EUKOR Car Carriers Inc

EUKOR Car Carriers Inc

Presentation 11 February 2003 ProfitProfit && lossloss statementstatement MUSD 1.10-31.12 1.10-31.12 2002 2001 2002 2001 Gross revenue 321 206 1,024 817 EBITDA 55 26 169 146 Depreciation/write-downs (32) (20) (90) (79) EBIT 23 6 79 67 Net financial items 2 (4) (19) (36) Pre-tax profit 25 2 60 31 Taxes (4) 1 (6) (4) Net Profit 21 3 54 27 Of which minority interests 3 EBITEBIT variancevariance analysisanalysis MUSD 2002 2001 EBIT 79 67 Sales gains (32) (3) Goodwill write off 6 Riga terminal write off 2 Restructuring Car&Liner 5 3 Container contribution/exit 5 1 Offshore Heavy Transport (8) Tanker (5) Adjusted EBIT 65 55 New and ongoing activities 2002- substantial EBIT improvement ProfitProfit && lossloss statementstatement MUSD 1.10-31.12 1.10-31.12 2002 2001 2002 2001 Gross revenue 321 206 1 024 817 EBITDA 55 26 169 146 Depreciation/write-downs (32) (20) (90) (79) EBIT 23 6 79 67 Net financial items 2 (4) (19) (36) Pre-tax profit 25 2 60 31 Taxes (4) 1 (6) (4) Net Profit 21 3 54 27 Of which minority interests 3 NetNet financialfinancial itemsitems MUSD 2002 2001 Affiliated companies 11 7 Interest income 6 7 Investment management (12) (1) Agio/disagio 10 (4) Interest expenses (31) (44) Other financial items (3) (1) Total (19) (36) EBITDAEBITDA // PrePre--taxtax profitprofit MUSD 60 50 40 30 EBITDA Pre-tax profit 20 10 0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2001 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 2002 EarningsEarnings perper shareshare 2.5 2 1.5 USD Full year 1 0.5 0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 CashCash flowflow perper shareshare 7 6 5 4 USD Full Year 3 2 1 0 2000 2001 2002 Balance sheet MUSD 31.12.2002 31.12.2001 Assets Fixed assets 1,075 932 Current assets 544 359 Total assets 1,619 1,291 Equity and liabilities Equity 509 469 Long-term liabilities 826 668 Short-term liabilities 284 154 Total equity and liabilities 1,619 1,291 LinerLiner andand carcar carrierscarriers Q402 Q401MUSD 2002 2001 287 171 Gross revenue 907 674 55 26 EBITDA 164 122 (28) (15) Depreciation (78) (62) 27 11 EBIT 86 60 (8) (8) Net financials (26) (38) 19 3 Pre-tax profit 60 22 (3) Taxes (8) (4) 16 3 Net profit 52 18 LinerLiner andand carcar carrierscarriers MUSD 60 300 50 250 40 200 30 150 20 100 10 50 - - Q100 Q200 Q300 Q400 Q101 Q201 Q301 Q401 Q102 Q202 Q302 Q402 EBITDA Net profit Gross revenue (right axis) BarwilBarwil Q402 Q401MUSD 2002 2001 23 14 Gross revenue 70 63 2 - EBITDA 4 4 (4) (2) Depreciation (7) (5) (2) (2) EBIT (3) (1) 1 3 Net financials 7 9 (1) 1 Pre-tax profit 4 8 Taxes (1) (1) (1) 1 Net profit 3 7 BarwilBarwil MUSD 5 25 4 20 3 15 2 1 10 0 Q100 Q200 Q300 Q400 Q101 Q201 Q301 Q401 Q102 Q202 Q302 Q402 5 -1 -2 0 Net profit Gross revenue (right axis) BarberBarber InternationalInternational Q402 Q401MUSD 2002 2001 9 8 Gross revenue 34 30 1 1 EBITDA 6 6 - - Depreciation (1) (1) 1 1 EBIT 5 5 - - Net financials 1 1 1 1 Pre-tax profit 6 6 Taxes 1 1 Net profit 6 6 BarberBarber InternationalInternational MUSD 5.0 10 4.5 9 4.0 8 3.5 7 3.0 6 2.5 5 2.0 4 1.5 3 1.0 2 0.5 1 0.0 0 Q100 Q200 Q300 Q400 Q101 Q201 Q301 Q401 Q102 Q202 Q302 Q402 EBITDA Net profit Gross revenue (right axis) OtherOther // HoldingHolding 