' jf. Warmer Spring daily herald .. VOL 22, NO. 289 lieAP WIRE SERVICE BIG SPRING, TEXAS, THURSDAY, May 18, 1050 5 TWENTY PAGES jTOD Price Cents AT r jTOffiffifeli'ifo lvjyBBi'Pwt:BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWe"t,',",BSJBSJSSJSMliWIBSPSml.! vi a i J Switchmen BBBBBB.3!lSBBBBBBBlBBBBBBBBBBBHS7wTi II J I ' S't ' 1mm 12 Pact Nation Might Strike HvHiife' CHICAGO. May 18. UP) Ten mid-weste- and western rail-roa- d 1m ''v1 WTwDIbbbBsM'BbI were threatened today with a strike Tuesday morning KI; by 6,000 switchmen. Form Top Comma The walkout was called last night by the AFL Switchmen's nd Union of North America in a wage dispute. iiiHBQftiBBitHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsV1 It camo less than 48 hours after settlement of the crippling "! six-da-y firemen's strike against five of the nation's carriers. ' ? tTnft Js 11................ sfflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBlJLssssssssH Rearming IBBBBBsasMaMeBTBBBBBB Schedule threatened walkout not is.VsM:A BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBB.4HI House Disagrees directed against any of tho re- - ", To entlv struck lines. J&mmsSmml VsissbbbbbbbbKsKsbbbbbbbbbbbbV' 3 Navy Lef Union President Arthur J. Blover I' tHgW t , , Will Be Redrawn 3 said In Washington the strike was Over Tax Cuts ssssssWCI' '.. " r?H "':. - ."1'1BSS1.'SI set to enforce demands (or 48 hours K ssssssS:!''' ' pay for a work week. The "- LONDON, May 18, foreign V- '" (P) Atlantic Pact mlnlrtere Bet Tly'lissHslsHii -' Freed Fliers sssssKl -" union one of the five operating T lffLMmmmm"S high On ' up a permanent command tonight and ordered it to de brotherhoods, was not affected by Stock Profit ssssssW:i. ''MmM vclop the armed forces necessary .for tho defense of western the 1949 decision by presidential 'J .BBBBBBBBBBBbK EpiBBBBBlBBBBBBl9hsrl' lBSBBBBsV Europe. " Tell Own Story emergency 'boards giving the ur F f l9Jsssssssss! work week to Doubt Expressed KsRKfTiL Each of tho 12 member foreign ministers will appoint, 4 workers. deputy to serve on tho permanent committee. , PEARL HARBOR. My IB. UU. Whether It Would will possible The strike, action, Glover sald DUFF VICTORIOUS Pennsylvania's Oovernor James H, Duff (cen- The annointments bo made "with tho least de Tbe ifavy promised to lift Its aloha against Chi- Help Economy will be directed the ter) smiles and waves his acknowledgement of victor's greeting given 'Nfesf llessssl lay" bo that tho deputies cant today and let two Ameri cago, Rock Island nad Pacific; Is orocccd to appoint full-tim- e curtain him on his arrival at his headquarters In Harrlsburg, Pa., with Duff WASHINGTON, May 18, KrssOsHlksssssssssssl a can airmen tell the story ol their Davenport, Rock Island and North- State Senator M. Harvey Taylor, state Republican chairman. Duff :hairman from among their " western; Denver and Rio Grande UP) H o u & e members dia- - i 18 months at Chinese Communist leader of a faction Opposed to the Republican organization headed by members, tho foreign minis' ProfesliDiP Western; Great Northern; Minne- former U. S, Senator Grundy, won nomination of his party iKreed warmly today over commu- prisoners. apolis and St. Louis; Northern Pa- Jotr.i tors announced in a nr ' Sgt. for U. S, Senator In the state's primary election. (AP Wlrephoto). whether a proposed tax cut on mm r eaaav' ? .The airmen Marina Master nique at tho closo of their v t. erm' ? 1 cific Terminal Co. of Oregon; St. profits from stoiCkana bona Ta' ill" I Elmer C. Bender of Cincinnati and Union Depot Co.; SlouX City fBB BpppppBH four-da- y session. Wi- Paul deals would help RtarHCt spec- - BBBM' ' VsssTBssssssssssssssV Navy Chief Electrician's Mate Terminal Railway Co., and Western This was in line with an agree- uver Kussian Long-Beac- Caul, L. TROUBLES VssssH lliam C. Smith of JOHN alators mora than it vbuWtftc eaTsmvBBBBBBBasl a high to Tuesday night Pacific Railroad Co. ment to set up command arrived here alter A spokesman for the Associa- nation's economy. k.BBBsa '''bV'assssssssssssssfl block, communism, whether it tries a, 5,000 mile rush night from China, The proposal, approved br lnT IssssUsessVA-BBBBBsss- Tl "Trojan horse" To Navy per- tion of Western Railways said armed attack or Arms Police for eight minutes the House Ways and Means Com ml l(ee conquest. mitted photographers' flashbulbs to switch tenders, yard foremen, yard ;iHv9 BsssssssssssssssTJ brekemen and helpers would be af- UMW Faces apply trading BH The communique saidi Unfair W.VHlflNOTOW. pop.:But.It wouldn't allownewsmen yesterday, would lo Mav It. UITsiei by. union, year's .experience bis shown cIom-enou- gh to- - fected the strike. The he in real estate amd. commodities, vt BBBBBBVBJK essssssssssssssswi "A Unitid':States,,Btitate,:aad'JFrBeV- - j even' ask" Bmltb the political side the meet