N Bank Regional Office: Coimbatore TENDER AI]CTION SA NOTICE WHEREAS the Authorized Officer of the Bank (hereinafter referred as AO) had issued Demand Notice dated 08.10.2018 to (1) IWs.Sea Tracks Exports & Imports, Represented by its Partners, SF No.118/2C, Sathy Road, Opp.Bharath Petrol Bunk, Coimbatore - 641006, (2) Mr.G.Saravanan, S/o S.R.Gothandaraman, B 1B Martin Residency, 5 ' Street Sridevi Nagar, Ganapathy, Coimbatore - 641006, Also at , J 304, Airforce Naval Housing Enclave, Texttool Feeder Road, Athipalayam Pirivu, Ganapathy, Coimbatore-641006, (3) Mr.R.Markanadan, S/o N.Ramasamy, A-3A Martin Residency, Sri Devi Nagar, Ganapathy, Coimbatore - 641006, (4) Mrs.R.Jeyaprabha, Wo Murali Vellaichamy,3l676F, Sathya Colony, 2nd Street Extension, Uthukulli Road, Tirupur- 64160l, (5) Mr.Murali Vellaichamy, 31676 F, Sathya Colony, 2nd Street Extension, Uthukulli Road, Tirupur - 641601 under section 13(2) of the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act. 2002 (hereinafter referred to as 'The Act') and has taken possession of the immovable properties, more fully described in the schedule hereunder under Section 13(a) of the Act read with Rule 8 of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002 on 04.03.2019. AND WHEREAS, the borrower have failed to pay the amount in full, Notice is hereby given that the immovable property more fully described in the Schedule hereunder will be sold by way oftender cum auction on "as is where is" basis and Contd .... Page No. 2 The South Indian Bank Ltd. Regiollal Oflice, P.B.No.3868, Trichy Road, r Sungam, Coimbatore-l8, Tamil Nadu ' ', Website: southindianbank.com -'EU'iSoutIIndianBankLtd,,Regd.Office.SIBHouse,T.B.Road,MissiollQuarters,Thdssur,Kerala-680oo1 Teli +9,1-487 -242OO2O Fax: +91-487 -244202l Email: sibcon)orate{isib-lqiil] CIN: 1,65191KL1929PLCOo1017, Website ivww.sou!hrndiiulbank.com" ETTINTJETiII Regional Office: Coimbatore 2 "as is what is" condition, on the date and at the place mentioned herein below for realization of a sum of Rs.2,88,87,639/-(Rupees Two Crore Eighty Eight Lakhs Eighty Seven Thousand Six Hundred and Thirty Nine Only) as on 16.11.2020 with further interest and costs, subject to the following terms and conditions: - Name of Property Mr.G Saravanan, Mr. R Markandan and M/s Sea Owner Tracks Exports and Imports Description of property All that part and parcel of land admeasuring 3.87 acres with buildings in S.F No.32711 along with all improvements and usufructs thereon and with mamool rights of way and easementary rights thereon in Vadavalli Village,Sulur Taluk, Sulur Sub Registration District, Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu, more fully described in the Sale deed No.1227412016,Sa1e deed No 11066/20l4.Sale deed No 11126/2014 of Sulur SRO comprising the following extcnts:- a) Coimbatore Registration District, Sulur Sub Registration District, Sulur Taluk, in vadavalli Village in S.F.No.327i 1, an extent of hectare 2.20.0, in this land, having the following boundaries and measurements as follows, North of: Property belonging to Textool Company West of: Property belonging to Textool Company South of: Coimbatore to Udumalpet road East of: Property belonging to Raja Steel P Ltd Contd...page no,3 The South Indian Bank Ltd. Regional Omce, P.B.No.3868, Trichy Road, Sungam, Coimbatore-18, Tamil Nadu Email: [email protected],i\, Tel. 0422-2303694, 2302398, Fax -23036I8 Website: southind mbank.com The South Indian Bank Ltd., Regd. Ofiice. SIB House, T.B. Road, Mission Quarters, Thrissur, Kerala - 680 00I +91-487-242OO2O Faxt +91-487-2442O21EmaiI: sDrerp!&t@!D.eai! CIN: L65191KL1929Pt4001017, website: www.sout_!U!dj?nb@k49!1' DTTrNriTltilk Regional Office: Coimbatore ., within this, an extent of 1.56.5 hectares (3.87 acres) of land. In this, a common share of 0.95 acres (0.38.5 Hectares) together with mamool pathway and cart track rights and appurtenances attached thereto. The above land r.vithin the limits of Sulthanpet Union and Vadavalli panchayath b) Coimbatore Registration District, Sulur Sub Registration District, Sulur Taluk, in vadavalli Village in S.F.No.327l1, an extent of hectare 2.20.0, in this land,having the following boundaries and measurements as follows, North ofl Property belonging to Textool Company West of: Property belonging to Textool Company South of: Coimbatore to Udumalpet road East of: Property belonging to Raja Steel P Ltd within this, an extent of 1.56.5 hectares (3.87 acres)of land . In this, a common 1.00 acre (0.40.5 Hectares) of land together with mamool pathway and cart track rights and appurtenances attached thereto. The above land within the limits of Sulthanpet Union and Vadavalli panchayat. c) Coimbatore Registration District, Sulur Sub Registration District, Sulur Taluk, in vadavalli Village in S.F.No.327l1, an extent of hectare 2.20.0, in this land, having the following boundaries and measurements as follows, Contd...page no.4 . The South Indian Bank Ltd. Regio[al OIIice, P.B.No.3868, Trichy Road, Sungam, Coimbatore-18, Tamil Nadu Email: ro [email protected], Tel. 0422-2303694, 2302398, Fax -2303618 .i r Website: southindianbank.com \t ?.