COVID-19 Update 2077 Falgun 8 / 20 February 2021 / Saturday Government of Nepal Ministry of Health and Population Topline Summary 2077 Falgun 8, Saturday . Out of 2,136,309 RT-PCR tests done 273,351 cases are positive. Cumulative positivity rate: 12.9%; Positivity rate of the new cases: 4.3%. 98.7% of the total cases have recovered; 0.56% (1,535) of the cases are active; and 32.8% of the active cases (518) are in home isolation. Total COVID-19 deaths: 2061; 97% of the deaths occurred in hospital; most common comorbidity: Hypertension (39.9%). Death in last 24 hours: 0 . Districts with no active cases: 7; Districts with more than 200 active cases: 1 (Kathmandu); New cases reported from 16 districts. 4.7% of ICU beds and 2.2% of Ventilators designated for COVID are occupied. 35% of the total cases and 35.2 % of the new cases are female. Of the total 83 RT-PCR testing laboratories, 48 (58%) are Public. 79% of the new tests are covered by private labs. 402,264 people have received COVID-19 Vaccine so far. 212,919 (74.5%) achieved in 2nd phase of the 1st priority of the national campaign. One million doses of COVISHIELD, first lot of the two million doses, arriving from India on Falgun 9. 2 1 HIGHLIGHTS 2077 Falgun 8, Saturday RT-PCR Total Positivity Active Recovere People People in Death Tests Cases Rate (%) Cases d Cases Vaccinated Quarantine 2,136,309 273,351 12.9 269,755 2,061 402,264 1535 (98.7%) (0.75%) 71 (0.56%) [2,048] [88] [4.3] [136] [0] [18,684] Total [new cases in the last 24 hours] Management of Active Cases 2077 Falgun 8, Saturday Hospital / ICU Ventilator ICU + Ventilator Home Isolation Institutional Isolation 1017 54 10 64 518 64.2% 3.4% 0.6% 4.0% 32.8% 3 COVID-19 Vaccination: Status as of 2077 Falgun 8 430000 420000 New and Cumulative Cases of COVID Vaccination 410000 402264 400000 390000 383580 380000 370000 360000 350000 341402 340000 330000 320000 310000 300219 300000 290000 280000 270000 263288 260000 250000 231009 240000 230000 220000 203885 210000 189345 187871 186852 186443 186102 185868 200000 185255 190000 177288 180000 170000 160816 160000 150473 150000 140000 134359 130000 116731 120000 110000 98296 100000 90000 71927 80000 70000 52943 60000 50000 40000 29695 30000 18684 20000 11066 10000 0 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Magh Magh Magh Magh Magh Magh Magh Magh Magh Magh Magh Magh Magh Magh Magh Magh Magh Falgun Falgun Falgun Falgun Falgun Falgun Falgun Cumulative New As of 2077 Falgun 8, 7:15pm Source: DoHS,1 COVID-19 Vaccination Reports 4 COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign Second Phase of First Priority Source: DoHS, COVID-19 Vaccination Report, 2077 Falgun 8 5 20 February 2021 1 6 COVID-19 Active Cases 2077 Falgun 8/ 20 February 2021 Legend No case 1 - 50 51 - 200 201 + COVID-19 No. of Districts with Cases Cases No case 1-50 51-200 201+ Cumulative 0 4 7 66 Active 7 67 2 1 https://heoc.mohp.gov.np 7 New COVID-19 Cases Reported on 2077 Falgun 8, by District (16) [N = 57] 50 47 45 Kathmandu District 47 53.4% Female, 40 35.2% Kathmandu Valley 54 61.4% 35 Male, 30 64.8% 25 20 16 15 10 4 4 5 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 Morang Sunsari Saptari Kathmandu Bhaktapur Chitawan Lalitpur Dolakha Ramechhap