Y Flay Hat-Dit-Tg Ut-Tivet-Si•Ty I~Lc+T

Y Flay Hat-Dit-Tg Ut-Tivet-Si•Ty I~Lc+T

-~ ti ~- ;~ Flay ~y Flay Hat-dit-tg Ut-tivet- si•ty ~.~ 3 a i~lc+t- •!i ii eras •t e r t•i CIh=:: r:a~/~.4i91 ~ep•tentlaer 14, :1991 t-lat-da•r•tg (1--1•-r=a) a•l-• h[c+t-• •Ghe~~~tet-t-t Jt~:: (1-f_a--•[:a? in Ta3.ec~~.[ahR C~F~::a F'at-••L-•ly cic+t~[dy ~-tt-td [gat-m a 4 !-lat-d irtc~ de-Fet-s the cP•rc+icy ~.irt•t i l ~h~ ~~cc~t-td hal.~' ~t-et-tt Cac+dwit-t k:ick:s c+~"•f•l:c+ tniet••►dall t-r~-t~-t~~•i;•t: a•I, c+cj ~1 yat-d t-~•cG[t- t••t 1Mi•n~4 t•~ec+ pc+ssessic+t-t i - i ~a--c+~ 1 ?c+~, ~,~c+ ]. et-t1i i t-te t-~.[t-ts --5 yards • 2-1~-c+~?b l}erricl ~'acc+l~ r-[.[t-t<.~ 2 yat•-ds ~-i3-c=CS Jc+~ Vr.+l~rttirte pays~W~ cc+rrtple•L-~ tc+ Ot-lat-tda I:~t"'C+441"t ira ~/at-d pass 4-~--r,+~13 7'et-rc+d Hac+d p[.[r~-Ls •tic+ I-t:~4 2~ yat-d p[.n-t•r= i-td~~ pc+ssessir_+rt :i._1r:a_.I••t34• ~ntayt-tc.+ 5i-tc+t- •L-~t- t-t,[t••ts 5 y~.rds c'_—`~-i~•t'~9 )•~icl-tat-d He+lrnes rt»[r~s 3 yardL~ 3--2--h4c Tacl i~lita7.e•i:t passes cc+mple•G~ -~c+ ~iat•-r•~ll i~igg~+t-•s '~ yat-d pass~fd pass 1--:lra-h4~ r~ichard I-1c{rtes t•-[.[t-ts i yat-ds r-~?-h4~ Tad ~lii~let•t passes 7.t"ICc+fttple•te 3-9-hfNb (~!a•t•t Clal~c+t-rt r[.[ns 4 y~-tt•-ds 4--~++-,ta MarE:: The+mas pcn-t•ls in•L- c+ et-td~c+t-te ~Ef yard p[.[t-t•L- tiec+ pC+ssesta7.C+t"t :1-;lia-c+~[:a qt-lat-tdc+ ~t-c+[part rt_[~•ts w y~•trds 2-•?-c+c?3 Det-t-ict:: ,~acc+f~ t-•~[t-ts -:~ y~-tt-ds " ;3-:lr:a-c+2i •time c+tw[•t rtec+ -ie:a-c+21 J'c+e Vc+let-t•l:it-te passes irtcc~mp7.e•te GF_1[,a_c+21 ;J'errt~c[ He+c+d p![rt•ts •t c+ h42 :~8 yat-d p~[t-t•t t~a4~ i-tdg pc+ssessic+r: ~.-1[:a--•t•t4•~ Dat•-t-+ill E•ric~~et•-s t-[.[ns i.i yat•-ds/fd t- ~.[sh :i.-;i.ta-c+47 pet-tal•ty hdg •1r:a yards I-tc+ldit~y :1-cc:a-r_+4~ "I"~-td i~(ible•tt passes it-tcc+mple•te 2-~?r:a-c+4~ 1'ad P•Iible•t•t passes cc+mple•tc •tc+ l7at-rell l~iggea-s Gr yat-d pass ~•--J.6-c+4'? Tad 1~9.blet•t passes irr•tet-cepted !~y Tc+rty tat- fi ght ~-a-t c+~;:; r yard t-e•tt_tt-•rt Ju~~9 rteC+ pC+~isessiGrt l-:lia-c~;3'i derrick: ~'aec+i~ t•-[.