DOCUMENT RESUME ED 127 980 IR 003 947 Georgia Public Library Statistics,1975. TITLE Atlanta. Div. of INSTITUTION Georgia State Dept of Education, Public Library Services. PUB DATE 75 NOTE 65p. EDRS PRICE MF-$0.83 HC-$3.50 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Audiovisual Aids; County Libraries;Directories; Films; Financial Support; LibraryCirculation; Library Collections; *LibraryExpenditures; *Public Libraries; Regional Libraries; StateLibraries; *Statistical Data; Tables (Data), Construction Act IDENTIFIERS *Georgia; Library Services and ABSTRACT Statistical data on Georgia publiclibraries are provided in tables coveringregional and large county library of systems, audiovisual materials,audiovisual expenditures, analysis federal funds received, andTitle II construction. Data onthe services of the state agency aregiven for technical services,reader services, large group loans, statecatalog service, and the state film collection. Library Servicesand Construction Act Title I programs are included.There are also directories ofcounties and branches comprising regionallibrary systems. Georgia public libraries are listed both bylibrary name and by location. (LS) *********************************************************************** Documents acquired by ERICinclude many informal unpublished effort * * materials not availablefrom other sources. ERIC makes every of marginal * * to obtain the best copyavailable. Nevertheless, items this affects the quality * * reproducibility areoften encountered and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makesavailable * * of the microfiche and is not * via the ERIC DocumentReproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS quality of the originaldocument. Reproductions * * responsible for the * * supplied by EDRS arethe best that can be madefrom the original. *********************************************************************** GEORGIA PUBLIC1975 LIBRARYSTATISTICS Introduction TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 3 AudioStatistics Visual for Materials Regional and Large CountyLibrary Systems 104 - 91415 TitleAnalysisAudio IIVisual of Construction FederalExpenditures Funds Received 1617 StateTechnical ReadersAgency ServicesServices Services 19 181720 LibraryLargeState Services GroupFilmCatalog Collection Loansand Service ConstructionAct Title I 21 CountiesLibrarySpecial and ProgramsforBranches the Blind DirectedComprising and toPhysically RegionaltheNational LibraryHandicapped and 8ystemsRegional Priorities 23 2244 DirectoryBy Name of Publicof Public Libraries Library inGeorgia U S DEPARTMENTOF HEALTH. 4552 6551 By Location DUCEDTHIS DOCUMENTNATIONALEDUCATION EXACTLYEDUCATION INSTITUTE AS HAS&WELFARE RECEIVED BEEN OF REPRO. FROM SENTSTATEDATINGTHEEDUCATION PERSON OFFICIAL IT DOPOINTS NOTPOSITION OR NATIONAL ORGANIZATION OFNECESSARILY VIEW OR INSTITUTEORPOLICY OPINIONS ORIGINREPRE OF The Geurgia Department of EducationINTRODUCTION requires the Division of Public Library toServices account to for report the financialannually onsupport the services from local, provided state by and public federal libraries sources. and Thissystems report and dealsorganizations. with pertinentDetailed services reports and offinances the services administered