Kaski Gorkha Baglung Banke Rupandehi Kailali Kanchanpur Province 1 (3) Province 2 Bagmati (60) Gandaki (19) Lumbini (3) Sudurpaschim (2) (1) 8 25000 30000 10000 15000 20000 5000 0 upto 20 Baishak 59 21-27 Baishak 50 28 Baishak-3 Jestha 172 4-10 Jestha 303 11-17 Jestha 817 18-24 Jestha 1834 25-31 Jestha 2100 32 Jestha-6 Asar 3270 COVID 7-13 Asar 3704 14-20 Asar 3182 21-27 Asar 1228 28 Asar-3 Shrawan 783 4-10 Shrawan 981 11-17 Shrawan 1603 - 19 New Cases by Weeks Cases by New 19 18-24 Shrawan 2506 25-31 Shrawan 3427 32 Shrawan - 6 Bhadra 5098 7-13 Bhadra 6223 14-20 Bhadra 7937 21-27 Bhadra 7843 28 Bhadra-3 Ashoj 9677 4-10 Ashoj 9024 11-17 Ashoj 12749 18-24 Ashoj 21114 25 Ashoj-1 Kartik 23620 2-8 Kartik 25929 9-15 Kartik 15510 16-22 Kartik 20893 23-29 Kartik 16663 30-Kartik-6 Mangshir 10340 7-13 Mangsir 12084 14-20 Mangsir 9162 21-27 Mangsir 7708 28 Mangsir- 4 Poush 4761 5-11 Poush 4516 12-18 Poush 3738 19-25 Poush 3083 26 Poush-Magh 3 2897 4-10 Magh 1858 11-17 Magh 1674 9 18-24 Magh 952 25 Magh-1 Falgun 751 2-8 Falgun 737 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 0 1 Shrawan 4 Shrawan 7 Shrawan 10 Shrawan 13 Shrawan 16 Shrawan 19 Shrawan 22 Shrawan COVID 25 Shrawan 28 Shrawan 31 Shrawan 2 Bhadra 5 Bhadra 8 Bhadra 11 Bhadra - 14 Bhadra Average Moving Weekly and Daily Cases: New 19 17 Bhadra 20 Bhadra 23 Bhadra 26 Bhadra 29 Bhadra 1 Ashoj 4 Ashoj 7 Ashoj 10 Ashoj 13 Ashoj 16 Ashoj 19 Ashoj 22 Ashoj New Cases New 25 Ashoj 28 Ashoj 1 Kartik 4 Kartik 7 Kartik 10 Kartik 1 13 Kartik Weekly Moving Weekly Average 16 Kartik 19 Kartik 22 Kartik 25 Kartik 28 Kartik 1 Mangshir 4 Mangshir 7 Mangshir 10 Mangshir 13 Mangshir 16 Mangshir 19 Mangshir 22 Mangshir 25 Mangshir 28 Mangshir 1 Poush 4 Poush 7 Poush 10 Poush 13 Poush 16 Poush 19 Poush 22 Poush 25 Poush 28 Poush Magh 2 Magh 5 Magh 8 Magh 11 Magh 14 Magh 17 Magh 20 Magh 23 Magh 26 10 Magh 29 Falgun 2 Falgun 5 Falgun 8 COVID-19 New Cases by Month till Magh 2077 90000 85000 83,639 80000 75000 70000 67,810 65000 60000 55000 50000 45000 40000 40,404 No of Cases Cases of No 35000 31,667 30000 25000 20000 15000 15,963 11,417 10000 9,483 5000 5,519 6,414 0 1 12 228 upto Magh Chaitra 2076 Baishak 2077 Jestha 2077 Asar 2077 Shrawan 2077 Bhadra 2077 Ashoj 2077 Kartik 2077 Mangsir 2077 Poush 2077 Magh 2077 2076 Months 11 Epi-Curve- Province (Magh 2076 to Magh2077) Province 1(N=30508) Province 2 (N=20837) Bagmati(N=150039) 11,382 12000 7000 60000 10000 6000 6,095 50000 52528 8000 5000 40000 6000 4000 30000 3000 4000 20000 2000 10000 2000 1000 0 0 0 Lumbini (N=30973) Gandaki(N=18921) Karnali(N=6502) 9000 8,012 7000 5909 2000 8000 1800 1,849 6000 7000 1600 5000 6000 1400 4000 5000 1200 3000 4000 1000 800 2000 3000 2000 600 1000 400 0 1000 200 0 0 Sudurpaschim (N=14957) 3,703 4000 3500 3000 2500 Sudurpach 2000 Province 1 2 Bagmati Gandaki Lumbini Karnali 1500 im 1000 500 0 Month of Highest Peak Kartik 2077 Bhadra 2077 Kartik 2077 Kartik 2077 Kartik 2077 Asoj 2077 Asar 2077 Note: Epi-Curve generated based on provisional data reported at EDCD12 COVID-19 Cases by Province [Active, Recovered and Death] [N=273,351} 160000 155000 1009 150000 145000 140000 135000 130000 125000 120000 115000 110000 105000 100000 95000 90000 85000 80000 75000 148425 70000 