T98.21 JOURNAL OF THE SEPTEMBER 8 Torkildsen Valentine Waxman At the end of section 1302 (page 364, after Calvert Hoagland Payne (VA) Torres Velazquez Wheat line 12), insert the following new subsection: Camp Hobson Peterson (FL) Torricelli Vento Whitten (d) ADDITIONAL FUNDS.ÐThe amounts pro- Canady Hoekstra Petri Towns Visclosky Williams vided in subsection (a) and in subsection Castle Hoke Pickett Traficant Volkmer Wise (b)(2) are each hereby increased by Chapman Horn Pombo Tucker Walsh Woolsey Clement Houghton Porter Underwood (GU) Washington Wyden $229,048,000, to be available (in addition to Clinger Hoyer Portman Unsoeld Waters Wynn amounts provided pursuant to section 1311) Clyburn Huffington Poshard Upton Watt Young (FL) for activities of the Department of Defense Coleman Hunter Pryce (OH) under chapter 148 of title 10, United States Collins (GA) Hutchinson Quillen Code, and section 2197 of such title. Combest Hutto Quinn NOT VOTINGÐ8 Cooper Hyde Ramstad Coppersmith Inglis Ravenel Conyers McDermott Yates It was decided in the Yeas ....... 202 Costello Inhofe Regula Kaptur Neal (NC) Young (AK) negative ....................... Nays ...... 227 Cox Istook Richardson Matsui Vucanovich Cramer Johnson (CT) Roberts So the amendment was not agreed to. T98.22 [Roll No. 414]! Crane Johnson (GA) Rogers After some further time, AYESÐ202 Crapo Johnson, Sam Rohrabacher Cunningham Kasich Ros-Lehtinen Abercrombie Hamburg Penny T98.21 RECORDED VOTE Darden Kim Rowland Ackerman Hamilton Peterson (MN) de la Garza King Roybal-Allard A recorded vote by electronic device Andrews (ME) Hastings Pickle Deal Kingston Royce Baesler Hefner Pomeroy DeLay Knollenberg Sarpalius was ordered in the Committee of the Barca Hilliard Price (NC) Whole on the following amendment Derrick Kolbe Saxton Barcia Hinchey Rahall Diaz-Balart Kyl Schaefer submitted by Mrs. SCHROEDER: Barlow Hochbrueckner Rangel Dickey Lancaster Schiff Strike out sections 231 and 232 (page 53, Barrett (WI) Holden Reed Dicks LaRocco Scott line 10, through page 54, line 15) and insert in Becerra Hughes Reynolds Doolittle Laughlin Sensenbrenner Beilenson Inslee Ridge lieu thereof the following: Dornan Levy Shaw Berman Jacobs Roemer Dreier Lewis (CA) Shuster SEC. 231. THEATER MISSILE DEFENSE INITIA- Bilbray Jefferson Romero-Barcelo Duncan Lewis (FL) TIVE. Sisisky Blackwell Johnson (SD) (PR) Dunn Lightfoot Skeen (a) FUNDING FOR FISCAL YEAR 1994.ÐOf the Bonior Johnson, E.B. Rose Emerson Linder Smith (IA) amounts appropriated pursuant to section Borski Johnston Rostenkowski English (OK) Livingston Smith (MI) 201 or otherwise made available to the De- Boucher Kanjorski Roth Everett Long Smith (NJ) partment of Defense for research, develop- Brown (CA) Kennedy Roukema Ewing Machtley Smith (OR) ment, test, and evaluation for fiscal year Brown (OH) Kennelly Rush Fawell Mann Smith (TX) 1994, not more than $1,228,400,000 may be obli- Bryant Kildee Sabo Fazio Manzullo Solomon gated for activities of the Theater Missile Byrne Kleczka Sanders Fields (TX) Mazzoli Spence Cantwell Klein Sangmeister Defense Initiative. Fowler McCandless Spratt Cardin Klink Santorum Franks (CT) McCollum Stearns (b) REPORT.