Interlake Tourism Association Membership List 2019 INDUSTRY MEMBER LOCATION SERVICES OFFERED Aaron’sonthe LakeBed&Breakfast 311 Gimli Road, Matlock MB A“lakefronthaven”ontheshoresofLakeWinnipeg. Oncethe maid’s quarters & bunkhouse at a local brewery owner’ssummer home, ithassince become MB’snewest bed& breakfast,offering directaccess to fishing (boat/shore), a summerwellness retreat,close to golf courses, restaurants and Interlake attractions. Anderson’s Hitch n’ Post Ranch Hwy#6-5min.northofPerimeterin Convention & Banquet facilities for up to 600 persons. Antique displays line RM ofRosser walls and outside. Western style décor lined with antiques. Offsite catering available. Arborg & District AG Society Silver – Silver Fair Grounds 4 LocalRodeoandAgriculturalFairheldannuallyonthe3rd weekend ofJuly– miles south of Arborg semiprofessionalcowboys,parade,entertainmentfor families, good food, excellent Antique Tractor Pull Arborg & District Multicultural EastsideofArborg Village with hall, church, barn, gristmill, school & pioneer homes, along Heritage Village Municipality of Bifrost- Riverton withInterpretiveCentrewithmany“memoryarousing” displays, open spring to fall- campground & hall rental available Arborg Hotel 285 Main St. Boutiquestylehotel,suites,freeinternet,meetingspace,Eldhus Town of Arborg Lounge with restaurant service, VLT’s. Ashern Pioneer Museum Ashern (Hwy # 6) OldCNRstation,StMichael’sAnglicanChurch,LogHouse,Post Office and 1st RM of Siglunes Office & Darwin School House. Autumnwood Motel & RV Park Gimli(offHwy#9atsouthentrance) Located within walking distance of the sandy shores of Lake Winnipeg 19150 GimliPark Rd. theyhave200seasonalcampingsitesalongwith17guest rooms in the motel. Benson’s Big Rock Camp & BigRock–Hwy#513eastofGypsumville Cabins for rent, RV and Campground, small store on site. Campground Great for hunting and fishing getaways Beyond Bread 368 Main Street, Stonewall MB Artisanbreadsandpastries. Dailysoupandsandwichspecials,with gluten-free options available. Oh such tasty treats! Bridgeview Bed & Breakfast 1246 Breezy Point Road, Selkirk MB “Atwo-acrewaterfront retreatonthe RedRiver”Featuringcountry- style accommodations for up to 8 people & homemade breakfasts, airportpickup anddrop-off services,satelliteTVandrecreational games. Close to all varieties of fishing, golf, and restaurants. Bulrushes Gallery 809KernsteadRoad,WinnipegBeachMB ClosetotheresortcommunityofWinnipegBeach,BulrushesGallery houses an extensivecollectionoffine Canadian originalprints at affordable prices. You’ll finddazzling works ofglass,vintageand contemporary pieces, indoor/outdoor metal art(tonameafew), muchof it producedby notonlyCanadianbut Manitoban artists. Canalta Hotel Selkirk LocatedoncornerofHwy#9andManitoba New 84 room hotel, 9 different room types, meeting room, Ave in Selkirk continental breakfast, pool, hot tub, steam room -24-hour gym. Central Interlake Chamber of Located in the Arborg & Riverton area BusinessespromotingandmarketingtheirservicesintheArborg/ Riverton Commerce formerlyArborg&Riverton Chambers area of the Interlake. Chesley’s Family Resort & Located on Netley Creek near Petersfield- Campground & Resort with cabins & motels for rent. Renovated Campground two miles from Red River restaurant /store on site. Great location for fall hunting too. Country Harvest Inn with BroadValleyoffHwy#17 Bed&Breakfastaccommodationsinaseparatehouse,fullkitchen facilities, Broad Valley Catering RM ofFisher livingroom&dining roomwith catering formeals on site or off site. Danny’s Whole Hog BBQ &EastofStonewallonHwy#67, Catering specializing inWholeHogBBQwithrentalofBBQ'stofull Smokehouse east of Hwy # 7 Catering ofevents.New storeonsite-full range of pork products& BBQ R.M. of Rockwood sauces including ready to heat&eatoptions. Ducks Unlimited Canada R. M. of Rockwood – Head office Preserving wetlands for the future through conservation and North off Hwy # 67 between Hwy #7 & #8 fundraisingefforts.Leader inWetland&Waterfowl Conservation: 14 million acres and counting Dunnottar Train Station Project In Ponemah off Old Gimli Rd. Restoration museum of old train station, featuring artifacts from Railway St. area and local artisans work on display. Eriksdale Chamber of Commerce Located in the Eriksdale, Western Interlake Businesses promoting and marketing their services in the Western (new members 2019) Area Interlake region. Hosts Annual Town Wide Massive Garage Sale and Farmers Market during summer. Eriksdale Museum Located on Railway Ave. Museum consists of Eriksdale Creamery Museum (only 1 in Off Hwy #6 at Eriksdale Manitoba)&artifacts from the former St.John’s Anglican Church Fidler House B & B RM of St. Clements- East Selkirk OffersB&B accommodations in twodistincthomes,Thomas Gunn house built in 1862 heritage home, country, llamas