HERE COMES 'HAIRSPRAY' Presentation of "Hairspray" Took Place Saturday

HERE COMES 'HAIRSPRAY' Presentation of "Hairspray" Took Place Saturday

MARCH 3, 2011 * A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION * WW.NILESHERALDSPECTATOR.COM * S2.00 THIS WEEK DIVERSIONS WE LOVE THE '80S "Take Me Home Tonight" ¡s ¡n Film Clips PAGE B4 FOOD LOCAL WRITERS Bloggers share recipes, insights PAGE2O Inside! Dress rehearsals for Maine East High School's today s homes HERE COMES 'HAIRSPRAY' presentation of "Hairspray" took place Saturday. Look for it in the centerof Michaela and Natasha Laws rehearse. Search Ch icago -A u tos PAGE 8 J Joe CyganowskiFor Sun-Times Media Give Them What They Want '-fl'.:ìr SOi7TLOg LS NO.L)jt0lI SI1IN LSIO AèIèl8I, p 0969 OOi'OOOOOJgIa AèJèj9I-31lfld S1 To advertise now T000000 6tO3I1SfldSE1IN 5TO-OLo1 6i't9 call: 847-486-9200 PIONEER Piuss YOUR LOCAL SOURCE u ww\pioneer1Oca1.cOm NIL0040050ff, MHRCH5 z www.pioneerIoCaI.COm to/i V.- sii .THOesese.oOr0nAse LENT, TECHNOLOGY,TRADITION MamosghsgEditorsMutt Sehmite Jisynnet (705) 524-4433 srrsehnvitz®piorreeclocal.cono \ews Koenig & Stovy offeso OUr clients thebenefits of haVing nuis WEEKO MAINE [ott READ/Ct PRAD5CT1ON 5E 'HKiKtPRNH' 'SCIIOOLSo ritt, bn HELLS FUND RELANCE POLICEI POLITICOs tisi, on SCH5AL sALE IDEA INCLUDES PARK LAND lIRA LEAVITT1 50004tA MOglE I it all. Experienced agents,cuttinpedge marketing tools lo n underscored by 2nd powerful advertising exposure ore FEIERAL BUREAU 0F PRISONS a nom mitment to the higheststandards of ethics and petto/ma OCA, and a 97°/o customersatisfaction rating. If YOU arc thinking about buyrng or selling, let usoffer you This week marks end the Koenig & Sorey advantage. of Blase's prison time I G S T R E Y C O M By TRACY GRUEN jo0. 2K. Boche soid the trutfwoy C001ribvtor Inm0000 mho ore sent hoosonlolt, probotioo of- oo heme eosofr000eoorot eo- liver ond Buveou of Fein- Formes Nitos Moyor portones ditteveot levels nne stufI woch logether Nieholos B/eec ovos on '0e monitoring. Some in- to ereoleocustomisod home rontinoment sinos - moies rn00novhie pion foc ouch inmute mho joo. DO und hemos nello bcoveleis und othors loon home conflnement. be free ol oil monitoring vheels in muS ttoo lroitmoy Befocs being mooed lo on bio vetease dota Oho bonne by phone ocio pee- the hultwoy house Bluse (4/4, _v-,i'0dC.0. posi Wedessdny. soro,osplainedChelo mae 01 0 fodecul pvtson 109WKENIC0000HAVe.50e . 3333WCOCaeCIe.00s 7 219 N 04 5 E LEOAV ECO O'e "I'm looloirog forword to Buche, of the FedevotBu- comp in Duluth, Mmc., 400V 0041040 047.023,4044 SOsfl000ueOsCOOieOOZIB.535 4300 00001500UAIC 073035' i!.I/OEOsONSsiiI000703,435 405 Moech 2," Bloss seo'd Ivom ceno of Poisons, alter hein g coov/000doe his home in Nues on Pci- "A/I yoo' hone 50 do is fedorol ehoo'ges Oled loo doy. - Oeil them whero poseo i esuranve se homo in' .7-/ge Bluse on Doc. 23 mee going end whon you're which he received more pluoedinoho/fnvoy oomingbsck," Bloss neid 1h00 $400,00040 kioto- Iroose, The AolvoLion 0f his life doriag home bocks Avow Rotph Wein. Army Corr001i000/ Ser. 00000ement. er ond Associotes. vioe, 1055. Ash/nod Ans., . Burke