The Teesta Hydro Power Projects: A Historical Analysis of the Protest Movement in North Sikkim (1964-2011) A Thesis submitted To Sikkim University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy By Kachyo Lepcha Department of History School of Social Sciences February 2020 了U R K U N D Urkund AnaIysis Resuit Analysed Document: Main Ka⊂hyo Phd Thesis.do⊂X (D60857655) Subm請ed: 1 2/1 21201 9 9:02:00 AM Subm請ed By: [email protected] 5j9∩摘cance: 3 % Sour⊂eS in⊂iuded in the report: 39.docx (D4与41 33与3) FinaI_thesis_Roza.do⊂X (D与4892250) G純TA_SH REE_SHARMA_S_Ph" D._AL」⊂HAPTE RS_FOR_PLAGERISM」EST.doc (D54540956) Chapter 2.doc (D52073144) Priyanka Sha「ma_Political Science_GU_201 9.pdf (D46408690) https:l/archive.org/Stream/in.emet.d ii.201 5.22031 0/201 5.22031 0.Si kkim-The_句vu,tXt https:lIsavedzong u.wordpress.com/ba⊂kground/ https:l/⊂dr」ib・u nC.edu/downloadsIpr76f4099?lo⊂aie=en http:IIwvw.actsikki m.⊂OmI http:IIwMMi nternational「ivers.0「gIresou rces/an-aSSeSSment-Ofrdams-in-ne-ind ia-Seeking- ⊂arbon一⊂redits-f「om-⊂Iean-deveIopment-me⊂ha n ism https:llIib.ohchr.orglH RBod ies/U PR/DocumentsISession l /IN/ COH R」N D_U PR_Sl _2008anx_Amex%20XXLOperation%20Ioktak.pdf https:/佃atias.orgI⊂Onflict/mapithel-dam-mani pur-india http:l/wrd.bih.nic.in/guidelineslawad heshO2c.pdf https:/ltribal.nic. inlFRA/data/FRARulesBook. pdf https:/IWw"Oh⊂h r.orgIdo⊂umentS/issues/ipeopIes/u nd ripmanua!fornhris.pdf http:lIwww.e-PaO.net/GP.asp?sr⊂こ22..0708 1 0.aug l O Of60c35d-e4cc-4d99-8bed-fbcc965d7da 1 90034bea-3f90-4e3⊂-823e-9f268fd360e4 21 badO3d-625b-493d・a5fd-7c⊂4d6dbe36与 https:lldocplayer.net/amp/94064931 -しa「ge-dams-for-hydropower-in-nOrtheast-india.htmI https:Ilbusinessdocbox.⊂OmlGreen_SoIutionsn203901 0-Rethin king-basi⊂-aSSum Ptions-rS-50- VOi-1 1 -nO-1 ianuary-marCh-Ia rge-dams-in-nOrtheast-india-rivers-forests-PeOPie-a nd-POWer,html https:lldocplayer.net/84284490-Cii mate-Crisis-and-ind igenou叩eOPIes-rig hts-i n-mani pur.htmI https://Ww. resear⊂hgate.net/PubIication132与093507_Hydro- nation_dis⊂OurSe_and_dis⊂OntentS https://www.researchgate.net/ Publication/3 1 08 1 8 1 08_Th e_enCIosu「es_Oし⊂OIo巾Zation_Indigeneity_development_and」he_⊂aS e葛Of_MapitheLdam_in_NortheasしInd ia https:llvwvw"etribaltribune.⊂OmIindex・PhpIvoIume・5lmv帥Igiobaiization-a nd-Changi ng-tribal- identity-in-nOrth-eaSt-india-emerging-issues U R K U N D Instan⊂eS Where selected sou「ces appear: 7了 Acknowledgement I received a great deal of encouragement and support from my thesis supervisor, Dr. V. Krishna Ananth, while undertaking my research study. Besides guiding me through the intricacies, nuances and rigorousness of research and he also showered boundless affection on me. His general erudition and, in particular, his deep knowledge of history were inspiring. His gift Small is Beautiful A Study of Economics as if People Mattered book has had a strong influence on the way I formulated my ideas and understanding of the research. He patiently went through my numerous preliminary drafts. Words cannot express my gratitude to him for his guidance, the academic freedom that I enjoyed in conducting my research and the friendliness and warmth with which I was treated. I must also thanks to his wife Dr. Santa and son Chinku for their wonderful friendship. Dr. Vijay Kumar Thangellapali my initiation supervisor played an equally important role in my rudimentary ideas on research work. I am indeed grateful to him. And I express my gratitude to Dr. Sangmu Thendup and Dr. Anira Phipon Lepcha for their encouragement and support and I thanks to Dr. Maanvender Singh, Dr. Ugen Bhutia who shared their experience that give me a lot of insights. I would also like to thank to my friends, Gnudup Sangmo Bhutia, Jeena Tamang, Nirnay Tamang, Anjana Tamang and Jigmee Wangchuk Bhutia PhD Scholar History Department for sharing their ideas and arguments. It would not have been possible without the support, inspiration and encouragement from Dr. Charisma K. Lepcha, Assistant Professor Department of Anthropology Sikkim University. I am grateful to my friends Dr. Jenny Bentley (Switzerland), Dr. Julien (France) I greatly benefited to my research being with their field research assistant. What made this research particularly worthwhile more than just ‘a’ thesis and an honour to work on was the inspiration and motivation to produce something that not only reveals, but by doing so seeks to do justice-justice to the experiences of the many people I met during my research, as well as to others who also have to deal with Himalayan hydropower development and its effects-good and bad one. Enlightened me by answering my tireless questions and inquiry, my undertaking this research will be able to serve your cause, in one-way or another. My heartfelt feeling also go to the beautiful mountain land of Sikkim, which has moved