,',. ,. r­---­ :h VIA TELEl tpE ,,'-I"' ., ,.JAN 1719~'l // , ' ENCIPHE • TO WA SA I NG'I'O./l ..... 4-­ 6;57 PM O"fFRRzn 1-17-69 KCK TO-~I~Z([";-S923l) AND NEil YORK (105-4212?) ;;E'~ -~~RX VH ',ASHINGTON FROM SAN FRA'NCISCO IP • a STEWART <:O'IAaO AL~ERT; Michigan Ii .. of 00; oiitm SF FILE O:lt:: IIUfWRED DASH FIVE SIX ZER0 SIX SIX. !C. DEI'lPG; K;;:Y ~CTIVIST PROGRAM. IS DASH NE', LEn. SF FILE ON~ University HUNDRED DASH SIX O~E NINE FIVE ONE • Library, • , ' RENYT,L JMI. Alxn:E" LAST. i < • Collections AL~,RT 03SERVEJ O~ CAMPUS OF UC, BERKELEY TODAY, 1Y 8UA52NTS. NO ADDIT10r)AL,. TRAVEL PLANS DEVELOPED.Special AGENTS OF THIS OFFICE '>'ILL in - . ATT;;I'IPT 'lNI!P.VI;:'4 OF AL3ERT O~ JAN. T'lENTY NEXT, P'J ,~P.L MATI';". IF HE IS NOT IN %RKELEYoriginal 0* JAN. T<ENTY, BUREAU wILL BE ADVI~"a. , EN]) from EI'H R REL~Y Copied FBI ~IASH ~C !lEe 511 ' I C'I - - ••• _.' - ""-~ • . Fill Do'.: 1/10/69 TO. DIRECTOR, Tal (105-89231) FROM'fl~AC. SAN FRANCISCO (lOO-55066)(P) SUBJE~;l1f~TEWART EPWARDClLllERT SM - ANA (KEY ACTIVIST> 00: New York Michigan of .. Enclosed for the Bureau are five copies of an LHM captioned as above suitable for di5semination.University Enclosed for New York and wro are two copies each of this LHM. ., :;~!l~o~sed for the Bureau are two copies of a photo~raph of taken in January, 1968 for forwardingLibrary, to Legat, ; if deemed advisable. , Collections • Special in original from Copied RfC43 r'i_ Bureau ;E~~() ;;(RM) 2 - WFO (Encls;t1)(RM) ·2 - New York C105-42122)(Encls. 2)(RM) .2 - San Francisco I JAN 22 1969 . 'WN/cab AGEI«:Y,. C·2, .(9) ~"'II;~.SmSE' ".,.,~,. ~ ~ - ~~., c. C•• IlIShQP DAlE , Sent _______1.1 P., _,,_____) _ • ,j SF 100-66066 WN/cab • . , ~.; ,,:.-, .~ . ..j . - "- - .. " . } weo .... > - '." ::> i " .1ol-'it~teWill check recoX'ds of Passport.·, J. ,-; Office" U. , in view of the possibility" ,_ '.x_ ALBERT may travel elsewhere after his departure from canada.. - " :,-,' :_. It is.,noted that ALBERT formerly held Passport 'D015912 which ......• was issued to him on 211163 'at New York. This passport should ,', <"l • have expired on 1/31/68. Submit results in a form suitable for dissemination. , , .,. ,.'i Michigan of University Library, • • Collections " -,; Special in original - f-. ' from ... Copied • • . • 2 ­ • " I rED STATES DEPARTMENT C ""JSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION " San Francisco, California 1969 • .' ­ C 0 T I A L STEWART. EDWARE, ALBERT The December 27. 19GB-January 2, 1969\ issue of ,the "Berkeley Barb" caM"ied an article on paf{e 11 under "the .byline of Stewart/Albert who is believed to be identical to captioned Stewart Edward Albert. This article is a description of certainMichigan aspects of life in Toronto and elsewhere in Canada t particularlyof rep'ardin~ militant protest activitYt In the article Albert states ~I arrived here on a University vacation to escape 'the warm sun and friendships of Berkeley. '1 The article does not state when Albert arrived in Toronto. Later in this article Albert states Library,that fIr look fQrward to returninp: to B~rkeley. II Ap;ain the artiole does not state when the author intends to leave Canada. The IIBerkeley Barb" Collectionsis a weekly newspapfw'ir published each Friday in Be~keley, Cali~ fornie. It is sel(-described as a member of the so-calledSpecial "underground press." Examination ofin this publioation discloses that it is devoted almost entirely to matters relatinp to anti-war, anti-draft, and other types of originalprotest activity alonR with articles I rela:tirH~from to use of dru~s, sexual fr~edom, ,.' , etc~tera. 