TODAY'S 14GHTINGUP TIME Sunrise: SJ15 a.m.—Sunset: 6.36 p.m. Lighting-up time: 7.06 p.m. Rule of road: KEEP LEFT—PASS ON THE RIGHT 3% IRnpl (ItottHatt Sattu INCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE (Established 1828) and THE BERMUDA COLONIST (Established 1866) VOL. 18—NO. 73 HAMILTON, BERMUDA, MONDAY, MARCH 27, 1933 3D PER COPY—40/- PER ANNUM PRESS PERMITTED TO VIEW GERMAN PRISONERS "ROOF OF THE WORLD" FOREIGN JOURNALISTS BEETHOVEN RECITAL ! PERSONAL WEYSAY TEMPTS AVIATORS SHOWN GERMAN POLI­ Brilliant Performance at TICAL PRISONERS An interesting and interested That the yachting news is welcome. Bermudiana Hotel visitor at present in the island is * * * "President Madison" Capsizes at Pier —British Mr. Bolton Hall, a noted political That the entry of five Interclubs is Rumours of Death or Torture The success of these recitals of economist in the States and the most gratifying. Steel and Iron Interests Merger—PrO'Semitists Classical Music was proved beyond founder of "Free Acres," Berkeley * • • Effectually Silenced doubt by the greatly increased at­ Heights, New Jersey. On this model That the skippers of these boats tendance at the second programme Threaten German Boycott — Canadian farm developed by him, ninety- are all noted for their skill and on Friday last at the Bermudiana BERLIN, 25th March.—A group nine families live and own their knowledge. Lounge. Shipping Shows Losses—Polish Min­ of foreign journalists have been land. * * * ers Come Back to Earth—New permitted to see and converse with Lady Cubitt, accompanied by her Though there is no political That the local yachtsmen will have various political prisoners who, two daughters, and a gathering organisation, the residents make their work cut out to repeat last York Banker Claims Innocence according to rumours, had been of nearly 150 music lovers listened their own Constitution and during year's victory. put to torture or to death. Com­ with rapt attention to a programme the twenty-two years of its exist­ * * * —Canada Wants Palestine munist leaders Thaelmann and most admirable in selection and ence, there has never been a dis­ That the pageant is coming on Torgler were among those seen by a most brilliant in performance. pute or disagreement. This is not finely in spite of many difficulties. Oranges—Giant Moor­ correspondent at Police headquar­ The surrounding atmosphere of an experiment of the lines suggest­ * * * ters. ' The former declared that he beautiful flowers and charming ed by Henry George, but a practical That there should be a record made ing Mast for Graf had not been ill treated, and others decorations proved a perfect setting demonstration of the fact that the in attendance. Zeppelin—C.N.R. made similar statements, although in which to listen to such music. land can furnish a livelihood pro­ * * * Ludgiwrenn, author of the book en­ Helen Walker opened the pro­ vided there is communal agreement That in addition to the regular Figures titled "War," spoke bitterly of the gramme with a rendering of the and a common purpose. steamship service there will be meagre prison fare and of the treat­ "Moonlight" Sonata in which the Mr. Bolton Hall is the author two big cruises in Bermuda at the FRANCE TO RE-OPEN WAR DEBT ment generally. None, however, displayed beauty, delicacy, and of many widely-read books on econ­ time of the event. gave details. poetry and her touch enabled her omies. * * * QUESTION A high Police official estimates to command many varieties of * # # That the local attendance should that there are between five and tonal charm. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wale, of be very large. six thousand political prisoners in The opening movement was Weston, Mass., are visiting the * * * AEROPLANES TO DASH OVER CANADIAN GOVERNMENT MER­ Germany at this time. Many of played a shade slower than usual former's father in Bermuda for That Jamaica is trying to prevent but perhaps served to bring out ROOF OF THE WORLD" CHANT MARINE LOSSES these, he asserted, were under the next week, having arrived on dumping. * * * "protective custody" at their own in greater contrast the Ssherzo the "Queen" on Wednesday morn­ That this is pretty difficult unless request. which was delightful, and the Al­ ing. Mr. Wale is well known in NEW DELHI, India, 25th March. OTTAWA, 25th March.