and costs by libraryare on fileAlso withincluded the Division.is a brief summary of services and activities at the state development,level which augmentextension the services library andsystems, federal the programs. administration of library STATISTICSJuly FOR 1,REGIONAL 1974SERVICES - ANDJune LARGE 30, 1975COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEMS LIBRARYAlbany-Dougherty SYSTEM POPULATION89,369 COUNTIESNO.1 OF BRANCHESNO.6 OF NO.STAFF 18OF TOTAL243,581CIRCULATIONPER2.72 CAPITAADDED8,672 1975BOOKS118,017TOTAL AND MEDIAPER1.31 CAPITA Atlanta-FultonAthens 106,991607,592 15 268 228302,346,597395,045 3.863.69 102,69510,906 170,278978,876 1.591.651 BartramAugustaBen Hill Trail County 211,19438,09513,171 514 o5 5156 742,74955,54290,062 4.222.363.51 22,o682,6723,327 330,49968,78251,788 1.563.931.8o Chatham-Effingham-Brunswick-GlynnBrooks County 102,45713,785 71 43 163 192,20451,358 1.883.72 3,494940 150,29922,396 1.621.46 LibertyCherokeeChattahoochee Valley2o6,98o218,968 335 1175 12.55165 689,356928,462214,399 3.332.64.24 15,3002°,9787,395 132,o68390,446343,445 1.881.561.62 CoastalChestatee Plain 67,13568,13381,142 25 54 19.515.6222,539290,552 3.314.26 9,0065,754 166,87275,865 1.112.48 Colquitt-ThomasCobb County 196,79366,715 12 125 4212 347,188793,175 5.204.03 22,7896,789 160,736204,548 DaltonDeSotoDeKalb Trail 459,821119,9355o,283 43 1254 72lo13 1,227,550191,513243,8o8 3.8o2.66 38,1957,4678,000 145,639104,585490,517 1.062.07 ElbertHartFlint County RiverCounty 212,20017,26216,500 811 110 443 890,21042,26610,369 21,2301,397958 316,11722,0379,o38 4 Alt STATISTICSJuly FOR 1,REGIONAL 1974FINANCES - ANDJune LARGE 30, 1975COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEMS STATE AID FEDERAL AID BALANCE1974 AND TOTAL TOTAIlf* BOOKS AND OPERATING EXPENDI-TOTAL EXPENDI-PER CAPITA $112,15574,209APEG* ALL$ 17,62517,054 SOURCES $274,622LOCAL173,171 FUNDS$ 366,456302,380FUNDS $204,932SALARIES134,818 $ 62,58751,593MEDIA $EXPENSES 86,28o54,346 $ 353,799240,757TURES 3.96TURES2.25 AthensAlbany-DoughertyLIBRARY SYSTEM 182,276279,24564,655 189,98223,25614,368 4,331,958547,81347,419 4,801,185126,442753,345 2,599,651499,80966,559 111,475857,26722,282 147,617993,64121,426 4,450,559***758,901110,267 3.597.322.89 BartramAugustaAtlanta-Fulton Trail 149,9844,1224,982 20,1563,100- 0 - 115,60314,84034,231 285,74342,31318,962 159,61024,8227,173 40,9635,9778,321 39,9932,3096,598 240,56639,74115,459 BenBrunswick-GlynnBrooks Hill County County 146,895142,161 41,74310,853 461,964741,988 619,712925,892 419,062667,421 111,11678,433 116,70852,717 862,562582,895 2.823.93 ham-LibertyValleyChattahoocheeChatham-Effing- 58,15678,12488,510 26,59214,72820,829 127,552147,165172,097 250,403251,082232,268 137,505148,510111,390 35,64735,68526,912 35,25069,56643,149 208,402207,868227,344 3.102.563.33 CherokeeCoastalChestatee Plain 164,14460,943 10,07810,852 718,017202,574 273,595893,013 142,734515,953 111,35342,70031,775 265,70730,97172,380 246,889893,013***192,205 3.704.531.60 DaltonColquitt-ThomasCobb County 236,287103,29569,111 35,66015,50427,237 908,484133,13560,120 1,180,431251,934156,468 723,271118,53481,705 223,22124,225 194,76119,221 1,141,253125,151 2.48 ElbertDeSotoDeKalb TrailCounty 15,541 3,100 22,274 40,915 20,170 . 