268/Sharll (I specimen); Kenya (Mombasa), I 0-viii-1998, 2 m depth, coli. Y. DISTRIBUTION SAMYN, IRSNB, IG 28 268/Mom60-61 (2 specimens); Toliara (Tulear, Madagascar), several specimens observed Madagascar (Toliara), Comores (Mayotte), Kenya and photographed (see pl. ID). [Mombasa, Shariani; Watamu & Malindi (Samyn, pers. observ.)]; Tanzania (Pemba Island: Fundu South Reef) . DESCRIPTION Preserved specimens from I 08 X 32 to 270 X 65 mm. ETYMOLOGY Living specimens up to 400 mm long and !50 mm wide. Dorsal surface deep brown to black with small round, Atra means black and refers to the black colour pattern brown-red spots (pl. 1B, D). Each red spot surrounds the of the body wall. base of at least one dorsal papillae. On some specimens transverse brown-red bands are more visible anteriorly than posteriorly. Ventral surface brown to light brown covered by numerous small, black tube feet, spread without DISCUSSION alignment over both the ambulacral and interambulacral areas. Dorsal papillae also black, without alignment. Tube Species belonging to the genus Bohadschia are difficult feet more numerous than the dorsal papillae. Mouth to identify and unfortunately to add to the confusion, B. ventral, anus dorsal without anal teeth; tentacles 18-20, atra nov. sp. has, in the past, been misidentified as B. black; body wall 2-5 mm thick. subrubra ( cf. CHERBONNIER, 1988). Moreover, there is an Calcareous ring stout with radial pieces at least twice as inversion in the text referring to B. subrubra and B. sp large as the interradial ones; radial pieces (fig. lA) with (here B. atra nov. sp.) in RowE & RICHMOND (1997). a central notch and two lateral hollows. One Polian vesicle, B. atra is easy to distinguish from all the other Bohadschia one stone canal; long tentacular ampullae. Gonad well species by its dorsal black to deep brown colour with developed comprising a bunch of very long and thin red dots and by its black tube feet and papillae. The undivided tubules. Cuvierian tubules very numerous. misidentification by CHERBONNI ER (1988) is surprising because the original description by Quoy & GAIMARD Ossicles of body wall granules and rosettes. Large (1833) clearly states that the colour of the dorsal side is specimens (>25 em) with rosettes only (figs I B, C) light brown with deep brown patches and that the ventral somewhat larger dorsally (fig. !B) than ventrally (fig. side is white with yellowish tube feet ("Le dessus du !C). Medium (15-24 em) and small (< 14 em) specimens corps, sur fond terre de Sienne clair, a de large taches with massive rosettes (fig. I H), some rod-like (fig. 11), irregulieres terre de Sienne calcinee ( ... ) Le dessous du and perforated grains ventrally (figs I G)(except ionally ventre est blanc parseme irregulierement d'un g rand an unperforated grain can be observed); with branched nombre de su9oirs d' un jaune legerement verdatre"). This rosettes (fig.! F) dorsally. does not fit with the specimen from Madagascar described Ventral tube feet without any ossicles except an end plate by CHERBONNIER ( 1988). This specimen is brown ventrally 285-300 ).lm across in large specimens; with rods II 0- with black tube feet. 2 10 ).lm long (fig. IE) and an end plate in medium Bohadschia atra can not be a black form of B. subrubra specimens; with a few rods (fig. 2A) 50-110 ).lm long, because their ossicles are quite different. Ossicles of the perforated grains (fig. 2B), rosettes (fig. 2C) and an end tentacles of B. atra are always slightly curved rods with plate 360-400 ).lm across in small specimens. Dorsal spinose extremities whereas those of B. subrubra are much papillae of medium specimens with rods (cf. CHERBONNIER more intricate mainly in small specimens. Moreover, 1988: fig. 13H, I), those of small specimens with rosette B. atra, whatever the size, does not have unperforated only (fig. 2D). grains (with a very few exceptions) whereas they are Tentacles of large specimens with spiny rods (fig. I D) present and numerous in medium and large B. subrubra. sometimes bent at the extremities (fig. ID), 80-360 ).lm Perforated grains are present in small B. atra and absent long; in medium specimens rods up to 340 ).ll11 long (cf. in large ones. It is the reverse for B. subrubra. Dorsal CHERBONN IER, 1988, fig. 13F); in small specimens rods and ventral tube feet are present in B. subrubra whereas 100-330 ).lm long (fig. 2E). B. atra has ventral tube feet and dorsal papillae. I I 154 CL. MASS IN, R. RASOLOFONIRINA, C. CONAND & Y. SAMYN 50J...lm A-0----- 1OOJ...lm E ------ Fig.2. - Bohadschia atra nov. sp. A: rods of ventral tube feet (L= I 08 mm); B: perforated grains of ventral tube feet (L= I 08 mm); C: rosettes of ventral tube feet (L= I 08 mm); D: rosettes of dorsal papillae (L= I 08 mm); E: rods of the tentacles (L=l08 mm). Bohadschia argus (JAEGER, 1833) presents ossicles quite space whereas B. atra has small, regular ocelli never lined similar to the ones of B. atra nov. sp. (see Panning, 1944: with a wh itish space. Moreover, the dorsal papillae of B. fig. 8). Both species present ventrally the same kind of argus are translucent whereas those of B. atra are black. perforated grains and massive rosettes. However, they B. argus presents also numerous variations in its colour clearly differ in their colour pattern. B. argus has irregular, pattern (PANN ING, 1944; fERA L & CHERBONNIER, 1986) very large, dorsal ocelli always surrounded by a whitish whereas B. atra has a constant colour pattern. II A new species of Bohadschia from the Western Indian Ocean 155 Bohadschia subrubra (Quov & GAIMARD, 1833) MATERIAL Fig.
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