Firewalkers Canada RM of Gimli Learn to Firewalk! Attend lessons, workshops, great for team building, (new members 2019) both are Life Coaches. Dale is a Martial arts instructor also. FisherBranch&DistrictChamberof Fisher Branch and area Representing area businesses to market and promote the area Commerce Fraserwood Hall 10140 PR231at Fraserwood Hall rental for up to 450 people, stage & large dance floor. A very active RM ofArmstrong community gathering place hosting Bingos, Dinner Dances, Family events, Craftssales,PerogySales,Communitypicnic& parade. Fry-Days Restaurant & Lounge Teulon / RM of Rockwood Familystylerestaurant,lounge,VLT's,meeting/diningroomonthe Hwy # 7 at south end of Teulon old Mission Trail Gaffers Restaurant At Lockport in RM of St. Clements Casual fine dining, roof top patio, lounge or banquet hall rental. Hwy # 44 Along the Red River Gaynor’s Regional Family Library Located at 806 Manitoba Ave. in Selkirk New regionalLibrary/meeting spaceoffering a“new” look & feelfor the community.Beautifuloutdoor “Urbantrail areawith interpretive signage”. Restaurant on site. Gimli Art Club Inc. Gimli and area Artists belonging to and exhibiting at the Gimli Art Club Gallery– Located at the Harbourfront in Gimli Part of TheWAVE Interlake ArtistsStudioTour.Thekeepersofthe Sea Wall- which is cared for, refreshed and enlarged by club. Gimli Chamber of Commerce Gimli and area Representing area businesses to market and promote the area, particularly for winter tourism activities. Gimli Film Festival Multiple sites located in Gimli Celebrating 18years with 5 days ofCanadian & International film, in avariety oflocationsaroundGimli,witha35-foot screen rising out of the waters of Lake Winnipeg Gimli Glider Exhibit 10 Centre Street, Gimli MB Comelearnthefascinatingstorybehind theGimliGlider –aBoeing 767that LocatedatLakeviewGimliResort madeanemergencylandingonamotorracingtrackin Gimliin1983. The exhibitfeaturesatheatrewhereyoucanview storiesandfilmaboutthe event(from the comfort of real aircraft passenger seats)and alarge variety ofmemorabilia. Tours for schools, groups and conventions. Gimli Harbour Authority Located in Gimli at the Harbour Manages the Harbour, Marina and the facilities at the Gimli Harbour including rentals of slips, fuel for boats, docking to maintain safe operations of marine vessels Gimli Ice Festival Located in Gimli at the Harbour Celebrating winter in Mb, Annual Winter Festival offers games, activities:“KisstheFish”,“FrozenChicken curling”,carracingonice, Kids snowmobile racing, Ice carving with arts & culture too. Gimli Yacht Club Gimli and area On the shores of Lake Winnipeg. Weekly sailing nights on Wed. 95- 1st Ave, Gimli Regattas throughout the summer. Come learn how to sail with them at 2 differenttraining sessions each summer. Grosse Isle Heritage Site Inc. 111 Prairie Dog Way, Grosse Isle The heritage site currently has several heritage buildings restored and (new members 2019) open for visitors to the site during designated times. The site is also a stop over for the Prairie Dog Central. Grushka Gutters Winnipeg Beach, Gimli area Repair, replace & installation of gutters – leave the work to Fred while you relax and enjoy the lake life Half Moon Drive In RM of St. Clements IconicdestinationforCanada’sMacLeanmagazinefamoushotdogs 6860 Henderson Hwy, south of Lockport hunt.Dining inside orout,celebrating over 80 years asa businessinthe Lockportarea. Harlequin House B & B 62TylerRd,offHendersonHwy Designer Bed&Breakfast with4 fabulously appointed rooms,all north ofLockport separatebaths.Awardwinningkitchen,commonmeetingareas, deck at RM of St. Clements back overlooking the RedRiver Homes for the Holidays Selkirk,St.AndrewsandSt.Clementsarea Magical, self-guided tour of10properties along the RedRiver, thisis achance toviewgrand,modernhomesand150-year-oldhomes andheritagesites, Holiday Alley Manitoba Ave,Selkirk decoratedfortheholidayseasonintheirown uniqueways. Highlights includecaroling,gifts&decorationsfor sale, tasty treats, silent auction. In 2017, the tour expanded to include Holiday Alley – an entire street in old downtown Selkirk filledwithlight,creativity,sound,art,foodand drink. Abeautiful family event to kick off the holidays! H.P.Tergesen's&SonsLtdGeneral 1st Ave, Gimli Oldest general store in Manitoba still operating in the original building. Store RM of Gimli Built in 1899 this fourth generation General Store provides a wide variety of merchandise for the local & the visitor to town I AM Festival Located in the RM of Rockwood, just south of Take the yoga from Wanderlust, mix in the community and music of Folk (new members 2019) the town of Teulon. Fest and lend with the insights of Ted Talks and you’ve got Manitoba’s only full mind, body
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