[t•~s ~ yards 2-c--c+4~, Jc+~i Vc+ l en•L irtc+ passes cc+mp le•te •L- c+ Tyt- c+t-te W~~ l ~:er ~,5 yard pass/•Fd pass/•td pass ft-•c+m ~'c+e ~.%c+let-t•tine •G r, Tyrc+rte Walr•::et•- Flay Dy F'7.ay Fage#F C i-lat-d i rtg Un i. vet-~ i •t:y v5n i~lar•L-heasterri 0~:: c_tg f 1te r• f 91 ~5 yard -I"D bass ft-arn Valirttine to WalF::er 7tiSa Total Scare„ Hat- clS.rtg ~1t-tivet-~ityn c_y Total Scare s ltilr.~rt!•~eas•4-ert-t CIF;u '7 David Winchester E::ick:s off to Fiat-c~t-t ~lal•ters a•L him ib y~-trd r•etLirrt ?u2/ hdg ~assessian 9.-iCt-hSi Dat- tell Diggers rLtns 3 yat-dsffumble last hdg '7r2S ner.~ possession 1-1ct~-h3r:~ J~erricE:: ~'acc~l~ rLtrt~ 8 yards 2--r -h22 Jae Va l ent a. ne rLtrts ~ yat-ds/fd rLcsh 1-it:t--i-tSr~t •~~~me aLtt rtea 1-it:?--hit:t L}err icF:: ;J'acc~t, rLtt-ts 1 yards 2-"?-hid Det-rick: ~'acab rLtYIS 6 yards S-3-h 13 ~'ae Vc~let!•4i.rt~-~ Masses S.rtcc~mpletr-. brc~l::en Ltp !~y Fic~birt,C~i-t ~f-;3-I-tiS David Winchester field goal SCt yard goad W9.nc!-tester ~!:t yat- d !~~ cE ~ ~t•~ Total Scare;, I~atdirtg ldrtiversity~ t:t '!, Ta•(;a.l Scare n lllar•~,heas•tert-t CI!•: p fi t:t David Wirtches•L-Fat I~:ic~s off to Glarai-t Walters a•~ 1••t2Ct i.9 yard returt -t 4u3h hdg passessic~tc 9.-1Ct-h;3tr' Ltatrell Diggers t-Lat7s yards c?-~:;-l-t~r~F Darrell Diggers rLtrts 4 yards S-1 inches -h48 4layrte Shatter rLtt-ts ~ yat- cisffcl rLtsh 1--1st-~{~t Tad hlil~le•F~:: {~asse:~ cam~lete •t;a Timrr~~f Slrtat-t :L~r yat-ci !aC-tssffd bass 1--iCt--a3€~ F"~ic!-tard Halmos rut-ts 13 yardsffd tLfsft ~.-its-a23 penalty hdg ~ yards ills pracedt_tre ~.-1~-a28 Dart-ell Diggers torts 11 yards 2-E~-a i~ Richard Holmes rLtrts l yards 3-:~-aim •time clLtt hdg S-3-aim Tad hfil~lett t-t..trts 1 yards 4-2-ai r• Darrell E~igget-s r•Ltns ~:t yards t:t a S~, Flay ~y F'lay F'ac~e~:k Hat-dit-tg ►Jt~iversi•t;y .~~ „ i?9/'14l~1 t-ti~c~ pc~ssessic~n 1-ita--a 15 Ot- 7.artdc~ Drc~4~atE rr.trts i:a yat-dam ertd c~•t' gt_tat-•ter hIECI t i:a HDG i~ E--:I.ia-C, ~.~i pertal•ty nec~ ita y•~tt-ds hc~ldi.rtg , E-~i:a-w_,~ ~r lar~dc~ Dra+~t-a r~.tt"rs ~ yat-ds ~-11--r•~1~• .