QUARTERLY REPORT January - March, 2017 Prepared by VISIT FLORIDA, Research Office Copyright © 2017 VISIT FLORIDA®, All rights reserved. VISIT FLORIDA data or information may not be otherwise reproduced or communicated without prior written permission from VISIT FLORIDA. Covers components not otherwise sourced. January - March, 2017 2 of 3 Research Component VISIT FLORIDA Quarterly Report CURRENT VITALITY OF THE FLORIDA VISITOR INDUSTRY The most recent calendar quarter for which information is available on the vitality of the Florida visitor industry is January-March 2017, also referred to as 2017Q1. This is the best available processing schedule as this report was prepared in June 2017. The domestic estimation methodology was developed for VISIT FLORIDA by George Washington University and the University of North Florida. Canadian estimates remain derived from Statistics Canada and overseas estimates are derived from aggregate card usage data provided by VisaVue® Travel and incorporates data from other independent research sources. In 2017Q1, Florida hosted 31.1 million visitors, an increase of 2.5% from 2016Q1 based on preliminary estimates. The volume of air visitors was 16 million, while the volume of non-air visitors was 15 million. See the attached report on the Visitor Estimates and Industry Trend Indicators for 2017Q1. CANADA Canada is Florida’s top international origin country. VISIT FLORIDA’s preliminary Q1- 2017 estimates indicate 1.3 million Canadians came to Florida in Q1-2017. This is a decrease of 2% from the same quarter the year prior. The volume of air visitors was 694,000, while the volume of non-air visitors was 608,000. OVERSEAS VISIT FLORIDA now uses data from VisaVue Travel for its quarterly estimates of overseas visitors to Florida. For 2017Q1 Florida hosted 2.7 million overseas visitors. This is a 1.8% decrease from 2016Q1. UNAUDITED UNAUDITED Florida Tourism Industry Marketing Corporation d/b/a VISIT FLORIDA Operating Consolidated Statement of Income and Expense Nine Months Ended March 31, 2017 Projected YTD YTD YTD Budget Projections Projected Annual VS Actual Budget Variance Remaining Adjustments Year End Actual Budget Budget A B C D E A + D + E= F G F - G = H Revenues State of Florida Proceeds 56,250,000 56,250,000 18,750,000 75,000,000 75,000,000 Partner Investment 1,796,224 1,900,389 (104,165) 367,706 63,506 2,227,437 2,268,095 (40,658) Strategic Alliances 58,284 231,266 (172,982) 60,422 122,982 241,688 291,688 (50,000) Events Revenue 1,545,904 1,716,358 (170,454) 631,638 (115,174) 2,062,368 2,347,996 (285,628) Trade Show Revenue 1,707,015 1,691,169 15,846 1,707,015 1,691,169 15,846 Welcome Center Revenue 449,658 456,997 (7,339) 18,692 6,896 475,246 475,689 (443) Reimbursement Revenue 144,384 187,495 (43,111) 62,505 42,061 248,950 250,000 (1,050) Publication Revenue 172,874 254,000 (81,127) 40,000 212,874 254,000 (41,127) Interest Income 23,609 34,317 (10,708) 11,443 35,052 45,760 (10,708) Research Revenue 108,135 105,962 2,173 150 108,285 106,112 2,173 Website Revenue 191,110 385,042 (193,932) 128,352 (104,653) 214,809 513,394 (298,585) Other Revenue 1,976,473 4,917,962 (2,941,489) 1,481,570 (1,032,820) 2,425,223 6,399,532 (3,974,309) Industry-Contributed Promotional Value 76,334,717 80,160,000 (3,825,283) 17,720,000 5,356,167 99,410,884 97,880,000 1,530,884 Industry-Cooperative Advertising Value 12,000,836 16,279,188 (4,278,352) 