'Albert has be~n a lon~ , time contributor to the "Berkeley I Barb.Copied " ", j This document contains neither noT' conclusions of the rBr~, It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your a~ency~ it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your aRency_ ,,-;// '.~ ". I " .' .;' _. -.... ';) (/ CON." F I I A L .' • STEWART EDWARD ALBERT On January 7, 1969, an unknown male was contacted at 1049 Keith Avenue, Berkeley. California, the last known address of Stewart Albert. This person advised that Albert is not at home and is in IITeronto or some other place back east." This person stated that he expected Albert to return to Berkeley, but he could not fix the date of this expected return. For the past three years, Stewart Albert has been a prominent fi~ure in youth protest activity in the San Francisco Bay Area. While in this area, he is observed at nearly every large demonstration opposing United States military action in Vietnam, the Selective ServiceMichigan System.­ university and college authorities. and otherof civil authority. In connection with this protest activity, he has be~n arrested at least three times for misdemeanors occurrinp· durin~ demonstration activities. University on May 14 and 15, , Library, ssive Labor Party (PLP) conference, which was held at San Francisco PLP Headquarters. 2929 - 16th Street, San Francisco; Ca1i­ forri'ia. Collections A characterization of the Bay Area PLP is contained in the Appendix attached hereto. Special in Stewar't , Albert , original . from Albert was on the Committee to End the War in ,i uarters,Copied 857 Broadway, New York City. , ...Albert's position at that time was " an official publication of the N~C. .. ~ The NMC was originated at a conference in Cleveland, Ohio, in November, 1966~ for the specific purpose of holding massive anti-war demonstrations in New York City and in San Francisco on April 15, 1967. The orp,anization was CON "- 2 ­ -_.' .­ .- :.'- '. ~. '~~: '.M~. ,,-- --:;' . ~ . :?'t" h . ~. "... ',';;..;. .....,~ ...:. -i-" --...,'-".. .~.'· .. ~:i:;::; ..!.~ ._. ,g;~ ~.~: ';'S;;~;~T~ ~WiDALBtRT>.... ,.~ ..__c,..j .: ___:7- ­ •• ~c"'.-:".:-,~~:::"~"·;·~·.-'-:;:::!~~'-~~~·:~.~:.~~;:-:f~~~tt~~:::;·.~~ )~. ~ .~ '; ,..--.~-: ,~.,. '-;: ~ -.:.~...,.. , --. -- ~,. -- -<.~ .~ ' •.::.'. - .~., - --' '~'"'. ~.,;. :.> :,,-[.... :'; ·.~"'~.:k;;·.'-. ';t:·t '","1.:.· first titled the Spring MobilizatioYl'. '~'. :;'.• ,...:~. a. .~ Committee to End the War in Vietnam .'> ~ ..., ',' '. " (SKC) •. Its first Chairman was the noted :".''''' c, .. late pacifist A. J. Muste. The founding:': :.,•.: .••. convention urged all persons interested··'·.·· ::~•.. ,".....,ii.".'-c.'.""."· -. in the anti-war 1!lOvement to converge on '~' .. :.~' ' __.' ..-';:-:'::~ either San Francisco or New Yprk Cit:y on ' .. , April 15, 1967, to participate in mas.. .::~: marches and rallies protestin,.'