FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 32 • NUMBER 154 Thursday, August 10,1967 • Washington, D.C. Pages 11511-11603 Agencies in this issue— Agricultural Research Service Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service Atomic Energy Commission Automotive Agreement Adjustment Assistance Board Civil Aeronautics Board Civil Service Commission Consumer and Marketing Service Federal Aviation Administration Federal Communications Commission Federal Highway Administration Federal Housing Administration Federal Maritime Commission Federal Power Commission Fish and Wildlife Service Food and Drug Administration General Services Administration Housing and Urban Development Department Immigration and Naturalization Service Internal Revenue Service Interstate Commerce Commission Land Management Bureau Maritime Administration Post Office Department Securities and Exchange Commission Soil Conservation Service Detailed list of Contents appears inside. Subscriptions Now Being Accepted S L I P L A W S 90th Congress, 1st Session 1967 Separate prints of Public Laws, published immediately after enactment, with marginal annotations and legislative history references. Subscription Price: $12.00 per Session Published by Office of the Federal P.esister, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration Order from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 r r n m I I 1 W n m C T m Published daily, Tuesday through Saturday (no publication on FFI1FRA1r j L U L I l i A y«AliFliISThR ^ K r t l L U l L J l L l l °nArchives the d&yafter and Records an omciai Service, Federai General h°uday)• Services the Administration offltce, tbe Fef®ral1 (mail add*®s SaSonai^ the Area Code 202 ^ •**’<>"« 962-8626 Archives Building, Washington, D .C . 20408), pursuant to the authority co A dm in- Fed.»! Register AeCapproved July 36, 1935 (49 Stat 500v a. amended; 44.0UB.0, Oh. istrative Committee of the Federal Register, approved by the President (1 CFR Ch. I). Distribution is maae o y y of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. m onth or $15 ber year, payable in The Federal R egisteb will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postag , for the first go pages and 5 cents for advance. The charge for individual copies varies in proportion to the size of the issue ( ® . SuDerihtendent of Documents, each additional group of 40 pages, as actually bound). Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. _' . , ic niiHiiahed under 50 titles, pnr- The regulatory material appearing herein is keyed to the Code of F ederal Regulaxi , P ^ Superintendent of suant to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as amended. The Code of F ederal Regulations is sola by v Documents. Prices of books and pocket supplements are listed in the first Federal Register issue of each mo • regulations. “ are no restrictions on thTrepublication of material appearing in the Federal Register or the Code of F ederal r e Contents AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH Proposed Rule Making FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION SERVICE Milk in certain marketing areas: Dayton-Springfield, Ohio_____ 11535 Notices Rules and Regulations Puget Sound, Wash.; recom­ Atlantic Richfield Co. et al.; find­ Texas fever in cattle; restrictions mended decision____________ 11567 ings and order*.______________11582 on interstate movement of cat­ Wichita, Kans.; extension of tle, other animals, and certain time for comments__________ 11566 FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE materials from Guam________ 11518 Peaches grown in Mesa County, Colo.; expenses and rate of as- Rules and Regulations AGRICULTURAL STABILIZATION sessment, 1967-68____________11535 Hunting in wildlife refuge areas: Alaska; Aleutian Islands et al__ 11528 AND CONSERVATION SERVICE FEDERAL AVIATION Arizona and California: Rules and Regulations ADMINISTRATION Havasu Lake________________ 11529 Havasu Lake et al__________ 11528 Agricultural adjustment: Rules and Regulations Georgia; Blackbeard Island___ 11529 Conserving base and designated Control zones; alterations (2 docu­ Nebraska; Valentine (2 docu­ diverted acreage; miscellane­ ments)-----------------------------------u sía ments) ------------------------------- 11530 ous amendments____________ 11515 Control zones and transition Oregon; William L. Finley,___ 11531 Rule of fractions_____________ 11515 areas; alterations (2 docu­ South Dakota; LaCreek________ 11531 Proposed Rule Making ments)--------------------------------- 11519 Sport fishing in Valentine National Restricted area; alteration___ _ 11521 Wildlife Refuge, Nebraska____ 11531 Processor wheat marketing cer­ Transition areas: tificates ------------------------------- 11533 Alterations (4 documents)_____ 11520, FOOD AND DRUG 11521 AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Designations (2 documents) ___ 11520, ADMINISTRATION See Agricultural Research Serv­ 11521 Rules and Regulations ice; Agricultural