said 0h00 certain He w os sontenced in Chiocgo, whevo ho re- ortivities ere approved, Junuoey 0010 100yoor Egqs-perimentaton lisio Mmcl thiod-g000ere $nlheoy Msr5010 sod Orerdan AH bollO lisio 3002W 05400AVE .COM 48 50 W BIRCHW0 C DAVE .COM muined oetit ho roas sent sorb os moch- or schoot- ando doy in pr/son. sty-estohiol dedos 0/pork Algs'NBro Soheel Distort 04's Orsasi tdsvon tiHnpisd breE S.l Joel Lerorr- io/o cOCEO 773,434,4300 home on000finemeot re/oled ootivtties, ' Comoroise:pioneortoeol000ri Son'yees Medie VILLAGE BOARD signed, sealed, delivered 7607N HA RC EMAVE .CO M 1: .00 coos Av e.00e O 97 t CR 0050 n s AuE.oc so Post office lease 8000Wnuossoor 000044/cUe 4051 KEOCEoAO VoM Geem seid. Uh By TRACY GROEN 'Che money colleclod loom the Jocqoil, where Obero humo been on bebo/loO 110e vilboge, cold in li0O047y53 4/44 The post silIce, cob' oh iso boul Co etolO oto r rent voi/I nupp000 Ohn Civic Cen- parking issues, ond Ike Coluro Oho post orfivio/s biked to the toc TIF flux irorement Anono- 01 Civic Center Fioca, whiolo is posi ofEve ubout possibly mov- 92,0x4 sqoor'e leet, mus op- proined et $2.5 noillion aoder Iba Nt/co cilio ge teosteesopproved ingt district. home io H-Mort, Home Depot ing ita little fectheo souilr next olive-your leose loe Oho Ni/co "I ovos vei'y concerned oboui and ICing Spo. lo lbs dIr wsroh lu lilo pl000. nilo's Correct e050tog. Civic 5001ev post of4ee at the extosdiog Ohs CostrosO 100020," Truatec Clrris tfeousiuh suid "Thoy suid il ovos not cost-sf- At tile previous hourd moot- vit/oge booed meeting Feb. 04. Trusleo Loosllo Fveston soid nl he also din not wont 1/ra xitloge OeS/ove," Von Cenm soid. ing Huousixk oskod mEot the The Booed ofTrustees voted the post of/ice, wtoich woos ho/lt tobo loulord in for IA penos. 01e AU bol wonlh'e boord moMO- oolr'r'eni morhet votos oAthn polo ox Oho 000-yeor teoso, mEleEwi/t ioo /974 aird pcsnioonly ornead by echoed Preston's idea oboul ing Feeninc suid oh o cous dm001- o050s im oed Teontes Abo Wed 4,025'titOrrrKo CCOO E4C''' lic '0300r.752,003E 52104ELUW000A1 r: suid Ihe not shorotol be hosed oio 72 CON L son o o 440207 CO cop/rein 0000, ort opposed too lire ownecs of the kuwvonoecille wonntiog 100Mo wloot lbs rom- isKed rollio the nillogr'uo'orbdiog vonowabte optioo thol xvou/d em Shopping Senior'. peoheosime pion iroelordos ra- rwieliooship wttin Iho cosi of000 - Ube rvir'heL IOCSL'STO0I1005 547073 OeOO TASOAMOTOO 302 042 040 SECO 047 272.0430 CO3Vfl4 KIM pire/o 200K. TIon posi office to Fro0000 sold sire vvoulri postre gor'ding the visiox und 10000w of and experienced pvob/emsooith yAc Geem sorveysd seosn . ......" ............"r... ocrons horn Vt/loge Holt in Civic o oce-yeoc lousosoeftiriols ihn vilboge ocNileo. proper tieso'n the Chiougo orau could got resolts bach fvorn Iba Tcustre Joseph LoVerde nues. Vorn Score noiI orcosionoily Oc Arod col roi out conto oro fer ,.0T Centeu Ficas, 0900 N. Wook000n SEE ALL OPEN HOUSES THI vEFIs honed mhslhor the post nf000 bolS 000i/ tlosrt is noI sesrt First osboer post ofiloes. KOENIGSTREYOPENHOUSES COM Rood. ciblageS oegoingoompvoloensioe The posi ofttee wilt poyo v000 plonoing prooesn. Ohs