The Pri nce Ge orge’s Pos t A C OMMUNITY NEWSPAPER FOR PRINCE GEORGE ’S COUNTY Since 1932 Vol. 83, No. 50 December 10 — December 16, 2015 Prince George’s County, Maryland Newspaper of Record Phone: 301-627-0900 25 cents Van Hollen Seeks Medal of Honor for Black World War II Hero By ALESSIA GRUNBERGER On Tuesday, the lawmaker Capital New Service wrote a letter to Acting Secre - tary of the Army Eric K. Fan - For hours, that was all that ning urging the military to Army Cpl. Waverly Woodson, award a posthumous Medal of Jr. recognized as the landing Honor to the World War II vet - craft rode the choppy English eran, who died in Clarksburg, Channel on a moonless night. Md., in 2005. The prospect of living was “As a result of his heroic ac - uncertain. But “Woody” tions on D-Day, Woodson was Woodson, a medic for the recommended for the Medal 320th Barrage Balloon Battal - but never received it,” Van ion—the only all-black U.S. Hollen stated in his letter. “As combat unit to storm Nor - you know, no African Ameri - mandy’s beaches on D-Day— cans received the Medal of was willing to risk his life for Honor for their heroism during a country that treated him as a World War II.” second-class citizen. President Bill Clinton in 1997 The morning dawn on June awarded seven Medals of Honor 6, 1944, illuminated Nor - to African American veterans of mandy’s distant shoreline. World War II, only one of whom PHOTO COURTESY PRINCE GEROGE’S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Squinting at the serene beach was still alive. that would soon be called R to L; Congressman Steny Hoyer, EDC President and CEO Jim Coleman and EDC VP Pradeep Ganguly) Woodson’s story received “Bloody Omaha,” Woodson new attention in a recent book found solace and satisfaction. by Linda Hervieux titled “For - His moment of reverie, gotten: The Untold Story of though, would be short-lived. In Congressman Steny Hoyer Gives Economic D-Day’s Black Heroes, at a matter of minutes, a hailstorm Home and at War.” Van Hollen of German bullets and bombs pulled excerpts from her book would spray the English Channel Development Corporation a Thumbs Up On in his letter. and the coastline would be awash “It is very gratifying that (the in bobbing, lifeless bodies. congressman) thinks it’s a cause Woodson would end up sav - ItPRsE SAS OFdFICvER anceddent a nMd CEOa Jimn Coulemfana and cttrauctiorn siolnutiongs g eaSred ttorwarad tmeangufaycturing will definitely worth fighting for,” Hervieux By ing as many as 200 soldiers dur - his executive team provided an the advanced manufacturing make a difference in the lives said. “It was appalling that PGEDC ing the Allied assault on German overview of how the Economic sector, a key component of the of the 27,000 County residents (Woodson) never got acknowl - positions. His heroic efforts LARGO , MD—Today, the Development Corporation is “Make It In America” initiative. looking for high-wage, private edged for what he did.” earned him a Bronze Star—and Prince George’s County Eco - taking radical steps to transform “I am thrilled to have had the sector job opportunities that are On that June day in 1944, a recommendation for the Medal nomic Development Corpora - the lives of County residents by opportunity to share with Con - close to home. As the success - Woodson’s landing craft hit two of Honor. But he never received tion (EDC) opened its doors to encouraging private sector job gressman Hoyer our ideas for ful expansion of local manufac - submerged mines. The explo - the medal. Congressman Steny Hoyer as creation in Prince George’s putting more residents to work,” turing companies such as sion’s impact blew out the ves - More than 70 years later, part of his national job creation County. Congressman Hoyer said Mr. Coleman. “Having his Thompson Creek Windows and sel’s motor. Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-Kens - initiative “Make It In America and the EDC Team agreed to support in making Prince ington, wants to right what he … What’s Next?” During this work on a series of innovative George’s County ground-zero exclusive meeting EDC Presi - skills training and business at - for movement in advanced and others see as an injustice. See HERO Page A 5 See HOYER Page A 5 PG County Economic Development Department of the Environment Now Accepting Corporation and the PG Chamber of Applications for 2016 Environmental Science Student Award and Internship Program Commerce Connect Local Businesses By Press Officer environmental projects in school “Our future relies on the stu - MDE or their community such as re - dent environmental leaders of to More Than $9 Billion cycling drives, school beautifi - today,” said Secretary Ben By PRESS OFFICER BALTIMORE, MD—The cation projects, stream or litter Grumbles. “It is my hope that PGEDC Maryland Department of the En - cleanups and other types of en - our Environmental Science vironment is now accepting ap - vironmental projects are encour - Student Award and Internship LARGO , MD—The Prince plications for the 2016 Environ - George’s