2002 Heavy MUSD Corporate Transport Tank Total EBIT (13.1) 4.5 (8.6) Net financials (4.6) 4.4 - (0.2) Net Income (15.5) 4.4 4.5 (6.6) Minorities - - 2001 Heavy MUSD Corporate Transport Tank Total EBIT (10.1) 7.8 5.5 3.2 Net financials (5.0) (2.3) (0.8) (8.1) Net Income (14.0) 5.4 4.7 (3.9) Minorities - 2.6 2.6 Dividend proposal 2002 6.00 60% 5.00 50% 4.00 40% 3.00 30% 2.00 20% Utdelingsforhold Utbytte pr. aksje (NOK) 1.00 10% - 0% 1998 1999 2000 2001 Utbytte Utbytte/Res. pr. Aksje Dividend proposal 2002 Dividend: NOK 5.50 pr. share Direct return: 5.3% ( =7.3% pre-tax) compared to Yield on Bonds : 3.9% (= 5.4% pre-tax) Limited downside: Market value/BV Equity = 70% (Rebate 30%) • Excess values to Book Values • Strong historical Cash Flow Presentation 11 February 2003 Konsernsjefen kommenterer EUKOR Car Carriers Inc. (HMM CCD) Bil- og RoRo markedene New service Asia - Middle East TRICOLOR EUKOR Car Carriers Inc. 1. Background 2. Milestones 3. Objectives 4. Transaction structure 5. Business model 6. Key figures 7. Financing 8. Accounting 9. Risk profile 10. Management EUKOR Car Carriers Inc. (HMM CCD) Background Ocean Vehicle Carrier Market Global Volume of Global Fleet Vehicles Handled Others WalleniusWallenius OthersOthers WalleniusWallenius Others 10% Wilhelmsen 7%7% WilhelmsenWilhelmsen Grimaldi 10% Wilhelmsen HUALHUAL Grimaldi Lines LinesLines 4% Lines 8%8% 4% 16% 20%20% 16% HUALHUAL KawasakiKawasaki 8%8% HyundaiHyundai KisenKisen MerchantMerchant KaishaKaisha MarineMarine 15% 15% HyundaiHyundai 15%15% MerchantMerchant Kawasaki MarineMarine Kawasaki 12%12% KisenKisen Kaisha Kaisha 13%13% Mitsui O.S.K. NYKNYK Mitsui O.S.K. Mitsui O.S.K. 18% NYKNYK Mitsui O.S.K. 20%20% 18% 14% 20%20% 14% Source: SSB research. Background Global Vehicle Production and Shipments 65,000 Global vehicle production(left hand scale) 10,000 Deep sea shipments(right hand scale) 60,000 9,200 55,000 8,400 50,000 7,600 45,000 6,800 1000 UNITS 40,000 6,000 35,000 5,200 30,000 4,400 81 84 87 90 93 96 99 02 05 Source: Wallenius Wilhelmsen Lines. Source: Wallenius Wilhelmsen Lines. Stable correlation between: - Vehicle production & Vehicle shipments Despite industry trend of : - Consolidation & Transplant production This trend led to fragmentation of global shipping patterns – requiring shipping companies to become global in order to maintain profitability Milestones January 02 - Approached by HMM - Meetings Stockholm, London, Singapore and Hong Kong February 02 - MOU signed with HMM March 02 - Due Diligence May 02 - LOI signed with HMC / Kia August 02 - OCC & Shareholders agreement signed October 02 - Loan agreements signed November 02 - EU approval December 02 - Closing Objectives Creation of the largest player in the vehicle carrier market - Wallenius and Wilhemsen will control 130 vessels (30% of the global fleet) Expanded presence in Asian market to complement established businesses of Wallenius and Wilhelmsen Strategic cargo base in a key auto manufacturing production area Stable, predictable revenue stream for EUKOR under 7-year OCC Potential synergies between WWL and EUKOR HMC/KMC: quality clients with fast growing export sales Transaction Structure ‘) Any amounts raised above US$ 500 Mill. In Tranche B