FIRST ALL-DEMOCRATIC BOARD TO ORGANIZE RMTAULI8H1CD l» t( OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE TOWNSHIP ANI> SCHOOL DISTRICT Of HILLSIDE VOL. XXIX, No. 1458 HILLSIDE, N. J., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1952 PRICE 8 CENTS Hillside’s Only Police Chief Ends 37 Years Service Today Conford To Become Mayor, New Police Chief Malone Health President * Wlicn the first all-Democralic To'wiinlkip Coinmitlee in Hill­ / jAppointments For 1953 side's history organizes at noon tomorrow in the auditorium of Appointments to be made at tlie reorganization meetings of the Township Committee and Hoard of Health tamorrow will be as follows: the Coe Avenue. School, there Township Committee will he surprisingly lew changes Township Attorney—Adele Braelow, year 1953, retainer of $500 pay­ in municipal appointment^, al­ able quarterly and on a fee basis. though there will he eonsiiler- Special Township Attorneys—Arthur E. Dienst and Emanuel Ger- nhle shifting in the .as.'igumenU sten, year 1953, to perform such special legal services, if any, as the of committee members.' the Township Attorney in her discretion shall from time to time desig­ nate and assign to them;compensation to he paid on a fee basis for the It was announced several weeks services, if any, rendered pursuant to such assignments. ago that Commissioner Milton B. Township Engineer—Henry Krch, Jr., year 1953, retainer of $1,500 Conford will succeed to the mayor­ payable quarterly, plus fees. alty. Commissioner Henry Goldhor Township Treasurer—William Ostermiller, year 1953, salary at the rate of s-l,200 per annum. will lake Mayor Robert C. Kirkpat­ Building Inspector—Charles Hanson, year 1953, salary at the rate of rick's place as Joint Meeting Rep­ $4,700 per annum. resentative. Kirkpatrick will re­ Township Physician—Milton M. Lilion. M.D., year 1953, salary at the main on the Veterans Affair.* Com­ rate, of $1,000 per annum. mittee while William Gural will re­ Tax Searcher—John C. l*ozar. year 1953, (compensation to he in­ place Conford. CHIEF NORMAN L. SANFORI) The Planning Board will lose two PAUL F. KORLESKY ¥ cluded in salary). made a sergeant. Less than four Special Tax Searcher—Howard J. Bloy, year 1953 (compensation to of its members by resignation, Col. Deputy Chief of Police Paul F. be determined). Francis V. Bowden, who will be suc­ years later, on February 1, 1924, he ceeded by Adolph Winston, and Ja­ Korlesky will be appointed tomor­ Appointment of Planning Board member by Mayor—Henry Krch, was chosen as Chief of Police, a Jr., year 1953 ((’lass II). cob J. Rosenberg, whose place will row by the Township Committee to post he will relinquish today after Appointment of Planning Board member by Township Committee— be taken by Rubin Ritz. succeed Chief Norman L. Sanford, serving in it for more than 28 years. Robert C. Kirkpatrick (Class III). Malone Defense Head who retires from office today. Chief Sanford has seen this sec­ Appointment of Planning Board members (Class IV)—Adolph Win­ Commisioner John M. Malone will tion grow from a small farming ston to fill unexpired term of Francis V. Lowdcn, term to expire July take over as Director of Civil De­ community through the various fense, a post long held by the re­ At the midnight chime of the bells, a New Year will Norman L. Sanford, of. 1430 Park- 31, 1953. stages of development and improve Ilubin Ritz to fill unexpired tftrm of Jacob J. Rosenberg, term to ex­ tiring Republican Commissioner view terrace, the only Chief of! ment to its suburban character of pire July 31, 1954. Raymond R. King. Gural will be­ cross the horizon of Time . bringing with it the Police Hillside has ever had, will the present time. He has always Civil Defense Director—John M. Malone. come the Township Committee terminate his long period of service, gotten a kick out of talking about Local Assistance Board—William Gural, 1 year term; Mrs. Mildred member of thd Local Assistance promise of a page, unread . the hope of a 37 years, with the Police Depart­ tlie old days, and has frequently Hess, % year term. Board, replacing Conford, and Mrs. ment today. Ill fgr about a year, shown friends and acquaintances Trustee of the Free Public Library—Mrs. Rebie L. Steward,, 5-year Mildred Hess will be added. Chief Sanford has asked for re ­ photographs of the main streets of term, effective January 14, 1953. With Malone slated to become new day’s dawning . the inspiration of a fresh tirement which has been granted, the township when they were in Physician member of Board of Hculth—William F, Wacker, M.l). president of the Board of Health, with a pension from the Police and their rural stage before there were Safety Council members—Henry Goldhor, George Klink, August II. these constitute the major changes beginning. May the promise be