Daw Mill Colliery Development Ian Grimshaw Proof of Evidence Landscape and Views IG/2 Proof of Evidence of Ian Grimshaw on Landscape and Views Daw Mill Colliery, Tamworth Road, Arley For the Appellant, Harworth Estates PINS ref no: APP/R3705/W/16/3149827 5781.003 January 2017 Issue Daw Mill Colliery Development Ian Grimshaw Proof of Evidence Landscape and Views 5781.003 January 2017 Issue Daw Mill Colliery Development Ian Grimshaw Proof of Evidence Landscape and Views CONTENTS PAGE 1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 1 2.0 Scope of Evidence .................................................................................................. 3 3.0 Description of the Appeal Proposals and Alternative Restoration Proposals ............ 5 4.0 Planning Policy ........................................................................................................ 9 5.0 Assessment of Anticipated Effects on Landscape ................................................. 16 6.0 Assessment of Anticipated Effects on Views ......................................................... 47 7.0 Assessment of Effects on Openness of the Green Belt ......................................... 71 8.0 Compliance with Relevant Planning Policy ............................................................ 73 9.0 Third Party Representations .................................................................................. 87 10.0 Conclusions ........................................................................................................... 89 APPENDICES (Each Bound Separately) APPENDIX 1: Figures (IG3) APPENDIX 2: Photographs (IG4) APPENDIX 3: Visual Impact Assessment Tables (IG5) Endorsement The evidence which I have prepared and provide for this appeal in this proof of evidence is true and has been prepared and is given in accordance with the guidance of my professional institutions and I confirm that the opinions expressed are my true and professional opinions. Ian Grimshaw 5781.003 January 2017 Issue Daw Mill Colliery Development Ian Grimshaw Proof of Evidence Landscape and Views 5781.003 January 2017 Issue Daw Mill Colliery Development Ian Grimshaw Proof of Evidence Landscape and Views 1.0 Introduction 1.1 My name is Ian Jeffrey Grimshaw. I am a Chartered Landscape Architect and Chartered Town Planner. I have been engaged by Harworth Estates Limited to prepare evidence on the anticipated effects on landscape character and on views of the proposed development before the appeal. 1.2 I have around 25 years' experience in assessing the effects of development on the landscape and on visual amenity. I have worked on many infrastructure projects and have been involved in other projects with rail depots and based around rail freight distribution. 1.3 I have given evidence at public inquiries and hearings relating to planning appeals, development consent orders, applications for consent under the Electricity Act 1989 and also relating to compulsory purchase and rights acquisition. 5781.003 Page 1 January 2017 Issue Daw Mill Colliery Development Ian Grimshaw Proof of Evidence Landscape and Views 5781.003 Page 2 January 2017 Issue Daw Mill Colliery Development Ian Grimshaw Proof of Evidence Landscape and Views 2.0 Scope of Evidence 2.1 My evidence addresses matters related to the landscape and visual effects of the appeal proposals. 2.2 In preparing my evidence I have undertaken a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA). This considers the anticipated effects of the appeal proposals using a method derived from the Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Third Edition (GLVIA3) published by the Landscape Institute and the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment. I am aware that the Secretary of State has issued a Screening Opinion directing that the appeal proposals do not comprise EIA development. However I have prepared the LVIA in the same way as I would have done had the appeal proposals been deemed EIA development so that the significance of effects in my judgement has been reported. 2.3 I acknowledge that there is a difference in opinion between the appellant and the Council with regard to what should be considered as the 'baseline' for the assessment of anticipated effects. I have read the evidence of Mr Rolinson on behalf of the appellant and concur that the appropriate baseline for my assessment is the appeal site as it presently exists. However I acknowledge that the Council differs in this regard and considers that the baseline should be considered as with a restoration scheme for the former colliery in place. I consider the anticipated effects on landscape and on views in my LVIA of each of these two baseline scenarios. 2.4 My evidence is structured as follows. 