DOCUMENT RESUME ED 099 184 SE 016 990 AUTHOR Martin, Nancy TITLE Convergence Properties of a Class of Probabilistic Adaptive Schemes Called Sequential Reproductive Plans. Psychology and Education Series, Technical Report No. 210. INSTITUTION Stanford Univ., Calif. Inst. for Mathematical Studies in Social Science. SPONS AGENCY National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. PUB DATE 31 Jul 73 NOTE 63p. EDRS PRICE EF-$0.75 HC-$3.15 PLUS POSTAGE DESCRIPTORS Computers; *Computer Science Education; Educational Research; *Genetics; Linear Programing; *Mathematical Models; Reproduction (Biology); Science Education; Social Sciences ABSTRACT Presented is a technical report concerning the use of a mathematical model describing certain aspects of the duplication and selection processes in natural genetic adaptation. This reproductive plan/model occurs in artificial genetics (the use of ideas from genetics to develop general problem solving techniques for computers). The reproductive plan is a sequential stochastic process involving n-tuples (corresponding to chromosomes in genetics) which may be simple numeric constants or complex structures such as computer algorithms. The plan also involves a sequence of probability distributions defined over n-tuples,, The report consists of five chapters: introduction; reproductive plans; deterministic problem bases; a chapter divided into sections on the search for an arena, the linear additive model, the linear models and pure problem bases; and conclusions. An appendix illustrating the theorem involved and a list of references conclude the report. 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(Cositineedontiwids bepk csv) CONVERGENCE PROPERTIES OF A CLASS OF PROBABILISTIC ADAPTIVE SCHEMES CALLED SIQUENTIAL REPRODUCTIVE PLANS by Nancy Martin TECHNICAL REPORT NO. 210 July 31, 1973 PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION SERIES Reproduction in Whole or in Part Is Permitted for Any Purpose of the United States Government This research was supported by National Science Foundation Grant No. GJ-443X to the Institute for Mathematical Studies in the Social Sciences, Stanford University, and by National Science Foundation Grant No. GJ-29989X to the Logic of Computers Group, University of Michigan. INSTITUTE FOR MATHEMATICAL STUDIES IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES STANFORD UNIVERSITY STANFORD, CALIFORNIA ABSTRACT CONVERGENCE PROPERTIES OF A CLASS OFPROBABILISTIC ADAPTIVE SCHEMES CALLED SliQtfl REPRODUCTIVE PLANS by Nancy Martin Chairman: John H. Holland A reproductive plan isa mathematical model describing certain aspects of the duplication and selectionprocesses in natural genetic adaptation. These models occur in artificialgenetics, which is the use of ideas from genetics to developgeneral problem solving techniques for computers. A reproductive plan isa sequential stochastic process involving n-tuples which correspond to chromosomesi enetics. The individual elements of the n-tuples, which correspondtv enes, may be simple numeric constants or may be suchcomplex strixtures as computer algo- rithms. The plan also involves a sequence of probabilitydistributions defined over the n-tuples.
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