SMC class elections results announced by Patty Thorn elections resulted in the only run-off election. The ticket of Karen Bickel and Val Homola will *The Elections were held at St. Mary’s run against Teresita Valdivia and yesterday for class officers, hall Betsy Steitz tomorrow. officers and Student Assembly Also elected were represen­ representatives. tatives for Student Assembly. The Results of the race for senior representative from Augusta Hall class officers were Nancy Mogab, will be Peggy Calhoun. Future president, Pat Caserio, vice-pres­ residents of Holy Cross elected ident, Maureen Morris, secretary, Mary Anne Dempsey, Robyn Mc­ Observeran independent student newspaper serving notre dame and st. mary's and Shelagh Crook, treasurer. Connell, Holly Rieger and Susan For Junior class officers, thd" Ursitti. Vol. XI, No. 114 winning ticket was Donna Noonan, From LeMans, the represen­ __________________________________________________ Tuesday, April! 19, 1977 president, Marynell O’Connell,tatives will be Cathy Cahill, Mary vice-president, Laura Brems, sec- Garrett, Claire Hatch, Cathy Loftus retery and Linda Schultz, treas­and Meridy Niederkom. McCand­ urer. less will be represented by AngelaG ryp names new personnel Sophomore class officers for next Andrews, Denisa Lynk and Karen year will be Debbie Roberts, pres­ VanGemert. by Jack Pizzolato “I’m going to try to get the the students. ident, Clara Theisen, vice-pres­ Beth Cutter will represent Reg­ Senior Staff Reporter Union running smoothly,” Korth The new cultural arts commis­ ident. Carol Schroer, secretary andina, along with two other represen­ said. She also noted that she would sioner will be senior Chris Mahon. attempt to eliminate some of the Mahon will replace Maura Dono­ Pam Iammarino, treasurer. tatives who will be elected next fall. Emphasizing a “more open, conflicts that have arisen in the hue. Hall officers for Holy Cross next Off campus students will be more personal” Student Union, SU past over such issues as the SU ’■‘Events like the Sophomore Lit­ year are Mary Jo Kelly, presidentrepresented by Martha Fraught Director Tom Gryp recently an­ and Veo Navarre, vice-president.and Debbie Simone. nounced the names of 11 new budget. erary Festival pretty much run From LeMans Hall, the winners According to Election Commis- appointees to key Union posts. Junior Colleen McGrath will themselves," Mahon commented. “ My job will be primarily to were Judy Eckelkamp, president soner Marie Lisa Mignanelli, 734 Junior Jodie Korth will assume replace Marianne Morgan as the-- and Linda Korczyk, vice president.students voted in yesterday’sthe e- position of SU assistant direc­ Union’s new comptroller. McGrath publicize what’s going on, to lections. This constitutes over tor, a post formerly held by Walt has named Steve Schuster as her coordinate the dates and make sure Regina Hall, which has two half of the St. Mary’s student body,Ling. Korth worked on the SU assistant. “We intend to make the the event is financially set.” Mahon did emphasize that he vice-presidents, elected Susanexcluding the senior class which Social Commission her sophomore office more efficient,” she remark­ Glockner as president and Noreen does not vote in these elections. year and this year served as theed. wanted to bolster interest in both the commission’s dance and drama Bracken and Ann Bathon as vice-"Tomorrow’s run-off election will be commission’s executive coordina­ According to McGrath, the com­ presidents^ McCandless Hall’s held in LeMans. tor. series and in the Isis gallery. ptroller’s office will ask that bud­ Mahon previously served as gets for events be submitted be­ cultural arts commissioner before forehand and that cost statements he left school for a semester. He be filed afterwards. “ We will also will graduate next semester and set up a system so that we can tell will train an assistant to assume the each week exactly how much commissioner’s post in the spring. money a commission has and how Junior Terry Joiner will take over much it has spent,” she added. the Student Union’s Academic Gryp called McGrath “the na­ Commission, a position vacated by tural choice,” noting that her Jerry Hoffman. Joiner, who has experience as Social Commission served on the Academic Commis­ comptroller had prepared her for sion, sees its task as “ to enlighten the job. members of the student community on the relevant issues of the day ” The post of social commissioner He plans no drastic changes in will be filled by junior Orest the commission’s structure but will Deychakiwsky. Deychakiwsky ser­ seek to divide the duties up more ved as assistant social commission­ evenly among its members. er under Kevin Saddler. “Basical­ “We’re tossing ideas around and ly,” Deychakiwsky said, “ Saddler I’m open to suggestions on the kind set up a sound structure and I plan of speakers we should have,” to continue it.” Joiner said. “ We need, more Deychakiwsky, however, said he input,” he concluded. planned to eliminate dances in Sophomore Mike Schlageter will