2.5 In Section 3.0 I give a brief description of the appeal proposals with specific reference to the aspects of which I consider have potential to give rise to material effects on landscape character and on views. 2.6 In Section 4.0 I set out the relevant aspects of planning policy related to landscape and views. I refer to national and local planning policy. 2.7 In Section 5.0 I set out my assessment of anticipated effects on landscape, considering first the existing environment and then a baseline of the restoration scheme having been undertaken. 2.8 In Section 6.0 I set out my assessment of anticipated effects on views and, as for landscape, I first consider the existing environment and then a baseline presuming the restoration scheme has been implemented. 2.9 In Section 7.0 I consider the likely effects of the appeal proposals on openness of the Green Belt 2.10 In Section 8.0 I set out the extent to which I consider the appeal proposals comply with the relevant planning policy I identified at Section 4.0 of my evidence. 2.11 In Section 9.0 of my evidence I consider the third party representations made regarding effects on landscape and on views, referring where appropriate to any which have been addressed in planning policy. 5781.003 Page 3 January 2017 Issue Daw Mill Colliery Development Ian Grimshaw Proof of Evidence Landscape and Views 2.12 I draw conclusions in Section 10.0 in light of my analysis. 5781.003 Page 4 January 2017 Issue Daw Mill Colliery Development Ian Grimshaw Proof of Evidence Landscape and Views 3.0 Description of the Appeal Proposals and Alternative Restoration Proposals 3.1 Mr Rolinson describes the context of the appeal site and sets out what it presently comprises in relation to remnants of the former colliery. I acknowledge above that there is a difference in opinion as to what should be considered as the 'baseline environment' with the Council considering that a proposal for restoration shown in the Estell Warren Drawing 2043.1 Revision B. 3.2 In this section of my evidence I set out a description of the proposed development which includes aspects relevant to landscape and views and a description of the alternative restoration shown on the drawing. Description of Appeal Proposals 3.3 The appeal proposals have been amended to omit an option which was in the planning application, as set out in the appellant's Statement of Case. The appeal proposals comprise outline planning application (with all matters reserved for the subsequent approval other than access) for the redevelopment of the site for a maximum of 24,652 sqm (265,345 sqft) of built floor space for employment uses comprising wholly B2 (General Industry) development: ancillary open storage areas, associated car parking, servicing yards, gantry crane, infrastructure and utilities, retention and use of existing infrastructure including rail head and sidings, site vehicular access, grid connection, electricity sub-station and reconfigured surface water drainage infrastructure. 3.4 In considering the effects of the appeal proposals on landscape character and on views, I have had regard to the Landscape/Biodiversity Parameter Plan (with Illustrative Masterplan) prepared by RPS and labelled Figure Number LBPP2 dated October 2015. Also I have considered options for development identified by Mr Clarke in his evidence. Each of the options identified by Mr Clarke would fall within the 'envelope' identified in the Landscape/Biodiversity Parameter Plan (with Illustrative Masterplan). I do not consider that implementing any of the options rather than another would make an appreciable difference to the conclusions I draw. I have noted that the options described by Mr Clarke with references to his drawings show that in each case there would be undeveloped land ('white land') which might be available for further planting and landscape works than that shown on the Landscape/Biodiversity Parameter Plan (with Illustrative Masterplan). 3.5 I set out below the important aspects of the proposals for landscape character and views shown on the Landscape/Biodiversity Parameter Plan (with Illustrative Masterplan). It sets out that the great majority of boundary vegetation is on land which is under the control of the appellant and will be retained. This includes substantial swathes to the north, east and west of the site comprising boundary vegetation to which I make reference in my assessments later in my evidence. 5781.003 Page 5 January 2017 Issue Daw Mill Colliery Development Ian Grimshaw Proof of Evidence Landscape and Views 3.6 These are proposed to be supplemented by further extents of planting inside the boundaries of the site, notably to the north and east. The existing vegetation at the site access
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