me so deeply. In particularly I would like to thank Ren, Athup Lepcha, Dawa Tshering Lepcha, Tseten Lepcha, Mayalmit Lepcha, Tenzing Lepcha, Takjan Lepcha and entire Affected Citizen of Teesta (ACT) family members who have provided me with valuable information, contacts and encouragement. And I do not think there are words to express my gratitude to Mr. Gyatso Tongden Lepcha, General Secretary (ACT) who always stood behind me directly or indirectly he always introduce me passed, present and future course of action of ACT movement. Usually writing the acknowledgements is the most joyful part of thesis writing, giving the opportunity to thank those who have made possible such a research. In this case I feel at a loss, knowing that many of the people involved would prefer if their names were not mentioned in such a ‘sensitive’ piece of writing. Respecting their apprehensions I will express my gratitude in the best possible anonymous way. I would like to thank Pipon Lachen, Pipon Lachung and public for their support and cooperation and special thank to Mr. Hissay Lachungpa social activist and Mr. kazang Lachungpa for their support. I acknowledge the help rendered by the staff of various library, archives and media, Sikkim university library, Sikkim state library, Sikkim state archives, Namgyal Institute of Tibetology library, Energy and Power Department. Government of Sikkim, Cultural Affair and Heritages Department Government of Sikkim and Forest Environment and Wildlife Management Department Government of Sikkim. This list would be incomplete if I did not mention Miss Mingket Lepcha. I work with her on a project a THE VOICE OF TEESTA documentary film as a field researcher that give me a lot of insights. I express my gratitude to Manipur friend Mr. Jiten Yumnam, Journalist, Human Right Advocate and Environmental who have provided me with valuable information, contacts and encouragement and I thank to Dr. Mike, Assistant Professor Ambedkar University Delhi who introduce me to Manipur hydropower plan issues. I would like to acknowledge my scholar friends Mr. Tshering Lepcha, Assistant Professor, Kaziranga University Assam, Mr. Sunil Pradhan Assistant Professor, Jamia Millia Islamia University Delhi, Miss Reep Pandi Lepcha Assistant Professor NBBDC Tadong, Gangtok who shared their ideas and experiences on research that give me a lot of insights. I would like to acknowledge the UGC non-NET fellowship for financial support. I thank to Dorjee Tamang of M/s Gloria Galleria for printing and xerox shop, have provided his services throughout this academic journey. I with my due respect and humility, would like to thank him for his support and making the final output beautiful. Friends and colleagues from Sikkim University and various other universities as well as institutions have made my academic journey sound and prosperous. I would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to all of them. Finally, my love goes to my wife Premit and son Somnur Lepcha and my father Tibu Lepcha and brother Mingdup Lepcha , for supporting me and for bearing with me and the tempers I produced when working long hours. Not being able to enjoy life and leisure with you for such a long time was a great pity. Better times shall now begin! Date: - Kachyo Lepcha Contents Introduction: 1-15 Statement of the Problem 2 Review of Literature 6 Literature on the Issues from Sikkim 10 Objective of study 11 Methodology 12 Chapterisation 13 Chapter 1: Research question, theory, terms and methods 16-49 1: Theoretical Approach: Mechanisms of Contention and Accords 16 1.1:Conceptualizing Power and Powerlessness, Quiescence and Rebellion 17 1.1.2: Lukes’ Three-Dimensional Approach to Power 19 1.1.3: Mechanisms of Power 21 1.1.4: Gaventa’s Model of Power and Powerlessness 24 1.2: Neoliberal trends in Environment Governance: Commodification, Depoliticization and Post- Democratization 25 1.2.1: Commodifying the Environment-Hydropower Development as a Resource Grab 27 1.2.2: Depolitizing of Environmental Governance and Development Planning 30 1.2.3: Commodification, Depoliticization and Post-Democratization in the Sikkim Hydropower Scenario 32 1.3: Strategies of Domination and Resistance 39 1.4. Driving Forces for Conflict 41 1.4.1: Power Relations 41 1.4.2: Conflict Outcomes 42 1.4.3: Historical Perspective 43 1.4.4: Spatial and Temporal Dimensions 43 1.5: Main Research Question 44 1.5.1: Sub-Questions 44 1.5.2: Research Design 45 1.6: Research Methods 47 1.6.1: Limitations to Methodology 48 Chapter 2: Dzongu; A Restricted and Reserved Land 50-81 2.1. Introduction 50 2.2. Climate and Rainfall 54 2.3 Administration 55 2.4 Dzongu Reserved and the Strength of Homogeneity 57 2.5. Emergence of Dzongu Enlargement 62 2.6. Changes
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