County Economic De - aged to apply. The grand prize Program will encourage those mental Science Student Award winner will receive a paid in - who are interested in science, velopment Corporation (EDC) and Internship Program. and the Prince George’s Cham - ternship at Department of Envi - technology, and engineering to The Award recognizes high ronment during summer 2016 continue their education and ber of Commerce brought its school seniors who have ex - collective resources together to (approximately valued at proactively participate in activ - celled in environmental science $3,000). The second-place win - ities that support the environ - bring local businesses face-to- both inside and outside the class - face with County and federal ner will receive $500 and the ment. This internship program room. Students who have third-place winner will receive agencies to learn how to suc - demonstrated extraordinary cessfully secure government $250. All three will receive a PHOTO COURTESY leadership and participation in certificate for their efforts. procurement contracts. A stand - PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION See INTERNSHIP Page A 7 ing room only crowd of more L to R: Economic Development Corporation President Jim than 150 small business owners Coleman; Prince George’s County Public School Minority packed into the EDC’s head - Business Enterprise Coordinator Wes Owens; Corvias Solu - quarters to hear from top level tions Contractor Development Coordinator Kimberly Funk; Council Approves Legislation officials from the Federal Avia - U.S. General Services Administration Associate Administra - tion Administration, the U.S. tor A. Jerome Fletcher; Federal Aviation Administration Sen - Strengthening Tobacco Shop General Services Administra - ior Management Program Analyst Marcus Benefield; Prince tion, the Prince George’s George’s Chamber of Commerce President David Harring - Regulations in Prince George’s County County Public School System, ton; and Economic Development Corporation Small Business By Press Officer 92-2015, legislation amending CB-92-2015 in direct response the Office of Central Services Specialist Toni Miles PG County Council County laws to prohibit to - to the proliferation of tobacco Supplier Development and Di - bacco and electronic cigarette and electronic cigarette shops in versity Division and Corvias “Now is not a time to cool goal of 25 percent or 30 percent PRINCE GEORGE’ s, shops in the Mixed Use Town Prince George’s County. Solutions. Collectively, these off for small businesses in that just isn’t enough when you MD—The Prince George’s Center (M-U-TC) Zone, and “Our number one concern is five entities contracted for more Prince George’s County,” said compare the quality and quan - County Council, during the fi - requiring special exceptions in the health and welfare of our than $9 billion in services last EDC President and CEO Jim nal Council session for Leg - other zones. year and are well on their way Coleman. “While most govern - islative Year 2015 on Tuesday, Council Member Karen R. to topping that number this year. ment contracts have an MBE November 17, approved CB- Toles (D)—District 7, proposed See PGEDC Page A 5 See TOBACCO Page A 3 INSIDE Positive Reception Greets Act Now to Make Anti-Poverty USDA Invests $63 Million to Movie Review: “Spectre” Earth Talk Maryland Hospital-Quality Tax Credits Permanent Support 264 Renewable Energy “The dead are alive” appears as an Dear EarthTalk: Model’s First Year This fall may be the best opportunity and Energy Efficiency Projects epigraph at the beginning, hinting that Hospitals in the state are now that Congress has as it debates legisla - Vilsack said. “Investing in renew - the film will deal with one or two Is recycling still worthwhile given more inclined to help patients after tion that could make some business tax able energy and energy efficiency things: the resurrection of deceased the expense and emissions associated they are discharged to get appropri - breaks permanent. As the House and projects supports home-grown en - persons, or a general fixation on with it? ate care and services that they need Senate consider this legislation, they ergy sources, creates jobs, reduces death. Bond is reminded often of Ves - outside of the hospital—so patients cannot leave working families behind. greenhouse gas pollution and helps per Lynd, who died in “Casino — Michael Vitti, will not have to return to the hospi - They must make the improvements of usher in a more secure energy future Royale,” and of his beloved M, who Norwalk, OH tal for that care. the EITC and CTC permanent as well. for the nation.” bit the dust in “Skyfall” Community , Page A3 Commentary , Page A4 Business , Page A5 Out on the Town , Page A6 Features , Page A7 A2 — December 10 — December 16, 2015 — The Prince George’s Post Towns and N EIGHBORS In and Around Morningside-Skyline by Mary McHale 301 735 3451 Neighborhood Events Chuck Henry, Air Force vet ago, was delightful.
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