Tim Template 2006

Tim Template 2006

CONCEALED CARRY COMES TO ILLINOIS THE ILLINOIS Mwww.ima-naet.org n ufa ctureFall 20r 13 IMA MEMBER PROFILE: C. Cretors & Company Common tax opportunities and challenges for Illinois manufacturers Quarterly Economic Update Commercial Bank 7KHUHFHQWVRIWHQLQJLQSULYDWHSD\UROOJDLQVDQGWKHQHDUWHUPKLWIURPWKHoVFDOSROLF\LPSDVVHSURPSWHGXV7KHUHFHQW VRIWHQLQJ LQ SULYDWH SD\UROO JDLQV DQG WKH QHDUWHUP KLW IURP WKH oVFDO SROLF\ LPSDVVH SURPSWHG XV ToTo discussdiscuss howhow this toto shaveshave our secondsecondond half growthgrowth estimateestimate toto about 2% and push out FedFed taperingtapering ofof QE toto nextnext March.March. Although datadata cancan impactimpact youryour WKHKLVWRULFDOWHQGHQF\IRUZHDNoUVWSULQWVRQHPSOR\PHQWLQ4FDXWLRQVDJDLQVWDOWHULQJWKHHFRQRPLFWKHKLVWRULFDO WHQGHQF\ IRU ZHDN oUVW SULQWV RQ HPSOR\PHQW LQ 4 FDXWLRQV DJDLQVW DOWHULQJ WKH HFRQRPLF businessbbusineusiness pleaseplease call:call: outlook,outlook, therethere areare legitimatelegitimate uncertaintiesuncertainties and the FedFeded has establishedestablished a willingnesswillingness toto err on the side ofof ease.ease. HousingHousing and businessbusiness surveyssurveys havehave held up throughthroughough this stretchstretch and apartapart fromfrom shutdownshutdownwn effects,effects, leadsleads on hiring PeterPeterer MoiranoMoirano VP CommercialCommercial BankingBanking cconditionsonditions alsalsoo hahaveve nonott ffaltered.altered. TThehe sustainedsustained lift frfromomom ongoing FFeded accommodationaccommodationommodation along with ccyclicalyclical forcesforces 312-627-335812-627-3358 sstilltill poinpointsts ttoo modermoderatelyaattely sstrongertronger grgrowthowth nenextxt yyear.earr.. [email protected]@citi.com 77KHVWHSGRZQLQSULYDWHSD\UROOLQFUHDVHVIURPLQWKHoUVWKDOIWRMXVWLQ4LVDEORZWRKHVWHS GRZQ LQ SULYDWH SD\UROO LQFUHDVHV IURP LQ WKH oUVW KDOI WR MXVW LQ 4 LV D EORZ WR SSROLF\PDNHUV FRQoGHQFHLQVXVWDLQHGODERXUPDUNHWSURJUHVV0RUHRYHUWKHWHPSRUDU\QDWXUHRIWKHoVFDOROLF\PDNHUV FRQoGHQFH LQ VXVWDLQHG ODERXU PDUNHW SURJUHVV 0RUHRYHUU WKH WHPSRUDU\ QDWXUH RI WKH oVFDO DDJUHHPHQWVXJJHVWVSROLF\PDNHUVZLOOUHPDLQVHQVLWLYHWRGRZQVLGHULVNVEH\RQG\HDUHQG:HH[SHFWoVFDOGUDJWRIDGHLQFRPLQJPRQWKVJUHHPHQWVXJJHVWV SROLF\PDNHUV ZLOO UHPDLQ VHQVLWLYH WR GRZQVLGH ULVNV EH\RQG \HDUHQG :H H[SHFW oVFDO GUDJ WR IDGH LQ FRPLQJ PRQWKV DDQGWKDWWKHH[SDQVLRQZLOOEHEXR\HGE\WKHUHQHZHGORRVHQLQJLQoQDQFLDOFRQGLWLRQV7KHEDVHFDVHVWLOODQWLFLSDWHVDQHQGWRDVVHWQGWKDW WKH H[SDQVLRQ ZLOO EH EXR\HG E\ WKH UHQHZHG ORRVHQLQJ LQ oQDQFLDO FRQGLWLRQV 7KH EDVH FDVH VWLOO DQWLFLSDWHV DQ HQG WR DVVHW SXXUFKDVHVE\QH[W6HSWHPEHU5DWHKLNHVDUHQRWH[SHFWHGXQWLOXQHPSOR\PHQWLVDSSURDFKLQJRUZHOOLQWRUFKDVHVE\QH[W 6HSWHPEHU 5DWH KLNHV DUH QRW H[SHFWHG XQWLO XQHPSOR\PHQW LV DSSURDFKLQJ RU ZHOO LQWR 77KHRXWORRNIRULQpDWLRQUHPDLQVVRIWHUWKDQSROLF\PDNHUV PHGLXPWHUPJRDORI6ORZHUJURZWKDEURDGKDVFRQWDLQHGSUHVVXUHVRQKHRXWORRN IRU LQpDWLRQ UHPDLQV VRIWHU WKDQ SROLF\PDNHUV PHGLXPWHUP JRDO RI 6ORZHU JURZWK DEURDG KDV FRQWDLQHG SUHVVXUHV RQ ddomesticomestic goods