where he got his Hawaiian shirt said, represents about 10 per cent Well as to stocks and bonds TTbe ssssssssssSsBssssssssssssl that on mv nrt unarai DrotMia to mom of doing 1m BBsSSSSSSSK jiv'siCfli SHBHSHSB ings of the council have been too .Then It dropped the aloha cur- the men this class of work committee's action brought an cow soon'deruBClBg Rwsla'e meva' on the nation's carriers. The others Labor Case By US dispute among mem infrequent to permit a sufficient style mediate its .arming; an1 tain. That's the Hawaiian views on matters of in EirtJrmaajpeuea "Iron but composed only some' 90,000 are members of bers. RESIONS U. N.VOST Vladimir "bxchanae of curtain" I (D-Te- ) common wnnin uo icope of goodwill, the Navy said. the Brotherhood of Railroad Train- CHICAGO. May 18. Ul Tbe state officers said he was ousted Rep Combs x) caled tbe Houdek (above Crtchotioiutr interest eeaa ' ' of the treaty. Klpiomauo omcjaw.saio. "What we're doing now Is trying men. government has decided to press for trying to set up a "dual" or suggested cut "grossly Inequita- deleoste to the Umtia Nations, the; way was .cleared fortieh.pre, Nary AU mediation machinery under practices charges ble," and said Its main benefits resigned his post In protest "On tbe military side tbe strate- to untangle everything," a unfair labor rival union. gic concept of the treaty has been tests over th week aad by the b4.' spokesman explained. "So when the National (Railway) Labor Act L. Lewis' United would go to a' ck market specula- egalnst the Soviet tactics In east- 1st; against John Ross M. Madden, regional direct sdopted and a defense plan drawn three fortlgalaletera,meUag has been exhausted, Glover said, high-brack- taxpayers He was sev- they bit the. mainland, we cart tell Mine' Workers and an Illinois coal Labor RelaUons tor and ern Europe. said he London,' j',, . or of the NaUonal Commu-nut-domina- up, and tbe corresponding, estimate i and toe union was free to a ering ties with his JMate-Aefcee- wtr therm toyir have a good time. call company In the case of a Canton, Board In Chicago, Issued a com- while those in the lower brackets ell pt necessary being Ami on your-- strike. homeland. (AP the forces-- - is t You're own."' III, miner. plaint against the union and the would suffer. tabllshed. " - ' was learned, uniuoeetifulsyargea st, fact-findi- The Navy had to (find However, a presidential (D-N- countered Wlrephoto). Amerteaa-emma-Fme- st uniforms The miner, Lloyd Sidener, 43, United Electric Coal Companies Rep. Lynch The next iteo Is to put these Jolat yroJ and figure pay board In report to Taft-Hartl- ey out how. much back a President filed tbe charges under the yesterday. by calling the committee action an plans Into effect by taking further test, to caU worid atteatlea hjwhatr-h- e aad leave was due. A spokesman Truman on April 19 had suggested Labor Law, He was ousted The NLRB complaint says the "exceller msvc which would measures in the ctrecuoa ot believe is iereatlea. ptlm VS. said the pay would total between the switchmen's case would be. 7 UMW president business and add 1100 array : March as local Canton UMW local fined Sidener, a stimulate the division of-- flasn- - legal" RuesiiB puppet gg,000-an- d. HOOft-eaeh- r And-o- lf era pasted upon after-- hearing similar - at' Canton.- The- union fined him shovel engineer it the coal com million a year to the government's Neither Side clal rcsponsiblUueiiand the adapt eiturB'OeoHaay..' ': for their, , story" from magazines, cases by two operating un- - other $50,000 and $25 for every day he pany's Buckheart Can- Income. Hon and development of the neces Britieh. Ferels iOateter' syn- Mine near 3ria: television, movies and feature ions, the trainmen and the order might work In the approved by Congress, tbe - FreaehForelgei Mlatter.SahtM, future. ton, when be tried to resume work If sary xorcei ." j.- . : aad dicatesswelled to 9100,000. of railway conductors. i abjeeted-itaitskla- g Sidener said the union fired him during the coal strike last Febru- committee recommendation would Speculatingii On Tbe comraunlaue.sald the perma' ma' JebH,'.ae--C for trying to obey a federal court's ary. It states that tbe union later bave this effect: nent high i command wlll iexecirte a. layisf k might ewW fec hY LOAN ANNOUNCED back-to-wo- .order. The union's. caused tbe company to fire Siden- 1. The maximum tax on long-ter- m policies. end.; be 'reteesUMe "tor waeten.OcnMar.aa4 frtaiaie a-'- er March 13 by threatening. to call capital gains would be slash- KbrVntihri formulating Issues requiring, deel mind forA) eecurity WnteV', ed from- - the present-2- per cent to lloaa by .member.- - govera JL a, strike .'t.jffie.mltte;)v'f the -- fj 18 cent. .". l,1 2h.w.?&:ir& M Ti $ per. ''", , menu."? ,;j .i'--.' "" ij nmsws .
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