~'c~~ Vc~l~rttirt~ ~a~s~s it-ti:~t~ce~•Liad by Lc~t-rte La•Li.i•~:et- X71: h~►• t:a yard 1~~4? I-td~ pc~ssessa.c~rt 1--1i:a-h4~ Darrell Eiis~~et-s rut-ts ~. yards --9--h~r'7 pei-tal•~y I-tdg a yat-dam c~~'r"~id~ 2-i.~--t•t~Fc trJayt-te ~hc~t-•Let- r~.tt-ts ~ yat-cls/•~'~.iaztble hde~ 3-~'-I-t48 Tad ivliblet•L passes it-tcc~rr~p.le•Le 4-~-h48 I:'lat-!•:: "Chc~mas rut-ts -12 ~/at-ds toad ~t-tap :>.r n ~9 t-tec~ pc~ssessic~rt :L-3.i:a-hob Jc~e l~c~let-t•tit-ae r~.tt-ts ~ yards E_~.-..h'~Ca ~'as tic=lertl:it-t~ t-i..rns 13 yards/ -~'d t-c.rsh :i.-:lc:a-h t? i~1el i l~re4aer r~.trts - yards 2-15--hC2 •~'c+e uc~lct-ttit~e passes cc,mple~:e tc~ -fyt-cane trla7. l•:.et- 1.1 yard pass ~-~f-!•~ l i penal •ty rtec, yards i 1 l n prc,c 3--9-t-t:lb ~'cte Vc~lert•Lirte ri.trts -~t• yards cH_1~-hi9 David trJa.i-ac:i-aes•Let- •Field goal 3? yat-d gc~c~ci Wit"tct-iester 3? yard F'C ~i' ~ ~~~3 Tc~•Lal Scc~i-e,, Hat-direct Una.versii;y} is Tc!•Lal ;~care 9 l~ic~t-•t!-ti=as•tet-n Ctk::~ 13 David 4Jit-tches•(:er k:irk:s c•~'•~ •l: c• I~iichael GIblas a•{: hE ?i:a yat-d t-et~trt-t 9 e ~"l hi-1g pc~ssessiara 1-lit-~,EE ~iici-tael GIbiJs r~.it-ts ~ yat-ds -? - c~19 Wayne ~hc~rter t- i_tt-ts 4 y~-trds ~3-~~-ia:l.~i Darrell L-~ii.~get-s r~.rt-ts 2 yat- ds 4•--~~--c~15 Dt- et-tt C•~ctc~cl~rain -Field gc~a7. 3i. yard t-tc, ~c~r.,d 8 tt i:a~~ rtec, pc~ssessic~t-t Flay Dy F'1ay F'ac~e~~ 4 Hat-ding LJni~~et-si•uy VS C (~ic~rtheas•~et-t-t QF:: tag/14/gi l-:lta-c~21 Jc~e ~'ale;-a~~it-re t-t..tns b yards 2-4-c~2b Ctr lartdc, Dt-c~uan t- t-tt~~ ~ yat-cis -1-c~2g Derrick: ,7'acc~b r~.tns ~2 yas-dst•Fd r~.tsh ~.-•lta--hig pet-talty rtec~ 5 yards ill pt-•c~cedctre 1-1~--h24 Jc~e ~lc~len•hine pa~s~=s rc~m~al~•L-~ -1~c~ S•isa~-y Ht_tt7•~,~t- 6 yard paste 2--itt--hlg p~rtalty rt~c~ 5 yards TD r.-a7.l~d baci•; 2-:~~--h2rr Jne Vc~let-t•tirte r'~tns --1 ya:-ds 3--7.b--!•~2 r time c~t~tt rtea ~--9.b-h2~ .?cue Uc~lerttirte passes incomplete ~:ipperl by Hc~wel:l ~r-lb-h2~ David Wit-aches•t;er field goal 42 yard no good 4n2': hdg pc~ssessir,t-t ~,-•ls:a-h2~ Wayt-te ~hc~rter rt_tns 4 yards 2-b-h2g Tad i~fiblett passes eo,7iplete to Darrell ~~a.gget-s 2g yard pass/fc( pass i-lta-o4•~ ~layt-te shorter t-~.tns 4 yards 2--b-o38 time o~.tt !