COMMON MEDICAL/DENTAL ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS Common Medical/Dental Abbreviations and Acronyms a (specific) absorption ALS advanced life support; AVN atrioventricular node (coefficient) (USUALLY amyotrophic lateral AW atomic weight ITALIC); (total) acidity; sclerosis; antilymphocyte ax. axis area; (systemic) arterial serum AZT azidothymidine (blood) (SUBSCRIPT); ALT alanine (zidovudine) asymmetric; atto aminotransferase B barometric (pressure) A absorbance Am americium (SUBSCRIPT); boron A˚ angstrom; A˚ ngstro¨m unit AML acute myelogenous B or Bucc buccal surface aa [G.] ana of each (USED leukemia (caries or restoration) in prescriptions) ANOVA analysis of Ba barium AA amino acid; aminoacyl variance BBB blood brain barrier; Ab antibody ANS autonomic nervous bundle branch block ABG arterial blood gas system BBT basal body temperature ABO blood group system ANUG acute necrotizing BCG bacille bilie´ de a.c. [L.] ante cibum, before ulcerative gingivitis Calmette Gue´rin (vaccine) a meal AP anteroposterior Be beryllium AC acetate; APAP acetaminophen Bi bismuth acromioclavicular; air ARDS adult or acute b.i.d. [L.] bisindie, twice a conduction; alternating respiratory distress day current; atriocarotid syndrome BMD bone mineral density ACE angiotension ARF acute renal failure; BMI body mass index converting enzyme acute rheumatic fever BP blood pressure; boiling ACEI angiotensin As arsenic point; British converting enzyme ASA acetylsalicylic acid Pharmacopoeia inhibitor (aspirin) BPH Bachelor of Public ACh, Ach acetylcholine ASCP American Society Health, benign prostatic ACTH adrenocorticotropic of Clinical Pathologists hyperplasia hormone (corticotropin) AST aspartate Bq becquerel (SI unit of ad lib. [L.] ad libitum, aminotransferase radionuclide activity) freely, as desired at. wt. atomic weight Br bromine ADH antidiuretic hormone ATL adult T cell BS, BSc Bachelor of Science ADHD attention deficit leukemia; adult T cell (Baccalaureus Scientiae) hyperactivity disorder lymphoma BSA body surface area ADLs activities of daily atm (standard) atmosphere BSN Bachelor of Science in living ATP adenosine 5′ Nursing ADR adverse drug reaction triphosphate BT bleeding time AED automated external ATPase adenosine BTPS body temperature, defibrillator triphosphatase ambient pressure, AFB acid fast bacillus ATPD ambient saturated (with water Ag (or AG) amalgam temperature and vapor) restoration, silver alloy pressure, dry BTU British thermal unit amalgam; antigen; [L.] ATPS ambient temperature BTX botulinum toxin argentum, silver and pressure, saturated BUN blood urea nitrogen A:G R albumin globulin (with water vapor) BUS Bartholin glands, ratio Au [L.] aurum, gold urethra, Skene glands AIDS acquired AUC area under the curve Bx biopsy immunodeficiency AV arteriovenous c calorie (small); capillary syndrome A-V arteriovenous; (blood); centi Al aluminum atrioventricular C calorie (large); carbon; ALL acute lymphocytic AVM Celsius; centigrade; leukemia arteriovenousmalformation clearance (rate, renal) C; COMMON MEDICAL/DENTAL ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS compliance; concentration; CGA catabolite gene CPK creatine phosphokinase cylindric (lens); cytidine activator CPR cardiopulmonary c [L.] cum, with cGMP cyclic guanosine resuscitation C&S culture and sensitivity monophosphate cps cycles per second C.C. chief complaint cgs, CGS centimeter- CPT Current Procedural c/o complains of gramsecond (system, unit) Terminology ca. [L.] circa, about, ChB Bachelor of Surgery Cr chromium; creatinine approximately (Chirurgiae Baccalaureus) CR Chief Resident; Ca calcium; cathodal; ChD, Chir Doct Doctor of conditioned reflex; cathode Surgery (Chirurgiae crown rump (length) CA cancer; carcinoma; Doctor) CRD chronic respiratory cardiac arrest; CHF congestive heart failure disease chronologic age; contrast CHO carbohydrate CRNA Certified Registered angiography; croup Ci curie Nurse Anesthetist associated (virus); CI color index; Colour CRNP Certified Registered cytosine arabinoside Index; confidence interval Nurse Practitioner CABG coronary artery CJD Creutzfeldt-Jakob CRP cross reacting protein bypass graft disease CRT Certified Respiratory CAD coronary artery CK creatine kinase Therapist disease Cl chlorine Cs cesium cal calorie (small) CL cardiolipin CSF cerebrospinal fluid; Cal calorie (large) CLA(ASCP) Clinical colony-stimulating factor CAM complementary and Laboratory Assistant CT computed tomography alternative medicine (American Society of Cu [L.] cuprum, copper CAO conscious, alert, Clinical Pathologists) CV cardiovascular oriented CLIA Clinical Laboratory CVA cerebral vascular cap capsule Improvement Amendments (cerebrovascular) CAPD continuous CLL chronic lymphocytic accident, costovertebral ambulatory peritoneal leukemia angle dialysis cm centimeter CVP central venous CAT