W ^NESDAY, JANUARY 16, lie » ••: ;'r " ' jKanrl^ratfr lEvraing i|?ral!i tMf “ i r O) JIfosi Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 0*Clock Of Boirih Motherhood of Mary Mothen Richard B. Jackman of 188 Senior Methodists o f South •T5- Church win Town Circle will meet tonicht at the Maple St. recently graduated United Methodist Church artB NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING OF M EM B^ p F net tomorrow at nwn at Bo- home of Mrs. O. Leo Hogan of from ‘ the Famous Artists e Skatmg - Coastmg meet at noon tomorrow at Su­ t «< A f«a lanah Wartey Hhn. 88 Helaine Bd. after the •moot­ Schools of Westport. Hs special­ MANCHESTER SAVINGS AND L O ^ Ibdiy Nat Pram R te ing of the Combined Catholic ised in fine aits painting during sannah Wesley Hall of the • » « Ttm Women’a Society of Oon- MoUiera Cirelo at 8 at St. Bar­ his thrse-year course at this church. Members are reminded ASSOCIATION, INCORPORATED The Weather ta i Art nmatty BapUat Church will tholomew’s Ohurdi. Mrs. Acle home study school. U . 1888 to bring sandwlchee. Coffee and The Annual Meeting of tbs MSmbsrs of Msnohsstor ibskigs >kir, not as «cM toafgbL L W M tlf « t • pJH. hare Ite monlfegf Sowlhr Day Johnaon to Oo-hosteae. for Xantfeld tomorrow from tea will be served. and Loan Association, bootporated wffl be held at ths dUlea Of abbot 80. Tteowow oror ------- M y. N. Orford Parish Chapter, DAR, the Aasoototlon, 1007 Main Street, Manchester, OonnacUout, on 15,426 iiatirijpfitpr lEuMttg BpraU) t a.m. to 2 p.m. at the dairah. Skating on the pond and Hie Community Coffee Hour will meet tomorrow at 1:80 pjn. J a n i^ 84, 1080 at 7:80 PJMT. tor the tonowing purpooas: ft for the March of Dimes will be hi the OenCerenoe Room at Campbell Council w ill sponsor ManeheMier^—zi City of VIttoge Charm hoolMy S t 5tto Annex will be et- 1. Aooeptanoe o f reports, ■Qatal OMb wiB Otrl aoout Troop 848 of Com­ tonight at 8 at the VFW Poet Shady Glen on B. Middle T ^ . a potluek end dance Soturdsy - ^ munity B^Aiat Church will from 8 a.m. to 1 pjn. at the K low«d at Canter Springs PsA a. aoeeticn of DIrsotara. LXXXVm, NO. 90 Oil mirttin ud Homo. Quest speaker will be (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHEGrnSR, (X1NN.. THUBSDAY, JANUARY IS, 19S9 (OtoastlM Aflwailalag oa Plaga 17) PRICE TEN CENTM . «c MBewi a»liirtfay at moot tomorrow at 8:15 pjn . Dr. Thomas M. Malloy, ortho­ of C Home. Dancing will be to untg 10 tontght 8. TV) trsmact any other busfaws primer to ooma batota KtllMaMb. Atattatwm CamptwU Oounoll, Knfght* of tbs muslo o f Chuck Skoog. There to ooasttng in the pork ourii meetlag. pedic rMident at Newington Columbus w ill have a Bingo to­ a t A Momtoin Laurel Chapter of Children’s Hospital, who win Tickets are available at the K unlfl dark. Docothas B. StavnBaky morrow at 7:80 p.m. a t N m ^ - of C Home and also at the door. Bareet Adelines b o . wOl re- speak on what the hospital to Siding hours at Herculss Dr. January IS, 1980 Seerafcary ton Veterans Bbapltal. Set-up^ win be provided. tija TaOttt Cteir «€ Oominu- heane tomccrow at h' pjn. at doing for children with birth de­ riops are 6:10 to 8:80 pnn. He Concedes Nixon to Face Problems aHjftBayllat Otauroh wOI re- Bn Bunton American Ratten- fects. A film, "They Must Not InaiiM teuutwwr tirom 7 to 8 al Center, SU Wetherafteld Be Forgotten," will be shown. |m A. at the cfcuroh. Awe., Hartford. The event is open to the public. QhurA OoOBoU of Oanter DOWNTOWN MAIN STREET. MANCHESTER President on Economy: CkOBnvattonal Church will iiiliiiiiiiipi Breakthrough Scored U l i i l i i ■IP laM t tomon w at 7:80 i>.m. in — OPEN 6 Da V s — THURS. NifeHTS till 9 — tM jjaaitaKioti nomn. FRBB MAIN STRBHTT PARKINQ, AND AT THB RBAR OF OUR STORB Prosperity’s Base Solid O om iaiaii^ BapMat Churdi Bw rd o f trueteae wUt meet to- WASHINGTON (AP)— the Etoonomlo Report ttotod in- fo r generatton* derailed tie re­ titotoow at 7:80 p.m. In the We Cordially IVeiddent Jt^inaon .8aid to- veatanenta to: peatedly from our path of Tovtti BuUinc. —bduririal plant and equlp- growth and progress.” OUTSTANDING LOW PRICESl. 