Stabilization Proposed Rule Making Cheese, mozzarella; effective date and Conservation Service; Con­ Control zone; alteration_________ 11574 of order regarding optional in- sumer and Marketing Service; Control zones ancfc transition gredients___________________11521 Soil Conservation Service. areas: Drugs; doxycycline antibiotics,,, 11522 Alteration_______________;___ 11575 Food additives; resinous and poly­ ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION Designation and alteration____ 11576 meric coatings, adhesives, com­ Private pilot solo cross-country ponents of paper and paper- Notices experience; requirements for board ---------------- 11521 Penwal, Inc.; petition for rule applicants on isolated islands, _ 11573 Proposed Rule Making m aking_____ ______________ 11581 Transition area; alteration_____ 11575 Bread; termination of proposal AUTOMOTIVE AGREEMENT FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS proceedings_________ 11576 ADJUSTMENT ASSISTANCE COMMISSION Notices Petitions: BOARD Rules and Regulations Radio broadcast services; personal Food additives: Notices attacks; political editorials___ 11531 American Cyanamid Co_____ 11579 Certain workers of Ford Motor Notices Chas. Pfizer & Co., Inc_______ 11579 Co., Pennsauken, N.J.; investi­ Fistere and Habberton______ 11579 gation --------------------------------- 11581 Hearings, etc.: Humble Oil & Refining Co.; Elim Bible Institute, Inc., et al_11587 correction _______________ 11579 Laurel Cablevision Co. et al____ 11587 Pesticides; Ciba Agrochemical CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD Sinnett, Hugh Joseph (2 docu­ C o ------------------------------------ H579 Notices ments) ----------------------------- 11587 Air carrier discussions; air freight Western Union Telegram Co___ 11588 GENERAL SERVICES credit, billing, and collection_11580 FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION Florida Air Taxi, Inc.; petition__ 11581 ADMINISTRATION Notices Notices Use of copper and copper sub­ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION stitutes; temporary regulation, _ 11587 Regrooved tires; sale or delivery Rules and Regulations for introduction into interstate . HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND commerce___________________ 11579 Excepted service; Transportation WELFARE DEPARTMENT Department; correction______ 11515 FEDERAL HOUSING See Food and Drug Administra­ Notices ADMINISTRATION tion. Director, Asian Division, Office of Rules and Regulations Assistant Secretary of Defense; HOUSING AND URBAN manpower shortage__________ 11588 Housing and housing credit; mis­ cellaneous amendments (2 doc­ DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT uments) ____________________ 11526 See also Federal Housing Adminis­ COMMERCE DEPARTMENT tration. FEDERAL MARITIME ■Sec Maritime Administration. Notices COMMISSION Acting Regional Administrator, CONSUMER AND MARKETING Notices Atlanta; designation_________ 11579 SERVICE Financial responsibility certifi­ Deputy Assistant Secretary and General Deputy, Renewal As­ Rules and Regulations cates: Peninsular and Oriental Steam sistance; delegation of author­ Plums grown in California; ship­ Navigation Co. et al_______ _ 11588 ity; correction_______________11579 ment limitation______________11516 Sun Line, Inc. (3 documents)__ 11588 (Continued on next page) 11513 11514 CONTENTS IMMIGRATION AND JUSTICE DEPARTMENT POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT NATURALIZATION SERVICE See Immigration and Naturaliza­ Rules and Regulations tion Service. Transportation of mail beyond Rules and Regulations borders of U.S.; miscellaneous Aliens and nationality; miscella­ LAND MANAGEMENT BUREAU amendments------------------------- 11527 neous amendments--------------- 11516 Notices U.S. citizen passengers; manifest SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE waivers ---------- ____________ 11517 California; partial termination of proposed withdrawal and reser­ COMMISSION INTERIOR DEPARTMENT vation of lands----— ------- — 11577 Notices Montana; classification of public See Pish and Wildlife Service; Hearings, etc.: Land Management Bureau. lands for multiple use manage­ ment-_____l------------------------- 11577 Income Fund of Boston, Inc., Utah: et al_____________________ 11588 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE Opening of lands to entry and Interamerican Industries, Ltd— 11589 patenting—---------- ------------ 11577 Penrose Industries Corp--------11589 Proposed Rule Making Tel-A-Sign, Inc___ ;______ *----- 11590 Income taxes: Proposed withdrawal and reser­ vation of lands------------- 11578 Reporting of interest on deposits SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE evidenced by negotiable time certificates of deposits— _— 11533 MARITIME ADMINISTRATION Rules and Regulations Supplemental unemployment Rules and Regulations Great Plains Conservation Pro­ benefit trusts; correction.— 11533 Shipping;
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