THE MERRELL-WOLFF LIBRARY Compiled for The Franklin Merrell-Wolff Archive by Charles Post, Robert Holland and Dave Vliegenthart A. E. [George William Russell]. The Avatars: A Futurist Fantasy. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1933. Abbadie, Jacques. Chemical Change in the Eucharist in Four Letters Shewing the Relations of Faith to Sense. Translated by John W. Hamersley. 1685 original French ed. London: Sampson, Low, Son & Marston, 1868. Abbey, Edwin A., and Alfred Parsons. Old Songs. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1888. Abdullah, Achmed. Wings: Tales of the Psychic. New York: The James A. McCann Co., 1920. Achad, Frater. “The Great White Lodge of Our Solar System: Gambling with the World.” Occult Press Review 2 (5). Los Angeles: New Era Press, June 1923. Adams Beck, Lily. The Story of Oriental Philosophy. New York: Cosmopolitan Book Corp., 1928. Ager, John C., ed. Brief Readings from Swedenborg: A Short Biography of Swedenborg, with a Diagram of His Life and Works. New York: The Swedenborg Foundation, c. 1900. Ajaya, Swami, ed. Foundations of Eastern and Western Psychology. Glenview, Ill.: Himalayan Institute Press, 1977.* ———. Living with the Himalayan Masters: Spiritual Experiences of Swami Rama. Honesdale, Penn.: Himalayan International Institute, 1978.* Akhilananda, Swami. Sri Ramakrishna and modern psychology. Providence, R.I.: Vedanta Society, 1937.* Allen, Frederick Lewis. The Great Pierpont Morgan. New York: Bantam Books, c. 1949. Allen, Hervey. Anthony Adverse. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1933. ———. Israfel: The Life and Times of Edgar Allen Poe. 2 vols. New York: George H. Doran Co., 1926/1927. Allen, James. Entering the Kingdom. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1908. Almi, Eli A. Our Unfinished World: A Philosophy of Life in Discourse, Story and Fable. New York: Arco Publishing Co., 1947. The American Theosophist. [There are a large number of issues of this periodical in the Merrell- Wolff Library, of which the two issues listed below were scanned. For volumes that Wolff referenced in his work, see the entry under “Warrington, A. P., ed.”] The American Theosophist 60 (5), May 1972. A Special issue dedicated to Tibetan Buddhism. The American Theosophist 70 (5), May 1982. A Special Issue dedicated to “The Spiritual in the Arts.” Anand, M., and J. E. Ellam, eds. The Buddhist Review: The Journal of the Buddhist Society of Great Britain and Ireland and of the International Buddhist Union 12 (1), Jan-Feb 1922. Anonymous. Christ in You. Deeper Issues Series. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1920. ———. The Kybalion: A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece, by Three Initiates. Chicago: The Yogi Publication Society, 1908. ———. Man: Fragments of Forgotten History. London: Reeves & Turner, 1885. ———. The Spirit of the Unborn. Hollywood Los Angeles: Starlight Publishing, 1918. ———. What Is Theosophy? Boston: Cupples, Upham & Co., 1886. Last Update: 24 April 2020 Arberry, Arthur John. Sufism: An Account of the Mystics of Islam. New York: Harper & Row, 1950/1970. Aristotle. Aristotle on His Predecessors, Being the First Book of His Metaphysics. Translated by W. Christ and A. E. Taylor. 4th century BCE original ed. [Philosophical Classics, Religion of Science Library, no. 61.] Chicago: The Open Court, 1907. Arnold, Edwin. The Light of Asia. 1879 original ed. Philadelphia: David McKay Co., 1939[?]. ———. The Light of Asia or the Great Renunciation (Mahaabhinishkramana), Being the Life and Teaching of Gautama, Prince of India and Founder of Buddhism (as Told in Verse by an Indian Buddhist). Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1879/1890. ———. The Light of Asia or the Great Renunciation (Mahaabhinishkramana), Being the Life and Teaching of Gautama, Prince of India and Founder of Buddism (as Told in Verse by an Indian Buddhist). London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1879/1959. ———. The Song Celestial or Bhagavad-Gita (from the Mahabharata), Being a Discourse between Arjuna, Prince of India, and the Supreme Being under the Form of Krishna. c. 4th century BCE original Sanskrit ed. London:Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., 1885/1908. Sri Aurobindo Society. Sri Aurobindo Circle. [This is an annual publication by the Sri Aurobindo Society (Bombay) that has been published since 1945. There are approximately 8 issues in the Merrell-Wolff Library, of which only the following issue was scanned.] ———. Sri Aurobindo Circle 10 (1954). Sri Aurobindo Press. Sri Aurobindo Mandir 6-9. [This annual was published “on the occasion” of the birthday of Sri Aurobindo (August 15th).] Calcutta: Sri Aurobindo Pathamandir, 1947-1950 Avalon, Arthur [John Woodroffe], ed. Principles of Tantra, Part 1: The Tantratattva of Shriyukta Shiva Chandra Vidyarnava Bhattacharyya Mahodaya. London: Luzac & Co., 1914. ———. The Serpent Power Being the Shat-Chakra-Nirupana and Paduka-Panchaka. Madras: Ganesh & Co., 1924. ———. Tantra of the Great Liberation (Mahanirvana Tantra). London: Luzac & Co., 1913. Askvaghosha. “The Awakening of Faith.” Edited by Dwight Goddard and reprinted in A Buddhist Bible. Thetford: Dwight Goddard, 1932/1938.