Canada Postes ./ [\1 + Post Canada PoSI~ Pdod Port p.)~ ' Bulk En nombre third troisieme class classe E12430 Scarborough - II (416) 2134350 tcommodote~ 64 and CommocIoren~of au.-Hachlnellnc. Praefttl)o marketad '" .....,r.-, Sokware Inc. Sp.cltiauons su...- to ~ ..hour nODe. • l416\ 273·6350 Ti-ffi QUEENSWAY EAST, UNIT 8, ~ss ~ 1'tSSISSAUGA, ONTARIO. L4Y 4C5 Ii ,I j The Banker DAIS - display and print the position of the THE BANKER is one of the mOS I power­ DAtabase Informa:ion SYstem sun and stars (one zrc second accu­ ful chequebook management syslems racy) and the position of the moon available for the C-64. II is menu-dllven - one of the comprehensive DATA­ and the planets (one arc minuteaccu­ and extremely easy to use. You can en ler BASE SYSTEMS for the 64 racy except for Pluto) for any date either cheques or deposits with full - fully bilingual on screen in history. comment s. All you do is fi ll out the cheque - calculates: compute the contents of - includes User's Guide. Introduction graphic IIhich appears on the screen. numeric fields-add. subtract. mul­ Because THE BANKER has a category tiply. or divide against the defined to Positional Astronomy and In tro­ field. you can use it for your busi ness duction to Classical Astrology. accou nts payable or hame budgettmg. field . using either constant va lue of the contents of any other field in the 5349<; S4395 record. !. ~ 9~ COMPLETl! EDITOR-ASSEMBLER P'ACKAOE FOR YOUR 84 LOOK AT THE LANGUAGES WE HAVE YES! We have PASCAL '$52.95 UL TRABASIC with turtle graphics and sound $42.95 TINY BASIC COMPILER $22.95 TINY FORTH Fig Forth implementation $22.95 EDIT ASM II -DESIGNEDTO HELPYOU CREATE 'WORDS CALC AND MODIFY 6502 Assembly Lan­ guage Programs on the Commodore Powerful household finance ­ 64 Computer. Busi ness system - eliminate inconvenient files. confus­ Yes ! You CAN get quality software ON SCREEN HELP SYSTEM to assist ing tables and tedious calculations. you in using all commands available . -store all your data on WORDS & at reasonable prices-order today add.assemble.calculate.delete.direc­ CALCS spreadsheet tory. disk. edit. find. help. insert. list - WORDS & CALCS wi ll do your work load . merge. new. pl ist. quit. and save. for you in organizing. displaying. money order storing. print ing and performing cheque calculat ions visa or master charge .The 9Mm b4 Terminal de~gned with Qualiry-Ilred fearvres. Affordable Prking ... And Service. $42.95 So why nor rrovel the communka~oru highwaY' the SMART way! Accessot/,,, Included: 5e1eatve 5torogeol Rere_ 5etxMle<:elvP< Pro9rorru ond Dora, 'f"\ ' F/JesofANYSIZI, DtskW~DuIl'- lnl Dealer Inqui ri es Invlled. l1eY1ew. Reorronge. FormonedU""" PrlnrFlle.~rI"~/~ write for free colour catalogue Why not cash in on the good programs that you have written? We are actively seeking SOFTWARE AUTHORS. We are paying above-average royalties for all programs that we accept. Submit your copy on tape or disk, for VIC 20 or C-64, with detailed operating instructions. If you wish program returned, please enclose sufficient return postage. Suite 210. 