¥ REGISTERED No. P. 330. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY. No. 38. CUTTACK, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1940. Separate paging is given to this Part, in order that it may be filed as a separate compilation. PART IV. Regulations, Orders, Notifications and Rules, of the Government of India, of the Government of Bihar, and of the High Court. Papers extracted from the Gazette of India and Provincial Gazettes. Orders of Commandants of Volunteers Corps. COMMERCE AND LABOUR to direct that the following further amend­ DEPARTMENT. ments shall be made in the Indian ‘lea Control Rules, 1938, namely:— I. In the said Rules,— NOTIFICATIONS. (a) clause (3) of rule 2 shall be omitted; The 11th September 1940. (b) for rule 5, the following rule shall No. 6193-III-C.—20/40-Com.—The fol­ be substituted, namely:— lowing notification issued by the Govern­ “ 5 (I) For the purposes of this rule, ment of India, Department of Commerce, is an estate shall be deemed to be republished for general information. in a low production area if, and only if, the crop basis of the Ry order of the Governor, estate for the year 1938-39 (excluding the allowance, if W. W. DALZIEL, any, for low producing area), Secretary to Government. expressed in terms of pounds per acre of the area planted with tea on the estate on the Import and Export Regulations. 31st March 1933, is less than 456 pounds. Simla, the 24th August 1940. (2) 1 he owner of an estate in alow No. 217 (3)-Tr. (I.B.R.)/39.-In exercise producing area may, "at the time the powers conferred by s®0*1®?1 A/m of of submitting his application for Indian^ Tea Control Act, 1938 (VIII ol' export quota for any financial 1988), the Central Government is p 1 OKISSA GAZETTE, SEPTEMBER 20, 1040. [JPART xv. * 536 THE ■ addition to apply foi- an year, 1 cuBe 0fithe crop basis for that year as I Off production crop basis of the allowance for low producing estate in lbs. per acre. area. (3) The allowance applied for shall i Parjeei- i ipp flin I Other be granted only if it is proved to i Gardens Kate*. satisfaction .of the Com­ 1 2 the 3 mittee that, had such allowance been granted for the previous More than 283 but not more than 286 60 year, the estate would still have 48 been able to produce an amount 2S6 >3 2SS 13 >) 59 of manufactured tea equal to, or 48 2SS II 291 in excess of, the total amount 58 48 of which of tea in respect 291 >> 294 57 33 48 licences could have been issued 294 33 33 297 under the enhanced export 79 56 48 quota. 297 99 33 299 99 55 48 \4) The allowance to be granted 299 33 3 3 302 54 99 48 shall be calculated as follows: — 302 99 •9 305 99 58 48 Where the crop basis of the estate 305 31 *3 308 calculated as in sub-rule (1) is 31 52 48 508 33 33 311 such number of pounds per 33 51 48 acre as is specified in the 99 311 J) 99 313 60 first column of Schedule TV, 48 313 31 13 316 the allowance per acre of the 33 49 48 area planted with tea on the 33 316 33 33 322 46 estate on the 31st March of 4S the financial year previous to h 322 33 3 3 324 47 47 that to which the application S3 324 3 • 3 I 327 46 46 relates shall be such number of pounds as is specified in the >3 327 3 I SJ 330 45 4j corresponding entry in the 11 330 33 33 388 44 44 second or third column of that Schedule, according as the 333 s> »> 336 43 43 estate is, or is not, a Darjee­ 336 1 7 99 338 42 42 ling Hill Garden specified in 338 Schedule 111 • 33 tl >> 840 41 41 340 Provided that the Committee shall 33 33 33 343 40 40 reduce the allowance so calculated 33 343 3 J JS 345 39 | 89 by such amount as is uecessary 31 345 3. 349 38 8S to comply with the requirement of 3 I sub-rule (d)”. 33 349 33 33 352 37 37 II. For Schedules IV and V of the 33 352 »3 33 355 36 36 Schedule appended to the said Rules the •3 352 35 j 35 following Schedule shall be substituted, II J| 358 34 I 34 namely:— >} 358 31 >3 361 33 a 361 31 363 83 “ Schedule IV. 33 32 36333 366 32 (Rule 5.) ' 3 3» 366 369 31 31 Allowances jor low producing areas. >3 33 so 3 J 30 369 S3 S3 372 29 J 9 372 374 29 Allowance in lbs. > 9 9 9 per acre in th e 58 case of 1 3 374 377 28 33 : J Low production crop basis of the 27 . 