ÐWhen the President's budget Carr Klug Sawyer for fiscal year 1995 is submitted to Congress Franks (NJ) McCrery Stenholm Clay Kopetski Schenk Frost McCurdy Stump pursuant to section 1105 of title 31, United Clayton Kreidler Schroeder Gallegly McDade Sundquist States Code, the Secretary of Defense shall Coble LaFalce Schumer Gallo McHale Talent submit to the congressional defense commit- Collins (IL) Lambert Serrano Gekas McHugh Tanner tees a reportÐ Collins (MI) Lantos Sharp Geren McInnis Tauzin (1) setting forth the allocation by the Sec- Condit Lazio Shays Gillmor McKeon Taylor (MS) retary of funds appropriated for the Theater Coyne Leach Shepherd Gilman McMillan Taylor (NC) Danner Lehman Skaggs Missile Defense Initiative for fiscal year 1994, Gingrich Meek Tejeda de Lugo (VI) Levin Skelton Gonzalez Meyers Thomas (CA) and the proposed allocation of funds for the DeFazio Lewis (GA) Slattery Theater Missile Defense Initiative for fiscal Goodlatte Mica Thomas (WY) DeLauro Lipinski Slaughter Goodling Michel Thornton year 1995, shown for each program, project, Dellums Lowey Snowe Goss Miller (FL) Torkildsen and activity; and Deutsch Maloney Stark Grams Molinari Valentine (2) describing an updated master plan for Dingell Manton Stokes Greenwood Mollohan Visclosky the Theater Missile Defense Initiative that Dixon Margolies- Strickland Gunderson Montgomery Walker includes (A) a detailed consideration of plans Dooley Mezvinsky Studds Hall (TX) Moorhead Walsh Durbin Markey Stupak Hancock Murtha Weldon for theater and tactical missile defense doc- Edwards (CA) Martinez Swett trine, training, tactics, and force structure, Hansen Ortiz Wilson Edwards (TX) Matsui Swift Harman Orton Wolf and (B) a detailed acquisition strategy which Engel McCloskey Synar Hastert Oxley Young (FL) includes a consideration of acquisition and English (AZ) McKinney Thompson Hayes Packard Zeliff life-cycle costs through the year 2006 for the Eshoo McNulty Thurman Hefley Parker Zimmer programs, projects, and activities associated Evans Meehan Torres Herger Paxon with the Theater Missile Defense Initiative. Faleomavaega Menendez Torricelli (AS) Mfume Towns NOT VOTINGÐ9 SEC. 232. BALLISTIC MISSILE DEFENSE ORGANI- Farr Miller (CA) Traficant Conyers McDermott Vucanovich ZATION FUNDING. Fields (LA) Mineta Tucker (a) TOTAL AMOUNT.ÐOf the amounts appro- Kaptur Myers Yates Filner Minge Underwood (GU) Lloyd Neal (NC) Young (AK) priated pursuant to section 201 or otherwise Fingerhut Mink Unsoeld made available to the Department of Defense Fish Moakley Upton So the amendment was not agreed to. for research, development, test, and evalua- Flake Moran Vela zquez After some further time, tion for fiscal year 1994, not more than Foglietta Morella Vento The SPEAKER pro tempore, Mr. $1,160,000,000 may be obligated for the Ballis- Ford (MI) Murphy Volkmer Ford (TN) Nadler Washington BACCHUS, assumed the Chair. tic Missile Defense Organization. When Mr. DURBIN, Acting Chair- (b) SPECIFIC AMOUNTS FOR THE PROGRAM Frank (MA) Natcher Waters Furse Neal (MA) Watt ELEMENTS.ÐOf the amount described in sub- man, reported that the Committee, Gejdenson Norton (DC) Waxman having had under consideration said section (a)Ð Gephardt Nussle Wheat (1) not more than $761,800,000 shall be avail- Gibbons Oberstar Whitten bill, had come to no resolution thereon. able for programs, projects, and activities Gilchrest Obey Williams within the Limited Defense System program Glickman Olver Wise T98.23 SENATE BILL AND JOINT element; Gordon Owens Woolsey RESOLUTIONS AND CONCURRENT (2) no funds shall be available for pro- Grandy Pallone Wyden RESOLUTIONS REFERRED Green Pastor Wynn grams, projects, and activities within the A bill, joint resolutions, and