c~ t ~ BOWi Otl IA f iiJ - -----~R~E~C~E~l~V:;,.:E~O~ f----*~*-:--*-;----- - ------:N:UM=BE:R~-9~ f t A PR IL t97tl Committee avors spending $2.7 million for sites t:y IIA\'D\. 1;u ,1 Ell .\ 1ornr l'Om111Jtll'C or «·•Jtmcil h.i.'i rct.-om­ ·n,c mofiun lo spend tl 7 n1111ion for Tht· moI I011 \l,1s Tl., S2-7 million i• a prtion or he S6 rucnd1"1 th.1l $2 7 nulfi,.n he ~IM·nl n11 iW­ bt>Usmg was passed "-3 m the t..-omnullcc. )(1J1por1Ptf h~· AICX'rUK'II I l;irry H:tnkm. million rhe- pro\inc:-ia l govC'rnme,nt p,.1d q,unng !',IICS for hou.,mi; rn Jiu.• <lou·nton n ~ 11h AJdumcn J .1Ck Volnd,. Ed Swee11t'Y :\hkl' 11:ir<"Ourl. ,\rt Co"1t! and Helen for lhc ,'UurthocJ~· nc,t lo fh,, ouli~ &Ja ­ c,1-J.,,d~ :irca. and Hugh Bird opposed. ' 1111.\('\' t,on on .\1:1in. • I _Phillips to Oppose Hous1ng · Local Groups Urge Eriksen Dollars for Downtown East to Reconsider By JEAN SWANSON L. E.A. P. BRUCE ERIKSEN, Mar. 14/75. Mayor Phi llips will oppose ions and Aldermen Rankin and nasium and parking l ot for / RE : YOUR RESIGNATION - the recommendation of a Harcourt. It was noted that policemen. Alderman Harcou rt' , We, the undersigned ask you joint COIDIDittee of council over 1, 000 housi ng units had s aid he would like to use , to reconsider your decision; to use $2. 7 million for been lost in the downtown the money for a skating r ink maybe not for yourself, housing in the downtown east eastside i n 1974-75. Some $2. 7 million i s the money because we understand the - side. participants report ed that left over from the sale of t­ pressures on you, but or The Joint cormnittee recom displace d r esidents were the prov i ncial courts build­ behalf of the people of the •mendation came after a living i n t he s treets- rather ing, after $3. 3 million i s disl;Y.i.ct . meeting February 1st, 1975 than pay high ren ts a t a v a il u sed to renovate t h e police I We have had an unan~m.ou~ ac the Salv ation Army Temple - a ble p laces. build1.ng. vot e th1s mot;n1ng to back wich represencac1ves of 40 The Hayor wants co use ~he you. a nd~£ you a re agree­ downcown e•scsLde ors•n1z•r- $ 2.7 m1111on co b u ild a gym- ab1e. we wou1d 1~Ke to a cne a 1ett~ r to C~ty Ha~~ rec -uest~ng th• ~ to recon a ~dc~ t he Appeal. We believe ch e ) will. We will a wa it your r eply. Le t t er r ecei ved from the Downtown East s ide Communi t ) Organisat ions : K. O' Shannec eny , Lookout; M. Chisholm, New Hope Cen tre ; Sist er Mary Beata , Franc i s c ar, Si s t er s ; v. Obedkoff, 1st Unite d Church; L. Davies, · DERA;Father Richard Brugge r , St. Paul' s Parish; Bill Hennes s y, 1st United Church; Tanis Co rnwall, DERP; Ma ry Segal, Ci ty Centre Youth Resources; Rita Leclair, 1s t Unite d Chur ch; Ray Schon, DERA; Mrs . May Gu tte ridge, St. J ames• Soc ial Service 1 Mr . R. Gutteridge, Cen t ral City Mi s sion; Mr. B. Ross, . MAR. 27, 1975, ORDERS t o the 14 to Standi ng Committee on Soc­ confcring ce rtain authority Central City Missi on. e lderly t enants of the Ki ng • i al Se rvices and t o t he Of f ­ and responsibility upon the Edward Apt 1 s. at 420 E. Has - - ices of the RENTALSMAN t hat RENTALS~IAN , have yet to be · tings s treet wer e issued by t he SLUMLORD . was att empt ing proclaimed; meanwhi.l'e, be a s ­ under section 34. ( 1 ) . o f the. RENTALSMANS OFFICER L. R. TUB­ to charge them an illegal 58% - s ured of our int e r e st until ACT •• NOV. 4, 1974, t enant s get - MAN and SEN IOR DEPUTY, PETER , r ent incr ease plus a fur t her t he more active partic ipation notice to vacate from WNG B. SMITH . The ORDERS which $150. 00 each to r epai r and of the RENTALSMAN in s uch. YING da t e d. Oc t . 3 1, 1974•• NOV wer e on behalf of WONG YING 11 decorate their rooms . The 14 matter s . 0ct. 18, 1974, t enants 5 , 1974 tenants file notice SLUMLORD, commanded t he 14 tenants refused t o pay t he make application unde r repair of dis put e wi t h RENTALSMAN t enants , to del i ver f ull and $150. 