Price' $2. 47.1.1 ro, I5, fik11011.1011 mega JUIrtials P.O. Box 389 Penrith 2750 N.S.W. Australia ustralia MEN11111111•11111111MMINIMMI The Official Magazine of the Australian Amiga User Association Inc. ••••11M.••••• •, •‘::••••:•1•:•".•••••"/.:•:1!••••••:.;;•• The 1st Annual AmiForum Amiga Computer Show June 30th 1990 Parramatta Town Hall, N.S.W. llam to 5pm Admission $5 See and buy all the latest Software and Hardware See Demos on all the best Amiga Equipment Date June 1990 Issue :I Registered by Australian Post Publication No NBH9174 j\\ 7.stANN[JAL ' LIAN \ ~~~~iT D ~~~ •~i~~r ~ ~! A2VIIGA T10N ~ r~~ Computer Show WHEN : Saturday 30th June WHERE: Parramatta Town Hall N.S.W. TIME : 1larn to 5pm ADMISSION: $5 Children under 16 FREE accompanied by an adult VAIN AN AMIGA 500 and MONITOR Amiga Hardware* Amiga Software Amiga Accessories * Stage Presentations See State Of The Art Video Graphics Software And Hardware At The Lowest Price' All AMIGA Public Domain Software for sale brought to you by The AUSTRALIAN AMIGA USER ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 389 Penrith, NSW 2750 31 FAX k 102 (0 ~ - • i11~°~354t1a~~W t" {11 ~ Ni W 1FL al) .21611•01. /LW:, `~'#-tip 1 1)00 1F{0.L y , s,YY1~~ ~ {:Y 0.11~ ti LP.,- t1~ ll1 ilti'i4lYs ta D D Q E HI-TEK MONITOR FILTER Shop 9-15 Bungan Si \CAFEy COMMODORE 1001: 1084: PHILIPS 8833: 8854: (entrance Akuna Lane) ALL OTHER TYPES TO OR Mona Vain NSW 2103 Om he quality fitters are made from optical quality AMIGA 500 - AMIGA 2000 3mm Acrylic specially anted. It's unique littering qualities COMMODORE COLT - PC 10 have bean exieneivelly test- ed and approved by Amiga SOFTWARE - HARDWARE user groups, doctors and COMPUTER ACCESSORIES government Sheet. AMIGA VIDEO TUTORIAL FOR BEGINNERS FEEL AT HOME WITH YOUR NEW $39.95 mc P A P Made in Australis AMIGA • TOTALLY ELIMINATES MONITOR GLARE. COST $29.95 • RESOLVES LONG EXPOSURE ADVERSE EFFECTS. HINTS & TIPS • PROTECTS FROM R.S.I. EYE STRAJN LEARN HOW TO BACK-UP • ENHANCES ON SCREEN COLOURS. COPY - FORMAT DISKS - SAVE - LOAD 4! INCREASES *4*0E SHARPNESS 'la MAKES INTERLACE MODE VIABLE. HARRIS HI-TEK PTY. LTD. ~THE~ P.O. Sox 112 Enna M.S.W. 2250 ri►Qc Tilt 02 371.1850 or Fax: 04315-2051 [Tac) a a 2 \,,t4Ffar-\ (02) 99 1 AMI A AUSTRALIA Australian AMIGA User Association Magazine June 90 P.U. Box 389 Penrith 2750 N.S.W.Australia Copyright Notice Cbmmittee CORTIMZ Articles herein that are copyrighted President President Report. Page 2 by individual authors or otherwise Gary Colligan Ph.628 8922 explicitly marked as having restricted AmiForum. Page 3 repoduction rights, y al be rep'int- Secretary : cd or copied without written paten Bob Bliss Ph.670 5659 Review of the °f the Australian Amiga User Asso- citzen printer Page 4 ciation Inc. or the Authors. All oth- 7}naurr er articles may be reproduced for Kerry Bliss Ph.670 5659 Jokes Page 5 and non commercial purpose if ac- companied by a credit line includ- Membership Secretary: The Amiga 3000. Page 6 ing the original author's name and Colin Barnsley Ph.047 741115 the words "Reprinted from the Mag- Member 600 azine of the Australian Amiga User Disk Librarian : Terry Nichols Jnr Page 8 Association Inc." For commercial John Goodwin Ph.670 4382 use of any article in this magazine, Warradale Cell Group Page 9 please contact the secretary, re con- Aust Disk Librariana ditions of use. Paddy McArdle Ph. 047 323356 Fitting the New 1 meg Fat Agnus Page 10 TRADEMARKS Mapane Liinrjan : AMIGA is a Registered Trademark Gras Mye-Gleaves Ami Hints & Tips Page 12 of Commodore-Amiga Inc. AmiForvm is a Registered Trade- Editor : Drive Eject Button mark of the A.A.U.A. Inc. Ray Wilson Ph.047 514143 Syndrone Page 13 DISCLAIMER Adse rtrsiag : Video, Animation, Graphics i3anyl'Sheather Ph.670 6828 and Multimedia. Page 14 Opinions expressed in reviews and the opinions of the reviewers are Spacial Prov, je cts : For Sale Page 15 not necessarily those of the Harry Scruton Ph.673 4157 A.A.U.A. While every effort is Dave Strachan Ph.628 2235 Penrith Cell Group Page 16 made to check items published for errors we cannot be held responsi- Mamie Arty Librarians Choice Page 17 ble for any errors that do occur Articles, Pictures, Flints & Tips that are sent into the Magazine remain Latest