
— MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. Aug. 20, 1M7 APARTMEirre I77I LAWN AND L MISCELLANEOUS CARS CARS CARS lonTRUCKS/VANS S^TRUCMi/VANS FMIIENT l i J BARDEN Iforsale FOR SALE FOR SALE FDR SALE | £ | f d r s a l e ^ I f o r s a l e Narrowed: Softball I MCC prexy: Staff will ‘wait and see’. / page 3 CENTRALLY locottd 4 HALF Prlcel Save 50%l I MERCURY Lynx 1981. 4 room, 2nd floor opart* T g B M I cr g gg o i lu m DEPENDABLE trans­ FORD LTD 1976. Runs M A Z D A p ic k u p 1981. F1504 x.4customlzed 1979. fields dwindle in town Best, large f loshing ar­ door wagon, 38,000 moot witti stove and Any ■nMum dsihwd. Abo, IW, portation. 1976 Ford good, good body. 8200. Runs good. 8700. 646- 460 e n g in e , la c q u e r snivel, elefw end beifc. muleli. row sign 82991 Lighted, m ile s, stereo. 82200. MOV 4 door. 8200 firm I. 646-1579 anytim e. 2815 otter 5. paint. Must be seen. retrlaerator. Birch non arrow 82891 Un- 646-3894. Street. S4S0 per month Bebeel, beefchoe 6 loeder leniel. Call 647-9382 after 871-7767 auktor llghted 82491 Free let­ 4:00pm. ________ (^R A N D P rix 78, m aroon Jeh n. tou^ments / page 151 New Haven: 20 years after race riots / page 4 plus security. 646-7336. VW Dasher "1978. A-1 con- Landou root. Sunroof, M m CONtTRUCnON ters! See locally. Call dltlon. 81500. 647-8741. 3 RdOMS. Portly fur- OLDS 1976 Custom loaded. New Pioneer •72-14M/UMSSS today! Factory direct: cruiser wagon. 8600. nlshed. Heat. Working 1 (800) 423-0163 PLYMOUTH l^il stereo system. Asking CARS CARS Champ. Good condi­ Coll 647-1722. 82000. 647-1914. single male preferred. onytim e. • ••••eeeeeeeeee FOR SALE FDR SALE tion. New rubber. Ask­ No pets. Lease. 643- 6 6 l f Starter sets from 2880.__________________ BOATS/MARINE ing 81500 or best otter. 835. W edges, woods, 8W -1W otter 5pm. CLYDE STUDIO type. Partly tor- EQUIPMENT putters. Bargain pri­ CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. nlshed. Working single ces. 649-1794 FAIRMONT wagon 78. ROUTE 83, VERNON mole preferred. No SPORTS CratnoSTnew V-8, automatic. Very A Good Place To Buy A pets. Loose. 643-2880. floo r. M e rc u ry 65 horse good condition. 82000/ 78 FOnI OraMda 8 dr. *2895 outboard, trailer, TAB best offer. 646-3598 af- 79 Cougar XR7 *3496 APARTMENTtorrentTs am/fm radio. Runs ter 4. ___________ __ SSBulokRaadtar. *0495 room apartment In a 2 good. Asking 81500 or SALES CHRYSLER Newport 8S BonnavIHa 4 dr. *5995 fa m ily. 3 bedroom s, best otter. 643-2078. USED CAR oppllanced kitchen, MOVING. Mlnatures, custom 1967. 73k o rlg l- 84 Calabrtty 4 «. *7495 carpeting. Pay own crafts, craft supplies, nol miles. Must be S4 Skybawfc 4 d>. wp *59W utilities. 8675 per MUSICAL housewares, furniture, seen. 6494)543. 54 0MiClara4*. *7495 toys, etc. 127 Notch OR TRUCK llaudiFBtrr HrralJi month. 1 year lease ITEMS PLYM O UTH Reliant 1981 55 Marc. Maiwiit 4 ar. *7095 Mnnchesler - A City n( UillHtji! Ch,irm plus security deposit. Road, Bolton. 10-3, A u - 2 doo r, 4 speed, excel­ SB Cbav. C a p ^ 4 *. *8495 Don't Take Our Word For It!!! No pets. 646-4525. G U ITA R and boss lessons gust 22.________________ lent condition. 81500. 88 Pontic SunMrd *8595 MANCHESfER, 1 bed- to Intermediate scales M ULTI Family. 123 Bol- 646-4298.___________ SB Camaro aiu4 *9195 Most everybody knows somebody with room oportment In 2 and theory. Jim 649- ton Center Rd, route 85 DODGE Dart 76. 4 door. SB Dodga Daytona *11,495 family house. Heat In­ 7703. Bolton. Large screen Good condition. 8600. SeCantury44,. *10,295 a used car or truck from Carters! 30 Cents cluded. 8450 per month house con-sew uphols­ D a y 275-5537, night 282- SBCa«allar4*. *8395 plus security and reter- tering mochine, an­ 9839. Must sell. 87 Spaotrum 4 ar. *8495 W EEKEND SPECIAL WEEKEND SFEOAL MRCEIIANEDU8 tique furniture. Many ences. 647-8283 SUBARU 1981 DL, 5 B7 Havana > ar. *5495 74 OIOS CUTUSS evenings. FDR SALE household Items. Au­ 87 Chavy Nova 4 dr. *7995 SUFREMZ 4 DR. RRCRmBRNROARU gust 21, 22 and 25-28, speed, 54,000, m iles IP RRTCRRPI MANCHESTER. Avalla- TE E Shirt transfers. Ap­ 10am. good condition. 