41i±SIRCrAltP.S Defense Secretary liGer663Youngdale Tells Pay Details Tead Brigade By Armed Forces Press Service Brig Gen. Carl A. Youngdale led the Brigade since last has been named by the Com- March, will join the staff of Secretary of Defense issued legislation to be submitted to mandant of the Marine Corps the Commander in Chief, the following statement Jan. 4 Congress will include these' to succeed Brig Gen. Keith B. Pacific at Camp H. M. Smith. relative to proposed military six main provisions: McCutcheon as First Brigade Col. R. L. Stallings, Chief of pay legislation. "Provide increases in rates of basic pay averaging 14.4 percent for Commander. Staff, will become interim Bri- Here is the text, verbatim: officers and enlisted members. "Provide an increase in the bas- The announcement was gade Commander Thursday, "With the approval of the ic allowance for subsistence for of- ficers from $47.88 a month to $77.10 made from HQMC Tuesday. Jan. 24. Gen. McCutcheon will President, I will submit to Con- (See Pay Raise, Page 8) Brig Gen. C. A. Youngdale Gen. McCutcheon, who has report for duty at his new post gress in January proposed leg- on the Leeward side Jan. 25. islation to increase the com- The newly-appointed Brigade pensation of members of the CG is presently serving as As- Armed Forces. sistant Deputy Chief of Staff "The proposed changes in (Plans) at HQMC. compensation for service mem- He is expected to assume bers are based upon a compre- command of the Brigade Mon- hensive staff study undertaken day, Feb. 11. earlier this year under the As- Gen. Youngdale has served sistant Secretary of Defense VOL. I2-No. 2 Marine Corps Air Station, Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii January I I, 1963 with the Brigade before. In ,Manpower). The Study Direc- 1938, as a second lieutenant, tor was Mr. Vv-illiam Gorham, he was an infantry platoon formerly of the Rand Corp. and Happy Birthday to Us leader with D-1/5 and later presently Deputy Assistant an artillery officer with A- Secretary of Defense (Man- 1/10, both a part of the First power). Brigade then at Quantico. "The major objectives of the It Will Be 'Business as Usual' Tuesday He is a 1936 graduate of Iowa pay proposal are to' State University with a Bache- Provide fair rates of pay for lor of Science degree. service members. Upon graduation, he re- pay SyS Observes 11th Anniversar "Improve the present As Station Reserve com- (CM by correcting certain inequi- station activated by the only composite air-ground signed an Army ties. Marine Corps Air Station, K- first air mission to become a Marine "Provide incentives which will Bay, will observe its 11th anni- the Corps after World War team under a "single roof." help solve our manning problems Facilities and units are second lieutenant. and thereby increase operational ef- versary Tuesday with "business During WW II, while a fectiveness. manned by more than 8000 Ma- as usual." The Station, currently com- was "Establish a more equitable rines and Navymen with over lieutenant colonel, he basis for adjustment of retired pay Commissioned an MCAS manded by Col. W. R. Camp- Awarded the Legion of Merit for service members after retire- bell, houses the 1st Marine Bri- 6000 dependents. Approximate- ment. Jan. 15, 1952, K-Bay covers ly 500 civilian workers are em- with Combat "V" for excep- "Provide for an annual review 2950 acres and hosts three gade, 1st Composite Radio tionally meritorious service of the compensation of members of Mis- ployed aboard the Station. the Armed Forces. "tenant" units. It was the Company and the Pacific on Saipan and Tinian while "The estimated average an- sile Range facility. commanding the 4th Battal- nual cost of the pay increases Selecting this site as a stra- ion, 14th Marines. to become effective in 1963, in- New Wave Signal tegic base for seaplanes prior Coming Next WM: Later, he received the Silver cluding the $285 million in- to WW II, the U. S. Navy re- Star Medal for conspicuous gal- crease in quarters allowance .1 modified tidal wave ceived the first tragic blows of Text of CMC Talk lantry while leading a recon- warning signal is now in authorized by the last Con- the second World War when A copy of the complete text effect at MCAS. Kaneohe (See Brigade CG, Page 8) gress, is over $1.7 billion. Al- the Japanese attacked Dec. 7, of the Commandant of the Ma- though the proposed increase Bay. 1941. rine Corps' remarks to his is large, I believe it to be fully The new signal will con- Following the war, the Sta- staff, delivered by Gen. Shoup justified. sist of a steady one-minute tion dwindled until June at HQMC Jan. 3, was received Annual Fund "To achieve the pay objec- blast followed by ONE 1949, when it was placed in by the WM shortly before )ive I mention. the proposed minute of silence. This cy- a "maintenance status." It presstime. cle, by siren, will be re- remained that way until Jan. The remarks will be pub- peated five times. 