Congressional Papers Roundtable NEWSLETTER SocietyofAmericanArchivists ====Fall2010 From= the Chair: CPR Pre-Conference and Annual A place around Meeting Minutes the table By Jill Severn August 11, 2010 Fall is always a time of Matt Fulgham began the meeting by welcoming attendees renewal and regeneration for to the Center for Legislative Archives at the National Archives in me. I am energized by my con- Washington D.C. He gave a brief overview of the Center’s activi- nections with colleagues at the ties over the past year. SAA conference, the tempera- His staff has accessioned 4-5,000 linear feet of records as ture begins to drop here in Ath- well as processed loan requests from congressional committees wishing to temporarily borrow materials. In addition, the Center’s ens, Georgia, and thousands of outreach staff has led several tours a week for congressional mem- students return to campus bers and staff. ready to make their mark on Processing activities at the Legislative Archives has in- the University if not the world. cluded improving description of records available online and This renewed vigor and enthu- screening records on investigative materials from the late 1950’s. siasm dovetails wonderfully Matt reported on the 9/11 Commission records and work towards with the beginning of my time preparing them for public access. as chair of the Congressional Ashley Smoot of the Legislative Archive gave an overview Papers Roundtable for the of the Congressional Records portion of the Electronic Records 2010/2011 year. The steering Archive (ERA). This portion of the ERA will be isolated from the committee and I have lots of rest of the project and not made accessible to the public. The Con- plans, goals, and ideas to build gressional Records portion of the ERA is designed to hold office on the wonderful work of past documents, videos, databases, email archives and other types of committees; and to explore electronic records found in the Legislative Archive. new directions for the roundta- ble. At the core of all of this (Continued on page 4) exuberance is a commitment to be responsive to the needs and In This Issue: interests of members of Con- gressional Papers Roundtable, FromtheChair……….…13 “WhoWritestoTheir = and to ensure that each mem- Senators?”…………….…....67 ber has a clear path to share AnnualMeeting = ideas and concerns and to be- Minutes…………………..14 InstitutionalUpdates..…....810 come active in the organiza- = = BumperStickers……..…..5 NewsRoundup……….……11 tion—in short, that all mem- = = (Continued on page 2) = = Congressional Papers Roundtable Newsletter Fall 2010 (From the Chair, continued from page 1) bers of CPR have a place around the table. One of the best ways that members find a place with CPR occurs during the preconference sessions offered each year at the SAA confer- ence. This year’s preconference day was a per- fect example of collegiality and formal and infor- mal knowledge-sharing. It was great to learn more about our CHARM colleagues who work directly in Senate and House offices to manage archival records. It was also reassuring to learn more about the successful efforts of the Center for Legislative Archives to tackle the continuing challenges electronic records. Credit for a won- Matt Fulgham presenting at the 2010 Congressional Pa- derful program goes to Brian Keough, past chair pers Roundtable Pre-Conference. (Courtesy of the Center of CPR and to his preconference committee for Legislative Archives. (Chris Burns and Leigh McWhite) and to Richard Hunt and his team at the Center for Legislative grand to commemorate this small but mighty Archives who were kind and gracious hosts for group. The program committee is only just be- our meeting. ginning to envision what such a program might A new avenue for members to become include—if I have my druthers there will be more involved in CPR is through an intern pro- cake—so this is the perfect time for CPR mem- gram established for 2010 and 2011. After care- bers to share ideas with us! To make a sugges- ful review of applications, the steering committee tion, send me an email at [email protected] was pleased to offer internships to three candi- Leading up to the conference in August, dates, Shannon Lausch, a graduate student in the the steering committee has initiated two projects Library and Information Science program at the that should begin to honor the quest for University of Illinois; Cary Osborne, Political “something splendid and grand” as well as echo Papers Archivist at New Mexico State Univer- the 360 degree reflection commitment adopted sity, and Debbie Davendonis-Todd, Bob Graham by SAA for its 75th anniversary. To understand Political Papers Archivist at the University of and to commemorate CPR’s origins and history, I Florida. The interns will work on special CPR have asked Linda Whitaker and Rebecca Johnson projects that match their