1529 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY 2015-16-17 FIRST SESSION OF THE FIFTY-SIXTH PARLIAMENT ___________________ VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS No. 153 THURSDAY 23 NOVEMBER 2017 ___________________ 1 MEETING OF THE HOUSE The House met at 10.00 am pursuant to adjournment. The Speaker took the Chair, read the prayer and acknowledged the traditional owners, thanking them for their custodianship of country. 2 MESSAGE FROM THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL—BUILDING PRODUCTS (SAFETY) BILL The Speaker reported the following message from the Legislative Council: Madam SPEAKER The Legislative Council has this day agreed to the “Building Products (Safety) Bill 2017” with the amendments indicated by the accompanying schedule, in which amendments the Council requests the concurrence of the Legislative Assembly. Legislative Council JOHN AJAKA 22 November 2017 President ________________ BUILDING PRODUCTS (SAFETY) BILL 2017 Schedule of the amendments referred to in the message of 22 November 2017. DAVID BLUNT Clerk of the Parliaments 1530 VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE NEW SOUTH WALES LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Thursday 23 November 2017 No. 1 CDP No. 1 [c2017-132] Page 9, clause 18. Insert after line 31: (b) the occupier or occupiers of the building, No. 2 CDP No. 2 [c2017-132] Page 12, clause 24. Insert after line 8: (b) the occupier or occupiers of the building, Examined TREVOR KHAN Chair of Committees ________________ Ordered by the Speaker, That the amendments made by the Legislative Council in the bill be taken into consideration at a later hour. 3 AUDITOR-GENERAL The Clerk, in accordance with section 63C of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983, announced receipt of the report of the Auditor-General entitled “Report on agency compliance with NSW Government travel policies”, dated 23 November 2017 (received 23 November 2017). 4 NOTICES OF MOTIONS (GENERAL NOTICES) 5 BUILDING PRODUCTS (SAFETY) BILL The order of the day was read. Mr Matt Kean moved, That the Legislative Council amendments be agreed to. Question put and passed. 6 HEALTH LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILL Mr Brad Hazzard moved, pursuant to notice, That a bill be now introduced for an Act to make miscellaneous amendments to various Acts that relate to health and associated matters. Question put and passed. Bill introduced and read a first time. Mr Brad Hazzard moved, That this bill be now read a second time. Debate adjourned (Ms Kate Washington) and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for a future day. 7 GRANVILLE TRAIN DISASTER FIRST RESPONDERS The order of the day was read for the resumption of the interrupted debate, on the motion of Mr Anthony Roberts, That this House: (1) Notes the 40th anniversary of the Granville Train Disaster. (2) Notes the apology given to victims, their loved ones and the broader New South Wales 1531 VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE NEW SOUTH WALES LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Thursday 23 November 2017 community by the Legislative Assembly on 4 May 2017. (3) Commends, in particular, the exemplary efforts of the first responders and recognises the deep and ongoing impact the disaster had upon their lives. Question again proposed and debate resumed. Question put and passed. 8 BUDGET ESTIMATES AND RELATED PAPERS FOR 2017-2018 The order of the day was read for the resumption of the interrupted debate, on the motion of Mr Dominic Perrottet, That this House take note of the Budget Estimates and related papers for 2017-2018. Question again proposed and debate resumed. Mr Mark Coure speaking— _____________ Debate interrupted for general business notices of motions (for bills). _____________ Ordered, That the resumption of the debate stand an order of the day for tomorrow. 9 CIVIL LIABILITY AMENDMENT (INSTITUTIONAL CHILD ABUSE) BILL Mr Paul Lynch moved, pursuant to notice, That a bill be now introduced for an Act to amend the Civil Liability Act 2002 to make institutions liable for the sexual or physical abuse of children committed by persons associated with those institutions; and for other purposes. Question put and passed. Bill introduced and read a first time. Mr Paul Lynch moved, That this bill be now read a second time. Debate adjourned (Mr Jonathan O’Dea) and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for a future day. 10 CRIMES AND ANTI-DISCRIMINATION LEGISLATION AMENDMENT (RACIAL AND OTHER VILIFICATION) BILL—POSTPONEMENT General business notice of motion (for bills) no. 7 (Crimes and Anti-Discrimination Legislation Amendment (Racial and Other Vilification) Bill), called on and postponed by Mr Paul Lynch. _____________ General business orders of the day (for bills) proceeded with. _____________ 11 CHILDREN AND YOUNG PERSONS (CARE AND PROTECTION) AMENDMENT (AUDITING OF OUT-OF-HOME CARE PROVIDERS) BILL The order of the day was read for the resumption of the interrupted debate, on the motion of Ms Tania Mihailuk, That this bill be now read a second time. Question again proposed and debate resumed. 