10,138,116 (419,404) 21,719,548 26,417,304 (4,697,756) Total Revenues 152,759,222 164,570,145 (11,810,923) 49,370,594 3,959,562 206,089,378 213,940,739 (7,851,361) Expenses Salaries & Benefits 9,162,363 9,528,468 (366,105) 4,021,746 (405,175) 12,778,934 13,550,214 (771,280) Fees & Services 6,289,716 6,517,554 (227,838) 1,842,459 555,154 8,687,329 8,360,013 327,316 Citrus Juice 144,384 187,495 (43,111) 62,505 42,061 248,950 250,000 (1,050) Office & Computer Supplies 76,028 111,596 (35,568) 30,359 2,846 109,232 141,955 (32,723) Decorations 123,936 132,358 (8,422) 34,843 6,475 165,254 167,201 (1,947) Depreciation & Amortization 537,486 569,796 (32,310) 468,101 (158,838) 846,749 1,037,897 (191,148) Dues & Subscriptions 155,088 201,219 (46,131) 37,069 9,137 201,293 238,288 (36,995) Printing/ Copying/ Photo 205,514 331,727 (126,213) 44,029 58,463 308,005 375,756 (67,751) Business Promotion 1,122,280 1,388,338 (266,058) 389,276 52,499 1,564,055 1,777,614 (213,559) Repairs and Maintenance 111,590 112,226 (636) 26,209 54,849 192,649 138,435 54,214 Equipment Rental 286,180 327,309 (41,129) 39,142 588 325,910 366,451 (40,541) Postage & Freight 114,783 121,547 (6,764) 44,164 27,289 186,236 165,711 20,525 Fulfillment 223,376 301,492 (78,116) 109,528 5,461 338,365 411,020 (72,655) Grants 224,793 785,000 (560,207) 529,425 (112,478) 641,740 1,314,425 (672,685) Insurance Business 83,847 167,529 (83,682) 20,343 82,246 186,436 187,872 (1,436) Legal 96,684 100,785 (4,101) 40,095 (28,195) 108,584 140,880 (32,296) Promotional Items 262,385 275,818 (13,433) 67,948 42,323 372,656 343,766 28,890 Registration Fees/Booth Rental 1,399,838 1,406,691 (6,853) 349,712 189,866 1,939,416 1,756,403 183,013 Employee Relocation 8,500 (8,500) 2,500 2,500 11,000 (8,500) Office Rent 342,742 342,743 (1) 114,621 457,363 457,364 (1) Research Project 736,228 963,658 (227,430) 165,452 393,861 1,295,541 1,129,110 166,431 7/3/2017, 9:37 AM 01 - March 2017 Consolidated Operating FY16-17, Consolidated Oper UNAUDITED UNAUDITED Florida Tourism Industry Marketing Corporation d/b/a VISIT FLORIDA Operating Consolidated Statement of Income and Expense Nine Months Ended March 31, 2017 Projected YTD YTD YTD Budget Projections Projected Annual VS Actual Budget Variance Remaining Adjustments Year End Actual Budget Budget A B C D E A + D + E= F G F - G = H Taxes and Licenses 22,855 24,148 (1,293) 460 2,660 25,975 24,608 1,367 Telephone 208,028 230,414 (22,386) 74,402 1,831 284,261 304,816 (20,555) Temp. Labor 36,788 41,961 (5,173) 19,394 3,072 59,254 61,355 (2,101) Training 103,671 174,662 (70,991) 53,958 19,338 176,966 228,620 (51,654) Travel 674,487 1,103,846 (429,359) 457,028 58,330 1,189,845 1,560,874 (371,029) Travel - Projects (Non-Emp) 1,830,423 1,880,990 (50,567) 407,973 115,120 2,353,516 2,288,963 64,553 Uniforms 11,306 23,302 (11,997) 9,819 21,124 23,302 (2,178) Utilities 77,640 97,218 (19,578) 25,266 (500) 102,406 122,484 (20,078) Warehouse-Rent 69,057 80,474 (11,417) 27,154 (1,256) 94,955 107,628 (12,673) Agency Fees 1,807,635 2,904,436 (1,096,801) 901,498 251,800 2,960,933 3,805,934 (845,001) Media 22,734,337 31,079,180 (8,344,843) 12,786,228 8,382,715 43,903,281 43,865,408 37,873 Production 2,947,081 4,179,266 (1,232,185) 748,802 133,347 3,829,230 4,928,068 (1,098,838) Industry Contributed Promotional Value 76,334,717 80,160,000 (3,825,283) 17,720,000 5,356,167 99,410,884 97,880,000 1,530,884 Industry