Fish Page 18 THE MAGAZINE the propriety of the Australian Amiga User Association. Send Articles Software Purchases Page 20 Amiga Amin& Magazine is 100% in an generic ASCII Text format only, Amiga F Ig using pirctuaee m him on dish. Dint & Tips an AMIGA 500 with lmeg of printed an white paper, Any Member SOFTWARE PIRACY chip and 2meg of fast memory who sends in an article on disk will get and Gold Disk Professional two disk back Members who sax! in THE AUSTRALIAN AMIGA Page v1.3, Compugraphic fonts Hints & Tips please Mehede PD No and USER ASSOCIATION Citizen GSK 140 Printer. We also Address as the best one printed will IS AGAINST SOFTWARE use .Digi-view, Deluxe Paint 3 win a free PD Disk ------- PIRACY NO COPYING and Superbase. AT CLUB MEETINGS A.A.U.A. AM/OA AUSTRALIA Page 1 President Report I would' like to introduce myself my name is Gary Colligan, I have if you can bring your AMIGA let us been a member in the A.A.U.A. for over 2 years, with the last 12 months on know NOW. all members that help the committee as Special Projects Officer, I would also like to thank Geoffrey get in free! t Lambert for his contribution to the A.A.U.A during his Presidency and hope Phone Me on 6288922 or Bob on Jeff will continue the good work for the A.A.U.A. 6705659 or Ray on (047) 514143 with the times you can help... A bit about my self, well my first computer was one of the first Vic 20 with 3K cost me about $399 plus Data Cassette, I learnt how to Program Basic on, it as I was not green with Basic having used PetBasic and Tandy Lets get behind the Basic on there machines it came easy. I then got interested in a C64 But My Wife and I opened a Video Library and we got an IBM it was the only one AmiFVR UM and make that did Video hires. (Wish I had an Amiga to do the video hires. then I would it Australia's premier not have to wait for reports each day I could have done them in the back ground as I was hiring out tapes.. Multitasking who needs its Weil I leaned Amiga show.... MsDra and IBM Basic. Then I got MY AMIGA (GREA'T`) with 1 meg, ex drive & 1084 and sold my IBM with the video shop. I now have a video movie wholesale business. The A.A.U.A. Amigaman BBS is now finished I thank Ron Carruthers I had my AMIGA for 3 years when someone came and borrowed it & for all his work on the ixxtrd and my new stereo and damage the front door getting in to get it. I hope to have hope he will continue the good work my new AMIGA 2000 very soon (will glue it to the bench this time) well for the A.A.U.A. that's me, If I can be of any help to you feel free to ring me. The NEW board will be set up very In this Newletter you will find all the Committee Members and there soon with a new bigger Harddrive Phone no:. If you want any information or help then call them and the lastest BBS Sofeware they are a good bunch and will give you all the help they can. running on an AMIGA 500........ .It will have a new name Ray the Editor needs lots of articles to put in the Newletters would you like blank pages or lots of reading. so help Ray and send them in on a Tale AmiOZ BBS disk in an ascii file. we will then send you a disk back... If you think you (The Official BBS of the can't write anything why dont you and a mate write an article together, we all Australian Amiga User Association) play games sometime so do an article on the ones you play Utilities you use. Programs the good & the bad ones. WorkBench & CIS hints & tips tell The cost will be FREE to Members us the ones you use. PD Software what the best.. Send in your Pic. too of the A.A.U.A. and have lots of Let's all get in and help to make our A.A.U.A. Newletter the best one of the good stuff on it... there will be a Spe- users groups. cial BBS Disk with a Manual, Comm Program and Utilities all set I hope by now you all know about our AMIGA SHOW in June. it is up to go. cost $1 now call AmiForum iA.A.t T.A. Amiga Computer Show) It will be the . biggest Show we have ever put on, with lots and lots to see and buy. I hope to V4re now offer Payment of PD. Blank see you there. Disks and renewals by Bandcard The date for Am iFORIJM is SAT 30th JUNE and ring Bob for details Place PA TA TOWN HALL. Time 11AM TO 5PM. Cost $5..
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