pricpriceses and labour ccostsosts rremainemainemain subdued. WWee eexpectxpect a grgradualadual momoveve clocloserser ttoo the 2% ttargetarget ooverver the fforecastoreeccast horizhorizonon XXQGHUSLQQHGE\GRPHVWLFGHPDQGDQGPRGHUDWHO\VWURQJHUJURZWKDEURDG/DERXUFRVWVVKRXOGoUPVRPHZKDWZLWKFRQWLQXHGJDLQVLQQGHUSLQQHGE\ GRPHVWLF GHPDQG DQG PRGHUDWHO\ VWURQJHU JURZWK DEURDG /DERXU FRVWV VKRXOG oUP VRPHZKDW ZLWK FRQWLQXHG JDLQV LQ hiring demand. United States — Economic Forecasts, 2012-2014F 2013 2014 2015 20122012 2013F2013F 2014F2014F 2Q2Q 3QF 4QFF1QF1QF 22QF3QFQF 3QF 44QFQF 1QF GDP SAARSAAR 2.5% 1.9% 2.0% 2.9% 3.0% 3.1% 3.1% 3.0% YYoYo2.8%1.6%Y 2.8% 1.6% 2.6%11.6.4 6 11.4. 11.9.39 22.3.522.5.822.8. 33.0.10 3.13. Domestic Demand SAAR 2.1.1 1.7 2.02.0 3.23.2 3.3 3..33 3.43.4 3.2 YYoYoY 2 2.4.4 11.5.552.71.51.5 2.7 1.5 1.5 1.51.5 2.22.2 2.52.5 2.9 3.33.3 3.3 Consumption SAARSAAR 1.81.88 1.81. 2.72.07 3.43.24 3.23. YoYYo2Y 2.22.32 3.23.32 3.33. Business Investment SAAR 4.7.7 3.9 3.43.4 4.74.7 4.7 5..11 5.45.4 5.5 YYoYoY 7 7.3.3 22.4.444.42.43.3 4.4 2.4 3.3 1.81.8 4.14.1 44.2.2 4.5 5.05.0 5.2 HousinHousing Investment SSAARAAR 14.2 10.3 14.4 20.7 19.6 14.3 14.0 YYoYo12.913.2Y 12.9 13.2 14.6 15.2 14.2 11.5 12.0 13.6 15.9 17.2 17.1 Government SAAR -0.4 -1.7 -2.8-2.8 1.11.1 -0.7-0.7 0.0 0.10.1 0.0 YYoYoY - -1.01.0 - -2.42.4 --0.70.7 - -2.02.0 - -3.23.2 -2.3-2.3 -1.0 -1.0-1.0 -00.6.6 0.10.1 -0.2 Exports SAARSAAR 8.08.80 4.84. 5.75.67 5.25.12 5.15. YoYYo5Y 4.24.02 5.35.23 5.25. ImportsImports SSAARAAR 66.9.9 3 3.5.5 4.74.7 6.46.4 6.76.7 6.1 6.06.0 6.3 YYoYoY 2 2.2.2 1 1.8.885.71.21.9 5.7 1.2 1.9 3.93.9 5.45.4 5.35.3 6.0 6.36.3 6.3 PCE Deflator YoYYo8Y 1.21.52 2.12.11 2.12. Core PCE Deflator YoYYo8Y 1.91.29 1.41.54 2.12.11 2.12. UUnemplonemployment Rate % 8.18.1 7.47.4 6.76.7 7.67.6 7.3 77.2.2 7.17.1 6.9 6.8 6.66.6 6.5 S&PS 500 Profits (US$ Per Share))5.5 YoYYoY 6.16.1 5.55.5 6.26.2 5.8 4.2 77.6.6 6.26.2 5.6 7.0 5.9 NA Notes:Notes: F Citi forecast. E Citi EstimatEstimate.e. YoY Year-to-year percent change. SAAR Seasonally adjusted annual rate. Domestic demandemandd excludes inventories and net exportsexports.. Sources:Sources: Bureau of Economic AnalAnalysis,ysis, BBureauureau of Labor StatisticsStatistics,, I/B/E/S,I/B/E/S, Treasury Department, Wall Street JournaJournall and Citi Research forecasts Interest Rate and Bond Market Forecasts as of 23 October 2013 QQuauarteerlyrly A Averageverage CCurrenturrent 44QQ 1 133 1 1QQ 1 144 22QQ 1 144 3 3QQ 1 144 4 4QQ 1144 1 1QQ 1 155 US PolicPolicyy Rate (FedFed FundsFund s) End Quarter 0.25 0.250.25 0.25 0.250.25 0.250.25 0.250.25 0.25 3-Month Libor 0.24 0.240.24 0.24 0.320.32 0.450.45 0.550.55 0.65 2 Year TreasurTreasury YYieldield 00.30.30 00.33.33 0 0.43.43 0.580.58 0.730.73 0.900.90 1.08 5 Year TreasurTreasury Yield 1.29 11.32.32 1.48 1.751.75 1.981.98 2.152.15 2.38 1010 Year TreasurTreasury Yield 2.52 2.562.56 2.70 22.95.95 3.153.15 3.253.25 3.40 3030 Year TreasurTreasury YieldYield 33.62362.62 33.69369.69 3 3.88388.88 4.134.13 4.284.28 4.354.35 4.50 22-10-10 