DIRECTORY, J NORTHUMBERLAND. HAL.l WHISTLE. 147 Halton Lea Gate is a small village in this township, on ~Ielhidge (mixed junior), rebuilt in 1908, for 56 boys the borders of Cumberland. The Wesleyan chapel, re­ & girls ; average attendance, 40; Miss Caroline A.. built in 1887 at a cost of £55o, will seat 250 persons. Saint, mistress Here is a Mechanics' Institute and Reading Room, Cowburn (mixed), for 6o boys & girls; average attend­ .c ntaining a small library of about 200 volume!\ ance, 26; Miss .Mary .A.. Aitken, mistress Lieut.-Col. Ralph Henry Carr-Ellison J.P. who is lord uf the manor, the Earl of Carlisle, Ro bert Lancelot I'LEN:VIELLER i-'l a. township, pleasantly seated on All!!;ood esq. of Titlington IIall, .A.lnwick, and Th.oma~ the south bank of the Tyne, I mile south from Halt­ \Vb:tfield esq. J .P. are the chief landowners. Coal in whistle. Unthank Hall, a. substantial mansion of stone tlm township is worked by the Ooanwood Coal Co. Thl in this township, occupies the site of an ancient pelEJ area i-'l 3,527 acres of land and 5 of water ; rate ablt: tower, supposed to have been the birthplace of Bishop \"dluo, [r,4g6; pupulatioiJ; in 19II, 142. Ridley, and was almost entirely re built by the late Rev. Dixon Dixon-Brown :M . .A.. of Unthank Hall (d. rgor). Lttter.s arrive at 9.30 a.m. from Lambley, the nearest Ernest .A.. Webster esq. J.P. is lord of the manor and money order & telegraph office being Haltwhistle owner of Unthank Hall and estate, and the principal Wall Letter Box, Halton Lea Gate, cleared at 5.30 p.m part of the land. There was formerly a heronry on this The children attend the Midgeholme Council school estate, and on the fell to the west uf the hall are two lakes covering 4 and 7 acres respectively, and both well stocked with trout. The area is 4,999 acres of land, :\I.ELKRIDGE township is on the road from Halt­ which is nearly all in pasture, and 46 of water; rate­ whistle to Hexham, 2, miles east from Haltwhi~tle. able value, £2,644; population in 19II, uS. The Mission church of St. John the Baptist is a build­ Letter Box, cleared ro.45 a.m. & 5·45 p.m. week days ing of stone, erected in 1905, at a cost of about £r,ooo, onlv and will seat 120 persons; divine service is held at w.3o a.m. and 6.30 p.m. served from Haltwhistle. WHITCHESTER, r mile west from Melkridge, Oil the The WPsleyan chapel, a building of stone, was erected in north bank of the South Tyne river, was a Roman mili­ 1888 at a rost of [3oo, and will seat roo persons: at tary post of great strength, defended on three sides by Cow burn is a Primitive Methodist chapel, erected in steep and rugged g-lens. It is the property and resi­ 1874, at a cost of [312; it is a building of st{)ne, and dence of Mrs. Oolville Gibson 'has 130 sittings. In the township i!ll a &ading Room. HIGH TOWN is a hamlet, 2 miles east from Halt­ There is a colliery here, worked by the Blackett and whistle. South Tyne Collieries Limited, and producing good Letters through Halt \1 histle, which is also the nearest ~team, gas and housBJhold coal. Sir Hugh D. Blackett money order & telegraph office b1rt. of ~Ifltfen Hall, who 1s lord of the manor, and Wall Letter Box cleared at 9.15 a.m. & 6 p.m.; no Ernest A. Webster esq. J.P. of Unthank Hall, are the collection on sundays 'Principal landowners. In and about the Cawfields farm, in the township of :Melkri·dge, and chiefly in that portion HIGH and LOW RAMSHA. W, HIGH and LOW which lies north of the wall, various Roman remains have TODDLEWOOD and LIMESTONES are hamlets of this been found between the years r848 and r883; these in­ township . .rlude a mural tablet of the 2nd legion of the time of Letters through Haltwhistle, which is also the nearest Hadrian, .A..D. II7, and another of the 2oth legion, and money order & telegraph office, arrive at 9 a.m four tablets found in mile castles; an altar to Apollo, dedicated by a soldier from "Cpper Germany; a centurial WALL TOWN is a township, r, miles north-east of 11tone of Valerius Maximus; an inscribed circula1· the North Eastern railway station at Greenhead and 2~ mile-stone .A..D. 223-6, 3 feet 9 inches high, found on north-west of Haltwhistle; it is intersected by the a paved causeway and marking a distance of rB Roman Roman wall, and contains the stations of Vindolana and miles from Patriana (Cambeck Fort), a station between .