3 3 377 380 27 estate In lbs. per acre. I 3 Darjeel- L~tl 26 33 380 388 2G ing Hill 3 3 I 3 Gardenf. 386 25 25 33 383 >) >3 1 2 a 21 24 99 38G 99 388 Not more than 28C 62 ' 48 23 s» 388 3 f !> 391 More than 280 but not more than 283 61 22 ; 48 394 | 22 33 891 •r :: > pABT IV.] THE ORISSA GAZETTE, SEPTEMBER 20, 1940. 537 : ‘2. In clause (5) of rule 2, after the words i■ case of— Low production crop basis of the “ imports of ” the word “crude” shall bo estate in lbs. per acre. inserted, and after the words “ during the Darjeel­ year ” the words “ whether raw or contain­ ing Hill Other Gardons. estates. ed in articles manufactured in India i » 1 shall be inserted. 2 3 3. In sub-rule (1) of rule 8, for the “ income ” the word “ word 3iorc than 394 but not more than 397 21 | 21 receipts” shall be substituted. 897 n 399 20 i 20 4. In sub-rule (3) of rule 9— »> 399 >> 402 19 i 19 (i) after the item “ (b) Establishment ”» r 402 i » j 405 18 | 18 the following item shall be insert' 405 ed, namely, “ (bb) Inspection and I 3 J 3 » 1 408 17 17 assessment charges ”, and 40S •t ' i 71 411 16 1G (/{) in item “ (/) Payments to the 411 International Rubber Regulation f y 7 i 418 15 15 Committee ” after the word “ Com­ l 413 ! ?; 3 3 ’ J 416 14 14 mittee” the words “and British 416 Rubber Producers’ Research Asso­ 77 »I 3 J 419 13 , 13 ciation ” shall be inserted. 419 3 » 17 J • 422 12 12 5. For rule 13 the following rule shall be 422 )» !» IJ 424 li : n substituted, namely:— io ! io “ 18. The crop basi3 of each estate |« *11 424 77 33 4-7 shall be the maximum production 427 9 *. , * JJ 430! 9 of that estate as accepted by the 4-30 S Committee in any one of the six n » > 91 433 8 years 1928, 19*29, 1930, 1931, 433 4 6 7 97 t: 1932 and 1933, with the addition 6 of such allowance - for untapped 77 436 77 . 3 438 G mature rubber or young rubber as 5 II 43 S 77 >4 441 5 the Committee thinks fit, not 4 exceeding, in the case of young 7 I 441II 444 4 rubber, the yield obtained from 3 >1 444 447 3 7 7 I • rubber of the same age on the 2 2 estate in the year selected, or, if »3 4477 I ? J 451 there was no such rubber in the 451 but less than 456 1 1” ! 7 3 selected year, the yield obtained in 1933 or any previous year : H. C. PRIOR, Provided that the Committee shall have Addl Secy, to the Govt, of India. power, if they so decide, to increase the crop basis of any estate The• 11th September 1940. fixed on the basis of the production of any one of the stated years or No. 6194-Com. —The following notifica­ the allowance for young rubber of i tion issued by the Government of Jndia, that estate up to a figure not i Department of Commerce, is republished for larger than that which would be > general information. fixed for any estate without crop By order of the Governor, figures as set forth in the First Schedule: W. W. DALZIEL, Provided further that the Committee Secretary to Government. may make such deduction from crop basis as it thinks suitable— Import and Export Regulations. (Z) if normal methods of production Simla, the 10th August 1940. were not followed, or No. 245 (2}-Tr. (I.E.R.)/39.—in exercise (2) if the Committee is of opinion °f the powers conferred by sections 10, 24 that the planted acreage is not -3nd 36 of the Indian Rubber Control Act, capable of producing the yield D934 (XX VII1 of 193-4), the Central arrived at by the above method/’ Government is pleased to direct that the 6. In rule 14 — following further amendments shall be (i) for clause (Hi) of the proviso the made in the Indian Rubber Control Rules, following clause shall be substitut­ *936, namely :__ ed, namely:— I* In the said Rules— “ {Hi) for budded and recognised I- Dor the words “Governor-General in clonal areas the actual yield for ouncil ” wherever they occur, the words the previous year may bo count­ Central Government ’* shall bo substi­ ed as the basic crop for that tuted.
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