* Atīśa [Kong-sprul Blo-gros-mthaʼ-yas]. A Direct Path to Enlightenment by Jam-Mgon Kong-Sprul the Great, Being a Commentary Which Will Comfortably Introduce Ordinary People to the Mahayana Teaching of the Seven Points of Mind Training. Vancouver: Kagyu Kunkhyab Chuling, 1975. Atisha, Brother [pseud.]. Exposition of the Doctrine of Karma. London: The Theosophical Publishing Society, 1910. Bacon, Francis. The Philosophical Works of Francis Bacon. Collected writings, 17th century original ed. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1905. ———. Essays. Baltimore: R. H. Woodward & Co., 1893.* Bailey, Alice Ann. The Consciousness of the Atom: A Series of Lectures Delivered in New York City Winter of 1921-22. New York: Lucis Publishing Co., 1922. ———. The Externalisation of the Hiearchy. New York: Lucis Publishing Co., 1957. ———. Initiation, Human and Solar. New York: Lucifer Publishing Co., 1922. ———. Initiation, Human and Solar. New York: Lucis Publishing Co., 1922/1951. ———. Letters on Occult Meditation. New York: Lucifer Publication Co., 1922.* ———. The Reappearance of the Christ. New York: Lucis Publishing Co., 1948. 2 ———. The Soul and Its Mechanism (the Problem of Psychology). New York: Lucis Publishing Co., 1930. ———. Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle. New York: Lucis Publishing Co., 1950. ———. A Treatise on White Magic or the Way of the Disciple. New York: Lucis Publishing Co., 1934/1972. Bain, F. W. A Draught of the Blue Together with an Essence of the Dusk. New York: The Knickerbocker Press, 1907. Baldwin, James Mark, ed. Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology. New York: Macmillan Co., 1925.* Ballantyne, James Robert, and Govind Sastri Deva. Yoga-Sutra of Patanjali. Varanasi: Indological Book House, 1882/1971. Ballbusch, Peter. “The Body Is a Shell”: The Story of an Unusual Motion Picture Made By: Merle S. Gould, Peter Ballbusch, Dr. Wesley La Violette, Andrea Farnese, Carla Faryll, Paul Barry, April Lynn, Dennis Gould, Charles Schwartz, Aldo Farnese, Peter Axman and a Group of True Life Experiences Proving That: You Live after Death! Hollywood: White Knight Productions, 1956. Ballentine, Rudolph, ed. The Theory and Practice of Meditation. Glenview, Ill.: Himalayan International Institute of Yoga Science & Philosophy of USA, 1975/1977. Balliett, L. Dow. Nature’s Symphony or Lessons in Number Vibration. Atlantic City: L. Dow Balliett, 1911. ———. The Philosophy of Numbers: Their Tone and Colors. Atlantic City: L. Dow Balliett, 1908. Barker, A. T. The Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett from the Mahatmas M. & K.H. New York: Rider & Co., 1923/1948. Basham, Arthur Llewellyn. The Wonder That Was India: A Survey of the Culture of the Indian Sub- Continent before the Coming of the Muslims. New York: Grove Press, 1954/1959. Bastian, H. Charlton. The Evolution of Life. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1907 Baynes, T. S., and W. R. Smith, eds. The Encyclopedia Britannica, 9th ed. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1889.* Beal, Samuel. A Catena of Buddhist Scriptures from the Chinese. London: Trübner, 1871.* Beharrell, T. G., and PGR to SGLIOOF. Odd Fellows Monitor and Guide Containing History of the Degree of Rebekah and Its Teachings, Emblems of the Order, According to Classification of Sovereign Grand Lodge and Teachings of Ritual as Understood by Obligated Odd Fellows and Their Wives, Daughters and Sisters, in Three Parts. Indianapolis: Robert Douglass, 1884. Bell, E. T. Men of Mathematics. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1937.* Beman, Wooster Woodruff, and David Eugene Smith. Solid Geometry. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1895/1900. Benner, Joseph S. The Impersonal Life. Barberton: Sun Publishing Co., 1924. Benoit, Hubert. The Supreme Doctrine: Psychological Studies in Zen Thought. 1951 original French ed. New York: The Viking Press, 1959. Bergson, Henri. Creative Evolution. Translated by Arthur Mitchell. 1907 original French ed. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1911. Berkeley, George. A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge. 1710 original ed. [Philosophical Classics, Religion of Science Library, No. 48.] Chicago: The Open Court, 1909. Besant, Annie. Dharma. Krotona Hollywood: Theosophical Publishing House, 1918. 3 ———. Essays and Addresses: Psychology. Krotona Hollywood: Theosophical Publishing House, 1919. ———. Initiation: The Perfecting of Man, 1912. ———. An Introduction to Yoga: Four Lectures Delivered at the 32nd Anniversary of the Theosophical Society, Held at Benares, on Dec. 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th, 1907. Chicago: Theosophical Publishing House, 1913. ———. The
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