will reduce the Seller’s Note accordingly. Transaction Structure 5 year exclusive contract (“Initial Term”) - HMC/KMC shall purchase from EUKOR transportation services for 100% of the total volume of Vehicles transported to their market of sale by ocean vessels Additional 2 years (“Extended Term”) right to transport 80% of vehicles - Within overall 80% ceiling, EUKOR to carry 100% of volume to Europe and East Coast North America Right of First Refusal for the following 2 years (8th and 9th years) for a significant majority of HMC/KMC’s export volume Timely, mutual exchange of production and sailing schedule information between carrier and producer Fixed rates during the contract period (i.e., 7 years) - Subject to good faith negotiation to adjust by mutual agreement the freight rates in case of significant impact to the cost of EUKOR in performing the transportation service to HMC/KMC Business Model Single customer concentration HMC / KMC accounted for 77% of ’01 revenues Risk mitigated by long term contract Lean operation Focused on customer service and efficient fleet planning Low overhead Low capital intensity Rely on medium to long term chartering of vessels New ships / space can be chartered in, limit new building Limited “leakages” from cash flow EBITDA already net of charter payments Limited incremental working capital needs Business Model 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002(1) Number of Vessels Own 25 27 23 21 21 11 BBC 5 7 7 9 T/C 18 19 31 38 44 56 Total 43 46 59 66 72 76 Contracts Expiring / Year 14 12 10 8 BBC T/C 6 4 2 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Key Figures Cars transported (CEU) ~ 2 million Revenue ~ USD 1.000 Mill. EBITDA ~ USD 200 Mill. EBITDA Margin ~ 20% EV / EBITDA ~ 6.5 IRR (Book value equity) ~ 9% IRR (Terminal value) ~ 19% Financing Tenor Average life Lenders Amount Tranche A 3 years 2 years Offshore USD 300 mill. Tranche B 6 years 5 years Onshore USD 650 mill. Equity USD 300 mill. Purchase price USD 1.250 mill. Tranche C 1-3 years On-&Offshore USD 1.000 mill. Accounting Equity method (TS) – But not as Financial Income – “Result from Affiliated Companies” specified between Operating Result and Finance RISK Profile 1. Interest rate - N/A (Fixed) 2. Volumes - Minimal 3. Freight rates - Marginal 4. Bunker cost - High - USD 10/t ~ USD 7 mill. - Hedging in process Management CEO - Carl-Johan Hagman (ex. CEO Wallenius Lines) CFO - Steinar Forberg (ex. WW) Headquarters Seoul - 96 employees Local offices ROK - 10 employees Overseas offices - 32 employees Global Light Vehicle Sales 1000 VEHICLES 0 2 000 4 000 6 000 8 000 10 000 12 000 14 000 16 000 18 000 20 000 22 000 NAFTA W EUROPE E EU RO P E JAPAN 2001 2002 OTHER ASIA 2003 S/C AMERICA OCEANIA/S AFR OTHER WORLD Vehicle Production and Deep Sea Vehicle Shipments 62 500 10 000 Global vehicle production(left hand scale) 60 000 9 600 Deep sea shipments(right hand scale) 57 500 9 200 55 000 8 800 52 500 8 400 8 000 50 000 7 600 47 500 7 200 45 000 6 800 42 500 1000 UNITS 1000 6 400 40 000 6 000 37 500 5 600 35 000 5 200 32 500 4 800 30 000 4 400 27 500 4 000 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 Vehicle Shipment

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