Cooperative Advertising Value 12,000,836 16,279,188 (4,278,352) 10,138,116 (419,404) 21,719,548 26,417,304 (4,697,756) Total Expense 140,558,102 162,140,934 (21,582,832) 51,799,805 14,731,471 207,089,378 213,940,739 (6,851,361) Revenue Over Expense 12,201,120 2,429,211 9,771,909 (2,429,211) (10,771,909) (1,000,000) 0 (1,000,000) 7/3/2017, 9:37 AM 01 - March 2017 Consolidated Operating FY16-17, Consolidated Oper UNAUDITED UNAUDITED Florida Tourism Industry Marketing Corporation d/b/a VISIT FLORIDA FRLA Marketing Program Consolidated Statement of Income and Expense Nine Months Ended March 31, 2017 Projected YTD YTD YTD Budget Projections Projected Annual VS Actual Budget Variance Remaining Adjustments Year End Actual Budget Budget A B C D E A + D + E= F G F - G = H Revenues Hotel Restaurant Trust Fund 1,134,446 1,875,000 (740,554) 625,000 740,554 2,500,000 2,500,000 Industry Match-FRLA 4,348,536 1,750,000 2,598,536 750,000 (150,000) 4,948,536 2,500,000 2,448,536 Total Revenues 5,482,982 3,625,000 1,857,982 1,375,000 590,554 7,448,536 5,000,000 2,448,536 Expenses Fees & Services 254,860 375,003 (120,143) 124,997 114,953 494,810 500,000 (5,190) Printing/ Copying/ Photo 3,750 (3,750) 1,250 3,750 5,000 5,000 Business Promotion 18,893 7,500 11,393 2,500 7,500 28,893 10,000 18,893 Equipment Rental 5,097 5,097 5,097 5,097 Travel - Projects (Non-Emp) 2,925 37,500 (34,575) 12,500 37,500 52,925 50,000 2,925 Media 640,560 640,560 640,560 Media-FRLA Marketing Program 722,670 1,290,500 (567,830) 514,500 1,237,170 1,805,000 (567,830) Production 130,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 Industry Match FRLA 4,348,536 1,750,000 2,598,536 750,000 (150,000) 4,948,536 2,500,000 2,448,536 Total Expense 5,482,982 3,594,253 1,888,729 1,405,747 654,264 7,542,992 5,000,000 2,542,992 Revenue Over Expense 0 30,747 (30,747) (30,747) (63,709) (94,456) 0 (94,456) 7/3/2017, 9:37 AM 02 - March 2017 Consolidated FRLA_FY16-17, Consolidated FRLA UNAUDITED UNAUDITED Florida Tourism Industry Marketing Corporation d/b/a VISIT FLORIDA Florida for Veterans Program Consolidated Statement of Income and Expense Nine Months Ended March 31, 2017 Projected YTD YTD YTD Budget Projections Projected Annual VS Actual Budget Variance Remaining Adjustments Year End Actual Budget Budget A B C D E A + D + E= F G F - G = H Revenues State of Florida Proceeds 801,211 771,000 30,211 229,000 (30,211) 1,000,000 1,000,000 (0) Total Revenues 801,211 771,000 30,211 229,000 (30,211) 1,000,000 1,000,000 (0) Expenses Fees & Services 65,393 164,997 (99,604) 55,003 (50,982) 69,414 220,000 (150,586) Printing/ Copying/ Photo 1,949 1,949 1,949 1,949 Postage & Freight 3,241 3,241 3,241 3,241 Research Project 83,000 85,000 (2,000) 83,000 85,000 (2,000) Travel - Projects (Non-Emp) 6,104 5,000 1,104 2,000 2,733 10,837 7,000 3,837 Agency Fees 100,096 92,250 7,846 30,750 8,809 139,655 123,000 16,655 Media 294,812 367,497 (72,685) 122,503 14,548 431,862 490,000 (58,138) Production 246,504 56,250 190,254 18,750 (5,325) 259,929 75,000 184,929 Total Expense 801,099 770,994 30,105 229,006 (30,217) 999,888 1,000,000 (113) Revenue Over Expense 113 6 107 (6) 6 112 0 112 7/3/2017, 9:38 AM 03 - March 2017 Consolidated Florida for Veterans FY16-17, Consolidated FL for Veterans VISIT FLORIDA Quarterly Report January 1, 2017 - March 31, 2017 Four-Year Objectives by June 30, 2020 A.
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