The Internet is a series of tubes: special Net issue click to enter the MTHEANITOBAN UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA STUDENTS’ NEWSPAPER THE OFFICIAL UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA STUDENTS’ NEWSPAPER VOL 95 | NO 22 | MARCH 5, 2008 | WWW.THEMANITOBAN.COM UMSU election — vote this week! Coverage pgs. 3, 9, 12 Bison women’s hockey team off to Nationals: a national preview pg. 32 Diversions INDEX 3 News 9 editorial 8 Comment 15 Features 19 Culture 25 arts 29 Sports Cover Image BY TED BARKER CLASSIFIED Molson Canada is currently hiring for part-time summer positions. If you are a highly-motivated, responsible, organized, out- going individual with a commitment to teamwork, we would like to meet you! You are invited to drop by for a brief interview at: The Molson Sales Office (#5-1080 Waverley Street) on Wednesday, March 5th at 7:00pm. OR AT Wise Guys on Campus on Thursday, March 6th between 11:30am - 5:00pm, No appointments - drop by on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please bring a resume. Hope to see you there! The Aboriginal Student Centre, Native Studies, and UMASA are hosting the 7th Annual Elders & Traditional Teachers Gathering. OPEN AND FREE TO EVERYONE! When: March 7-8, 2008, begins daily @ 9:00 a.m. Where: 2nd Floor, University Centre Who: Guests such as Arvol Looking Horse (Lakota) and Mar- garet Behan (Arapahoe/Cheyenne) Activities; Grand Entry, teachings, feast, entertainment, and more! Info: 474-8850 Orthodox Christian Chaplaincy. 102C U.Centre, Thursdays 11:30-3:30p.m. or anytime at St. Andrew's College. Call FR. Roman 474-6514, 269-1161. Grant's Tutoring 489-2884 for help in Statistics & Math (Cal- culus, Linear Algebra, Matrices). Weekly groups, one-day midterm & final exam prep seminars, self-help study books; grantstutoring.com for more info and free homework help. Personals: Wanna meet some new & interesting people? Call The Winnipeg Party Line, Its Safe, Secure And Fully Automatic. Its Fun & Exciting. Its a free local call, Ladies are FREE! Guys from 5c per minute! Try it Now... Dial: 77-Party (204-777-2789) Mid-Town Ford Sales Limited is looking for a part-time re- ceptionist to work a few weeknights and some Saturdays. This position averages out to 16 hours every two weeks. Applicants must be proficient in Word and Excel. Please send your resume to [email protected]. We thank all those that apply but only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Gorgeous commercial studio space available for sub-lease in the Old Market Square area. Use the space for studying, working, hobbies, etc. Approx. 350 square feet, hardwood floors, large semi-circular window, secured building, lock- less key entry, restaurant located in building, coffee shop located across the street. Very clean and well-maintained building. Available May 1st. Incentive: Our damage deposit is yours. Monthly rental $434.44. ph 942-1100 News Editor: Chelse Mckee and Magally Zelaya 3 NEWS Contact: [email protected] / 474.6520 VOL. 95 NO. 22 MARCH 5, 2008 WWW.THEMANITOBAN.COM UNIVERSITY 1 IMPROVED tobaN talkbaCk RETENTION RATES: U1 DIRECTOR ChelSe mCkee and magally zelaya MAGALLY ZELAYA, STAFF Students at work he U of M’s nine-year-old Karen University 1 program is success- Hildebrand Tfully easing the transition from University 1 high school to university and improv- ing retention rates, according to data What is your job? recently presented at the first national I don’t have one. conference on first-year student suc- Why don’t you work? cess held last month at Ottawa’s I don’t have time in between Carleton University. studying. University 1, the faculty that Do you think it would affect your most first-year students automati- schoolwork if you did? cally enroll in at the U of M, was ini- I think I would fall behind in school if tiated in 1998 and allows students to I had a part-time job. either focus on a program of choice student-athletes, students who enter Russell added the U of W has the or sample various courses. with averages below 70 per cent, stu- “potential for guidance” dependent Since 1998-99, the rate of first- dents who are showing early signs of on the extent to which students are year students who continue into academic difficulty, students in aca- able to access it. devan poHl the second year, termed “retention demic difficulty, aboriginal students, “I like, personally, the way third-year arts rate,” increased from 82 per cent to and international students. the University 1 website and the What is your job? 86 per cent — a level that held con- The U of M is the only university