5,486 14,958 40,614 2.37 150,243206,137Adequate264,4286,408 Program for171,619854,155 Education1,324,720328,270in Georgia 388,51614,272 138,5849,146 699,878248,129 1,226,978***271,547***16.455.78 HartFlint CountyRiver ConstructionInci.udes Personnel Costs inclLdedCosts 5 STATISTICSJuly FOR 1,REGIONAL 1974SERVICES - ANDJune LARGE 30, 1975COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEMS HoustonLIBRARY SYSTEMCounty POPULATION COUNTIESNO.1 OF BRANCHESO. 2OF NO.STAFF 10OF TOTALCIRCULATIONPER2.89 CAPITA ADDED 1975BOOKSTOTAL AND MEDIAPER CAPITA KinchafooneeJefferson County 39,79816,71262,924 16 52 104 182,149139,35947,134 3.502.82 .3,2924,2165,269 137,02641793659,364 MiddleLake BlackshearLanier Georgia 226,17258,51992,906 73L. 1447 134213.51,020,477159,462161,383 4.511.722.76 11,80122,7448,046 301,087121,856177,938 .1.1.3104 3331 NortheastMountain Georgia 57,99124,737 43 35 1289 193,064105,912 3.384.28 5,5031,779119,73767,189 2.092. 71 OhoopeeOconeeOcmulgee 41,80752,39468,188 35 4 146 155,404119,682420,451 2.866.172.97 10,4093,4608,954 139,758127,04680,562 2.421-.922.05 OkefenokeePeach County 70,17915,990 51 16 11134 127,68047,969 3.001.82 5,8402,490171,25019,359 1.212.44 RoddenberyPinePiedmont Mountain 17,82657,45668,189 14 159 59 106,960194,23063,899 3.581.862.85 2,6145,6067,737 122,73195,13950,267 2.811.651.79 Screven-JenkinsSatilla 29,92338,132 3 52 859 106,810415,326 10.895.10 4,1835,128 73,94373,848 3.531.93 SouthwestSouthSequoyah Georgia Georgia 49,63535,76662,967 33 43 10 190,979296,887252,961 4,7386,4072,647 117,39178,12162,750 1.751.891.57 6 C..0 STATISTICS FOR REGIONAL AND LARGE COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEMS KATE AID FEDERAL AIDBALANCE1974 AND TOTALJuly 1, TOTAL**1974FINANCES - June BOOKS 30, AND 1975OPERATINGEXPENDI-TOTAL EXPENDIPER CAPITA - $ APEG*32,20616,392 $ALL 19,4256,408 souRcEs$170,096LOCAL38,845 FuNDs $ FUNDS221,72761,645$ SALARIES86,87629,093 $ 25,6137,364MEDIA$EXPENSES 33,7367,788 $146,225***TURES44,245TURES2.652.32. HoustonJeffersonLIBRARY County SYSTEMCounty 310,489106,90367,805 12,19324,03320,094 364,05690,00792,570 181,845694,63921666 116,271124,87979,443 46,88915,99718,754 390,17442,54323,132 166,765137,983553,334***1.499.454.19 LakeKinchafoonee BlackshearLanier 191,80271,67947,781 26,35645,6216,202 676,156108,02861,301 115,284894,314225,328 435,045117,90449,998 140,94630,6508,274 275,63035,88526,524 851,621184,43984,796 3.233.433.77 MiddleNortheastMountain Georgia Georgia 141,17947,52185,174 30,68123,0776,202 114,65866,68550,706 104,429278,914182,540 143,67356,30594,965 40,15431,92419,068 28,47421,32486,537 155,363270,364***96,697 3.96'2.962.31 OconeeOcmulgeeOhoopee 78,35619,11895,632 26,06513,1783,10o 106,77875,30643,819 198,312197,00366,037 127,07683,81332,026 32,36127,0679,883 19,72812,24722,406 176,549135,90254,156 .3.382.561.99 OkefenokeePiedmontPeach County 20,06084,11455,274 13,1786,2029,753 78,38477,25781,508 111,321175,676138,733 64,53169,59895,305 19,98614,88021,415 20,46335,71017,357 152,430101,874104,941 2.655.882.67 PineRoddenberySatilla Mountain 34,44386,06554,600 11,6286,2029,614 101,13670,44879,187 198,829139,989114,505 101,99574,24045,814 29,59221,37516,534 54,96126,4886,993 186,548122,10369,341 3.012.463.31
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