65000 60000 55000 50000 45000 40000 35000 230 292 30000 25000 220 216 20000 67 15000 30271 30450 10000 20596 27 18691 14845 5000 6477 0 27 33 1119 170 116 20 50 Province 1 Province 2 Bagmati Gandaki Lumbini Karnali Sudurpaschim Active Recovered Death 13 COVID-19 Cases by Province (Per 100,000 population) 2500.0 2356.9 2000.0 1500.0 1000.0 917.2 759.7 620.3 609.0 514.1 500.0 363.1 335.8 0.0 Province 1 Province 2 Bagmati Gandaki Lumbini Karnali Sudurpaschim Nepal 14 Management of Active Cases by Province Total Cases in Home Isolation ICU Ventilator Province Active Hospital/ Occupancy Occupancy N % Capacity Capacity Cases Isolation Center N % N % Province 1 27 4 23 85.2 110 0 0.0 40 0 0.0 Province 2 33 0 33 100.0 48 0 0.0 21 0 0.0 Bagmati 1119 839 280 25.0 553 24 4.3 255 5 2.0 Gandaki 170 24 146 85.9 232 8 3.4 68 2 2.9 Lumbini 116 97 19 16.4 114 20 17.5 27 2 7.4 Karnali 20 3 17 85.0 62 2 3.2 27 0 0.0 Sudurpaschim 50 50 0 0.0 27 0 0.0 23 1 4.3 Total 1535 1017 518 33.7 1146 54 4.7 461 10 2.2 As per reports received at HEOC on 2077 Falgun 8 by 02:00 pm 15 No. of COVID-19 Active Cases in Home Isolation 30000 35000 10000 15000 20000 25000 5000 0 Shrawan 25 Shrawan 28 Shrawan 31 Bhadra 02 Bhadra 05 Bhadra 08 Bhadra 11 Bhadra 14 Bhadra 17 COVID Bhadra 20 Bhadra 23 Bhadra 26 Bhadra 29 Ashoj 01 Ashoj 04 - Ashoj 07 Home Isolation Cases in Active 19 Ashoj 10 Ashoj 13 Ashoj 16 Ashoj 19 Ashoj 22 Ashoj 25 Ashoj 28 Kartik 1 Kartik 4 Kartik 7 Kartik 10 Kartik 13 Kartik 16 Kartik 19 Kartik 22 Date Kartik 25 Kartik 28 Mangsir 04 Mangsir 07 Mangsir 10 Mangsir 13 Mangsir 16 Mangsir 19 Mangsir 22 Mangsir 25 Mangsir 28 Push 01 Push 04 Push 07 Push 10 Push 13 Push 16 Push 19 Push 22 Push 25 Push 28 Magh 2 Magh 6 Magh 9 Magh 12 Magh 15 Magh 18 Magh 21 Magh 24 16 Magh 27 Magh 30 Falgun 3 Falgun 6 Number 400 500 600 100 200 300 0 Bhadra 01 Bhadra 04 Bhadra 07 Bhadra 10 Bhadra 13 COVID of Number Bhadra 16 Bhadra 19 Bhadra 22 Bhadra 25 Bhadra 28 Bhadra 31 Ashoj 03 Ashoj 06 Ashoj 09 Ashoj 12 Ashoj 15 Number of COVID Number Ashoj 18 Ashoj 21 Ashoj 24 Ashoj 27 Ashoj 30 Kartik 3 Kartik 6 - Kartik 9 Ventilator and ICU in Patients 19 Kartik 12 Kartik 15 - 19 Patients in ICU in ICU and Ventilator 19 Patients Kartik 18 ICU Kartik 21 Kartik 24 Kartik 27 Ventilator Date Mangsir 03 Mangsir 06 Mangsir 09 Mangsir 12 Mangsir 15 Mangsir 18 Mangsir 21 Mangsir 24 Mangsir 27 Mangsir 30 Poush 03 Poush 06 Poush 09 Poush 12 Poush 15 Poush 18 Poush 21 Poush 24 Poush 27 Magh 1 Magh 4 Magh 7 Magh 10 Magh 13 Magh 16 Magh 19 Magh 22 Magh 25 17 Magh 28 Falgun 1 Falgun 4 Falgun 7 COVID-19 Nepal Status Compared with World and India* Recovered Active Death 100% 1.42 0.75 2.21 1.34 0.56 90% 20.32 80% 70% Recovered Active Death Total Cases 60% World 86,254,812 22,629,247 2,465,712 111,349,771 50% 97.24 98.68 India 10,685,569 147,127 156,309 10,989,005 40% 77.46 Nepal 269,755 1,535 2,061 273,351 30% 20% 10% 0% World India Nepal Note: *Source for World and India https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ 20 Feb 2021, 8:58 pm) 18 Estimated and Reported New Cases by Month (as of 2077 Magh 30 ) Estimated and Reported New Cases Estimated and Reported New Cases 2077 Asar-Ashoj 2077 Kartik
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