United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE OFFICE OF MIGRATORY BIRD MANAGEMENT LAUREL, MARYLAND 20708 MTAB 63 June 27, 1988 MEMORANDUM TO: All Banders FROM: Chief, Bird Banding Laboratory Office of Migratory Bird Management Laurel, Maryland 20708 SUBJECT: Steps to Improve Schedule Process,.tg During the past several years it has become increasingly apparent that we must improve our handling of banding schedules. Two procedures will be implemented that will distribute our workload throughout the year as well as alleviate some of the time- consuming manual edits. The first step is effective immediately. Please replace the non-Came reporting procedures in BBM, Vol 1, Part 4, pg. 4-2, paragraphs 7 through 9 with the following: 7. All non-game banders must submit bandings for complete strings and/or completed projects on a quarterly schedule as follows? MAR 31 - Schedules for bandings accomplished December through February JUN 30 - Schedules for bandings accomplished March through May SEP 30 - Schedules for bandings accomplished June through August DEC 3! - Schedules for bandings accomplished September through November 8. All colonial bird banding should be submitted with the September 30 report. Endangered species bandings should be submitted at least quarterly. 0 All incomplete schedules for birds banded in a given cale-ndar year are due no later than January 31 of the subsequent year. The second step is the implementation of a computer edit of the Species Number against an "alpha species code". The enclosed lists (one in Number sort and one in Alphabetical sort) include all Species Numbers that are included in the 1985 ed., BBM, Vol. I, Part 5. This list supercedes any proposed lists that have been previously published or distributed. • The following basic rules were used to create the codes: I. If the common name is a single word, use the first four letters, e.g., Canvasback, CANV. 2. If the common name consists of two words, use the first two letters of the first word, followed by the first two letters of the second word, e.g., Common Loon, COLO. 3. If the common name consists of three words, use the first letter of the first word, the first letter of the second word, and the f irst two letters of the third word, e.g., American Tree Sparrow, ATSP. 4. If the common name consists of three words and the first two are hyphenated, use rule three, e.g., Pied-billed Grebe, PBGR. 5. If the common name consists of three words and the last two are hyphenated, use the reverse of rule three, e.g., Eastern Screech-Owl, EASO. 6. If the common name consists of four words (with or without hyphens), use the first letter of each word, e.g., Great Black-backed Gull, GBBG. 7. If the common name consists of five words, treat it as four words, e.g., Puget Sound White-crowned Sparrow, PSWS. If any two or more species' abbreviations were identical following the basic rules, none will have the "real" abbreviation. The following rules were used to resolve duplicates. The duplicates and their alpha codes are listed under each rule. I. A three-and-one rule will apply where the first three letters of the different word are used with the first letter of the other word. If both words are different, the first three of the first word are used with the first letter of the second word: Bachman's Sparrow BACS Baird's Sparrow BAIS Bahama Swallow BANS Bank Swallow BANS Barn Swallow BARS Black-tailed Godwit BLAG Bar-tailed Godwit BARG Brandt's Cormorant BRAC Bronzed Cowbird BROC • Canyon Wren CANW Cactus Wren CACW Carolina Wren CARW Carribbean Coot CARC California Condor CALC Cedar Waxwing CEDW Cerulean Warbler CERW Colima Warbler COLW Connecticut Warbler CONW Galapogos Penguin GALP Greater Antillean Pewee GREP Gray Jay GRAJ Green Jay GREJ Harlequin Duck HARD Hawaiian Duck HAWD Hawaiian Creeper HCRE Hawaiian Crow HCRO Heerman's Gull HEEG Herring Gull HERG Lark Bunting LARB Lazuli Bunting LAZB Lesser Antillean Bullfinch LESB Lasagra Flycatcher LASF Lesser Antillean Flycatcher LESF Macaroni Penguin MACP Magellanic Penguin MAGP Northern Shoveler NSHO Northern Shrike NSHR Olive-capped Warbler OL1W Orange-cheeked Waxbill ORAW Pallas' Reed-Bunting PALB Puerto Rican Bullfinch PUEB • Rockhopper Penguin ROCP Royal Penguin ROYP Roseate Tern ROST • Royal Tern ROYT Sage Sparrow SAGS Savannah Sparrow SAVS Short-tailed Shearwater SHOS Streaked Shearwater STRS Streak-backed Oriole STRO Spotted-breasted Oriole SPOO Tree Swallow TRES Trumpeter Swan TRUS Yellow Wagtail YWAG Yellow Warbler YWAR Zebra Dove ZEBD Zenaida Dove ZEND 2. If a conflict is between a normally-occurring North American species and a vagrant, subspecies, pelagic or non-North American species, the normally-occurring species is abbreviated by the rules and