computerized axial Cm curium pressure tomography (obsolete) CMA Certified Medical CVS cardiovascular system; CBC complete blood (cell) Assistant chorionic villus sampling count CME continuing medical CXR chest x-ray ⅜\ cc, c.c. cubic centimeter education ⌬ delta; change; heat CCU coronary care unit; CMI cell mediated d deci-; day critical care unit immunity d dextrorotatory Cd cadmium CML chronic myelogenous D- prefix indicating that a CD compact disc leukemia molecule is sterically CDA Certified Dental CMO Chief Medical Officer analogous to D Assistant CMT Certified Medical glyceraldehyde CDC (U.S.) Centers for Transcriptionist da deca Disease Control and CMV controlled mechanical Da dalton Prevention ventilation; DA developmental age CDP cytidine 5′ diphosphate cytomegalovirus db, dB decibel Ce cerium CNS central nervous system DC Dental Corps; Doctor CEU continuing education Co cobalt of Chiropractic; direct unit Comp composite resin current Cf californium restoration ⅜\ D/C discharge; CF complement fixation; COPD chronic obstructive discontinue cystic fibrosis; coupling pulmonary disease DCh Doctor of Surgery factor COS Chief of Staff (Doctor Chirurgiae) The forbidden symbol (⅜\ ) appears opposite abbreviations prohibited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO). COMMON MEDICAL/DENTAL ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS DDS Doctor of Dental dr dram ENT ear, nose, and throat Surgery Dr Med Doctor of EPO erythropoietin def decayed, extracted, or Medicine ER endoplasmic reticulum; filled (deciduous teeth) DRG diagnosis-related emergency room DEF decayed, extracted, or group Er erbium filled (permanent teeth) DrPH Doctor of Public ERBF effective renal blood DEXA dual energy x-ray Health; Doctor of Public flow absorptiometry Hygiene ERPF effective renal plasma df decayed and filled DRVVT dilute Russell flow (deciduous teeth) viper venom test ERT estrogen replacement DF decayed and filled D-S Doerfler Stewart (test) therapy (permanent teeth) DSA digital subtraction Es einsteinium DH Dental Hygienist angiography ESEP extreme DIC disseminated DSc Doctor of Science somatosensory evoked intravascular coagulation DSD dry sterile dressing potential DIF direct DVM Doctor of Veterinary ESR electron spin immunofluorescence Medicine resonance; erythrocyte DJD degenerative joint DVT deep vein thrombosis sedimentation rate disease Dx diagnosis ESRD end stage renal dk deca-, deka- EB Epstein Barr (virus) disease DKA diabetic ketoacidosis EBV Epstein Barr virus ESWL extracorporeal shock- dL deciliter ECF extended care wave lithotripsy dM decimorgan facility; extracellular EtOH ethyl alcohol DM diabetes mellitus fluid Eu europium DMD Doctor of Dental ECG electrocardiogram ev, eV electron volt Medicine; Duchenne ECM erythema chronicum F Fahrenheit; faraday muscular dystrophy migrans (constant); fertility DME Director of Medical ECMO extracorporeal (factor); field (of vision); Education membrane oxygenation fluorine; force; fractional dmf decayed, missing, or ECS electrocerebral silence (concentration); free filled (deciduous teeth) ECT electroconvulsive (energy) DMF decayed, missing, or therapy f femto-; (respiratory) filled (permanent teeth) ED eating disorder; frequency DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide effective dose; FAAN Fellow of the DMT N,N emergency department; American Academy of dimethyltryptamine erectile dysfunction Nursing DMV Doctor of Veterinary EEG electroencephalogram FAAP Fellow of the Medicine EENT eye, ear, nose, and American Academy of DNR do not resuscitate throat Pediatrics DO disto-occlusal surfaces EIA enzyme immunoassay FACA Fellow of the (caries or restoration); EKG [German] American College of Doctor of Osteopathy Elektrokardiogramme, Anesthesiology DOA dead on arrival electrocardiogram FACAL Fellow of the DOB date of birth ELISA enzyme-linked American College of DP Doctor of Pharmacy; immunosorbent assay Allergy Doctor of Podiatry EMF electromotive force FACC Fellow of the DPH Doctor of Public EMG electromyogram; American College of Health; Doctor of Public exomphalos, Cardiologists Hygiene macroglossia, and FACD Fellow of the DPharm Doctor of gigantism (syndrome) American College of Pharmacy EMS eosinophilia-myalgia Dentists DPM Doctor of Physical syndrome FACFP Fellow of the Medicine; Doctor of EMT Emergency Medical American College of Podiatric Medicine Technician Family Physicians COMMON MEDICAL/DENTAL ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS FACO Fellow of the FVC forced vital capacity H&Hhematocrit and American College of Fx fracture hemoglobin hydrogen ion םOtolaryngology G giga; glucose; gravitation H FACOG Fellow of the (newtonian constant of); HAART highly active American College of guanosine (or guanylic anti-retroviral therapy Obstetricians and acid) residues
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