5950 Cote des Neiges. Montreal, Quebec H3S 1 Z6 • THE TORONTO INTERNATIONAL SOFTWARE SHOW SEPTEMBER 20, 21, 22, 23 1984 INTERNATIONAL CENTRE, TORONTO, CANADA Hundreds of software applications• will be featured by manufacturers, publishers, dealers and distributors from all over Canada, U.S.A. and around the world. Seminars will be available to further show you first hand how to obtain the best software to meet your needs. Also showing will be operating languages, hard disc drives, duplicating services, user interfaces, future trends, packaging and marketing services, peripherals and accessories. Plan now to attend! Mark the dates on your calendar now! For further information contact: Cameron MacDonald, Debbie Bannon, Allan Stiver Hunter Nichols Inc. 721 Progress Avenue, Scarborough, Ontario, MIH 2W7 (416) 439-4140 • • • • • • • Contents Articles Expertise Page Machine Level Administrator's Guide To Computers In the Classroom - Da vid Williams . 48 * G (THE) BEGINNER AND THE DISK-Part II - David A. Hook . .... 24 A B Bennett's Tutorial - Searching Techniques - Chris Bennett . .. .... 31 A I Commodore Diskette Compatibility - Jim C. Halsey .. .. ...... .. 34 A A Computer Aids for the Disabled - William Bennett . ...... ..... 9 * G (The) COMPUTER IN SPECIAL EDUCATION - Mary a Miller . ........ 11 * G DISKALIGNER - A User's Review - Chris Bennett . .. ...... ... .. 29 CN G FORECASTING WITH THE 8032-Part III - John Shephel·d . .. .. .... 28 P A FOURTH: A NEW LANGUAGE FOR YOUR C-64 - Peter Rukavina . .. 22 C I (THE) GREAT 25-cent EXPERIMENT - Jim Butterfield . .. .. ...... 15 * G HARBOURFRONT COMPUTER CENTRE - Janet Sh erball owski . .. 13 * G hey diddle diddle - Rich Westerman . .... .. ..... .... .... .. 49 C G ICCE Publications - John David . .. ...... .. .. .. ....... .. 47 * G lode runner - Ian Wnght . .. ... ...... .. .. ..... ... ... .. 50 C G (THE) NOS TRANSLATOR - Peter Spe1l cer . .. .. ..... .. .... .... 41 A I PC-Documate - John M cEwan .... .. .. ..... .... ... .. .. .. 23 V G pitstop - Rich Westerman .... ... ........ .. ....... ... ... 49 C G SuperPET 6809 Assembler - Part II - Brad Bjorndahl ... ..... .... 37 S A TPUG COMAL COURSE - Part 1 - Borge Christensen . ..... .. ... 19 C/ P B VIC 20-C-64: SPEED DIFFERENCES - Roger D. Burge . ..... ...... 16 V IC I TPUGNEWS Page Advertisers' Index. 64 Calendar of TPUG Events. 63 Classified Advertising . 64 (C)T9-List-me - David Bradley . .. .. ..... .. .. ... .. .. ..... 57 (C)M6-List-me - David Bradley . .... ... .. ...... '" . .. .. ... 61 Editorial - David /-Villiams . 5 Help! . continued next issue Library Order Form. 55 Librarian's Comer - David Bradley . 56 Marketplace . 62 Meeting Reports - C-64 April 1984 . 7 -Central Chapter, May 1984. 8 New Additions to TPUG Library. 54 Product Parade - A stn'd Kumas . 51 This and That - Doris Bradley . 6 TPUG Associate Club Chapter Meetings . 63 TPUG BBS Password . 5 TPUG Contacts . 4 A=all, C=C-64, V=VIC 20, P=PET/ CBM, S=SuperPET,*=none G=General, B=Beginner, I=Intermediate, A=Advanced TPUG magazine page 3 TPUGmagaWw TPUG CONTACTS Publisher Chri. Bennett Fdi/or Da\'id Williams Assistallt Edilurl Productioll Mgl: Sandra Waugh TPUG Board of Directors Adt,ettisillg ,oI1all'(l[er President Michael Bonnycastle 416/654-2381 Diane M. Hoffmann Vice-President Chris Bennett 4161782-9252 (4161782-1861 Vice-President Gord Campbell 416/492-9518 ProduCliOll Assislil1IIS Treasurer Carol Shevlin c/o 4161782-8900 Astrid Kumas Recording Sec. John Shepherd 416/244-1487 Marya Miller Bruce Beach 519/925-5376 Monica Bodirsky Rosemary Beasley 4161787-8432 Graphic Des(ljll Gary Croft 4161727-8795 Leslie Smart and Associates Toronto. Ont. Mike Donegan 416/639-0329 John