National Park Service, Interior § 7.12 § 7.12 Gulf Islands National Seashore. Routes will be marked as follows: (a) Operation of seaplanes and amphib- (A) On beach routes, travel is per- ious aircraft. (1) Aircraft may be oper- mitted only between the water’s edge ated on the waters within the bound- and a line of markers on the landward aries of the Seashore surrounding Ship, side of the beach. Horn and Petit Bois Islands, but ap- (B) On inland routes, travel is per- proaches, landings and take-offs shall mitted only in the lane designated by not be made within 500 feet of beaches. pairs of markers showing the sides of (2) Aircraft may be moored to island the route. beaches, but beaches may not be used (2) Permits. (i) The Superintendent is as runways or taxi strips. authorized to establish a system of spe- (3) Aircraft operating in the vicinity cial recreation permits for oversand ve- of any developed facilities, boat docks, hicles and to establish special recre- floats, piers, ramps or bathing beaches ation permit fees for these permits, will remain 500 feet from such facilities consistent with the conditions and cri- and must be operated with due care teria of 36 CFR part 71. and regard for persons and property (ii) No motor vehicle shall be oper- and in accordance with any posted ated on a designated oversand route signs or uniform waterway markers. without a valid permit issued by the (4) Aircraft are prohibited from land- Superintendent. ing on or taking off from any land sur- (iii) Permits are not transferable to faces; any estuary, lagoon, pond or another motor vehicle or to another tidal flat; or any waters temporarily driver. The driver listed on the permit covering a beach; except when such op- must be present in the vehicle at any erations may be authorized by prior time it is being operated on an permission of the Superintendent. Per- oversand route. Permits are to be dis- mission shall be based on needs for played as directed at the time of emergency service, resource protec- issuance. tion, or resource management. (iv) No permit shall be valid for more (b) Off-road operation of motor vehi- than one year. Permits may be issued cles—(1) Route designations. (i) The oper- for lesser periods, as appropriate for ation of motor vehicles, other than on the time of year at which a permit is established roads and parking areas, is issued or the length of time for which limited to oversand routes designated use is requested. by the Superintendent in accordance (v) For a permit to be issued, a motor with § 4.10(b) of this chapter. Operation vehicle must: of vehicles on these routes will be sub- (A) Be capable of four-wheel drive op- ject to all provisions of parts 2 and 4 of eration. this chapter, as well as the specific pro- (B) Meet the requirements of visions of this paragraph (b). § 4.10(c)(3) of this chapter and conform (ii) Oversand routes may be des- to all applicable State laws regarding ignated by the Superintendent in the licensing, registration, inspection, in- following locations: surance, and required equipment. (A) In the eastern portion of Perdido (C) Contain the following equipment Key, from the easternmost extension of to be carried at all times when the ve- the paved road to the east end of the is- hicle is being operated on an oversand land, excluding the Perdido Key His- route: shovel; tow rope, cable or chain; toric District near the former site of jack; and board or similar support for Fort McRee. the jack. (B) In the westernmost portion of (vi) No permit will be issued for a Santa Rosa Island, from the vicinity of two-wheel drive motor vehicle, a mo- Fort Pickens to the west end of the is- torcycle, an all-terrain vehicle, or any land. vehicle not meeting State require- (iii) Oversand routes designated by ments for on-road use. the Superintendent will be shown on (vii) In addition to any penalty re- maps available at park headquarters quired by § 1.3 of this chapter for a vio- and other park offices. Signs at the en- lation of regulations governing the use trance to each route will designate the of motor vehicles on oversand routes, route as open to motor vehicles. the Superintendent may revoke the 65 VerDate Mar<15>2010 11:55 Aug 06, 2012 Jkt 226139 PO 00000 Frm 00075 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\36\36V1.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150 § 7.13 36 CFR Ch. I (7–1–12 Edition) permit of the person committing the (2) PWC may not be operated at violation or in whose vehicle the viola- greater than flat wake speed in the fol- tion was committed. No person whose lowing locations: permit has been so revoked shall be (i) Within 0.5 mile from the shoreline issued a permit for a period of one year or within 0.5 mile from either side of following revocation. the pier at West Ship Island; (3) Operation of vehicles. (i) No motor (ii) Within 0.5 mile from the shore- vehicle shall be operated in any loca- line on the designated wilderness is- tion off a designated oversand route or lands of Horn and Petit Bois; and on any portion of a route designated as (iii) Within 300 yards from all other closed by the posting of appropriate park shorelines. signs. (3) PWC are allowed to beach at any (ii) No motor vehicle shall be oper- point along the shore except as follows: ated on an oversand route in excess of (i) PWC may not beach in any re- the following speeds: stricted area listed in paragraph (c)(1) of this section; and (A) 15 miles per hour while within 100 (ii) PWC may not beach above the feet of any person not in a motor vehi- mean high tide line on the designated cle. wilderness islands of Horn and Petit (B) 25 miles per hour at all other Bois. times. (4) The Superintendent may tempo- (iii) When two motor vehicles meet rarily limit, restrict or terminate ac- on an oversand route, both drivers cess to the areas designated for PWC shall reduce speed and the driver who use after taking into consideration is traveling south or west shall yield public health and safety, natural and the right of way, if the route is too cultural resource protection, and other narrow for both vehicles. management activities and objectives. (iv) The towing of trailers on oversand routes is prohibited. [41 FR 29120, July 15, 1976, as amended at 46 FR 40875, Aug. 13, 1981; 52 FR 10686, Apr. 2, (4) Information collection. The infor- 1987; 71 FR 26244, May 4, 2006] mation collection requirements con- tained in § 7.12(b)(2) have been approved § 7.13 Yellowstone National Park. by the Office Management and Budget (a) Commercial Vehicles. (1) Notwith- under 44 U.S.C. 3507 and assigned clear- standing the prohibition of commercial ance number 1024–0017. The information vehicles set forth in § 5.6 of this chap- is being collected to solicit informa- ter, commercial vehicles are allowed to tion necessary for the Superintendent operate on U.S. Highway 191 in accord- to issue ORV permits. This information ance with the provisions of this sec- will be used to grant administrative tion. benefits. The obligation to respond is (2) The transporting on U.S. Highway required to obtain a benefit. 191 of any substance or combination of (c) Personal Watercraft (PWC). (1) substances, including any hazardous PWCs may operate within Gulf Islands substance, hazardous material, or haz- National Seashore except in the fol- ardous waste as defined in 49 CFR 171.8 lowing closed areas: that requires placarding of the trans- (i) The lakes, ponds, lagoons and in- port vehicle in accordance with 49 CFR lets of Cat Island, East Ship Island, 177.823 or any marine pollutant that re- West Ship Island, Horn Island, and quires marking as defined in 49 CFR Petit Bois Island; Subtitle B, is prohibited; provided, (ii) The lagoons of Perdido Key with- however, that the superintendent may in Big Lagoon; issue permits and establish terms and (iii) The areas within 200 feet from conditions for the transportation of the remnants of the old fishing pier hazardous materials on U.S. Highway and within 200 feet from the new fish- 191 in emergencies or when such trans- ing pier at Fort Pickens; and portation is necessary for access to (iv) Within 200 feet of non-motorized lands within or adjacent to the park vessels and people in the water, except area. individuals associated with the use of (3) The operator of a motor vehicle the PWC. transporting any hazardous substance, 66 VerDate Mar<15>2010 11:55 Aug 06, 2012 Jkt 226139 PO 00000 Frm 00076 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\36\36V1.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150.
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