Startbook are designed to give peo- stant until 2001-02, the last year for in Canada that offers the flexible ple some direction, and we aim to do I work for . construction. which data is available. first-year programming. that.” How many hours a week do you “I don’t have data past 2002, but “For the last 30 years, the The U of W’s first-year to second- work? I know it’s getting better. I can see Americans have had a focus on first- year retention rate is 77 per cent. [The hours] are very flexible. I it when I look at the recent data,” year students because they realized Russell noted that many first-year U almost get to choose. said Christine Blais, director of U1, that’s the hardest year for students of W students transfer to the U of M Do you think it’s affecting your who led the development of the pre- to get through,” said Blais. “Canada for professional programs. schoolwork? sentation and is compiling the more is just discovering University 1 and At Brandon University (BU), Because it’s flexible hours [my recent data. how important that first year really students are also directly admitted boss] lets me take time off if I need Using data from 2005-06, Blais is.” to their faculty of choice out of high to study. found that a third of first-year U of At the University of Winnipeg, school. Janet Wright, the university M students faced academic difficulty, students choose their faculty straight registrar, said that it’s not unusual meaning that they earned a GPA out of high school and are then for students to change their minds below 2.0 — including 27 per cent directly admitted into either the in their first year of study, but added Flavia Flepp of those who entered with A or A+ faculty of arts, science, business that it is not difficult to transfer First-year edUcation averages out of high school. or education. Majors do not need credits over. What is your job? “I call it ‘Life gets in the way,’ ” to be declared until second year in Wright said BU also offers a wide said Blais. all faculties except the Faculty of variety of supports including orien- Actually, I have a full-time job at [a She said first-year students tend Education, where the student is tations and seminars to its first-year school] and I’m a Grade 5 teacher to suffer from transitional issues already in a focused program. students. and I go to school on weekends. associated with study skills, work, “I like what U1 does with the “University 1 is a fine program: it How many hours a week do you finances, relationships parental pres- f o c u s e d a n d t h e b a l a n c e d a p p r o a c h e s ,” offers the supports, the workshops,” work? sures, and medical problems. said Colin Russell, the U of W’s reg- she said. “But other institutions do Nine to five [on weekdays]. I go to Blais attributed the success of istrar. “We’re working on that right as well.” school Fridays, like, four to nine and U1 to the variety of specialized pro- now — to try and revamp our mate- “I think it all comes down to , nine to five on Saturdays. grams it offers to support all first-year rials to make sure that we’re helping advisement and students seeking Do you think it’s affecting your students, inlcuding programs for people.” help.” schoolwork? Yeah, it’s really hard. I don’t even REGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVES: A JOKE SLATE? have time to do anything. ‘Is Colbert a joke show? Of course it’s a joke slate’— Singer CHELse MCKee, STAFF the Regressive Conservatives were she said. “Their choice of campaign extremely comedic in their campaign, materials can’t be used against them natHan Hatton uring this week’s UMSU elec- “Sadly, I think they’re serious.” in this way, you know . I don’t think FoUrth-year tion campaign, one slate’s post- Cairns vehemently opposed the [the Regressive Conservatives] can be Kinesiology Ders have incurred suspicions idea that the Regressive Conservatives considered a joke slate, at least now.” What is your job? that the party is, in fact, a joke slate. are a joke slate. While other slates can be found Server. A joke slate at most universities is “I’m actually a little offended that campaigning in areas like University How many hours a week do you a slate filed in jest, such as last year’s that would come up,” he said. Centre, the Regressive Conservatives work? fire hydrant UBC presidential candi- Cairns continued on to explain have been largely absent from the date. As defined by UMSU bylaws, a that just because his party was taking action, despite Fera’s confirmations Probably between 10 and 15.
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