-tdg 2-b -o32 Michael CIbbs t-~.tns -2 yards ~—g-..c,r_rta Tad hlib.lett rtrtrrs to yardsff~.tmble I-adc~ 4--g-o4~:a Marl•; Thomas pt_irtts it;to ertd:•~arre 4x=a yard pt_trtt 1F35 nec~ possession :L—ita-c,2i_a De:t-ricF: Jacoia r~.tns 2 yards 2-8-ac'`.2 penalty neo ica y~-tr•ds hc~ldi.ng 2-18-012 Qrlanc~o Drowt-t rt..tns -1 y~-trds MFn leads Harding 13 - to David ~nlirsr.i-ies•L-er H:.ict•::s cuff tc, A~+;-c~i-s Wal•4era a•t h2 ~.8 yard re~;urs-t :l4 u era hc(g poysessiot-t i-ita-h2ta D~-ts-cell Diggers rt_tt-ts r yC`trds 2-i=--i-t25 D~tt-roll Digger-s r~.tns ~ yards 3-2--1-,28 Tad 1~!?ble•L~ passes cc~rr,plete ~:c~ Tc~rnmy ~t- c,~at-t 7 yard passlfd past 1-:L~:a-h35 Dat- cell Diggers rt_in~ ~ ~,rards 2-- -h4ta Darrell Riggers t- tr!ns -1 y~-trds ~` --b-4-t8g Tad nlible•~-t p~•~sses incompletr~ 4-b -hag Polar E Thomas pt_tn•ts to c• ].1 1r ~ yard p~.tnt 11 u'J,'7 t-teC~ pC~55e'aSiGPi 1.-:(.c_a-ri1~r Det-tick: Jacob rt_tns to yards 2__1ta-o J.4 Detrick: Jacob ttrtns i.~ yards/fd r~.!sh 1-:Lta--r_,27 t7s- landc~ ~-~rc~G~vt-t r!tt-as ~r ;raids 2-•-b-o31 Joe Vol.et-rtirte t- ~.tns 2 yards!•~'d nisi-, 1-:i.ta—c~4Sa Jrae ~1r,let-ttit -te t-twins i yards 4 1='lay Esy Flay Hardirtt~ University \jS , lilt= t- t heas ~s a t- i-t Q}~:: (:t~/i4/9i ~-is:f-r.= 4ri Jr=e ~c=lert•i~it~e passes intercepted lay Jr=rt l~lewlay ~•~~; i-tzr~ i~ yat-d re~~,t_trrt ~o~:,l i•idc~ pe{SS~SSic=t-t i-••Iit--c=:3~ Tad f~iibleit },~S~eS iti~c=tnpl.~te ,~--iia-r,~q i"iicl-tard He=lrnes rt_tns i yat-ris 3-•r-c=3l=i `1"ad i~li~tlett pc-tsses cc=mplete to ~'immy 51uart ib y~tt-d paSSli"d pass i-:l t:>--c=22 E~lichael Glialas rL.ti`ts ~r yat-ds 2--b-e=i~ "fad f'~iL~lett passes irtcc=mplete 3-fa-c,it~ Tad nlifalet~:, pat.~ses irtcc=mplete bt-c=f•::en up lay t~Jt- i~~ht c=i~ Esrert.~ Cc=c=din field gc=al 3? yat-d gc=c=d G•-Q- l'7 C, r ,du+~in :37 yat-d ~G ~nCt~ 'Cr,i;a1.

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