Year TreasuTreasurry CurvCurvee 222 222424 228 223838 224343 235235 233 2 Year Swap Spread ((SwapSwapSwap Less GovtGovt) , bp 13 15 19 20 20 20 20 10 Year Swap SSppreadrea d ( (SwSwaapp Less GovGovt t ), bp 1 4 1122 8 5 5 5 5 30 Year Swap Spread ((SwapSSwapwap Less GovGovtt ), bp -3 -5-5 -10 -14-14 -18-18 -23-23 -25 3030 Year MortMortggagage Yield 4.28 44.29.29 4.40 4.634.63 4.834.83 4.984.98 5.15 1100 Y Yearear B Breakevenreakeven I Inflationflation218n 218 222424 2 23838 224343 2 24040 2 23838 2 23535 $OOH[SUHVVLRQV RI RSLQLRQ DUH VXEMHFW WR FKDQJH ZLWKRXW QRWLFH DQG DUH QRW LQWHQGHG WR EH D JXDUDQWHH RI IXWXUH HYHQWV 7KLV GRFXPHQW LV IRU LQIRUPDWLRQ RQO\ DQG GRHV QRW FRQVWLWXWH D VROLFLWDWLRQ WR EX\ RU VHOO DQ\ oQDQFLDO product. Opinions expressed hereinein may differ from the opinions expressed by otherther businesses of Citigroup Inc., are not intended to be a fororecasst of future events or a guarantee of future results or investment advice, and are VXEMHFWWR FKDQJH EDVHG RQ PDUNHW DQG RWKHU FRQGLWLRQV 3DVW SHUIRUPDQFH LV QRW D JXDUDQWHH RI IXWXUH UHVXOWV $OWKRXJK LQIRUPDWLRQ LQ WKLV GRFXPHQW KDV EHHQ REWDLQHG IURP VRXUFHV EHOLHYHG WR EH UHOLDEOH &LWLJURXS ,QF DQG LWV DIoOLDWHVGR QRW JXDUDQWHH LWV DFFXUDF\ RU FRPSOHWHQHVV DQG DFFHSW QR OLDELOLW\ IRU DQ\ GLUHFW RU FRQVHTXHQWLDO ORVVHV DULVLQJ IURP LWV XVH 7KURXJKRXW WKLV GRFXPHQW ZKHUH FKDUWV LQGLFDWH WKDW D WKLUG SDUW\ SDUWLHV LV WKH VRXUFH SOHDVHQRWH WKDW WKH VRXUFH UHIHUHQFHV WKH UUDDZ GDWD UHFHLYHG IURP VXFK SDUWLHV Ì &LWLJURXS ,QF 1$ $OO ULJKWV UHVHUYHG &LWLEDQN 1$ 0HPEHU )',& &LWLEDQN ZLWK $UF 'HVLJQ LV D UHJLVWHUHG VHUYLFH PDUN RI &LWLJURXS ,QF Mission Statement Fall 20 13 The object for which the Illinois Manufacturers’ Association was formed is to strengthen the eco - Common tax nomic, social, environmental and governmental conditions for manu - facturing and allied enterprises in opportunities the state of Illinois, resulting in an enlarged business base and and challenges1 for6 increased employment. Chairman Michael Holewinski FIrlolmi ntaxoabiilsity mof tarannsacutiofnas tco tquualirfyeingrs President for economic incentives, tax opportunities Gregory W. Baise Editor and risks can be highly complex — Stefany J. Henson information from IMA member McGladrey The Illinois Manufacturer is published quarterly by the Illinois Manufac - turers’ Association. All rights IMA MEMBER PROFILE: C. Cretors & Company reserved. The title, The Illinois By Dan Naumovich ..........................................................................14 Manufacturer, is a trademark of the Illinois Manufacturers’ Association. Risk management for manufacturers: Achieving results Copyright 2013© Illinois through smart insurance and employee relations practices Manufacturers’ Association. By Tonya G. Newman and Sonya Rosenberg, Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg LLP ...........22 Reproduction of all or any part is prohibited except by written permis - sion of the publisher.

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