Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1970-80 The iH lltop Digital Archive 2-11-1977 The iH lltop 2-11-1977 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_197080 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 2-11-1977" (1977). The Hilltop: 1970-80. 177. http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_197080/177 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1970-80 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Hilltop Highlights /'()\\ ('/ { (J/l( ('('('" Focus: Professor Gomes ... p4 Third World News ........... p6 fl()//1/11,u, Roy Ayers: An lnterview.. p7 11 ![/l<>ul ,J ll«rll.1ncl " Review : Ask Rufus .......... p 7 • " Salute To Black Women ... p8 Bison Off To NC .............. p9 "THE VOICE OF THE How\\Ro COMMUNITY" [Jorms Chess Meet ........... p10 Vol. 59, No. 17 Howard University, Washingto'n D.C., 20059 . 11 February 1977 • Professor Sues Members of SBA • i • • By C.K. Barber arc third year• students who si x instructors ci ted for poor kr1owin gly published for the Special to Tl1e Hilltop • performance 1n the purpose of destroying will soon be graduatirig and taking the bar exam. Upon a An Associate Professor at classroom. The prepared plaintiff 's excellent +} the Ho\var d University La1v state1nent ,called for one profcssiona.l reputation." The finding that a bar applicant has a suit pending over him Sch ool has charged two instructor to be officially stu dents were notified ~ offiCcrs of the Student Bar reprimanded ancl was re<rd as through the complaint that the bar examiners may, at their discretion, prevent him Assoc iatior1 (SBA) with an expression of ''general they \Yerc to be held jointl y ~ . from even taking the exam ,. • . ~ def am.it ion of cl1aracter in ' a concensus of I.he stLl{lcnt and severally li able , th ;1t is, • even if or1c is fotind not ''The whole thing smacks ' .. ...' suit for $225,000 for body." " • comments rnade dtiring a Accordir1g to the responsible the other is liable of intimidation,'' said one . student. ''The purpose of the .' . .. ·moritorun1 cal led by l,1w complaint fil ed by the for the full $225,000. I ..... , \ stude11ts three wee ks ago. instructor, the statement The suit could have suit is to scare students. If he • serious re11ercussions for the wins , a lot of students may • The comments were made ''contained gro ss • • refrai n from Yoici ng ~th eir ·• ' du ring an airing of student misrepresentations' , false hood studcr1ts even if the instructor • •• ,brieYances," the student said. l ~ gricvanCt'S Feb. 21 , in wHich and bias, intentionally and dOl' S not win . The students Both students indicated - that they will nOt co mpromise students' rights Social Work Awarded Contract and urged their peers to be steadfast in their demands. - t Notwithstanding the By Bonita Coleman seriousness of the suit, tfle • • Hilltop Staffw.riter students view it as #in , ... educational experiehce, at;o . Rec o1nmendati ons regar­ Defamation, according to one d in g the pdss ible legal scholar, is ''the mo.st reorganization of the De· co mplex of all torts law," "in µartm e nt of Human Resour­ \. whicl1 the often confl ictin g ces will be undertaken by ' • Howard's School of Social interests in the protection of • or1e's rcputatio11 and freedom Dl1rin' g Fcstac ccremo11ics, Africa11 st ilt dancers periorrn unusL1al feats. Work and the National In­ stitute of Public of speech must be balanCed. ' Management to assist the lf the case goes to trial, Mayor's panel on Human one of the issues to be People World Wide Celebrate FEST AC Res ources, said Jay Chunn, addressed 1s whether the dean of the School of Social ''libelous'' merno was • • Work . ''puOlished'' in the legal sense By Femi ()redein l hr !>! .:c k M.1 o r 1~ of big cro\vd got car ried ;1 wa)1 One ol the ,1in1s of t~ c U 11 0 11 appr oval b y of the word. The memo was :S- Hill lop Nigcr . .i11 Aus!r,1lia, ArllL'ric,an Bl,1cks, ,ind ~l1outcd <r. t spect,1tors 10 r~'~ ti\• al was to ensure ·he P rPsi d en t James Cheek, __ compiled from the grieYances Cor r1• ~ po11dt•nt Lgv1Jti.1ns , CL1l1,1r1s, sta11d on their fee t ;ind cl1ccr r c' v j Va I, Howard's direct aim is to~ listed by the Yarious classes in oropagJtion and prorliotion prov ide '' tec hnical !3 1.ick. j)l'0~1ll: fro11~ J .tmJicans; Lib)'ans, Togo, thl' brotl1crs ,1 nd sisters {blac k. z wo r kshops during the diffl'rl·r1l 11.1rt•. 