LaFortune and to concentrate on head the Student Union’s Services “bigger events” such as Home­ Commission, replacing Genny coming. He would like to expand Burke. Schlageter has no prior the “ popular” Nazz, scheduling experience in the Union. “He’s a I more small concerts and luring new face,” commented Gryp, “but more notable performers. he’s a hell of a worker and he’ll get “Also,” Deychakiwsky stated, the job done.” “We want to work more with the Sophomore Joe LaCosta will halls on co-sponsoring events.” assume the position of SU ticket This, he continued, would cut down manager. The post was formerly This beautiful summer weather has caused many classes to be moved outdoors. both the cost and the risk of held by Chris McCabe. Sophomore [Photo by Kevin Walsh] hall-sponsored events, and serve toJim Speief will retain his position bring the Student Union closer to as SU concert commissioner. Junior Rick Dullanty and Fresh­ man Curt Hench have been appoin­ ted executive aides to the SU director. Dullanty will work pri­ marily on a SU manual and Hench Carter warns nation will act as a “ trouble-shooter,” handling small problems the direc­ WASHINGTON [AP] - President or gas switch to coal. within the next week a detailed But U.S. imports of foreign oil tor has not time for. Carter, warning -the nation of the Such measures, Carter has said, book printed on the policy and thecontinued to rise. Imported oil Three positions, SU public rela­ peril posed by the growing energywould increase the cost of living, legislation needed to implement it amounted to abut 36 per cent of the tions commissioner, calendar com­ crisis, sought to win widespread adding perhaps one half of one per will be published. nation’s total oil consumption in missioner and movie commission­ support for his energy program last cent to the nation’s rate of in­ “ It has been our goal to make 1974 and almost 50 per cent early er, are newly created and reflect night with a nationwide address. flation. this a balanced proposal and it is this year, making the nation vul­Gryp’s concern with the Union’s Late yesterday afternoon, theour belief it is that,” the spokes­ nerable to another boycott. image. “People see the Student The President, who sought to President, energy adviser James Union as a clique," Gryp said. define the dimensions of the en­ man said. At the same time, shortages of Schlesinger and policy chief Stuart “We want to come across as a ergy crisis, described his message Powell said he did not think natural gas became critical. When Eizenstat sat in the Cabinet Room much more open, responsive as “unpleasant.” anyone at the White House knew the nation faced the coldest winter going over the program. what the reaction to the energy on record this year, supplies of the group.” White House press secretary Schlesinger, his collar open and policy would be. fuel dropped alarmingly. Factories Bonnie Bona, a junior, will serve Jody Powell said the speech out­ tie loosened, told the President: Former Presidents Richard M. and schools were forced to shut as SU movie commissioner. The lined ten principles for solving the“The basic thrust is that this is a Nixon and Gerald R. Ford also trieddown to keep home furnaces burn­ commission was developed in order energy problem and avoiding thecomplete package...and deals with similar efforts, but could not con­ ing. to facilitate the scheduling of films. consequences of failing to act or the long-range problem of rising vince enough people to prompt Oil and gas producers said the Formerly, both the Services Com­ “continuing to do what we have ,energy prices.” Congress to act on a comprehen­ shortage stemmed in part from mission and the Cultural Arts been doing before.” He said it calls on the American sive energy program. restrictive government policies andCommission could schedule movies A draft of White House pro­ people to reject “ inevitable appeals Part of their failure stemmed price controls that kept them from separately. The Calendar Commission will posals obtained by news mediafrom particular interests who will from the fact that the nation’s finding and producing enough oil showed that Carter was seriously claim everything in the policy isenergy crisis became clearly visibleand gas to meet rising demands. be headed by sophomore Mary Ann Moore. Moore will work closely considering a “standby” gasolinefair’ ’ except the areas that apply to only with the Arab oil embargo of But some consumer advocates with the halls, coordinating and tax reaching as high as 50 cents a them. 1973, which ended almost as soon like Ralph Nader charged that the gallon, taxes ranging from $412 to Powell said the President would as it began to hurt, leaving behindcompanies were hiding reserves of collecting information on events in order to avoid an overcrowding of $2,500 on gas-guzzling automobiles ask that the policy be judged on tripled oil prices but only the fadingfuel in order to drive up prices and events on any one day.
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