1532 VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE NEW SOUTH WALES LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Thursday 23 November 2017 Ms Jenny Aitchison obtained an extension of time. Debate continued. Question put. The House divided. AYES 37 Ms Aitchison, Mr Atalla, Mr Bali, Mr Barr, Ms Car, Ms Catley, Mr Chanthivong, Ms Cotsis, Mr Crakanthorp, Mr Daley, Mr Dib, Mr Donato, Ms Doyle, Ms Finn, Mr Harris, Ms Harrison, Ms Haylen, Mr Hoenig, Ms Hornery, Mr Kamper, Ms Leong, Mr Lynch, Dr McDermott, Ms McKay, Mr Mehan, Ms Mihailuk, Mr Minns, Mr Park, Mr Parker, Mr Scully, Ms T.F. Smith, Ms Tesch, Mr Warren, Ms Washington and Mr Zangari. Tellers: Mr Lalich and Ms Watson. NOES 48 Mr Anderson, Mr Aplin, Mr Ayres, Ms Berejiklian, Mr Brookes, Mr Conolly, Mr Constance, Ms Cooke, Mr Coure, Mr Crouch, Mrs Davies, Mr Dominello, Mr Elliott, Mr A.W. Evans, Mr L.J. Evans, Mr George, Ms Gibbons, Ms Goward, Mr Grant, Mr Griffin, Mr Gulaptis, Mr Hazzard, Mr Henskens, Mr Humphries, Mr Johnsen, Mr Kean, Dr Lee, Mr Marshall, Mr Notley-Smith, Mr O’Dea, Mrs Pavey, Mr Perrottet, Ms Petinos, Mr Provest, Mr Roberts, Mr Sidoti, Mr Speakman, Mr Stokes, Mr Taylor, Mr Toole, Mr Tudehope, Ms Upton, Mr Ward, Mr Williams, Mrs Williams and Ms Wilson. Tellers: Mr Bromhead and Mr Patterson. In the Chair: Mr Fraser. Pair: Mr Foley—Mr Barilaro. Question negatived. _____________ General business notices of motions (general notices) proceeded with. _____________ 12 WHITE RIBBON DAY Mr Lee Evans moved, pursuant to notice, That this House: (1) Notes that 25 November 2017 is White Ribbon Day and the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. (2) Recognises that White Ribbon Day aims to prevent violence against women by increasing public awareness. (3) Acknowledges the bipartisan commitment on both sides of the House to preventing domestic violence. Debate ensued. Mr Chris Patterson, Mr Nick Lalich, Mrs Tanya Davies, Ms Melanie Gibbons and Mr Damien Tudehope, by leave, also spoke to the motion. Question put and passed. 1533 VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE NEW SOUTH WALES LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Thursday 23 November 2017 13 WILLIAMTOWN CONTAMINATION Ms Kate Washington moved, pursuant to notice, That this House: (1) Notes that the contamination red zone surrounding the Williamtown RAAF Base was expanded on the weekend to include a further 250 families. (2) Recognises that there are now 750 families living with contaminated water on their properties, with per-and poly-fluroalkyl substances being detected at 300 times above safe drinking water levels. (3) Calls on the Premier to stand up for these families by urging the Prime Minister to provide a solution to the serious contamination of these people’s homes. Debate ensued. Question put and passed. 14 SHARE THE DIGNITY CAMPAIGN The order of the day was read for the resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Chris Patterson, That this House: (1) Notes the kindness and generosity of people who have donated to the Share the Dignity Campaign. (2) Notes that the Share the Dignity Campaign provides sanitary products to homeless women, and at-risk women experiencing domestic violence who cannot afford to purchase products. (3) Recognises the increasing number of women in Australia who are homeless because of domestic violence and notes that all women deserve dignity. Question again proposed and debate resumed. Question put and passed. 15 REFUGEE STUDENT RESETTLEMENT FUNDS Mr Guy Zangari moved, pursuant to notice, That this House: (1) Congratulates Sydney Catholic Schools, Patrician Brothers’ College Fairfield and Mary MacKillop Catholic College Wakeley for their swift response to the humanitarian intake of Syrian and Iraqi refugees. (2) Notes that in the School Principals’ roundtable of 22 November 2016, additional funding was committed to non-government schools to assist refugee students settle into schools. (3) Condemns the Government’s failure to honour its commitment of additional funding to assist non-government schools with refugee student settlement. Debate ensued. Upon which Mr Ray Williams moved, That the motion be amended by leaving out all words after “That” with a view to inserting instead: “this House: 1534 VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE NEW SOUTH WALES LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Thursday 23 November 2017 (1) Congratulates Fairfield High School, Patrician Brothers’ College Fairfield and Mary MacKillop Catholic College Wakeley for their swift response to the humanitarian intake of Syrian and Iraqi refugees. (2) Notes that in the School Principals’ roundtable of 22 November 2016, additional funding was committed to non-government schools to assist refugee students settle into schools. (3) Acknowledges the support of Multicultural NSW in providing $2.4 million over 4 years on behalf of refugees in Western Sydney. (4) Congratulates the success of all migrants and refugees in this country.” Question proposed—That the amendment be agreed to. Mr Ray Williams speaking— _____________ It being 1.30 pm, debate interrupted.
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