82100. V6. auto, AC, PS. PB. p. windows v-e. Auto. Air, PS, PB, eiwao 45/85 Will he run? Hart won’t deny aide’s claim ble Septem ber 1st, 2 649-9367 otter 5. Bi door locks, cruise control, tilt proximately 3000, also 872-9111 whael, stereo. Sms bedroom units ot 50 to 100k num erals and CAPRIS Classic 78. Ex- WMisaso Was $7395 MADISON. Wis. (A P) - Gary 8475,500 and 8525 plus letters tor shirts, cops, cellent condition. claim,” Hart said. ami. The former senator is WORT-FM that Hart would be a utilities. Security and N o w >6595 Hart refused today to confirm or "O ver half of them haven’t mittee in Washington, spokesman etc. Best offer. 649-3642 Automotlvo Nicely equipped. 82900. TAKE A LOOK Hart had said Thursday that he married. long shot to get the nomination, but references. Allbrio deny whether he is considering committed,” Dixon said. Terry Michael said today, “ We’re otter 5:30pm.o_________ 643-7331. was not reconsidering his decision While Dixon said he would not said he would enhance the Demo­ R elotv. 649-0917. USED CARS USED CARS renewing his bid (or the White Dixon said today Hart's re-entry not going to have any comment.” INDUSTRIAL sewing 85 Pont. Grand Am 84 CHEVY CITATION 4 DR. 86 CHEV. CABARO CPE. to withdraw and had no knowledge play a major role in a revived cratic field by focusing on issues would be healthy because "Gary is machine for sale. 8500 n4a.tor. *6895 .. House after his campaign manager of any effort to change his mind, CARS ‘ ' ’ O'*®® campaign, he said he has been in such as defense and U.S.-Soviet going to tell the truth about how the Rep. Patricia Schroeder, a Colo­ negotiable. Call after 5. SCMNtON 88 PONT. DRAM AM 4 DR. 65 OUw o m itt Qnu said he might re-enter the race (or Cable News Network reported. CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 4 44. UM. AC rS 44. MM. MU........ regular contact with Hart, and relations. rado Democrat who co-chaired 649-9012.O______________ 06 Toyota Celica the presidency. wealthy have to be taxed more and FOR RENT •naAc r \) ’’ " ’ * « > 1 v. cinW ^ Hart said he was unfamiliar with added that Hart's family and others Hart's campaign and has explored AND USCO CAMS-, I I CHEV. CAPRICE 4 DR. "It's so unlikely that Gary would about the need to cut military NORGE upright freezer, FORD Fairmont 1980. 4 aSLlCT >•. 4 ~ l . U 4 4 A C 41. t b M M u t m A a “ I think he’s iikely to get back in the context of Dixon’s statement, sows B.S« nNANCINO Ob LSSSI close to him have urged him to be the Democratic nominee, but he spending.” running since his withdrawal, 1 BEDROOM condo, wall walnut double bed and door, 6 cylinder. Excel­ 85 Mazda RX7 QSL'SE' R4 8UICK CENTURY COST. 4 OR ‘W95a ‘i^-aiirRoroii“-— the presidential race in the next 30 but denied the substance of it. re-enter the race. seemed startled to hear that Hart spring. Best otter. 649- lent condition. 8980. Loaded *11,900 VA -A. A,- M ------------- would make the candidates strong Dixon said Thursday that Hart's to wall carpeting and 87 FIFTH AVE. (4) to 60 days,” former campaign Hart was vacationing with his son "H e’s going to have to make that might be considering re-entering. appliances. Call tor de­ 0563 after 5:30. 643-9044._______________ •14,405 85 PONT. 6000 l£ 4 OR. 24.4^ *c 4«.44M.TlMAaMM.______ •SSeS if he got in,” Dixon said. involvement with Rice does not 87 LaBARON 81 Mazda R)(7 *4495 ve, m m , A C 9S. 9B. p. ^4adi■^ s|i manager William Dixon said in an near Galway, Ireland, according to decision,” Dixon said. "This is an tails. 7am to 2pm. 647- stylte emmet, m m ram NiTag.... Dixon told the A P today that mean he is unworthy to hold the ” I know nothing about it,” she MOVING South. Must DODGE OMN186.4 dooor OTSTuite *12,206 .•7995^3^:HfS^JS»!S.^ interview Thursday with radio CNN, which said it obtained Hart's intensely personal decision.” 0912. sell. 5 rooms ot quality hotchback, two tone, 79 Zephry Sedan ^^aotSl 08 CHEV. CEUIRITY 4 OR. •8995 many of the Democratic contend­ nation’s top job. told reporters at a meeting of the 87 RAIDER 4x4 •12,705 *4 4.AU AC. 41. 44. IA . _________ station WORT-FM here. comment through an- Irish TV - ’8695 08 TOTOTA COROlU 4 DR~ Dixon told The Associated Press ers had hoped Hart's supporters " I don’t think it was a character National Women’s Political Caucus furniture. Also washer air. Excellent condi­ 87 PLY VOYAGER •15,505 86 Line. Tow n Car 4«t*-«.AAC4«.4t.4.u»*ta,______ -•7995 Hart, who was vacationing in station. and dryer. All excellent tion 86600 firm . 244-5121 64 CHEV. CAVAUER TYPE 10 today he was aware there would be would join their campaigns, but defect,” Dixon said.
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