-United . ;. Sta.tes intervention in Vietnam. ; East <~~.;., '_.. ::----:..-J Coast and West Coast: headquarters forMichigan .; \ J. :;" • ,:,c- ,,:,~,-'!'r'~~ the SHe were established in New Yorkof ." <. .>., .,,'; and San Francisco.. The above demonstra- " " .~.,,' ",~.-',: J;ions were held.. The :SHe" however", '->. 'L :::'. " .. .... "" ...... I::i~~: ~~~v~. Eventually Universityit.e\f~~\f~d<.~:..<~;. ::;."••;j - ' .• -. ~ .-'-t ~'. j~i1"'~~ity, -Whic~n~:~~~~e~ 9:~; ;o;:~i~~~~p:~~e~:~~/~~t!~!t~~~a~:Library, ·~rj t.o Party (YIP). The ~eaflet ''Stated that a "roup .of .25 artists,.i .... writers. and musicians ha.ve agreed 'to -participate in '"'the s" ';-~";, . ." foutiding of this party. TheCollections leaflet stated that YIP will stage...:. :; massive youth festival in Chicago during the time "fthe ... '" '," .:.. , .. Democratic National COnvention. The leaflet urged people to jom, . I' YIP in Chicago for a festivalSpecial of youth, music, and theater•. The ~,;1 ci:~: . leaflet did not announcein any plans for YIP other than the .. :.: ..... __r':""-.~ ~_'_',~_'_' '0 ofChicago YIP'~.-s~ activity_ ,,~O~~.. 0 .... bertOne..• "-~',.. original O:f::t~h:e==p:e~r=s2o~n=s=:l2~:·st:::e:d~a;8~a:n~.~~~:;~::~~~ .-C:,4--_"~ '<,-- ~~-:;;:-:.;:~c;-::: --'-' - .. from -, .. on conduct.. ThisCopied a~est arose tion8 oeeurrinr. during the De,ma'cr'at'!e in that city•. There has beenro disposition of thiS case '..of. December.'2. ~S68 _.,.. ,,"", '" "".'..' . """,.•' ,,"-c:,~ '.;)',<:*', Stewart Edward Albert is desedbl.d as follo';s:.'.;,'·,Cc;..c:.· Ha1e .. ,,-.:--~~.~;~.::-. -~-=-:..:.'~~.:;':~~"--:~;~:'~"_ White "'<~;::'~!'?' ';:1' ~.~ ....~.~~.:::.!t:~~';.~~:_i( , '.' . Deeembe.- !I ,:1.939, New York 'City;""" . New York" _cd." ,. .'. ::.;......:~.~__~ :' f. -.: ~;.,.~.;~ ;,j>, ;.\'::'''' ~:> .. , .. , ~ "':":::"'--''''~'.::~' -'.-"':' ,,'-' --" • .,,--... -~ ••,~ " .....- -,~ • .., ... & ..... , •• "" <.. .• _. , . T'I AL' . .! ,_., - ."' .­ . .; - , ," -­ '~, ", '-.::'=''_If, "'" ._ . , .. CON .. STE,/ART EDWARD ALBERT ,. • .. ­ Height 5'9 H Weip:ht 19S pounds Hair Blond Eyes Blue Build Muscular Characteristics Wears mustache and may have beard Michigan of University Library, •• Collections Special in original , from Copied •! • .. ,,,...:., r? III ED STATES D),)'MlTMENT OF 3TICE }'l::Df;RAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGA:TIQN ." San Francisco, California • January 10,1969 Title STEWART• EDWARD ALBERT Cha.re.eter Reference San Francisco memorandum dated and captioned as above Michigan at San Francisco.of All sources (except any listed below) vhose identities nre concealed in referenced communication haveUniversity furnished relia:bl.e infonnation in the past. • Library, • Collections Special in original from i Copied j • • Tilta d"c......QI co..,,,J.... ''''ttlilfl> ,lrC'o........dlrtl"'... ,,(:or cGl'u':I"lIum", of iii.,. FElt. It I. til.. jOMp.rly Qf Ih" rfl! ",nd I. loan.... ,<:> .,......t _ • .,e7; JI If"" .I~ COtlll""lIl. lI;I'# ....1 to b", du,H,t-II'c<i .....$!4. J'Our ..q ....c)'. , l"~".., =,......".~......"-..,.,...".=,..,.."....,.,,,.,... • ~-[l.:.r.3lJh- ~-. 1~- ':11)'1'
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