1}1 till' \'\1orld Trini d ad ,incl Tol1.1go , A1nc·ric,1n ) 1vl1 0 witl1 Blac\... of 13\ac \... ,ind African Clil tpral assistance and ex11ertise tq ~ ''moratorium'' and the SBA · So111Jli,1, !3r.11 ilia11 Blacks J r1d 110 \Yrr ~a!L1tcs \vcrc signill ling \'.t iLJL'S an(l ciYil i1.a1ior 1. did the mayor's panel." £! 11.1\e lll'l'Jl .1 1 1t1L' Seco11d . Accord in g to Dean~ took great pains to en!?Jre' ~V1 irld !3!.1cl. .111d 1\ fric.1n oth er par1i1..i11ating coL 1n11 ic~. tlll'i r rl' !t1rr1 to /\fric;1 . An otl1er airr1 \'/,ts to ~· ~L"in •' Chunn, th e contract has a. that it · was not wi~l y I l''-ti\.il t)f 1\11\ \111d Cul1ti1c t1rl' h<·rc·. l\1101 !1 cr 81;,ick Ar11rrican to l i g ht th e div ~ c bee11 drafted as a corn­ disseminated. r1i _s· r1 \ C:) i11 1.. 1):0~ 1111 i11i11g Al tl1 e ni.11ch -11J st 1Yhicl1 in tl1~· U.S. cor1tigcn1 during cor1tribL1tions of B\,1c\... 1 d 1nunity se rvi ce rn1ssion .· The thrust, according to tht· w1i rl{f \\ 1 itf1 lill' .1rts ,1r1d opcr1cd !hr fcs tiv <il .i r · li ~ t ~ Lhc 111drc h11 as1 tr·icd 10 /\ fr ic;in I) Co pl es to } L' Operating o r1 a 266.6 rnillion the demonstration's LU1lUf( ,J f \ lll',I gi.\tl! fr 0111 Gui11i.:u ~ f1u1vL ·d 1/1 t:ir O\ Jli.; i,1~~ l\JLd! ,1( f,;[).l ! ~ .11 1d !1e t1tiiv~ rs . 1l ~lllrtn t ol t!)VV·' !Jutlget, the lJt•an label t!t1 orgar1izcr), was to keep the cor1 tin ,•11t t\ lriL.• b, 111r1L· rs t (1 tl1 c hLl ~l' cro1Ycl le a1Jt .1n,J roll ed ;1 11c! t \vi stcd Jay Chl1nn, Dea11 of tl1c Scf1ool of Social:;Wo'rk. whole affair ''in-house'' and See FEST AC 1>agc 6 ~ Sec Social Work page 6 ]"fl i.:rl' \Vl' l l' (,(J l l tingcr1 t ~ th <1 t gzi 1l1c rrd .11 the ,il l 1(1 cl llpi,lUSe l!lltil h~ · to air t~c grie\•anccs in good fro 111 ·17 /\1'1·iL.1n 51.11 1.•s rr o r1 1 rr1,1gn ificier1 t N,11ion al ·r·11c,1trl' k 11 0C kl•tJ LIO\Vll ,t faith . otf1cr C{1 L1n1 r ii.:s \'Ii t!l 13\ ,\Ck 011 Lagos ls!a11d. pl1utogr a1J her. C(J ll l lnLI 11 I li t~. l_iller,1tion One ba r111 cr of tl1 e r 1: 5·1-AC \'lilS d great mu\'erll\' !11 ' fig l1tir1 g to free Gu inear1s said: ''No \vhiti\ LJdl' de1J.i rture fr om the first Improvement Committee Seeks Student Grievances Zin1!),t!Jwi.: ( Rl1odl' ~ia) an d No Negr itude'' wo rld Bl ,1ck arts fes tival A1ar1ia (50L1th Africa) \vrrc ' ' N'o Jleo11lc \Vi\hOLI\ .1 IJeC<lLJSL' it en1brace s ,1!1 black· • ,11'.>0 11,1r1ic.; i11ating 1n thL' ct1l tt1rc'' ,1r1 d African peo1J!cs a ll O\•er s tudents and fees were By Arlene Waifer fe~liv,11 , A Bl ac k An1erican ir1 1hc tl1r \Vorld. ,i charged to attend. Hil ltop St.affwriter ., . ''There is no way to get a "' confc:rcnce on campus, there HUSA Questioned on Budget, Students !.!xprcssed their ' ' arc no facilities. We are going gre1vances to H.U .S.I\. off-campus to get full president Luther Brown in il participation and cooperation Directory, D.C. Survival 'Project Student Govern1nent ForL1m from the students." sponsored by the Howard The question of the fersor1, who heads the Of­ • affiliated w ith HU SA. We are University lmprove r11 en t Entertainment Board arose By Regina Lightfoot fice, 1s a former worker with n o t tJnder ar1y Sll1<J<>r1l Committee (H.U. l.C.) last il nd Br own stated that ''We ' Hilltop Staff writer the D.C. Survival !)rojec!, govern men1. " ac(ordir1g to Wednesday . haYe lost an average of 2,000 Mawu Straker, head of th e Mawu sai(J. ''People dor1'1 kr1 ow what to 3,000 dollars every rhe ll o warci Un1vers1 ty J)roject. But according to Mawu said that the project H.U.S.A. is ," stated Arlene concert. The idea of the ~ tu < l erit A~soci at1on (1-lUSA) 8r0W r1, th e Pr ojec t wa s wa s evicted from the Office of St..udeiit Life on January 6, Knight, one of tl1e students • ~ board is to spread the lo~s- '' spent' al1nos1 $90.000 during '' f)la ced lJr1der HUSA u r1 -' the f1r~ t ~t·r 1 1e~lf'r \V 1th r1early '197 7; and atternpts had been present at the r11eeting.
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