\ ,, "The South lndian Bank Ltd., Regd. Omce. SIB House, T.B. Road, Mission Quarters, 'I'hrissur, Kerala - 680 00I ../,_-* -::.rtq/+91-487-242OO2O Farc +91-487-2442021Emai|: [email protected]]D CIN: I-65191KL1929PLC001017, website: '\-'.',,r;, ..)--.a www. southtldiaruaaI{sqr" Bank Regional Office: Coimbatore 4 North of Property belonging to Textool Company West of: Property belonging to Textool Company South of Coimbatore to Udumalpet road East of: Property belonging to Raja Steel p Ltd within this, an extent of 1.56.5 Hectares (3.87 acres) of land. In this, common 0.95 acres (0.38.5 Hectares) of vacant land together with pathway and cart track rights and appurtenances attached thereto. The above land within the limits of Sulthanpet Union and Vadavalli panchayat. d) Coimbatore Registration District, Sulur Sub Registration District, Sulur Taluk, in vadavalli Village in S.F.No.327l1, an extent of hectare 2.20.0, in this land, having the following boundaries and measurements as follows, North of: Property belonging to Textool Company West of: Property belonging to Textool Company South of: Coimbatore to Udumalpet road East of: Property belonging to Raja Steel P Ltd within this, an extent of 1.56.5 Hectares (3.87 acres) of land, In this a common 0.97 acres (0.39.0 Hectare ) of land together with mamool pathway and cart track rights. The above land within the limits of Sulthanpet Union and Vadavalli ath. Contd..,page no.5 The South Indian Ltd. Regiona-l OlTice, P.B.No. Trichy Road, Suntam, Coimbatore-18, Tamil Nadu E nail: rol [email protected], Tel. 0422-2303694, 2302398, Fax -2303618 Website: southindianbank.com i.':,,(...;-- -r\ ;.': a: Souti rndian Bank Ltd., Regd. Ofice. SIB House, T.B. Road, Mission Thdssur, Kerala -71r:!-_./ \fl Quarterc, - 680 OOt '\ ,'Ibjr'1g1-487 -242OO2O Faxl +91-487 -2442o2lBmail: sibcorporatcar)sib.co.in CIN: L65191KL1929PLCO01017, Website: rru{Eg-ulbildia4taJr!{a!1 t-IENf:-Efiill Regional Office: Coimbatore 5 Reserve Price Rs. l,l I ,45,000/- (Rupees One Crore Eleven Lakhs Forty Five Thousand Only) Eamest Money Deposit Rs.11,14,500/- (Rupees Eleven Lakhs Fourteen (EMD) Thousand and Five Hundred Only) Date and Place of Sale 28.12.2020 at 72.30 pm at The South Indian Bank Ltd, Regional office, Sungam, Trichy Road, Coimbatore-641018. oNs 1) The property will be sold on "as is where is" basis and "as is what is" condition and the Bank is not responsible for title, condition oi any other fact affecting the property. The particulars fumished regarding the secured asset is stated to the best of information of the Bank and the Bank will not be answerable for any error, misstatement or omission. 2) The proposed Tenderers shall read and understand the terms and conditions mentioned in the Tender Sale Notice which is published by the Bank in its Website/ at Coimbatore R S Puram Branch and at Coimbatore Regional Office and also visit the scheduled property and satisS as to its area, boundaries, ownership, title, encumbrance, statutory approvals, measurements etc.The Bank shall not entertain any dispute regarding the Tender process or the scheduled property after participating in the sale. Contd...page no,6 The South Indian Bank Ltd, P.B.No.386a, Trichy Road, Sungam, Coimbatore_ 18, Tamil Nadu Email: ro [email protected] ,i^, "1e1. 0422-2303694,2302398, Fax -2303618 Website: southindianbanl.com The South Indian Bank Ltd., Retd. OrEce. SIB House, T B. Road, Mission Quarters, Thrissur, Kerala - 680 00I .te* +gl-487 -242OO2O Faj,x +91-487 -2442021Email: sibcorpo.atdAsib.co.in CIN: 165191KL1929Pt4001017, Website www. southilrdian bank. con]" o Banl< Regional Office: Coimbatore 6 3) Interested renderers shall produce a copy of any valid photo identity/ address proof. In case, the Tenderer is participating on authorization, he should produce the ID proof of himself and the Tenderer. 4) EMD shall be paid by way of Demand Draft drawn in favour of ,,The Authorised Officer, The South Indian Bank Ltd.,, payable at Coimbatore. All other amounts payable regarding the sale shall be paid by way of RTGS /DD drawn in favour of "The Authorised Ofiicer, The South Indian Bank Ltd." payable at Coimbatore. 5) Interested Tenderers shall submit Dernand Draft lbr the EMD at The South Indian Bank Ltd Regional Office, Coimbatore along with the Tender in a sealed cover before I1.30 AM on28.12.2020 6) The Right of entry to the place of sale will be restricted to the Tenderers who have submitted the Tender letter and EMD in a sealed cover within the stipulated time or within such time as ma1, be decided by the Authorised offlrcer at his sole discretion.
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