interests and experience Melvin to lead the work of a committee to begin (s) and participate in the general activities of the to develop a written history of Congressional Pa- steering committee throughout the year. The pers Roundtable’s first 25 years. This work will steering committee is thrilled to welcome Deb- certainly be a major undertaking to craft, and Re- bie, Cary, and Shannon to the group! becca, Linda, and new CPR intern Cary Osborne As my steering committee colleagues will undoubtedly call on many members to share Betsy Pittman and Lori Schwartz, our new CPR recollections and perspectives. To get to know intern Shannon Lausch, and I look ahead to plan- and understand CPR’s current members and their ning the program for next year’s preconference needs and interests, I have also asked members of and regular CPR meeting activities, we certainly the steering committee to develop an online sur- recognize the high standard set for us by Brian vey to be distributed in the winter of 2011. and his team and those who have preceded him. CPR’s new intern Debbie Davendonis-Todd will We also know that in addition to SAA celebrat- work with the committee on this project. The re- ing its 75th anniversary in 2011, CPR will be sults from this survey should help future CPR celebrating its own 25th anniversary. This signifi- steering committees have a clearer sense of mem- cant milestone calls for something splendid and (Continued on page 3) 2 Congressional Papers Roundtable Newsletter Fall 2010 (From the Chair, continued from page 2) bers and their preferences. One of the vital ways that CPR has en- deavored to remain focused on the future has been its strong commitment to supporting re- search and initiatives that serve the needs of members tackling the evolving challenges of congressional papers. Certainly, electronic re- cords remain at the top of the list of these evolv- ing challenges for most archivists managing con- gressional collections, and CPR through the lead- ership of past steering committees has done much to meet this challenge directly. Today, the e- CPR Pre-conference attendees, 2010 records taskforce led by Betsy Pittman and Leigh McWhite continues its charge to give CPR mem- als to Morgan Davis ([email protected]) and Gary bers more tools and resources for managing elec- Spurr ([email protected]). The CPR web site tronic records. Some of the resources in develop- has also been a great place to find information ment by the working group include: checklists to and resources related to congressional papers. follow when accepting electronic records; tem- With the migration of the site to the content man- plates for crafting an electronic records policy; agement system of Drupal adopted by SAA, the and a comprehensive set of resources for general CPR site has even greater potential to be a place advice, locating and working with vendors, fund- for adding more dynamic content. In midsummer ing, and tracking relevant research in the field. In of 2010, Brian Keough established a small work- the year ahead this committee will continue to ing group led by web manager Robin Reeder and develop these resources and will add them to the newsletter editor Morgan Davis to manage the CPR web site. As these materials become avail- transition of the current CPR site to the new Dru- able, it will be helpful to the taskforce to receive pal environment. This committee is now review- feedback and suggestions from members. In the ing the new site and will shortly announce the meantime, if you have a keen interest or good availability of the CPR site in its new context. experience in managing this exciting if challeng- Once this basic move is accomplished, the work- ing area of archival work, consider volunteering ing group will explore possibilities for expanding to serve on the taskforce, which will likely con- and enriching the site and will keep members up- tinue as a permanent standing committee for dated as new options become available. CPR. Contact Leigh McWhite I hope this preview of the year ahead has ([email protected]) or Betsy Pittman energized members as it has energized me and ([email protected]). the CPR steering committee. I also hope that this I also encourage members to make active overview will spur members looking for ways to use of our enduring tools for connection—the become more involved with the special projects CPR listserv, the CPR newsletter, and the CPR in development for CPR to join the fun. Feel free web site. All of these means of communication to contact the steering committee and me di- offer a place to ask questions, seek advice, float rectly. Our contact information is available on ideas, and share opportunities. To post to the the CPR web site at http://www.archivists.org/ listserv, just send your message to: saagroups/cpr/steering.asp.
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