fulfilled, the hope Firemen’s Pension Fund. any improvements at all. In show­ Daviet, Paul Korlesky, Jack Lippe, Lee Mandl, James Sterner, Theodore in the New Year’s Day reorganiza­ Chief Sanford is a native Hill- ing the photographs, he often asked Weisbecker, Gordon Cunnane. tion. sider, although when he was born the viewer if he could recognize the Committee assignments will be on realized, and the inspiration rewarded here October 27, 1890, the commun­ location, two in particular being Board Of Health a slightly different basis than here­ ity was known as the Lyons Farms North Broad street opposite Hill­ President—John M. Malone. tofore. Public Safety has been split with achievement for you and yours in I 953. section of Union Township. Lyons side avenue where the old general Health Officer, Secretary, Registrar of Vital Statistics—Samuel M. into the Police and Fire Commit­ Farms separated from Union and store of Horace Greeley Looker was Jowitt to serve at pleasure of Board. tees, with the Health and Building was Incorporated as the Township located about where the Baker & Plumbing Inspector—Benjamin T. Summer. Committee eliminated. The Finance T H E HILLS IDE TIMES of Hillside In the Spring of 1913, and Taylor building now stand*, and the Assistant Plumbing Inspector—Anthony Capro. Committee, which controls the col­ will be observing its 40th anniversary Intersection of Hillside and Maple lector, treasurer, aanesflors, insur­ in the New Year which arrives to ­ avenues when the two streets were ance and bonds, will be under morrow. just dirt farm roads. Kirkparick, chairman, and Malone; Sanford was appointed a constable Chief Sanford was married June Police Commtttee - Police Drnart- Farewell Is on December 7, 1915 and a special 17, 1907 to Mary McGhee, from an­ New Appointees For ment, Magistrate’s Court and Street officer on January 3, 1917. The other well-known family in Hill­ Lighting, Goldhor, chairman, and community was then chiefly farm side. They have six children, four Kirkpatrick; Fire Committee—Fire Given King land and Sanford performed his daughters and two sons. His young­ Department, Plumbing Inspector, 2)o n t *Y\f\ention *3t duties on a bicycle at the rate of 25 est, son, Charles Sanford, is also a Subordinate Groups Building Inspector, Sanitary Sewers, Members of the Township Com­ cents an hour. In March 1918 he was member of the Police Department Board of Health, Malone, chairman; Another New Year’s Eve mittee, Township Clerk Howard J. appointed a regular policeman, the and one daughter is married to Newcomers who will be added to School P.T.A. and is the mother of and Gural; Public Affairs Commit­ Walter Hornlg, captain In the Fire tee—Roads and Storm Sewers, Wa­ Bloy an d Township Attorney Adele second such appointee, having been two children, William Jr. and Progress By Evolution preceded only a few months before Department. A brother, Frank San­ Hillside official family at the an­ ter, Transportation, Municipal Prop­ Braelow last evening tendered a by John Mason, who later became ford, is a retired Fire Department nual organization meeting tomor­ Wayne. Mrs. Hess will replace Mrs. erty, Gural, chairman, and Goldhor. Farewell To The Chief farewell dinner a t Townley’s Rest­ Deputy Chief of Police and has captain and anothet* brother is row include Adolph A. Winston and Louisa Kirkman. (Photos On Page 5) Tonight is another New Year’s Eve. At the stroke of midnight aurant, Union, to Commisioner since retired Police Sergeant James L. Sanford. Rubin Ritz as members of the Plan­ it will be 1953. It is traditionally a time for merry making, for push­ Raymond R. King, who will retire The first promotion for Sanford A third brother, Charles Sanford, ning Board and Mrs. Mildred Hess ing into crowded places, throwing ones arms about complete strang­ in the regular Police Department I is a maintenance man for the Board from office after today. as member of the Local Assistance Kiwanis Gift Presented To Hospital ers in the spirit of good fellowship, for laughing off annoyances came on July 7, 1920, when he was of Education. Board. and inconveniences that would not be tolerated at other times of King served nine years as a mem­ Winston, who resides at 831 Win­ the year. It is a time for blowing off steam in relief th at we have ber of the committee and had also chester avenue, is chief of the Pro­ managed to come through another trying year, of blowing horns an d been chosen chairman. He recently tein Department Research and De­ in other ways consigning Old Man 1952 to the pages of history and Lions Hold First Christmas Party velopment Division of Lever Bro­ welcoming in swaddling clothes the New Babe of 1953 with the “hope resigned his post as chairman of the Hillside Defense Council.
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