£sica. H. J. W. Coulson esq. B..A.., J.P. of Langton this and Oilurnum (Chesters); and two centurial Lodge, Blandford, Dorset, is lord of the manor and tablet!!. The area is 4,422 acres of land and 29 of principal landowner. The area is 2,972 acres of land water; rateable value, £6,_SI3; population in r9n, 433· and 9 of water; rateable value, £r,7oo; population in 1911, J8. Council Schools. Lettn.; through Greenhead are delivered daily about Correspondent, John William Pattinson, r West road, II a.m. Haltwhi~tle is the nearest money order & Halt whi stl El trlegraph office H.A.LTWHISTLE. PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Hardgrave Alfred, Scardeburg · Scott William, :Main street Batey Robert, Rose villa Hastewell Edwin, Tyne View road I Smith Frank, Hill house Blackburn Edward, West house Hastewell Robert, The Grange Smith Frank Paul J.P. Greystone dall) 1 Bradley Rev. Ralph (Wesleyan), The Hndspith Mrs. Greencroft Smith Miss, River view,Plenmeller rd :\fanse, West end Keenlyside William, Tynedale terracr Smits Rev. James .A.loysius Henry Bushby Obadiah Teasdale, Prior Lambert Robt.Wm. East Crossfield st H. M. (R. C.). The Presbytery house, Tyne View road Lea],e Fred A. Tynedale terrace Stonehouse Gordon Campbell Rev. .A.lex. Scott M . .A.. Leigbton Mrs. Fair hill Snnuner~cm .Alfred William H. Pres.), Orossfield terrace Liddell George Robson, Meadowville \Vestedey terrace, West road Chaplow Thomas Graves, Edengrovc Liddell Pears John, Edenholme SnnlnH'rsCJn Mi~s, Cflester housP, Coulson John, Rtonegate huuse Littl8 Robert John Tyne View road Coulson .Matthew H. Westgate house Lr1we Rev. Canon .Joseph .M.A. (rural Thompson Mrs. South vale Coulson William, Hawthorne house dean of Hexham), .Ash croft Thorhild~on Capt. Thorkild, Blanch- Dryden Thomas. Fairfield '\Iacadam David, :Main street land house, Tyne View ruad Edgar John William, Moor viow :\IcClintock Rev. Edward Louis Long-- Tweddle Mrs. Comb hill Elliott Miss, Moor view fif'ld M ..A.. (vicar) \Vallace ~rs. Westerley ter. West rd Forster Wm.Ridley J .P.Oakey Knowe Maxwrll :"V!.rs. Bankdale,TynP ViPw rr\ WillPy Fred, Tyne View road Glasse John Morley M.B., Oh.B.Edin. Oliver Mrs. Glenville house, West rd Williams George James .M.D. West Fano house Pa rke .John G. Tyne View road Bri•lg-P house· oGregg John, Eden villa Re1bi~rm Wm. Hougill, Tyne View rd \Vinchrster Alexander; Cross hill, Hanley Rev. Robert Bell (Primitive Savirmr GPorge, East CrossfiPlrl st Tyne View road :\Ieth dist). 2\Ioor view CO.\IMERCIAL. B2ll & S0n, chemists, Main street Early closing day, Wednesday. Bell Henry, farmer, Folding- stead BeD .John, buoL & shoe dealer, West road .Armstrong Edward, farmer, Comb hill Bell :I\L.:ry Ann (:VIrs.), confectioner, Main street Arn <trong Margaret (Mrs.), confectioner, Central place Bell Robt. common lodging ho. kpr. Bell's crt. Main st Armstrong Mary (Miss), district nurse, Westgate Bell Thom1.s William, photographer, Plenmeller road Armstrong Mary (Miss), dress mal;er, West road Betton William, joiner, Fairbill c\rms.trong Robert Lid dell, Calpenter' High road Bird llrrbert "\Villiam, in~urance supt. Scotsfield terrace Arm strong- Thomas, fanner, Sunny rig-g Birkett Tn~eph .'"x, Sons, builders, We,terley ter. We~t rd Askew J ames, grocer, W estgate Birkett J rrmes, builder, Crossfield terrace As•ernbly ~ission Roorn. Tyne Virw Toad BirJ,Pit .Joh:a. grocer, Wr~terley terrace, West road "BatPy James, fruiten~r, We.;terley tenace, "\Yest road Birkett John Robert, confectioner, Westgate llell John & Son, boot & shoe makers, Garden terrace I Birtley Fred, hair dresser, W estgate • XORTBL"MB • JO"" .
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