concur- Space-Based Interceptors program element; Gutierrez Payne (NJ) Hall (OH) Pelosi (3) not more than $97,200,000 shall be avail- rent resolutions of the Senate of the able for programs, projects, and activities NOESÐ227 following titles were taken from the within the Other Follow-On Systems pro- Allard Barrett (NE) Boehlert Speaker's table and, under the rule, re- gram element, none of which shall be avail- Andrews (NJ) Bartlett Boehner ferred as follows: able for Brilliant Pebbles; and Andrews (TX) Barton Bonilla S. 424. An Act to amend the Securities Ex- (4) not more than $301,000,000 shall be avail- Applegate Bateman Brewster change Act of 1934 with respect to limited able for programs, projects, and activities Archer Bentley Brooks partnership rollups; to the Committee on En- within the Research and Support Activities Armey Bereuter Browder Bacchus (FL) Bevill Brown (FL) ergy and Commerce. program element (including the Small Busi- Bachus (AL) Bilirakis Bunning S.J. Res. 124. Joint resolution designating ness Innovation Research program and the Baker (CA) Bishop Burton September 6, 1993, as ``Try American Day''; Small Business Technology Transfer pro- Baker (LA) Bliley Buyer to the Committee on Post Office and Civil gram). Ballenger Blute Callahan Service. 1108 1993 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES T98.26 S.J. Res. 125. Joint resolution designating ending September 30, 1994, and for other pur- 45. Larry Combest. September 1993, as ``Childhood Cancer poses; 46. Howard Coble. Month''; to the Committee on Post Office H.R. 2667. An Act making emergency sup- 47. David Dreier. and Civil Service. plemental appropriations for the relief from 48. Eric Fingerhut. S.J. Res. 126. Joint resolution designating the major, widespread flooding in the Mid- September 10, 1993, as ``National POW/MIA west for the fiscal year ending September 30, 49. John T. Doolittle. Recognition Day'' and authorizing the dis- 1993, and for other purposes; and 50. Charles H. Taylor. play of the National League of Families H.R. 2900. An Act to clarify and revise the 51. Wayne Allard. POW/MIA flag; to the Committees on Post small business exemption from the nutrition 52. Randy ``Duke'' Cunningham. Office and Civil Service and Veteran's Af- labeling requirements of the Federal Food, 53. Harold Rogers. fairs. Drug, and Cosmetic Act, and for other pur- 54. Frank R. Wolf. S. Con. Res. 38. Concurrent resolution to poses. 55. Jim McCrery. authorize the reprinting of the book entitled 56. Michael N. Castle. ``The United States Capitol: A Brief Archi- T98.25 LEAVE OF ABSENCE 57. Dan Burton. tectural History''; to the Committee on By unanimous consent, leave of ab- House Administration. 58. C.W. Bill Young. S. Con. Res. 39. Concurrent resolution to sence was grantedÐ 59. Dean A. Gallo. authorize the printing of a new annotated To Mr. YATES, for today; and 60. Ernest J. Istook, Jr. edition of Glenn Brown's ``History of the To Mr. NEAL of North Carolina, for 61. Tom DeLay. United States Capitol,'' originally published today and balance of the week. 62. Don Young. in two volumes in 1900 and 1903, prepared 63. Nick Smith. under the auspices of the Architect of the T98.26 MOTION TO DISCHARGE COMMITTEE 64. David L. Hobson. Capitol; to the Committee on House Admin- SEPTEMBER 8, 1993. istration. 65. Jay Dickey. To the CLERK OF THE HOUSE OF REP- S. Con. Res.
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