void she hoe considered moving the io- Closs sci/I belote. "I kclievo iho Cools uve ceasou- GLENVIEW@KOENIGSTREY 50M 847 79 0330 of $000,040 the tirsOysor', 440x00 10 see mhot Ihn study oilily boo diffor001 /orotfnn. "The booporlont documonis, obre," Von Seem sold. 5105,000 Oh e ooeoed yeor und sirews rwgordtng por'bieg io the Village Maeuger Onorge Vnn we sond First Cloos, oocd Obey " S Corinoreonf: pioveericoof Corns THEGLEN@KOENIGSTREY COM 847 510 5000 (uRIS I IL S Ö $t2t,0S0 for Ihe losO iheoo peeve. oreo, sorb 050M Nordion und OMem, moho eegotinlod the rooM 000 ohcoyn delivered ou time," 4 hews MIL. THURSDAY, MYRCR0,55 R PlANTER PRESS PUILICA/IAO 'NIL FIRWB 5 NJLES HERAJJI - DISTRICT 207 SPECTATOR - - YAARLOCALSOURCE * INSIDE THIS WEEK Fund1 balance CALENDAR CRASS WARD B/S FILM CLIPS RH policy APINISN part of 1H PULITE RLATTER .4- OCR AALS SHSWTIMES BL planto tackle tIe LAST WEEK budgetwoes TOP WED STARIRA 0R RACY Goure atoles ahnt 110e dinlu-irt Asian population grows Contributor should pccrida cash Dom to in Nibs: 2010 Census moot the day-tm-day oper- The lOtO renna tot tEs ailloge st Rilen Poe the Boot time in its hin- ahing needs oftlua dicto-ial revealed more diacretlY ir IRe sillage, lacy Matou Tomnuhip High without Ehe need for shmcL- including er iroreese in the Aerorpop- Aehools District SAT io ore- term bocroming; nl/ono Ihn ating u fond-butonce poltny. dtuteirttn pay lOe abligahiosis Rube Goldberg contest Chcislien Owen sed Orlhony Oroerenolt. of Maire SautE High Sshosf Toast work on SEoir neohirr dttng The dtsteict's Ptuomcoin spite at neeoynctnd Ihr ti/I Aegurnc Rube /oldbenq Rechine Coolest at Neey Florar RideR. JoIe J. Hier-tan-Tises Media Census shows Park Commi000eeenhenredodeott cronOs; ond to mainteic B Ridge population dip. cf Oho policy ordnmrhongcd modal stability und higos DISTRICT bi small shifts in racial ideco oto meeting Fe/o. OS. rredil ratings. 'For musty 000es tho dio- Committee Chair Bric make-np Winter Sports Assemblyme Ruine Sooth orine rertormet ir the Wirrer Sports Rueernbly On Filter efterreor.I iuri.i H Lrict hod mery /00gw tond toys said tino yoliry shoa/d Creer highway signs metoorriing ordisco bu/osees, bol io Ihr/anS/cmaLale that elsa district bau Parks officials 'willing to consider'Hren sale to Park Ridge set its popalstiorr at yours they're been nattng gools otan aenual bolnnaed Ip cud grow the cultural os sohnef dseIrict'acosoept. Ho nahed soap deelsion ACTAS ele require sorne modiliostion into them," sold Marybudget Led minimizad BN CATHRYN GRAS ng ca n B p in r e e r In ra Ion m mellan spirilaal snodo cf Many other-casidontsmacthe made by Ilse Golf ACotoso, u nui00001 aupei'im- deAcit upending. Blase eyes release thie greal cammomity," he hare erhceol loor oent'smeots School District Rn haacd, SondeoS ini' boosinoso. Arroeding Oc the di-att the Residentu packed OheOdd those lu olteoclanra. et recant memtinge, foramu net Ohs village. Wednesday after month et Abnotuyouo' ugo the dis- school distdrl aime to mais- Morton Grove Pocho Dietciot "Tm Ohio end, cae ao-e ovilling and other pos/olla gatherings.

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