00, but s t at e d at the s e ction, 34. (1). of the NEW · DEC.16, 1974, RENTALSMAN says peaceable vacant possessi on time tha t t hey wo ul d be more ACT, which has recently been and occupation of t he King t han will i ng t o pay the 58% that issue s raised will be 1 pr oclaimed • • Oct. 25, 1974, s even att ended to shortly •• MARCH 20 Edward Apt s . , by 5pm Apr il r ent incr ease i f WONG YI NG days l at er, City He alth Dept 1, 1975, t o the said WONG YING 1975, SENIOR DEPUTY, PETER Bo would bring the premis efo up decides to enf orce By - Laws, The order s gave these 14 old SMITH, advises tenants that t o t he s t andards r equire d o rder s WONG YING SLUMLORD, to peopl e ex actly ~ ive days to under the Lodging house ACTION ON APPLICATIONS FOR f i nd alternate accommo dati on. c l ose premises for de liberate REDIRECTION OF RENTS DUE TO By- Laws ••J uly 9, 1974, r eply r efusal t o comply with health LGood Fri day, Saturday, Eas t er from PETER B. SMITH, SENIOR LACK OF REPAIRS ARE INAPROPR­ Sunday, Easter Mo nday and t o By-Laws, despite the fact that •IATE AT mis TIME IN VIEW OP DEPUTY RENTALSMAN, A. G. DEPT the DIRECTOR OP ENVIRONMENTAL 5PM: Tues. April f irs t 1975. ] VI CTORIA, B. C. THE CU>SURB ORDER and that he HEALTH, DAVE Y>RGAN, ia fully The events l eading up to "As you ar e aware , the relev was declaring the notices of aware of the tenants 4pplica­ t he ORDER f or possession, are -ant s ections of the NEW the SLUtfIDRD valid because of -tion to the office of the .J ULY 3, 1974, t enants complain LANDLORD and TENANT ACT, the City closure order due to RENTALSHAN requeattoa ~tr• LAaC OF UPAIRS fflflflllflf • Kennedy hid fails to MONDAY MARCH 24 1975 fflte '\'ancouvtt ..Sun [)Ur Memb e r s of D.E.R.A. halt Creek housing I am writing to urge you not Ho hum to accept the r esignation of By Nate Smith City Hal I Reporte r Does anyone really -give a hoot our President , Bruce Eriksen wuether t-layor Art PhU!Jps fires on April 14th, 1975. city planner Ray Spaxman, whe­ An attempt to kill the hous­ ••• City finance director ther Mr. Spaxman fires Mr. If y ou feel, as I do, that ing development planned on Peter Leckie said if the Phillips, or whether both are seized Mr. Eriksen has created and the south shore of False False Creek project were by urban guerrillas and exchanged initiated many changes in Creek was r eject ed Thursday killed at this stage, it for all the city planners of the past, the downtown eastside that by city council' s planning would cost t he city $21. 5 now iu limbo Jost, and a bag of have greatly benefitted us and development committee. Gravy Train? We doubt it. There's a ll, attend the meeting on mi llio n and "the city can ' t a curs_e on planning in Vancouver. 11 April 14th, and tell him so. Ald. Warnett Kennedy propos­ afford it. What 1s accomplished or threaten­ ed that the development be • •• Kennedy said the ed in its name, from the Granville I believe that we need a stopped, describing it as proj ect would be a "subsidiz Mall to the False Creek pueblo, is person s uch as Mr. Eriksen, political pot-shotting, .not planning, "madness" and a"na ive idea. " - ed ghett o . " t o fight for us and repres­ and, asked to make a choice bet­ ent the 700 members of DERA. • • • Kennedy said plans fo r a 1 ween the two eternally warring •• • Kennedy 5 was the l o ne He is one person who has mix of i ncome groups in the vote to kill the project , • • • factions the taxpayer might wear­ developnent are n aive . " This ily evoke a curse on both therr prove d to City Council, the is a social experiment that EXCERPT FROM ARTICLE IN houses. 'f y is it, at city hall, that media and the gene ral public has never s ucceeded when THE VANCOUVER PROVINCE DATED the peop e who nev~- would be that t he people of the down it' s been tried .. " FEBRUARY 14, 1975 .
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