1952 when it became a Ma- lished in their entirety in Drive Starts K-Bay's old signal was rine Corps Air Station. next week's WM. The CMC's Final plans are underway for rocs, Leg& a one-minute blast fol- Ground units and aviation comments cover a variety of the kick-off of K-Bay's seventh lowed by THREE minutes components began arriving to topics, with appraisals of per- annual fund-raising campaign of silence. form what is known today as formance in '62 and guidelines for the National Health Agen- Meet at Pac the First Marine Brigade - for the new year. cies and the Federal Service Joint Crusade. Representative medical and G-3 Maj. G. H. Benskin, coord- legal officers of FMFPac. /de, COI to inator and director of the HQMC, and the Bureau of MCAS effort, has announced Medicine and Surgery met at a rally and keymen's meet- Camp H. M. Smith this week to LtCol. E. B. Long New 'Black Sheep CO ing at the Station Training check, change and improve Building Monday afternoon. many procedures used by both Lieutenant Colonel Edwin B. The Brigade representative, of- professions. Long became commanding Maj. B. B. Ferrell, plans much High on the legal docket ficer of Marine Attack Squad- the same program to start the will be discussion on t'CMJ ron 214 Monday afternoon, tak- Brigade's drive. Article 15's change which. ing the reins from LtCol. R. W. The joint fund-raising cam- effective Feb. 15, grants unit Mullane. paign will run from Jan. 15 commanders additional puni- A veteran Marine aviator to Feb. 15. Money donated to tive powers at office hours. since 1943, Col. Long saw serv- the NHA drive will go to the Medical personnel plan to ice during WW H with Marine American Cancer Society, work out medical tactics for squadrons aboard carriers in American Heart Association, counter-guerrilla warfare. bet- the Pacific. During the Korean Hawaii Association to Help ter helicopter evacuation and a Conflict he served with Ma- Retarded Children and the Na- tighter network of medical ef- rine All-Weather Squadron 513. tional Society for Crippled forts com- Children and Adults. among the far-flung A holder of two Distin- ponents of FMFPac. Federal Service Joint Cru- guished Flying Crosses and sade funds go to the Ameri- Representing K-Bay's legal four Air Medals, the Colonel interests is LtCol. J. M. can-Korean Foundation, CARE served as Assistant G-3 Officer and Radio Free Europe. Rouse, Brigade and MCAS for the Brigade prior to becom- Legal Officer. Donors may decide which ing the "Black Sheep's" top organizations receive their Doctors W. A. Robie. E. T. man. Steward, C. R. Sargent. J. C. money by marking contribu- Col. Mullane, exchanging Tankers ly and D. W. Cowherd tion envelopes accordingly. with Col. Long, had skip- and CWO K. P. Murphy are NEW "BLACK SHEEP" CO-LtCol. R. W. Mullane (I) turns jobs The campaign is endorsed 14, participating in the medical over VMA-214's plaque and reins of command to LtCol. E. B. pered VMA-214 since Dec. by the President, military com- conference. Long former Brigade Assistant G-3. The twn Colonels exchanged 1961. He served as the squad- manders and federal depart- The conference closes today. jobs Monday. ron's ExO before that. ment heads. 2 Windward Marine January II, 1963 Sign-Ups for Kailua Night Classes Set -OBSERVATIONS-. K-Bayites interested in fur- thering their high school edu- Circular Cuts Circulation-The unofficial K-Bay Circular cation and picking up new will begin reduced distribution effective today. It will no longer skills and trades have the be an enclosure to the WMs circulated in Station housing areas MCX or Commis- chance to attend Kailua Com- and will not be available iti quantity in the munity School for Adults. sary. A limited number will be distributed through normal NEW INSIGNIA L+(jg) Gordon G. Gruhn, Maintenance En- in- - Classes will convene Jan. channels to all Station departments and tenant units for gineer Officer, gets new insignia pinned on by Col. W. R. on boards. 28 and run through June. ternal dissemination and posting bulletin Campbell, Station CO (I). after being promoted to his present will reduce They meet evenings at Kai- The Station Adjutant says reduced distribution rank last week. Cdr. T. C. Williams, PWO, looks on. to lua Intermediate School. publishing costs-and the latter is a must.
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