Easton 416/ 251-1511 Pn'ntillg 416/225-8760 Carswell Printing Company Gerry Gold Toronto.Ont. Louise Redgers 416/447-4811 COt·e,- Photu Business Man. Chris Bennett 4161782-8900 Roberto POTloiese Studio Asst. Bus. Man. Doris Bradley 4161782-8900 Toronto. Ont. TPUG Magazine TPUG Magazille is publi~hed 10 times a year by TPUG. Inc. All ri~bts reserved . No material may be reprinted without wrillen permission. Publisher Chris Bennett 4161782-1861 Editor David Williams 4161782-1861 TPUG yearly memberships: Regular member (attend meetinp) -$30.()()Cdn, Asst. Editor Sandra Waugh 4161782-1861 Student member (full-time, attends meetings) - $20,00 Cdn. Ad Manager Diane Hoffmann 4161782-1861 A"ociate (Canada) -$20.00 Cdn. Meeting Co-ordinators As~ociate (Overseas-sea mail) - $30,00 U.S. "ssociate (Overseas- air mail) -$4000 U.S. Brampton Gary Ledez c/o 4161782-8900 Central Michael Bonnycastle 416/654-2381 TPUG Inc., 1912-A ,\vcnue Rd., Ste. III Commodore 64 Louise Redgers 416/ 447-4811 Toronto, On!. Coma I Don Dalley c/ o 4161782-8900 M~M 4Al Victor Gough c/o 4161782-8900 T elephone numbers: Communications David Williams 4161782-1861 Business Office (416) 782-8900 (H6) 782-9252 Eastside Kelly Grinton c/ o 4161782-8900 Magazine Office (416) 782-1861 Peter Schwartz c/o 4161782-8900 VIC 20, Commodore 64 and Super PET are trademarks of Commo­ Machine Language Jim Carswell 416/531-9909 dore Electronics Ltd. PET is a registered trademark of Commodore Super PET Gerry Gold 416/225-8760 Business Machines. Inc. CBM is a registered trademark of Commo­ VIC 20 (Doris Bradley) 4161782-8900 dore Electronics Ltd. Westside John Easton 416/251-1511 TPUG Magazine is printed in Canada. Mailed at Toronto, ON and Al Farquharson 519/442-7000 Buffalo. NY. Send change of address to: TPUG Inc., Address Changes, 1912-A Avenue Rd .. Ste. I. Toronto, ON M~M 4Al Librarians Subscription: 15,500 Commodore 64 David Bradley 4161782-8900 Newsstand : 8.!XlO Richard Bradley 4161782-7320 ISSN 110825-0367 French Baudouin St-Cyr c/ o 4161782-8900 Distn'buted bv: PET Mike Donegan 416/639-0329 Access Computer Compulit Micron SuperPET Bill Dutfield 416/224-0642 Services Distributors VIC 20 Craig Bonner 416/ 663-4025 6:10B Mag'netic Drive PO Box 3;)2 409 Queen St. W . Assistant Chris Covell 416/925-9296 Downsview, ON Pon Coquitlam, B,C. Torolllo, ON M:1J 2C4 V3C 4K6 M5V 2A5 Bulletin Boards Tom Shevlin 416/ 624-5431 (416) 7:lIi-4402 (604) 464-1221 (416) :>93-9862 Conference Gord Campbell 416/ 492-9518 Dealers Inquiries ONLY 1-800-268,1238 Subscription-related inquiries are handled ONLY with TPUe page 4 TPUG magazine editorial V.'e sometimes have some interesting magazine will cease publishing spe­ lish is universally accurate. People can discllssions in this office about the func­ cialized articles. There are plenty of also save themselves money by being tion of TPUG Magazine. Should it readers who appreciate them. How­ aware of our nationality. We now have endeavour, as far as possible, to be a ever, I hope that future issues will con­ enough foreign (mainly American!) publication vehicle for TPUG mem­ tain increasing numbers of articles postage stamps to decorate our office. bers who have things they wish to say, which have been written by experts at They are pretty, but there is no way or should its main concern be to cater a "beginner" level.
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