4hy in his final Economic HOlffiE m ei*, wtatoh baa grown hy nsa$> But the president sew one • H m education cabinet of lnvrf« Your Report that he*s leaving ly a ttatid b fiv e ysan . Bww to hla gaiw rajly r o ^ eoo- Talks Procedures : i . Mdrtli IM to d MtUwdlat Church NATtONAUY FAMOUS BRAND NAjMESI b d iin d a wd\iA foundation —MBRgxnrsr, more than a nomto anolywte—the wage-price w U meet tomorrow at 7 p.m. mlBlon perMos have axiquired spiral whtefa become especlaUy at the church. ffir continued prosperity, ikBls ttaromh govemmant-atded serloua in 1906. iaailMl CHARGE programs. but he conceded that his He instoted that this was the Vamlly Right committee guceeBBor wiH have to deal —BduoattoiRi wbtoh bo# seen a caused in no small past by ttw U n m a rk ed o f tMnMy OOeenant (h u rcb will with m ajor problems In the ■pecftaoidar taiortoae o f 2.2 mll- toBure of Oongreas to enact the meat tonaBewiiw a t 8 p.m. at the . ACCOUNT SPRINOM a A) eetm om y, bon in eoUem enroBments rince 10 per cent inootne surtax in. hone of Mm. OanM Petenon, iil! HALE 19SI. Round Table January, 1087, when be Brst 88 MuthOekl a t H m TYsridiwt, tat tsndku' his —Urban oenUrs which, the Npott to Oangraas, sold ttw caked for k. The biH passed 18 RreskieBt said, are baglimtng to months later. The oammtoslan on education SHEETS. CASES Ualtod Btotoa has ajqpactonosd ba restorod *'aa decent plaoee Agreed Upon of North Ifolted Methodist 1111!! aa tiniarsoedeatod psttod cf to bva." OongresslEmal critlos have Ohnroh w ill meet tomoirow at 8 ijjiii promrirtto to the toot rigW Johnaon oald, "The natton to eaid tttte delay resisted largely PARIS (AP)-/nie }oDg- pju. at the church. |i| UBtor Damooratto ad- now tai ka 801b month o f cnxittai- from a rahiaal by Jchiwon and stalled Vietnam pssoe trike "diBBwrttoriR. TMa hsa panntt- uoua eoonothlc aidvanoe. Both lit Ms Defenae Department to TYPE-131 MUSLINS Md, ba aStd, major tanaatounts present ttw true ooeto of the are to beffin BaHearday, TiinHy Covenant Church riJWg d i and length, ttate proo- eight months after the pt<e- bstfnstheH teem w ill play tomor­ adttoh abixib) lunrn eowUnuad perity to wflfaout parallel In our Vietnam war at the time they row at 7 pen. at the Salvation aoMaMnlo; growBi (or ths tattotl- Motory. Brat became obvious. Kminary diefcMekme got AnnyCMafM. nBe totuas. "W e have steered d e a r o f. the in any event, Johnaon de- anider way. To oupport Jtetacn’a cam. buslneaa-cycle rsoesakaw wbtoh olaaad to hto report that the Job 771th tbs consent of their al- mT V 7 - ^ m IWtos atobem Chib of Cheat­ of ooenbintog national prosperi­ ■es, ttw Uhltad Btatra and er HutJard win'meet tonigbt 6 3 x 9 9 ty wMh prtra atahlUly "to the North Vietnam snoounoed tathqr at . 8:18 pen. hi the MUobdl 1.87 ♦ • biggeet renrmlnlng over-all chal­ a bnoltthrough In ttw R o t e o f South Oongiegrittonal lenge facing ttw netlon." about the ahapa o f the tsM e the Qhundi. Qomer of Main a n d Industrial countries have nev­ negntlatora wtU use. The Amaii- Sts., Haittord. 72x99 Report Urges Plan er solved (his psublem of infla­ . ____ • wfB be Mrs. BTo- tion, oald Johnson, and ttw UMt- I Patch, ai CBaatonbury Un- MiiliillLSAli ed Slatea cautA not solve tt el- riton BVoat dalRgattons will aft •1x99, 72x103, sfuond an uranoRked roiadl ta­ Satlirriqf. JaflHvy 11/Sitnnlay, January 18 ttwr to ttw riwrt-tisrm future. twill bottom Sttxl To Stop'Recession But he exp ressed conOdence ble nt tlw IntoRnattairi Oteer- Tha Maatar Mason degrae wlH that eventually an answer wouBl enoe Chatar. ba eontorrad whin FHsndaiilp REIO. 8 P A IR 6 P A IR •Ix y o t, rfovblo WlABRBtOTOlN (A P ) - A Dlreotor O w rieo J. Zhriok and be found. "There to no simple W. ArwroII BaRirinwn, ttw UAL liodge o f Maarsw OMeta b the walking sheer $1.50 9 S J i m S 7 J M Oabtoat-)evel report to Presi­ ChaJnnan Arthur M. Ohun o f nor ringle formula for success,’’ ■DiiNMiaaDr h b o w twsuwom ' Maanrtr Ttmpla at 7:80 tomor- fra n the taMte (M s woriwnd, reinfordld sheer $1.60 S 3 .M S7.80 dent Johnson wana toot ifae ttw Preatdenf ■ Oounoll of Boo- he oommentod. "But this oombi- lesr night Wortfi4«a Master Unttad Btatea tocos a pooalbto’ nomto Advtoera. naitton (Mgh employment and arid the soirilca raprasaoted no BaroU B. ‘Tuiktuftoo will pra- micro^nesh $1.50 S8.iOS S7.80 n esatfon: when tbs' Vtobnam Atotatpating that ttw u. B. ataUe prices) can and must be vtototy fo r aiqr ttWto. sMi. OtSeeis driaa to tails. support aheer $8.96 S 1S.8S S21 jOO wtar emto, and urges that the eoonomy wlH ba generating achieved—by the United States "R won net. rttfgrited by raw BA ■tfiiiialda wB ba airvelt af- government be ready wBh on more than $1 trillion—one ttuw- and wltMn the twxt eeveral one paraon,” he (ted.
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