the other is irregular: Brewer's Sparrow BRSP Band-rumped Storm-Petrel BANP Barrow's Goldeneye BAGO Barnacle Goose BRNG Bay-breasted Warbler BBWA Black-backed Wagtail BWAG Brewster's Warbler BRWA Black-rumped Waxbill BRWX Canada Goose CAGO Cackling Goose CACC Caspian Tern CATE Cayenne Tern CAYT Golden-cheeked Warbler GCWA Golden-crowned Warbler GOLW Grace's Warbler GRWA • Gray Wagtail CRAW Gray Flycatcher GRFL Greater Flamingo GREF Rufous-crowned Sparrow RCSP Rufous-collared Sparrow RUFS Ruby-throated Hummingbird RTHU Rufous-tailed Hummingbird RUFH Stilt Sandpiper STSA Sharp-tailed Sandpiper SHAS Song Sparrow SOSP Sooty Storm-Petrel SOOP Spotted Sandpiper SPSA Spoonbill Sandpiper SPOS Scissor-tailed Flycatcher STFL Stolid Flycatcher STOF White-crowned Pigeon WCPI • White-cheeked Pintail WHIP Whistling Swan WHS W Whooper Swan WHOS 3. A small number of code conflicts are not resolved by the "three-and- one" rule or create new conflicts using the rule. For these species we have attempted to pick combinations of letters that resolve the conflict and are still recognizable. Black-throated Gray Warbler BTYW Black-throated Green Warbler BTI\IW Blackburnian Warbler BLBW Blackpoll Warbler BLPW Blue-throated Hummingbird BLUH Broad-tailed Hummingbird BTLH Broad-billed Hummingbird BBLH Buff-bellied Hummingbird BUFH Gray Kingbird GRAK Great Kiskadee GKIS Green Kingfisher GKIN Great Blue Heron GTBH Green-backed Heron GNBH Harlan's Hawk HRLH Harris' Hawk HRSH Hawaiian Hawk HWAH Hispaniolan Parrakeet HPKT Hispaniolan Parrot HPRT Leach's Storm-Petrel LHSP Least Storm-Petrel LTSP Slate-throated Redstart SLAR Streamertail STTL The alpha-code edit will be in place this summer. All schedules submitted on or after September I must be coded with the alpha abbreviations. Note: Both of the above new procedures apply whether schedules are typed, hand-written or computer generated. • George M. Jonker - United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE OFFICE OF MIGRATORY BIRD MANAGEMENT LAUREL, MARYLAND 20708 July 25, 1988 ADDENDA TO MTAB 63 AND ATTACHMENTS MTAB 63 Page I - Add to last paragraph "The Alpha Code is to be used in place of (not in addition to) the Common Name on schedules. The schedule will be redesigned during our next printing. Use of the Alpha Code in place of the Common Name is mandatory as of September I, 1988." Any schedules with Common Names received after this date will be returned. AOU SORT (The underlining indicates a change) • Page I - Change AOU 1062 code to BANP Page 5 - Change 5390 to MC COWN'S Page 5 - Change 5350 to MC KAY'S and MKBU Page 6 - Change AOU 5990 code to LAZB age 6 - Change AOU 6800 to MAC G1ELIVRAY'S ,F&Page 6 - Change AOU 6170 to NRWS and Northern Rough - winged Swallow ALPHABETICAL SORT (The underlining indicates a change) Page I - Change BAND-RUMPED STORM-PETREL to BANP Page 4 - Change LAZULI BUNTING code to LAZB Page 5 - Change MACGILLIVRAY'S to MAC G1ELIVRAY's Page 5 - Change MCCOWN'S to MC COWN'S i Page 5 - Change MACKAY'S to MCKAY'S and MKBU j Page 6 - Change ROUGH - WINGED SWALLOW to NORTHERN ROUGH - WINGED SWALLOW and NRWS *E.Q4 checks are new changes ALPHA SPECIES CODES FOR BIRDS IN THE NORTH AMERICAN BIRD BANDING MANUAL JULY, 1988 ALPHABETICAL SORT AOU ALPHA AOU ALPHA COMMON NAME # CODE COMMON NAME # CODE ABERT'S TOWHEE 5920 ABTO BALD EAGLE 3520 BAEA ACADIAN FLYCATCHER 4650 ACFL BALT X BULL ORIOLE INTERGRADE 5078 BBOI ACORN WOODPECKER 4070 ACWO BALTIMORE ORIOLE 5070 BAOR ADELAIDE'S WARBLER 6641 ADWA BANANAQUIT 6350 BANA ADELIE PENGUIN 8504 ADPE BAND-RUMPED STORM-PETREL 1062 BSTP AFRICAN PENGUIN 8514 AFPE BAND-TAILED GULL 0542 BTGU AKEPA 7950 AKEP BAND-TAILED PIGEON 3120 BTPI AKIPOLAAU 7890 AKIP BANK SWALLOW 6160 BANS ALDER FLYCATCHER 4661 ALFL BARN SWALLOW 6130 BARS ALEUTIAN CANADA GOOSE 1721 ACGO BARNACLE GOOSE 1750 BRNG ALEUTIAN TERN 0730 ALTE BARRED OWL 36b0 BAOW ALLEN'S HUMMINGBIRD 4340 ALHU BARROW'S GOLDENEYE 1520 BAGO ALTAMIRA ORIOLE 5031 ALOR BAR-TAILED GODWIT 2500 BARG AMERICAN AVOCET 2250 AMAV BAY-BREASTED WARBLER 6600 BBWA AMERICAN BITTERN 1900 AMBI BEAN GOOSE 1711 BEGO AMERICAN BLACK DUCK 1330 ABDU BELDING'S SAVANNAH SPARROW 5430 BSSP AMERICAN COOT 2210 AMCO BELL'S VIREO 6330 BEVI AMERICAN CROW 4880 AMCR BELTED KINGFISHER 3900 BEKI AMERICAN DIPPER 7010 AMDI BENDIRE'S THRASHER 7080 BETH AMERICAN GOLDFINCH 5290 AMGO BERYLLINE HUMMINGBIRD 4381 BEHU AMERICAN GREEN-WINGED TEAL 1390 AGWT BEWICK'S SWAN 1801 BESW AMERICAN KESTREL 3600 AMKE BEWICK'S WREN 7190 BEWR AMERICAN OYSTERCATCHER 2860 AMOY BLACK BRANT 1740 BLBR AMERICAN REDSTART 6870 AMRE BLACK GUILLEMOT 0270 BLGU AMERICAN ROBIN 7610 AMR() BLACK NODDY 0791 BLNO AMERICAN SWALLOW-TAILED KITE 3270 ASTK BLACK OYSTERCATCHER 2870 BLOY AMERICAN
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