—Due to merchant and customers happen legro which was brilliant. Bermuda where he was once a -A daring dash by aeroplanes depressed trade conditions there oc- to want to support Imperial trade. The G. flat Etude, and the Pol­ pupil of Mr. Hallett, later going to across the "Roof of the World" is were fewer sailings, and the Can­ * * * ASSOCIATED BOARD OF onaise in A of Chopin were played Harvard and graduating there. He expected to be made on Monday adian Government Merchant That the pocket rules trade gener­ with such ease that one forgot the is an enthusiastic athlete and has by members of the Mount Everest Marine Limited suffered a decrease ally. * * * Expedition which is financed by of 40% in operating revenue in 1932 MUSIC technicalities of the piece and received irany prizes in sporting That the list of candidates for the Lady Houston. The party will at­ compared with the previous year. could enjoy in full the beauties of events. General Election is formidable. tempt to fly two powerful machines I The decrease amounted to $1,527,- the works. —oo across the loftiest known parts of 473. Operating expenses also show- Mr. Gordon Bryan has been After these solos Helen Walker appointed examiner for the music was joined by Mary Turner in DEPARTMENT OF That perhaps some will fall by the the Himalaya Mountains, equipped I ed a decrease of $1,645,145. wayside before the grand battle with cameras for recording the * * * examinations conducted by the music for two pianos, the work AGRICULTURE Associated Board of the Royal selected being "Variations on a takes place. flight. Many lives have been lost PACIFIED POLISH MINERS RE­ * * * in attempts to scale Mount Everest Colleges of Music in London and Theme of Beethoven" by Saint- Baileys Bay, Hamilton Parish.— TURN TO SURFACE That if the deposit of £50 becomes which towers 29,141 feet. will arrive in Bermuda by the S.s. Saens. An enthusiastic, if not largely * * * Lady Drake on April 29th. and leave For the second, a small upright attended meeting was held in the necessary, there may be a further I WARSAW, 25th March.—After reduction in the number of AMERICAN LINER CAPSIZES AT remaining underground for six for New York on May 3rd. There was used, a most exceUent instru-. Lyceum, Baileys Bay, on Wednes­ has been a gratifying increase in ment, but of course of much less day evening, 22nd. inst. Mr. aspirants for parliamentary hon­ PIER days, 700 striking Polish coal min­ ours. ers returned to the surface today the number of candidates this tone than the Grand. Never­ James A. Hollis. a member of the year and Mr. Bryan will be occupied theless a most enjoyable rendering Board of Agriculture and the lead­ That the new House will have a SEATTLE, March 25.—The Am­ after being assured that the mines financial job. erican Mail liner, "President Mad­ would not be abandoned but were during the whole of his stay al­ was give*. The complete under­ ing agriculturist of the district, though it is hoped he may give a standing-'between the two players * * * ison," capsized at her pier here j only temporarily shut down. preside;! as Chairman of the Parish recital one night. never wavered and throughout That what expenditure to reduce while 140 working members of the * * * Committee, and ia introducing the 11 both artists realised the dignity of is about as difficult as finding a crew were aboard. Five men were ACCUSED NEW YORK BANKER He was born in London in 1895, Director ^ of Agriculture spoke in and received his musical education the music and the interpretation most appreciative terms of the Ex­ new source of revenue. trapped in the hold, two of whom PLEADS NOT GUILTY * * * later escaped, and rescue workers there, under Oscar Beringer, Percy was eloquent. Congratulations hibition, and its value to the com­ Grainger, and others. He has to both artists. munity. That ad valorem can't stand any are searching for the others. The J NEW YORK, 25th "March.—A more burd i. accident was caused by water [ plea of Not Guilty was entered by done much concert work, in the The gathering broke up punctual­ To secure exhibits, arrangs? for oo pouring into the hold through an Charles E. Mitchell, former chair­ capacity of solo pianist all over ly at six oclock amid many express­ their transport, encourage the England, and has broadcast from ions of approval and eagerly look­ schools in the Parish and in other opening in the side of the ship man of the National City Bank, of Canadian Boys Win King's where repair men were working. I New York, who is accused of violat­ the various radio station in the ing forward to the third and last ways i ist in interesting the people Finally, the stern rested on the ing the income tax laws. April 3rd British Isles on nearly two hundred of this season's series which will of the (.arish in the Exhibition the Trophy for Shooting bottom, with the whole vessel has been set as the latest date for occasions. take place in April or May. followirg committee was formed For the Associated Board of the for Bailoys Bay: Wor. Hastings Out- tilting at an angle of 60 degrees, the trial to begin, and Federal —-oo— - LONDON, March 25.- Canada hag held to the dock in this partly Attorney George Medalie, an­ Royal Schools of Music he has erbridg'?, J.P.
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